Thought about getting a Macbook

But I doubt I'll buy another Apple product again if they leave the early adopters out high and dry. This is ridiculous. I made the bad choice of buying through AT&T too and just spent just most frustrating hour of my life talking to their horrible customer service.

I have ML on a 2009 MBP, now with 8Gb of RAM. It runs fine.
Coming from SL is quite a big step, so check that your third party apps are going to run in   also, update all your small apps as soon as possible after the new installation, especially Flash, Java and other background apps such as Antivirus protection.
Above all, keep a backup copy of your existing OS for quite a while, because there is no easy backward compatibility. 
Some homework will pay dividends... ide.html

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    I'm going into 8th Grade and my parents are thinking about getting a MacBook for me. Now, because my school uses PCs with Windows, I will need to use Boot Camp so I can save things from Microsoft Office on a flash drive and take it back and forth from home to school. Before I do this I need to know if there is anything I should be aware of because I've seen some weird things on sites about Boot Camp like something called Fat32. I also need to know what version of Windows should I use. XP or Vista? I've heard bad things about Vista like how there are back ways in for Hackers, but it's really eye-catching with it's futuristic look. So should I just wait for Windows 7 to come out and replace Vista in the summer or fall of 2010? (Yes, for people who may not know, Microsoft is developing a successor to Vista known as Windows 7. I read about it in my dad's latest issue of Consumer Reports.)

    When you get the computer you can run the Boot Camp Assistant program (Utilities folder) and print out the documentation (it's fairly long.) Read it carefully before proceeding. It should explain what you need to know about installing and using Windows on a Mac.
    You can install any 32-bit version of Vista or XP with Service Pak 2.
    Windows uses two disk formats - FAT32 or NTFS. Vista requires NTFS but XP can use either. OS X can read/write FAT32 formatted drives but NTFS is read-only to OS X. That means that unless the drive is formatted FAT32 you will not be able to transfer files between the Windows volume and the OS X volume. Neither Vista nor XP are any less secure. Both are vulnerable to viruses and malware unless you run anti-virus/malware software to protect the computer.
    There are different ways to run Windows on a Mac. Boot Camp is only one:
    Windows on Intel Macs
    There are presently several alternatives for running Windows on Intel Macs.
    1. Install the Apple Boot Camp software. Purchase Windows XP w/Service Pak 2 or Vista. Follow instructions in the Boot Camp documentation on installation of Boot Camp, creating Driver CD, and installing Windows. Boot Camp enables you to boot the computer into OS X or Windows.
    2. Parallels Desktop for Mac and Windows XP, Vista Business, or Vista Ultimate. Parallels is software virtualization that enables running Windows concurrently with OS X.
    3. VM Fusionand Windows XP, Vista Business, or Vista Ultimate. VM Fusion is software virtualization that enables running Windows concurrently with OS X.
    4. CrossOver which enables running many Windows applications without having to install Windows. The Windows applications can run concurrently with OS X.
    5. VirtualBox is a new Open Source freeware virtual machine such as VM Fusion and Parallels that was developed by Solaris. It is not yet fully developed for the Mac - some features are not yet implemented - but it does work otherwise.
    6. Last is Q. Q is a freeware emulator that is compatible with Intel Macs. It is much slower than the virtualization software, Parallels and VM Fusion.
    Note that VirtualBox, Parallels, and VM Fusion can also run other operating systems such as Linux, Unix, OS/2, Solaris, etc. There are performance differences between dual-boot systems and virtualization. The latter tend to be a little slower (not much) and do not provide the video performance of the dual-boot system.
    See's Virtualization Benchmarking for comparisons of Boot Camp, Parallels, and VM Fusion.

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    I'm convincing myself more each day to get a Macbook Pro, but that reservation keeps holding me back because of my Windows experience.  I know I can purchase Parallels or VMWare Fusion 5 and run Windows so what I am worried about it? lol
    I'd like to read some feedback on those Mac users that converted over from Windows.  How has your experience been with a Macbook Pro?  I like the idea that Apple will be bringing the manfacturering of their systems to the USA.  I also like the fact that Apple does their own research to build great products for all consumers to enjoy.  I guess that's why the products cost so much.  You're paying for care and quality.
    Ok Mac users honestly convince me that I'm making a solid and sound decision by diving into a Macbook Pro.
    Thanks and take care,

    I have used PCs for years, and still do at work.  But, last year my wife bought me a 15" MBP with the anti-glare screen (I was getting ready to buy for myself).  It took me all of 1 week to completely get used to the UI for OS-X, and now I really prefer it over the Win7 UI.  I have no experience with Win8.  Here are my thoughts:
    1) You can get a good computer using either a Win8 machine or a Mac.
    2) You will pay less for an equivalent PC.  But not as much less as some would have you believe.  You need to take into account the all aluminum body of the Mac (vs most PCs being plastic) and the size of the display.  And, don't forget that there is a lot of bundled SW on the Mac that you will actually find useful and would have to purchase for the PC.
    3) You can probably do everything you need on the PC platform with the right SW (you probably already know this since you are using one already).
    That said, I think some things are easier on the Mac.  For example, GarageBand is a standard part of the Mac SW installation.  I got up and running recording directly from my bass into a track with a song imported from iTunes on another track in a snap.  I only had to purchase a Jam adapter ($99) for the bass so I could come in over USB instead of using the audio in port (which did work, by the way).  You can do the same on a PC, but you have to purchase the SW from somewhere.  And, it probably isn't cheap.
    I use VMware Fusion to run those Win programs I already owned because it was much less expensive to buy Fusion than to replace them.
    I would not return to a PC for my own use, given a choice.  But, I would be very careful about getting my wife a Mac without careful thought as she is not as tolerant of learning new things as I am.
    So, there you go.

  • For anyone thinking about getting a Macbook

    I wanted to write a quick review of my new Macbook for anyone thinking about switching from a PC. Although I’m a complete mac newbie I’ve been using computers (PC, Linux, Unix) since the 8088. Unlike some I don’t think Microsoft products are inherently bad and the vast majority of problems that people face are user produced or provoked.
    Some thoughts:
    1. Don’t worry about the glossy screen - for general use indoors and outdoors it offers terrific color saturation and minimal reflections (reflections are less than most PC glossy laptops).
    2. Unless you really need to burn DVDs get the cheapest model. With the money saved upgrade the Ram yourself (about $90 for 2GB) - it’s super easy and well worth the real world speed gain.
    3. If you’ve never worked with Mac OS X get yourself a good reference book (idiots guide, ect) and be prepared for a steep learning curve. Things are done radically different compared with Microsoft XP, Vista or even Linux.
    4. Although OS X is by far the most superior general operating system I’ve worked with - be prepared for things to go wrong. Yes, sometimes things don’t “just work”. Driver installation is easy but often the same controls for printers and other peripheral devices that you had with a PC does not show up on a mac. You can still use it but it has a bit less functionality - this is not a mac issue but a vendor issue. Also I’ve had to force restart because of frozen programs (Mail and Safari) twice. It happens, no big deal.
    5. Safari ***** - Get Firefox - although Safari is well integrated with OS X, some websites have limited functionality - again primarily the web-builder’s problem.
    6. iPhoto and iWeb suck - good for compete newbies but you’ll quickly outgrow them.
    7. Excessive heat has not been a problem thus far. The bottom case does get warm and when running intensive programs the fans kicks in pretty hard but my processor temp is always between 50-70 C. Considering the small form factor I think this is a great accomplishment.
    Bottom line - If you’re thinking about getting one or switching from a PC to Mac - don’t worry and just do it - you won’t regret it.

    MacBook comes with the OSX and iLife software preloaded. You will also receive a couple of disks with all the software on them.
    You can run Windows software in a few ways:
    1. Crossover is a package that lets you run many Windows applications within an OSX framework.
    2. Parallels or VMWare Fusion let you actually create and run a Virtual Windows System, that runs inside of OSX, and can share files etc.
    3. BootCamp (Apple Beta Software - Free) will allow you to create a dual boot system. When you start the MacBook, you can choose whether you want it to boot up as a Windows system or Mac OSX system.

  • Need some advice about possibly getting a MacBook Pro

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    Thanks in advance,

    Well, I have a 15" PowerBook G4 as well, the recent high res one that came out in October. I'm taking the plunge but as you can see below I haven't received mine yet so I can't give you too much of my opinion. I did it more for the processor, iSight, the ir for Front Row, the video card, the faster ram, the faster fsb, uhhhh, I could go on. I'll probably notice the 60 pixel loss but I'll deal, I can deal w/o dual layer, ***** about the speed drop, I never used fw800 or the pc card slot. And dial up doesn't exist to me

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    Depending upon the available ports on your MBP you will need an adapter and an HDMI cable to connect to your TV (unless it is an older model). 
    These are example of an adapter and an HDMI cable:
    One can find a single cable that combines the two.
    Since you have not indicated what MBP you have and the TV connections that are available, these may or may not be applicable in your situation.

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    Launch the Terminal app in /Utilities/, run these two commands (copy & paste each one separately and hit the return key):
    sudo chflags 0 /volumes/*
    sudo chmod a+rx /volumes/*
    at the Password: prompt, type in your admin password, carefully since nothing displays on the screen, and hit the return key. These should unlock your drives. You might have to restart.

  • Thinking about getting a new macbook pro, just a few questions first --

    Hey guys,
    I've been a mac user for about 5 years now and I love them. I've had a white 2.0 c2d macbook for about a year now. I primarily used this macbook for work, and my PC desktop for occasional games. I was thinking about getting a mac pro to do some gaming since my PC desktop broke about 2 months ago, but recently I've been getting more expenses so my wallet has grown thinner. So now I don't really have enough cash to get the mac pro. I also can't sell the macbook for a mac pro because I need something mobile for work. What I can do though is sell my macbook and get a macbook pro.
    My question to you guys is, how do you like your macbook pro as a desktop replacement? I have a dell 2407-HC monitor as well to use with it. Does it game well over boot camp? I know cider hasn't yielded good performance, so please stick to bootcamp reviews. I'm not looking at anything really really intense, as I don't really have time to do as much gaming as I used to, but it'd be nice if it could run the orange box (mostly team fortress 2), dawn of war dark crusade, assassin's creed (when it comes out), and possibly the warhammer online mmo or age of conan mmo.
    The other question is whether or not I should wait for a new one. Macrumors says that it's been about 150 days, and the macbook pros are updated every 180 days or so. I've already waited a few months since my desktop broke to see if the mac pro was going to be updated for penryn, but now the situation has changed, and now it looks like I might have to wait if I want a macbook pro. So, to wait or not to wait?
    Any other opinions are welcome as well. Thanks.
    Message was edited by: logisticprism1

    What's the beneift of buying 2.6GHz Quad-core Intel Core i7 instead of 2.3GHz Quad-core Intel Core i7?
    Benefit of the QUAD core and the BASE UNIT 13" is extra cores for "heavy" photo and video editing and dedicated graphics
    On 95% of things you wouldnt notice a difference, web viewing, typing, youtube, etc. Simple APPS
    The 2.6 is DUAL CORE, not quad core.
    On the top model:
    Intel Iris Pro Graphics
    NVIDIA GeForce GT 750M with 2GB of GDDR5 memory and automatic graphics switching
    There are lots of new reviews of the new late 2013 Retina macbook Pro including DETAILED SPECS on speed diff. between
    Reviews of the new Retina 2013 Macbook Pro
    Digital Trends (13") -
    LaptopMag (13") -
    Engadget (13") -
    The Verge (13") -
    CNet (13") -
    The Verge (15") -
    LaptopMag (15") -
    TechCrunch (15") -
    CNet (15") -
    PC Mag (15") -,2817,2426359,00.asp
    Arstechnica (15") -
    Slashgear (15") -
    The best pragmatic review of the new Retina Pro is: ay-review-2013
    Happy Halloween

  • Want to get a macbook but unsure about the compatability...

    Hi peeps, im looking to get a macbook for University and was wondering if there are the programs I will need... I will need a word processing program, spreadsheet, something similar to powerpoint ect (MS office stuff) Is there anything like this for the mac that is compattable with windows aswell? Also will things like printers, scanners, mobile phone software work on it aswell? Sorry if these are dumb questions.
    Thanks, Nick.

    There is a Mac version of Microsoft Office, which includes Word, Excel and Powerpoint, and as a student you can get the Student/Teacher version (no limitations from the retail version other than licensing) for a good price - about $125.00 after the current rebate. Or you can get Apple's iWork '08 which has a word processor, spreadsheet and presentation application that can import and export in Microsoft Office format (with some limitations). You can also get the open-source NeoOffice which also has the same modules and also imports and exports in Office format.
    As to compatibility with printers, scanners, etc. then the answer is "it depends". Many such peripherals are compatible, but not all, with older peripherals less likely to be compatible than newer ones.
    Message was edited by: Dave Sawyer

  • So I'm thinking about buying a Macbook pro with 512 gb harddrive and 8gb of ram. But I don't know whether to get a 2.4 ghz or 2.7 ghz processor? I mainly use my computer for a lot of music, internet, and other teenage things

    So I'm thinking about buying a Macbook pro with 512 gb harddrive and 8gb of ram. But I don't know whether to get a 2.4 ghz or 2.7 ghz processor? I mainly use my computer for a lot of music, internet, and other teenage things

    2.4ghz is plenty of processing, if it means you'll save money over the 2.7ghz. I'd have suggested 2.7 if you also do heavy video editing/rendering using FCP, etc... but the spec you have is plenty

  • How do I get my Macbook Air to display on TV. I have the Apple TV

    How do I get my Macbook Air to display on TV ( i have Appple TV divice)?

    Hi Delt82,
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.
    To learn more about using AirPlay with your Apple TV please take a look at the information in the article linked to below.
    About AirPlay Mirroring in OS X - Apple Support
    Take care,
    Alex H.

  • I am going to buy a macbook pro for grade 12, and I need to know wheather I should get a macbook pro or a macbook pro retina. If someone could tell me (in a very simple way) which one is,better for me and why, I would be ever so apprreciative.

    I am going to buy a macbook pro for grade 12, and I need to know wheather I should get a macbook pro or a macbook pro retina. If someone could tell me (in a very simple way) which one is,better for me and why, I would be ever so apprreciative.

    Why do you need a expensive MacBook Pro?
    Your attending high school and unless everyone else is rich also your likely going to be a target by the more poorer students for theft or damage to the machine.
    You could keep it home, but if you need it for class then your exposed again.
    Also at that age your not very careful yet, a MacBook Pro is a expensive and easily damaged machine.
    Unless your made of money and so are others at your school, I would recommned a low profile, just does the job cheap Windows PC.
    If it dies, gets lost, stolen or damaged because of your inexperince handling senstivie electronics then it's no big deal.
    You can buy a Mac later on when your sure you have a need for it, currently there isn't much advantage of owning a Mac compared to a PC, they do just about the same things now, one just looks prettier than the other.
    Since 95% of the world uses Windows PC's your going to have to install Windows on the Mac in order to keep your skills up there or be unemployed, so it's a extra headache and expense.
    good luck

  • How to get my macbook pro to print in color?

    how can i get my macbook pro to print in color?

    Attach a color printer (either directly to your Mac or to your Home Network) set it up correctly, and choose Print from the File menu.
    A more specific answer would require you to supply information about your Mac, your Mac OS X version, your Printer, your attachment method, and the version of the Driver you are using.

  • How do I get my MacBook Pro to recognize my Toshiba external hard drive?

    How do I get my MacBook Pro to recognize my Toshiba external hard drive? I'm working on transferring my music from our home computer to my new laptop and I already got all my music onto the hard drive but now, when I plug it into my MacBook Pro, it doesn't recognize it. There isn't an icon that pops up and nothing happens at all. The blue light on the hard drive that indicates that it knows it is plugged into something comes up but that's about it. Someone told me I might have to "format" it but I don't know what that means and I don't know how to do it. I just want to get my music from the hard drive to my laptop so please help!

    natgray17 wrote:
    I don't know about your first question... I went to finder, preferences, then general but I didn't see anything for the hard drive. 
    Huh, in the Finder menu, Preferences, you will see this:
    Nope, disk utility cannot see it. I've tried unplugging it and plugging it back in but it still won't recognize it.puter that's a Mac...
    If DU cannot see it then the preferences is just an academic exercise.
    If this is a USB drive then as mentioned above you may need a powered USB hub since there may not be enough power from the USB to run the drive.  What else do you have plugged into the USB ports?  If there's some stuff you can unplug it then do it and see if your drive mounts.
    What do you mean from a Windows machine? It's a Toshiba hard drive and I put my music on it from my home computer that's a Mac...
    Which is all I wanted to know, i.e., whether the drive came from a Winows machine.  So it's been formatted and created on a mac.  Therefore it should mount on this other mac machine.  So it most likely is a power problem.

  • Where can I get my MacBook Pro Cleaned to be Brand N E W? :]

    I wish to get my MacBook Pro, cleaned just about everywhere. Some places specificly I wan't to look new includes the key's, under the keys, on the glass screen, the bottom of the screen where the fan's are, the magsafe adapter port (seems to have accumulated black stuff), the track pad, and the bottom of the laptop. My question is, if I drop it off at the Apple Store, will they help me out? Will they clean it? I assume the least they would do would sell me supplies to do it myself, and that this is a stupid question, but if there is any products out there, any idea if the genius would have it overnight to be cleaned, or any answer at all would be very helpful . .  .. .

    Kappy- thanks for the heads up.
    Does that program give me the ability to simply sync the two computers? and not have to reinstall everything?
    Sorry I'm not a techie!
    Also- do you know if there is a way to , or does the above do, a copy of my mailboxes from various email folders on my desktop? 
    So I'm seeing all emails deleted and responded to, etc. across all my platforms? 
    When I checked the icloud mail option, in preferences, it only set up an icloud email account but does not appear to readjust any of my other desktop emails, (which are not applemails but incoming mail from websites.)
    Thanks again.

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