There are two CDC methods - Source based CDC and Target based CDC which one

There are two CDC methods - Source based CDC and Target based CDC, which one is better performancewise. in data services.
If there is any document available which compares both and provides any info on performance etc, will be helpful.
thank you for the helpful info.

LIke Suneer mentioned CDC is for better performance.
Following link would be helpful.

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                    public void run() {
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    WWJD? Probably code in Ruby, but I digress. No, he would define an abstract base for that boilerplate code:
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    import java.lang.reflect.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public abstract class AbstractApplet extends JApplet {
         public void init() {
              try {
                   EventQueue.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() {
                        public void run() {
              } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
              } catch (InvocationTargetException ex) {
         protected abstract void initComponents();
         //ditto: start, stop, distroy

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  • Setting XML based exam to where there are two correct answers in a question

    I have an exam which pulls in questions from an XML file and to indicate what the correct answer is you would indicate in the XML as such:
    PROBLEM id="1">
                    <QUESTION>What is the State Capital of California:</QUESTION>
                    <CHOICE letter="a">San Fransisco.</CHOICE>
                    <CHOICE letter="b">San Diego.</CHOICE>
                    <CHOICE letter="c">Los Angelas.</CHOICE>
                    <CHOICE letter="d" correct="true">Sacremento.</CHOICE>
    There is one question, that is structured so there are two right answers, but when I add correct="true" to both answers I want as right only one is calculated correctly in the scoring. I thinking I need to make an adjustment in the code that pulls in the XML, but not sure where. Hoping someone can help.
    Here is the AS code.
    package exam {
        import* //to create URLRequest and load XML file
        import* //for Load events
        //import flash.display.* //for testing purposes - remove when testing complete
        //This class downloads the XML document, and then inserts info into arrays and variables.
        //Also provides text of questions and correct answers when requested.
        internal class XaMLDiplomat extends EventDispatcher {
            //for loaded XML doc
            private var myXML:XML;
            //for loading in XML
            private var examLoader:URLLoader;
            private var numQstns:Number; //count of total questions in a section
            private var sectStart:Number;
            //contains exam questions - ALL ARRAYS ARE ZERO RELATIVE -> actual question numbers = array index + 1
            private var questions:Array;
            //contain associated answer choices
            private var choiceA:Array;
            private var choiceB:Array;
            private var choiceC:Array;
            private var choiceD:Array;
            private var choiceE:Array;
            private var choiceF:Array;
            //array of the correct answers
            private var answers:Array;
            //use custom Mixer class to randomize order
            private var myMixer:Mixer;
            private var isRandom:Boolean;
            public function XaMLDiplomat () { //NEED TO ADD ARGUMENTS (docLocation)
                //create URLRequest from argument
                var examSite:URLRequest = new URLRequest("protected/exam.xml");
                //create a loader for the XML
                examLoader = new URLLoader();
                //add listener for load completion
                examLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, fullyLoaded);
                //var ugly:Mixer = new Mixer(25);
            //Load listener - creates XML object, and checks it for multiple sections. If multiple, it asks users
            //which section they want - FIRST it needs to check database for any completed sections.
            //If single, it goes ahead and starts array creation for first (& only) section
            private function fullyLoaded (e:Event):void {
                myXML = new XML(;
                //myXML.prettyPrinting = false;
                //still need to pull out SYSTEM data and pass it along...
                var system:XMLList = myXML..SYSTEM;
                var sysObj:Object = new Object();
                sysObj.examTitle = system.TITLE.toString();
                sysObj.totalMin = system.MINUTES.toString();
                sysObj.retakePW = system.RETAKEPW.toString();
                var numSections:Number = myXML..SECTION.length();
                if (numSections == 1) {
                dispatchEvent(new MultiSectEvent(MultiSectEvent.SECTIONS, numSections, sysObj));
            //Assigns arrays to instance variables for the selected section
            internal function generateArrays (sectn:Number):void {
                var whichSection:XMLList = myXML..SECTION.(@id == String(sectn));
                var probList:XMLList = whichSection.PROBLEM;
                numQstns = probList.length();
                sectStart = Number(probList[0].@id);
                questions = new Array();
                choiceA = new Array();
                choiceB = new Array();
                choiceC = new Array();
                choiceD = new Array();
                choiceE = new Array();
                choiceF = new Array();
                answers = new Array();
                for (var i:Number=0; i<numQstns; i++) {
                    var curProb:XMLList = probList.(@id == String(i+1));
                    if (curProb.QUESTION.hasSimpleContent()) {
                        questions[i] = curProb.QUESTION.toString();
                    }else {
                        questions[i] = dropTags(curProb.QUESTION[0]);
                    choiceA[i] = curProb.CHOICE.(@letter == "a").toString();
                    choiceB[i] = curProb.CHOICE.(@letter == "b").toString();
                    choiceC[i] = curProb.CHOICE.(@letter == "c").toString();
                    choiceD[i] = curProb.CHOICE.(@letter == "d").toString();
                    choiceE[i] = curProb.CHOICE.(@letter == "e").toString();
                    choiceF[i] = curProb.CHOICE.(@letter == "f").toString();
                    answers[i] = curProb.CHOICE.(hasOwnProperty("@correct") && @correct == "true")[email protected]();
                //randomizing test
                //var makeRandom:Boolean;
                //system.RANDOM.toString() ==  'true' ? makeRandom = true : makeRandom = false;
                //myMixer = new Mixer(numQstns,makeRandom);
                trace("Question: "+questions[3]);
                trace("a: "+choiceA[3]);
                trace("b: "+choiceB[3]);
                trace("c: "+choiceC[3]);
                trace("d: "+choiceD[3]);
                trace("\r\n answer: "+answers[3]); */
            //method for external classes to acquire text of current exam question
            internal function getQuestion (qnum:Number):Object {
                var returnObj:Object = new Object();
                var randomQ:Number = myMixer.getRandomNumber(qnum-1);
                returnObj.q = questions[randomQ];
       = choiceA[randomQ];
                returnObj.cb = choiceB[randomQ];
       = choiceC[randomQ];
       = choiceD[randomQ];
                returnObj.ce = choiceE[randomQ];
       = choiceF[randomQ];
                returnObj.num = qnum;
                return returnObj;
            private function dropTags (txt:XML):String {
                var txtString:String = "";
                for each (var child:XML in txt.*) {
                    if (child.nodeKind == "text") {
                        txtString += child.toString();
                    }else {
                        txtString += " " + child.toXMLString();
                return txtString;
            private function dropTags (txt:String):String {
                var sliceStart:Number = txt.indexOf(">");
                var sliceStop:Number = txt.lastIndexOf("<");
                return txt.slice((sliceStart+1), sliceStop);
            internal function getAnswer (num:Number):String {
                return answers[num];
            internal function getQCount ():Number {
                return numQstns;
            internal function getSectStart():Number {
                return sectStart;
            internal function getRealNum (num:Number):Number {
                return myMixer.getRandomNumber(num-1);

    this may or may not be the probel, but as it stands right now, when you select and anser it becomes hi-lighted and when you click off and select another answer the previous answer is deselected and the current answer is hi-lighted. I need to allow for multiple selections. This code is what is doing to current select/de-select functionality.
    package exam {
        import flash.display.*;
        import flash.text.*;
        //This class displays the current question, and contains the Choices for the question
        public class QMachine extends Sprite {
            private var QObject:Object; //object from XaMLDiplomat, containing necessary text
            private var limit:Number;
            private var QNumTxt:TextField;
            private var QTxt:TextField;
            private var txtStyle:StyleSheet;
            private var choiceA:Choice;
            private var choiceB:Choice;
            private var choiceC:Choice;
            private var choiceD:Choice;
            private var choiceE:Choice;
            private var choiceF:Choice;
            public function QMachine (hite:Number) {
                limit = hite;
                var style:Object = new Object();
                style.fontFamily = "Arial";
                //style.fontWeight = "bold";
                style.fontSize = "16";
                style.color = "#333333";
                txtStyle = new StyleSheet();
                QNumTxt = new TextField();
                QNumTxt.styleSheet = txtStyle;
                //QNumTxt.embedFonts = true;
                QNumTxt.htmlText = "<p>1) </p>";
                QNumTxt.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.RIGHT;
                QNumTxt.x = 10;
                QNumTxt.mouseEnabled = false;
                QTxt = new TextField();
                QTxt.styleSheet = txtStyle;
                //QTxt.embedFonts = true;
                QTxt.width = 300;
                QTxt.multiline = true;
                QTxt.wordWrap = true;
                QTxt.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
                QTxt.htmlText = "<p>Question 1</p>";
                QTxt.x = 35;
                QTxt.mouseEnabled = false;
                choiceA = new Choice("a");
                choiceA.x = 350;
                choiceB = new Choice("b");
                choiceB.x = 350;
                choiceC = new Choice("c");
                choiceC.x = 350;
                choiceD = new Choice("d");
                choiceD.x = 350;
                choiceE = new Choice("e");
                choiceE.x = 350;
                choiceF = new Choice("f");
                choiceF.x = 350;
                addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, selectResponse, true);
            internal function newQuestion (obj:Object, prior:String = ""):void {
                QNumTxt.htmlText = "<p>"+ obj.num + ".</p>";
                QTxt.htmlText = "<p>"+ obj.q + "</p>";
                choiceB.y = choiceA.height + 5;
                if ( == undefined || String( == "") {
                    choiceC.visible = false;
                }else {
                    choiceC.y = choiceB.y + choiceB.height + 5;
                    choiceC.visible = true;
                if ( == undefined || String( == "") {
                    choiceD.visible = false;
                }else {
                    choiceD.y = choiceC.y + choiceC.height + 5;
                    choiceD.visible = true;
                if (obj.ce == undefined || String(obj.ce) == "") {
                    choiceE.visible = false;
                }else {
                    choiceE.y = choiceD.y + choiceD.height + 5;
                    choiceE.visible = true;
                if ( == undefined || String( == "") {
                    choiceF.visible = false;
                }else {
                    choiceF.y = choiceE.y + choiceE.height + 5;
                    choiceF.visible = true;
                var curHite:Number;
                if (choiceF.visible) {
                    curHite = choiceF.y + choiceF.height + 5;
                }else if (choiceE.visible) {
                    curHite = choiceE.y + choiceE.height + 5;
                }else if (choiceD.visible) {
                    curHite = choiceD.y + choiceD.height + 5;
                }else {
                    curHite = choiceC.y + choiceC.height + 5;
                if (curHite > (limit-150)) {
                if (prior != "") {
                    if (prior == "a") {
                    }else if (prior == "b") {
                    }else if (prior == "c") {
                    }else if (prior == "d") {
                    }else if (prior == "e") {
                    }else if (prior == "f") {
            private function shrinkText() {
                choiceB.y = choiceA.y + choiceA.height + 5;
                choiceC.y = choiceB.y + choiceB.height + 5;
                choiceD.y = choiceC.y + choiceC.height + 5;
                choiceE.y = choiceD.y + choiceD.height + 5;
                choiceF.y = choiceE.y + choiceE.height + 5;
                var curHite:Number = 0;
                if (choiceF.visible) {
                    curHite = choiceF.y + choiceF.height + 5;
                }else if (choiceE.visible) {
                    curHite = choiceE.y + choiceE.height + 5;
                }else if (choiceD.visible) {
                    curHite = choiceD.y + choiceD.height + 5;
                }else {
                    curHite = choiceC.y + choiceC.height + 5;
                if (curHite > (limit-150)) {
            private function selectResponse (e:MouseEvent):void {
                var letter:String =;
                dispatchEvent(new ResponseEvent(ResponseEvent.SELECTION, letter));
            internal function setPriorResponse() {

  • Does the Airport Extreme support HP cp1025?  There are two versions of the printer the cp1025 and cp1025nw.  I have the cp1025, and can't set it up. Is there a list of AE/bonjour supported printers?

    Does the Airport Extreme support HP cp1025?  There are two versions of the printer the cp1025 and cp1025nw.  I have the cp1025, and can't set it up.
    Is there a list of AE/bonjour supported printers?

    Bonjour is a transport protocol. It also provides a means of advertising a printer on a network.
    Any list that shows printers that support Bonjour is generally an indication that the printer itself supports this protocol, meaning that when it is connected to the network, you can see it in your default Add Printer browser. In the case of the Airport, it also supports the Bonjour protocol and will advertise any printer that is connected to its USB port. The printer itself does not have to support Bonjour. The Airport performs this function. And like many lists, they are not kept up to date because each vendor releases several new models every quarter or half year.
    There are definitely printers that don't work when connected to the USB port of the Airport. And this is more that the printer driver does not support this type of connection, mainly due to the port not supporting bidirectional communications which some printer drivers require. The Canon UFR2 and CAPT drivers are a good example of this limitation. But this is only the Mac drivers. The Windows equivalent drivers work fine when the printer is connected to the USB port.
    So with you having an issue with the Windows drivers then I don't think it is a case of them not supporting Bonjour but more to do with some other component not functioning when the printer is shared by the Airport. The error message appears to have more to do with local user rights which is probably driver related. I've seen some printers that you cannot use the Windows Add Printer wizard to add them. Instead you have to use the vendors utility because of some proprietary protocol being used. Maybe this is one of those?
    Now that you seen how it should work based on when you used the C3188, if you still get that error message at point 6 of adding the C1025 then it would suggest a driver compatibility issue with the Airport - which is not necessarily a Bonjour compatibility issue. So unless there was another model of HP printer driver that you could use to this C1025 and that was also compatible with the USB port of the Airport Extreme, then I would suggest your best action is to replace the printer with a model that does work. Maybe even one that has builtin wireless so you don't have to use the USB port of the Airport.

  • There are two transactions ZJPVCS303 and ZJPVCS303_US for one single Report

    When run as a batch program, (currently this is the case), or withT-Code ZJPVCS303 the selection screen is unchanged (except for additional sales area above)
    - When run as T-Code ZJPVCS303_UL (UL stands for Upload) the selection screen is changed.  The unix file option is no longer available, and the user is able to upload a local file (in the same format as the current unix file, but tab delimited) to the program for processing.
    There are two transactions ZJPVCS303 and ZJPVCS303_US for one single Report.
    ->When ZJPVCS303 Transaction is executed, the file is uploaded from the Application
      server to SAP R/3. The selection screen parameters would be:
      Logical Filename:
      Sales Organization:
      Distribution Channel:
    ->When ZJPVCS303_US Transaction is executed, the file is uploaded from the Presentation Server
      to SAP R/3. When this transaction is executed, it should not have the 'Logical
      Filename' parameter anymore on the selection-screen. Instead it should only have
      Local File name on the presentation server:
      Sales Organization:
      Distribution Channel:
        The same thing is applicable for the other transaction ZJPVCS303. When transaction ZJPVCS303
    is executed, it should not have the 'Local Filename' parameter anymore on the selection-screen. Instead it should only have
    Logical Filename:
    Sales Organization:
    Distribution Channel:
    So how should I make these parameters invisible depending on the transaction codes execution.
    I have an idea of using MODIF ID, LOOPING AT SCREEN...MODIFY SCREEN.
    I have an idea of using SY-TCODE.
    IF SY-TCODE = 'ZJPVCS303'.
       SCREEN-INPUT   = 0.
    IF .....
    But I am not able to get the output which I require. Please help me out.

    Hello Rani
    Basically the transaction determines whether upload starts from application server (AS) or presentation server (PC). Thus, you will have the following parameter:
      p_as_fil          TYPE filename   MODIF ID unx,  " e.g. Unix server
      p_pc_fil          TYPE filename   MODIF ID wnd.  " e.g. Windows PC
      CASE syst-tcode.
    *   transaction(s) for upload from server (AS)
        WHEN 'ZJPVCS303.
          LOOP AT screen.
            IF ( screen-group1 = 'UNX' ).
              screen-input = 0.
              screen-invisible = 1.
              MODIFY screen.
    *   transaction(s) for upload from local PC (PC)
        WHEN 'ZJPVCS303_US.
          LOOP AT screen.
            IF ( screen-group1 = 'WND' ).
              screen-input = 0.
              screen-invisible = 1.
              MODIFY screen.
       WHEN others.

  • I have two apple id's because my hotmail account is no longer active. How can I delete the old one and use or update the new one?  Every time I try it won't allow me and now my iPad thinks there are two accounts and they are arguing with each other. Help!

    I have two apple id's because my hotmail account is no longer active. How can I delete the old one and use or update the new one?  Every time I try it won't allow me and now my iPad thinks there are two accounts and they are arguing with each other. Help!

    You can't merge accounts or copy content to a different account, so anything that you bought or downloaded via the old account is tied to that account - so any updates that those apps get you will only be able to download via that account. You can change which account is logged in on the iPad via Settings > Store

  • What's happening on my iMac?  There are two choices of selected start up disks appearance without hold down option key.  On the other hand, it start up normally show apple picture when I hold option key.

    There are two choices of selected start up disks:Main HD and Recovery HD, appearance without hold down option key.  On the other hand, it start up normally show apple picture when I hold option key.

    Hi artdiva28
    Welcome to Apple Discussions
    First go to *System Preferences > Startup Disk* > select the *Mac OS X 10.5. on Macintosh HD* > click the Lock > hit the Restart button.
    Then if the iMac is still having trouble starting up, insert your Install Disk and restart holding the Option key. In Startup Manager select the Install Disk and boot into it, choose your language, skip the Installer and go up on the menu bar to Utilities and open Disk Utility. In Disk Utility select your Macintosh HD and hit the Repair button. Once finished note any errors and what was repaired for future reference. Quit Disk Utility and restart once again holding the Option key boot back into the Macintosh HD and eject the Install Disk.
    Also see >

  • For same line item there are two or more values

    Hi Experts,
    I have to modify the output of the report with the VAS indicator (J_3AVATL-J_3ATLTYP). I am using two main internal tables. One for the Header data and another for the item level. For same J_3AVATL-BELNR there are two values for J_3ATLTYP.
    How to update the main internal table for item ?
    Kindly reply at earliest. I will reward for answers.

    Against one Header data, there would be several line items i.e. 2 or more than 2.
    So there would be some other line item field viz POSNR . You can refer the same for line items.
    If still your question is not answered, then please elaborate your question.
    Best regards,

  • My auto install for Premiere Elements failed and told me i needed to do a restart and try installing again. Having restarted my laptop, how do I install the software? There are two .exe files in the folder - oem and start-up. Which should i run?

    My auto install for Premiere Elements failed and told me i needed to do a restart and try installing again. Having restarted my laptop, how do I install the software? There are two .exe files in the folder - oem and start-up. Which should i run?

    for windows you should have an exe and a 7z file.  put both in the same directory and double click the exe.
    Downloadable installation files available:
    Suites and Programs:  CC 2014 | CC | CS6 | CS5.5 | CS5 | CS4, CS4 Web Standard | CS3
    Acrobat:  XI, X | 9,8 | 9 standard
    Premiere Elements:  13 | 12 | 11, 10 | 9, 8, 7 win | 8 mac | 7 mac
    Photoshop Elements:  13 |12 | 11, 10 | 9,8,7 win | 8 mac | 7 mac
    Lightroom:  5.7.1| 5 | 4 | 3
    Captivate:  8 | 7 | 6 | 5.5, 5
    Contribute:  CS5 | CS4, CS3
    Download and installation help for Adobe links
    Download and installation help for Prodesigntools links are listed on most linked pages.  They are critical; especially steps 1, 2 and 3.  If you click a link that does not have those steps listed, open a second window using the Lightroom 3 link to see those 'Important Instructions'.

  • ERROR: MyService.jws:715:There are two or more operations with the same schema-element 'ns0:MyNameSpace' on the input message in a web service file or callback interface.

    I have two web service operations that have the same complex type as their input
    parameter. I want to map this type to an existing schema. I can successfully
    do this with the first operation using XQuery but when I attempt to do this with
    the second operation I get the following error:
    ERROR: MyService.jws:715:There are two or more operations with the same schema-element
    'ns0:MyNamespace' on the input message in a web service file or callback interface.
    ERROR:      SUGGESTION: Use different schema-element values for each of those operations.
    How can I use different schema-element values? The input parameters are to be
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    Hi jbserious,
    Welcome to the Support Communities!
    It doesn't sound like the iTunes software and its components installed completely.  The article below will walk you through some troubleshooting steps.  Is this your first time using iTunes, or do you have an iTunes library from another computer that you want to move to this one?
    Issues installing iTunes or QuickTime for Windows
    iTunes: How to move your music to a new computer
    Adding music and other content to iTunes
    - Judy

Maybe you are looking for