There is currently no route to the mailbox database.;2;MailboxDB;0

I have multiple mailbox servers. We are receiving emails from Gmail, Yahoo, etc.
The issue is that some users from outside (their own domain) are sending emails and their emails are stuck in a queue named
After trying it rejects the email and users are getting this error message.
#<#4.4.7 smtp;550 4.4.7 QUEUE.Expired; message expired in unreachable destination
queue. Reason: There is currently no route to the mailbox database.> #SMTP#<o:p></o:p>
Can any one please help us in this regard?

According to your description, I understand that some domain cannot send message and return an NDR “550 4.4.7 QUEUE.Expired; message expired in unreachable destination queue.”
If I misunderstand your concern, please do not hesitate to let me know.
I want to double confirm whether all account or some special account contain this domain experience this question, how about internal and external mail flow?
If this issue only occur on some special recipient, it indicate that target domain may be configured to reject your message, I recommend to contact its administrator to change the setting.
Otherwise, please try to enable protocol log to get more details about this issue. More details about
Protocol logging, for your reference:
Best Regards,
Allen Wang

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  • There is currently no route to the mailbox database after DAG server failure

    This is an environment with Exchange 2007 and Exchange 2013.  Email is currently flowing through 2007 but all mailboxes reside in 2013.  There is a DAG setup in 2013.  We were performing HA testing and noticed when we brought down the Exchange
    2013 DAG member holding the primary active manager mail flow stopped between 2007 and 2013.  Email just stayed in the queue and finally went to a queue with the error in the title.  To resolve we had to bring the server back online and restart the
    hub transport service on 2007 box.  Any ideas why this is happening?  Thanks.

    1.Please use the below mentioned command to check the replication status in DAG 
    If any error's found we should have to resolve that first .
    2.Then please verify whether you have configured the mapi and replication networks in all the nodes properly.Because it seems like an connectivity issue.
    3.Please verify the operation logs and event viewer in all the exchange nodes during the time of issue. Some times it might be useful to find out the root cause.
    4.After failover you are saying that mailflow is not working from exchange 2007 to exchange 2013 .So please enable the protocol logging on the send connectors in exchange 2007 before doing an HA .Once you have done please come and review the protocol logs
    for the error message.Some times it will point us to the right direction .
    5.Below link is the one which describes how mail flow in DAG is happening between the active directory sites .
    6.Most important point is - in all the exchange nodes mapi nic should have to be set as the primary nic.
    Same time instead of disabling the nic please shutdown the node while doing HA in DAG.
    Thanks S.Nithyanandham

  • Error deleting VHD: There is currently a lease on the blob and no lease ID was specified in the request

    When attempting to delete a VHD's blob you may receive the following error:
    There is currently a lease on the blob and no lease ID was specified in the request
    While these errors are expected if a VHD is still registered as a disk or image in the portal, we have identified an issue where a lease remains even if the blob is not registered as a disk or image in the portal.
    If you receive one of these errors, first make sure the VHD is not in use:
    In the Windows Azure management portal, if the disk shows up under Virtual Machines,
    Disks, and the Attached To column is not blank, you should first remove that VM in the
    Attached To column by going to VM Instances, selecting the VM, then clicking
    If Attached To is blank, or the VM in the Attached To column was already removed, try removing the disk by highlighting it under
    Disks and clicking Delete Disk (this will not physically delete the VHD from blob storage, it only removes the disk object in the portal). If you have multiple pages of disks it can be easier to search for a specific disk by
    clicking the magnifying glass icon at the top right.
    If Delete Disk is grayed out, or the disk is not listed under Disks, but you still cannot reuse it or delete it, review the options below.
    Breaking the lease
    You can use the
    Lease Blob API to break the lease in this scenario, which is also available in the Windows Azure PowerShell assembly
    Microsoft.WindowsAzure.StorageClient.dll using
    LeaseAction Enumeration.
    To use the BreakLease.ps1 script to break the lease:
    Download Azure PowerShell by clicking Install under Windows here:
    Start, Search, type Windows Azure PowerShell and open that console.
    Run Get-AzurePublishSettingsFile to launch a browser window to to download the management certificate in a
    .publishsettings file in order to manage your subscription with PowerShell.
    Run Import-AzurePublishSettingsFile to import the certificate and subscription information. Replace the path below with the full path to the .publishsettings file if you didn't save it to your
    Downloads folder. If you saved it to Downloads you can run it as-is, otherwise replace the path with the full path to the
    .publishsettings file.
    Import-AzurePublishSettingsfile $env:userprofile\downloads\*.publishsettings
    Copy the script below into a text editor such as Notepad and save it as
    Run Set-ExecutionPolicy to allow script execution:
    Set-ExecutionPolicy unrestricted
    Run BreakLease.ps1 with the URL to the VHD in order to break the lease. The script obtains the necessary storage account information, checks that the blob is not currently registered as a disk or as an image, then proceeds to break the
    current lease (if any).
    Sample output:
    BreakLease.ps1 -Uri ''
    Reading storage account information...
    Confirmed - storage account 'clstorage'.
    Checking whether the blob is currently registered as a disk or image...
    Confirmed - the blob is not in use by the Windows Azure platform.
    Inspecting the blob's lease status...
    Current lease status: Locked
    Unlocking the blob...
    Current lease status: Unlocked
    Success - the blob is unlocked.
    Param([string]$Uri = $(Read-Host -prompt "Please specify a blob URL"))
    $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
    echo "Processing $Uri"
    echo "Reading storage account information..."
    $acct = Get-AzureStorageAccount | ? { (new-object System.Uri($_.Endpoints[0])).Host -eq (new-object System.Uri($Uri)).Host }
    if(-not $acct) {
    write-host "The supplied URL does not appear to correspond to a storage account associated with the current subscription." -foregroundcolor "red"
    $acctKey = Get-AzureStorageKey ($acct.StorageAccountName)
    $creds = "DefaultEndpointsProtocol=http;AccountName=$($acctKey.StorageAccountName);AccountKey=$($acctKey.Primary)"
    $acctobj = [Microsoft.WindowsAzure.CloudStorageAccount]::Parse($creds)
    $uri = $acctobj.Credentials.TransformUri($uri)
    echo "Confirmed - storage account '$($acct.StorageAccountName)'."
    $blobclient = New-Object Microsoft.WindowsAzure.StorageClient.CloudBlobClient($acctobj.BlobEndpoint, $acctobj.Credentials)
    $blobclient.Timeout = (New-TimeSpan -Minutes 1)
    $blob = New-Object Microsoft.WindowsAzure.StorageClient.CloudPageBlob($uri, $blobclient)
    echo "Checking whether the blob is currently registered as a disk or image..."
    $disk = Get-AzureDisk | ? { (new-object System.Uri($_.MediaLink)) -eq $blob.Uri }
    if($disk) {
    write-host "The blob is still registered as a disk with name '$($disk.DiskName)'. Please delete the disk first." -foregroundcolor "red"
    $image = Get-AzureVMImage | ? { $_.MediaLink -eq $blob.Uri.AbsoluteUri }
    if($image) {
    write-host "The blob is still registered as an OS image with name '$($image.ImageName)'. Please delete the OS image first." -foregroundcolor "red"
    echo "Confirmed - the blob is not in use by the Windows Azure platform."
    echo "Inspecting the blob's lease status..."
    try {
    } catch [System.Management.Automation.MethodInvocationException] {
    write-host $_.Exception.InnerException.Message -foregroundcolor "red"
    echo "Current lease status: $($blob.Properties.LeaseStatus)"
    if($blob.Properties.LeaseStatus -ne [Microsoft.WindowsAzure.StorageClient.LeaseStatus]::Locked) {
    write-host "Success - the blob is unlocked." -foregroundcolor "green"
    echo "Unlocking the blob..."
    $request = [Microsoft.WindowsAzure.StorageClient.Protocol.BlobRequest]::Lease($uri, 0, [Microsoft.WindowsAzure.StorageClient.Protocol.LeaseAction]::Break, $null)
    $request.Timeout = $blobclient.Timeout.TotalMilliseconds
    try {
    $response = $request.GetResponse()
    catch {
    write-host "The blob could not be unlocked:" -foregroundcolor "red"
    write-host $_.Exception.InnerException.Message -foregroundcolor "red"
    echo "Current lease status: $($blob.Properties.LeaseStatus)"
    write-host "Success - the blob is unlocked." -foregroundcolor "green"
    Alternate method: make a copy of the VHD in order to reuse a VHD with a stuck lease
    If you have removed the VM and the disk object but the lease remains and you need to reuse that VHD, you can make a copy of the VHD and use the copy for a new VM:
    Download CloudXplorer. This will work with other
    Windows Azure Storage Explorers but for the sake of brevity these steps will reference CloudXplorer.
    In the Windows Azure management portal, select Storage on the left, select the storage account where the VHD resides that you want to reuse, select
    Manage Keys at the bottom, and copy the Primary Access Key.
    In CloudXplorer, go to File, Accounts,
    New, Windows Azure Account and enter the storage account name in the
    Name field and the primary access key in the Secret Key field. Leave the rest on the default settings.
    Expand the storage account in the left pane in CloudXplorer and select the
    vhds container (or if the VHD in question is one uploaded to a different location, browse to that location instead).
    Right-click the VHD you want to reuse (which currently has a stuck lease), select
    Rename, and give it a different name. This will throw the error
    could not rename…there is currently a lease on the blob… but click
    Yes to continue, then View, Refresh (F5) to refresh and you will see it did make a copy of the VHD since it could not rename the original.
    In the Azure management portal, select Virtual Machines,
    Disks, then Create Disk at the bottom.
    Specify a name for the disk, click the folder icon under VHD URL to browse to the copy of the VHD you just created, check the box for
    This VHD contains an operating system, select the drop-down to specify if it is
    Windows or Linux, then click the arrow at the bottom right to create the disk.
    After the portal shows Successfully created disk <diskname>, select
    New at the bottom left of the portal, then Virtual Machine,
    From Gallery, My Disks, and select the disk you just created, then proceed through the rest of the wizard to create the VM.

    Just to add an update to this, it looks like the namespaces have changed with the latest version of the SDK. I have updated the script to use the new namespaces, namely: Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.Blob.CloudPageBlob and Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.CloudStorageAccount.
    Param([string]$Uri = $(Read-Host -prompt "Please specify a blob URL"))
    $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
    echo "Processing $Uri"
    echo "Reading storage account information..."
    $acct = Get-AzureStorageAccount | ? { (new-object System.Uri($_.Endpoints[0])).Host -eq (new-object System.Uri($Uri)).Host }
    if(-not $acct) {
    write-host "The supplied URL does not appear to correspond to a storage account associated with the current subscription." -foregroundcolor "red"
    $acctKey = Get-AzureStorageKey ($acct.StorageAccountName)
    $creds = "DefaultEndpointsProtocol=http;AccountName=$($acctKey.StorageAccountName);AccountKey=$($acctKey.Primary)"
    $acctobj = [Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.CloudStorageAccount]::Parse($creds)
    $uri = $acctobj.Credentials.TransformUri($uri)
    echo "Confirmed - storage account '$($acct.StorageAccountName)'."
    $blob = New-Object Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.Blob.CloudPageBlob($uri, $creds)
    echo "Checking whether the blob is currently registered as a disk or image..."
    $disk = Get-AzureDisk | ? { (new-object System.Uri($_.MediaLink)) -eq $blob.Uri }
    if($disk) {
    write-host "The blob is still registered as a disk with name '$($disk.DiskName)'. Please delete the disk first." -foregroundcolor "red"
    $image = Get-AzureVMImage | ? { $_.MediaLink -eq $blob.Uri.AbsoluteUri }
    if($image) {
    write-host "The blob is still registered as an OS image with name '$($image.ImageName)'. Please delete the OS image first." -foregroundcolor "red"
    echo "Confirmed - the blob is not in use by the Windows Azure platform."
    echo "Inspecting the blob's lease status..."
    try {
    } catch [System.Management.Automation.MethodInvocationException] {
    write-host $_.Exception.InnerException.Message -foregroundcolor "red"
    echo "Current lease status: $($blob.Properties.LeaseStatus)"
    if($blob.Properties.LeaseStatus -ne [Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.StorageClient.LeaseStatus]::Locked) {
    write-host "Success - the blob is unlocked." -foregroundcolor "green"
    echo "Unlocking the blob..."
    $request = [Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.StorageClient.Protocol.BlobRequest]::Lease($uri, 0, [Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.StorageClient.Protocol.LeaseAction]::Break, $null)
    $request.Timeout = $blobclient.Timeout.TotalMilliseconds
    try {
    $response = $request.GetResponse()
    catch {
    write-host "The blob could not be unlocked:" -foregroundcolor "red"
    write-host $_.Exception.InnerException.Message -foregroundcolor "red"
    echo "Current lease status: $($blob.Properties.LeaseStatus)"
    write-host "Success - the blob is unlocked." -foregroundcolor "green"

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    when double clicking on the image it says unable to open and gives me the option to search the app store.
    any help would be much appreciated

    Well, first, just make sure it's the Mac version and not the Windows version (which indeed would not run on your Mac). You say "Windows Office" which is why I mention it. I think you probably just mean "Microsoft Office" though.
    Next, is this on a disk (DVD), or did you purchase and download it from the Microsoft site?

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    iPad, iOS 7.1.1

    Check or Empty your trash folders.

  • Error when trying to remove blob: There is currently a lease on the blob and no lease ID was specified in the request.

    I'm having this error when I try to remove a blob that was used for a VM in the pass, the VM was already removed and there's nothing using that blob nor even the storage account wh ere the blob is stored.
    There is currently a lease on the blob and no lease ID was specified in the request. RequestId:0a441667-0001-0044-7861-bc17ef000000 Time:2014-12-18T15:53:04.5315752Z
    I'm trying to delete the blob from the current web interface, and I haven't found a way to specify a lease ID or check what lease could it has.
    Thanks in advance

    Hi  jruiz,
    When you delete a Virtual Machine on the Management Portal, the "Disk" resource used to mount the Virtual Machines VHD is kept.The "Disk" resource is responsible for mounting the blob for the VHD file, so it can be attached to virtual
    machines as an OS Disk or Data Disk. It will continue to hold a lease on the blob for as long as it exists.
    So you need to delete the "Disk" resource to break the lease on the blob.
    Please refer to the link about how to delete disk resource to break lease on the blob.
    Best Regards,
    Kevin Shen.

  • Moving the mailbox database copy from one exchange server to another exchange server 2010 DAG

    Hello Team
    is it possible to the move the passive copy of database and logs from one server to another exchange server in the same DAG with out removing  and deleting the mailbox database copies in exchange 2010
    normaly procedure is
    Remove the mailbox database copies and manually delete the .edb files and logs from the physical location and re-add the mailbox database copy to the new server in the DAG.
    is that any way to achieve to move the passive database copy to another exchange 2010 server in the same DAG ?

    From your note, you appear to have a two-member DAG (with a server hosting your active database, and a second hosting the passive copy), and you want to move your passive database copy from the current passive server to another.  Your note
    about what "the normal procedure is" isn't 100% correct - there are many ways to handle this task, and all can be considered "normal". Why not just add the third server to the DAG and
    add a database copy on that third server?  Once it is fully seeded, you can remove the current passive copy.  This way, you never lose your redundancy.
    Yes i can add the third and fourth  serve in DAG , but i cannot add the mailbox database copies to the 3rd and 4th mailbox server in DAG as am using RTM version of exchange 2010 which is allowing to have only 5 database inclding mailbox datbase copies
    and also currently my lab setup is  two member dag (with a server hosting your active database,
    and a second hosting the passive copy) in the same site named SITE A
    and recently i have created new SITE B and included the 3rd and 4th DAG members in the same DAG
    i want the  mailbox database copies from the mailbox server  database  in SITE A  to
    Mailbox server database in  SITE B as  passive copy
    That is why i want to move the mailbox database without deleting / removing it manually
    Hope you understand my situation!

  • We have a Exchange 2013 server and the Mailbox Database folder is filling up with .log files.

    We are migrating from Exchange 2010 to Exchange 2013.  We have installed the Exchange 2013 but it only has a couple of mailboxes on this server, all the mailboxes are still on the Exchange 2010 server.
    I have run a Windows Backup of the Exchange 2013 but I am still seeing a ton a log files in the mailbox folder.
    Also the database file is only about 1.1 GB but the backup is now 40 GB.  
    Is there something that can be done to truncate these logs and make the backup smaller?

    Hi ,
    1.Does the full backup completed successfully ?
    2.what about the status for the below mentioned command ? Does the mailbox database headers updated with the latest time and date ?
    Get-MailboxDatabase -Status | ft name,*full* -au
    3.Just check the application event logs for the event id
     2046  and that should state that the log truncation for the mailbox databases has been initiated or not.
    4.Before initiating the backup just make the exchange writer is not on error.
    vssadmin list writers
    In case if it on error state ,please restart the Microsoft exchange replication service and check the exchange writers status again by using the above mentioned command.
    Thanks & Regards S.Nithyanandham

  • Migration from Exchange 2007 to 2013 gives error "Failed to communicate with the mailbox database'

    I have been trying to migrate several databases from Exchange 2007 to Exchange 2013. The migration started successfully, and many of the mailboxes moved successfully (about 70). The remaining mailboxes, failed. Looking deeper, we found a few issues; The
    two 2013 Mailbox servers were on different versions. The Server had run out of disk space, and the NIC drivers needed to be updated.
    Now when we try to migrate a mailbox that had failed in the earlier batch, we get the following error:
    Data migrated:                        
    Migration rate:                        
    MigrationTransientException: Failed to communicate with the mailbox database. --> Failed to communicate with the mailbox database. --> MapiExceptionNetworkError: Unable to make connection to the server. ‎(hr=0x80040115, ec=-2147221227)‎ Diagnostic
    context:    ......    Lid: 9624    dwParam: 0x0 Msg: EEInfo: Detection location: 501    Lid: 13720   dwParam: 0x0 Msg: EEInfo: Flags: 0    Lid: 11672   dwParam:
    0x0 Msg: EEInfo: NumberOfParameters: 4    Lid: 8856    dwParam: 0x0 Msg: EEInfo: prm[0]: Unicode  string: ncacn_ip_tcp    Lid: 8856    dwParam: 0x0 Msg: EEInfo: prm[1]: Unicode  string: <Server
    FQDN>    Lid: 12952   dwParam: 0x0 Msg: EEInfo: prm[2]: Long val: 3749909585    Lid: 12952   dwParam: 0x0 Msg: EEInfo: prm[3]: Long val: 382312662    Lid: 45169   StoreEc: 0x824        
    Lid: 50544   ClientVersion: 15.0.847.32    Lid: 52080   StoreEc: 0x824         Lid: 44273      Lid: 49064   dwParam: 0x1    Lid: 37288  
    StoreEc: 0x6AB         Lid: 49064   dwParam: 0x2    Lid: 59431   EMSMDB.EcDoConnectEx called [length=203]    Lid: 51239   EMSMDB.EcDoConnectEx exception [rpc_status=0x6D9][latency=0]   
    Lid: 62184      Lid: 16280   dwParam: 0x0 Msg: EEInfo: ComputerName: n/a    Lid: 8600    dwParam: 0x0 Msg: EEInfo: ProcessID: 3460    Lid: 12696   dwParam: 0x0 Msg: EEInfo:
    Generation Time: 0414-04-07T16:32:03.2100000Z    Lid: 10648   dwParam: 0x0 Msg: EEInfo: Generating component: 2    Lid: 14744   dwParam: 0x0 Msg: EEInfo: Status: 1753    Lid: 9624   
    dwParam: 0x0 Msg: EEInfo: Detection location: 501    Lid: 13720   dwParam: 0x0 Msg: EEInfo: Flags: 0    Lid: 11672   dwParam: 0x0 Msg: EEInfo: NumberOfParameters: 4    Lid: 8856   
    dwParam: 0x0 Msg: EEInfo: prm[0]: Unicode  string: ncacn_ip_tcp    Lid: 8856    dwParam: 0x0 Msg: EEInfo: prm[1]: Unicode  string: <Server FQDN>    Lid: 12952   dwParam: 0x0 Msg: EEInfo:
    prm[2]: Long val: 2767313664    Lid: 12952   dwParam: 0x0 Msg: EEInfo: prm[3]: Long val: 382312662    Lid: 59505   StoreEc: 0x824         Lid: 50544   ClientVersion:
    15.0.847.32    Lid: 52080   StoreEc: 0x824         Lid: 36081      Lid: 51152      Lid: 52465   StoreEc: 0x80040115   
    Lid: 60065      Lid: 33777   StoreEc: 0x80040115    Lid: 59805      Lid: 52487   StoreEc: 0x80040115    Lid: 19778      Lid: 27970  
    StoreEc: 0x80040115    Lid: 17730      Lid: 25922   StoreEc: 0x80040115
    All of the issues listed above have been corrected, and all of the databases are mounted. Users are able to send and receive mail, but I can not migrate mail using the Migration Batch utility.
    The destination server is a Hyper-V Guest running Server 2012, SP1, and Exchange 2013
    The Source Server is Running Exchange 2007.
    I have tried doing a test move to another destination server that is also Server 2012, and Exchange 2013, and the migration also failed.
    I would appreciate any help you can give me!

    Any update if you have resolved the issue.
    Not similar, but this thread can be helpful while you migrate the mailboxes from exchange 2007 to 2013. Please check :

  • When I try to start outlook for mac, i get the message that there is an old version of the Microsoft Database Daemon that needs to be deleted from the start up files. Where do I find the start up files???

    when I try to start outlook for mac, i get the message that there is an old version of the Microsoft Database Daemon that needs to be deleted from the start up files. Where do I find the start up files???

    In the Users & Groups pane of System Preferences.

  • Some in-place eDiscovery searches result in: The mailbox database is temporarily unavailable

    we have a problem with the eDiscovery search. If I search for specific categories in eDiscovery (e.g. category:red ) the search is failing and I am getting:
    The mailbox database is temporarily unavailable. Even in Powershell the search fails and I am getting mailboxdatabaseoffline Exception.
    But if I search for from:[email protected] the search is working without any errors.
    Does anyone has an idea how to solve that? Thanks.

    From your description, I recommend you use the following cmdlet to search and check the result.
    New-MailboxSearch -Name "xxx" -SearchQuery {category:"Red Category" -and} 
    For your reference:
    Message properties and search operators for In-Place eDiscovery
    Hope this can be helpful to you.
    Best regards,
    If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact
    [email protected]
    Amy Wang
    TechNet Community Support

  • Failed to Manually Seed the Mailbox Database Copy on Exchange 2013

    I tried to manually seed the mailbox database copy via exchange shell by run this command
    Update-MailboxDatabaseCopy –Identity “DB_name\Server” -sourceserver "Name Server" –DeleteExistingFiles.
    However, i got the error message whereas shown below.
    A parameter cannot be found that matches parameter name 'identity'.
        + CategoryInfo          : InvalidArgument: (:) [Update-MailboxDatabaseCopy], ParameterBindingException
        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : NamedParameterNotFound,Update-MailboxDatabaseCopy
        + PSComputerName        :
    Any ideas?

    I hope database is in suspended state and not in failed state.
    Make sure EMS is running As Administrator.
    Gulab Prasad,
    Technology Consultant
    Check out CodeTwo’s tools for Exchange admins   
    Note: Posts are provided “AS IS” without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and/or fitness for a particular purpose.

  • Is there a way to permanently set the mailbox order?

    Is there a way to permanently set the sequence in which mailboxes are displayed in the left-most panel of Mail? I can drag and drop the mailboxes into the order I want, and they seem to stick around - at least until I update any of the accounts. The moment I update an accounts prefernces in Preferences, Accounts, the display order is set to the same order that appears on the preferences display. 
    I have a fairly large number of email accounts, and often have to tweak settings, so it's a bit of a pain to have to reset the order every time I make a change.
    This is occurring on both my MBP and my iMac.

    Same question.
    I recently left Snow Leopard to Mountain Lion.
    Previously, in the side bar of Mail, (the one you make visible using "Show" in a previous post here), I was able to drag and drop any of the Reception mailboxes to the place I wanted to select, to put them in the order I wished, and this order remained until I decide to change it.
    This seems not possible any more, or... just for the current session. If I close Mail and reopen, Reception boxes are re-ordered in alphabetic way.
    Any way to make my choice permanent as before ???
    To make it more clear, ordering my way is possible by drag and dropping for private mailboxes, but not for reception mailboxes associated to different mail accounts, the order is lost once Mail is closed.

  • After move mailbox to another mailbox database the mailbox database has not free space

    If any one can help me about that question I appreciate:
    - I have an Exchange Server 2010 mailbox database with 300 users.
    - I moved the mailboxe to a new mailbox database.
    - I have checked that the empty mailbox database did not release the free space from mailboxes moved
    The question is: should I wait for the retention time be finished and the the maintence job be done?
    Thanks a lot.

    Even when the retention time expires the edb file will not reduce in size automatically.  You will need to run an offline defrag at that point ... which is actually not recommended.
    It would be better to move all the mailboxes to a new database and delete the old one.

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    Well, you could trade it in for a white one! 
    First, try a system reset.  It cures many ills and it's quick, easy and harmless...
    Hold down the on/off switch and the Home button simultaneously until the screen blacks out or you see the Apple logo.  Ignore the "Slide to power off" text if it appears.  You will not lose any apps, data, music, movies, settings, etc.
    If the Reset doesn't work, try a Restore.  Note that it's nowhere near as quick as a Reset.  From iTunes, select the iPad/iPod and then select the Summary tab.  Follow directions for Restore and be sure to say "yes" to the backup.  You will be warned that all data (apps, music, movies, etc.) will be erased but, as the Restore finishes, you will be asked if you wish the contents of the backup to be copied to the iPad/iPod.  Again, say "yes."

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    I had a two year old iPod and when I would make a smart a playlist (on my iPod) and say -- sort by year, when I would view the playlist on my iPod (away from the computer) the playlist would be in the same order (sorted by year) So today, I get a bra

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    Hopefully someone has the knowledge to tackle this one: every time I restart my computer, stickies opens with a new blank note. Now, I don't mind that stickies opens with my computer, but those blank notes (if not deleted) become irritating. Could yo

  • InDesign language question

    I have an InDesign document created in English, and it needs to have a version translated to Chinese. Someone translated the text for me and gave it to me in a Word doc. I can't copy and paste the Chinese characters from Word into InDesign, so I must

  • Question about Sony - Earbud Headphones - Black

    Hello BestBuy Team... i was wandering if the Sony - Earbud Headphones - Black I see there is a Compatibility with Apple iPhone... but i'm interested if it's compatible with Apple iPhone 2g (the first generation iPhone) It wouldn't even be important t

  • ABAP Query with Debit/Credit Columns

    Dear All I need to develop an ABAP Query in which the user should be able to see Debit and Credit balances seperately . I understand that i will have to include two ( DR and CR ) additional fields and then do some kind of coding to pull info from eit