Thinking of trying Arch once more...

I had used ArchLinux quite a few releases ago (0.2-0.5 were the versions I used). Back then, I suffered some losses and had some system issues. I believe I have addressed a few of those issues right now.
Back then, I had dialup; today, I have DSL, but only via a Buffalo Technologies wireless NIC that uses a Broadcom 43XX chip (e.g., I'd use fwcutter to get it running). That might be fairly easy, but I also never had ethernet and past experience has shown me I'm pretty easily lost by all the eth0/ifconfig stuff. So, Arch will hopefully have matured enough that I'm not going to feel as lost as I have felt in the past, because I still am not all that bright when it comes to figuring out how to configure stuff and where to get information.
Back then, I only had internal hard disks; today I have an external USB 2.0 hard disk with 2 partitions to same my data from unintended reformats.
I fear that I will get stranded at the commandline with no X server. Does Arch allow documentation to be installed in the target system, so that I can fix myself back up to having internet access? Yes, provided I take decent notes about my ethernet/wireless NIC.
Also, is an ATI chipset motherboard supported ... well, supported in a way that this simpleton can get it running at full speed, no errors? I had nasty experiences with ATAPI resets on several VIA chipset motherboards, so I fear the ATI chipset might be even more rough around the edge.
I have a Celeron D 3.33 GHz system, 64 bit uniprocessor. I can go with either 32 bit or 64 bit distro, but I think I want Flash for the simple reason that many tutorials are now Flash based. Flash seems to be difficult for Mandriva 64. Is Flash working under Arch 64bit? Or only for 32bit?
I want the stablest distro I can get my hands on. One issue I'm not fond of: when an automatic update kills ethernet, internet or X and also leaves behind no updated documentation that discusses the NEW versions FULL configuration needs. I'm also a man that has a hard time doing a cranial 'diff'. I'd need full documents installed at the same time that any new code arrives.
So, I'm faced with these questions, open for comment:
32 or 64 bit?
Does Arch support the ATI chipsets including the onboard Radeon Xpress 200 graphics?
Stable without rolling updates?
Does Arch offer local docs?
When something gets updated, does Arch also update docs in the same release?

dante4d wrote:I think you are at point where you have to decide if you want to be mere "user" or something more. If you don't want to get hands dirty, you will probably suffer with arch . You have to get familiar with all basic linux functionality.
My issues of being unable to administer a system have been caused by the LACK of accurate and thorough documentation on the target system. I'd search the man pages and find nothing or I'd read a document anywhere only to find it is not for the current version I'm using, or similar relevancy issues. Reading the wrong document should not be counted as 'having an answer'.
If you can boot to console and get internet connection working, you can use text web browser (links) and read wikis. Or print them beforehand. It's not that much work to get X and firefox running (with google ).
That is a mighty big if, dante4d. I can take notes about using the version(s) of binaries that I use; problems arise when large changes take place after an 'update' and then the wiki on the internet is not available (and even if it was available, experience tells me that web instructions such as wiki get updated months after the binary gets updated). While I'm not asking for a perfect world, I'm thinking that local documentation was the original intention of the man pages AND the info system; I feel that wiki is not the optimal choice if it is online only. The older ideas would work for me, if coders would only take the time to wait for documentation before they release newer, revamped binaries.
Google contains millions of 'answers', the user has to determine which is the correct answer - Google is not asking for your kernel version, distro name, release date, etc. The biggest problem with Google is I can still find, at the top of search results, web documents discussing instructions that were only current at kernel 2.2.x. I tried Google many times, my system got botched many times. Google cannot be considered an effective answer: obfuscation.
Your names are all new to me; the arguments for and against internet documentation remain the same and remain tenuous. I know some folks can get by with it; but I want a dependable distro that does not fry itself with each update. I have Mandriva 64 for that!
Thanks again, folks; Arch is still not going to be installed.

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    ninjaaron wrote:
    Well, linux ninjitsu would be idea.
    What would you say if I did what you said here, but just skipped out on the slackware and the gentoo?
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    Well that is only my personal guide.  I've actually seen people on this forum claim to go from Windows (and no real previous Linux experience) to Arch successfully.  I think it really depends on how technical you are and how hard you're willing to try. 
    I put slackware in there because it's package managers usually don't track dependencies like Debian/Ubuntu does.  The default Slackware install is pretty easy then but adding stuff will help you learn about dependencies more and how they work.  And it'll help you get off any reliance you have on .deb packages coming from Ubuntu. It also gives you some experience with one of the earliest Linux Distributions.
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    You can do anything you like.
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