Tiger and USB communications problem....Invalid Class Exception

I purchased my G5 last April, and installed Tiger on it. Since installtion of Tiger I have been unable to run WeatherLink 5.01, 5.0.2 or 5.03, even after reinstalling the operating system. The issue is that the software is unable to connect to the Vantage Pro2 weather station via the USB port.
Each time the software shuts down, and here's the information in the Console:
java.io.InvalidClassException: globals.ProgConfigData; Local class not compatible: stream classdesc serialVersionUID=-3030819089009633781 local class serialVersionUID=-3230663525674838887
Index 1 for 'pxm#' 2062 out of range (must be between 0 and 0)
Attempted to read past end of 'pxm#'(2062) resourcejava.io.FileNotFoundException: /WeatherLink Install Log.log (Permission denied)
at java.io.FileOutputStream.open(Native Method)
at java.io.FileOutputStream.<init>(FileOutputStream.java:135)
at java.io.FileOutputStream.<init>(FileOutputStream.java:57)
at globals.SoftwareVersionTool.save(SoftwareVersionTool.java:93)
at win.main.MainWin.main(MainWin.java:4401)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
at com.zerog.lax.LAX.launch(Unknown Source)
at com.zerog.lax.LAX.main(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
at apple.launcher.LaunchRunner.run(LaunchRunner.java:88)
at apple.launcher.LaunchRunner.callMain(LaunchRunner.java:50)
at apple.launcher.JavaApplicationLauncher.main(JavaApplicationLauncher.java:61)
exception: null
Exception occurred in main() of MainWin
The people who developed the WeatherLink software have run out of answers for me.
Thanks, John

Sorry this post is so late but I'm only just now setting up a Vantage Pro2 weather station.
You might want to check out a couple of alternatives to WeatherLink, neither of which is written in Java: wview and WeatherTracker. WeatherTracker has promise but is still in beta and has a lot of issues. However, it might be functional enough for you. You can download it through the WeatherTracker forums.
wview is a different animal from WeatherLink and WeatherTracker in that it has no windowed application: it uses your web browser as its display application. The only difficulty is that it's open source, requiring you to download it, build it, and configure it, all from the Terminal. The instructions on the wview web site are pretty good, though, and there's even an OS X-specific quick start page. Since wview is native code and not computationally intensive, the system requirements are pretty low, too: it's running quite well on an old 466 MHz G3 iBook SE (with an Airport card) I had lying around gathering dust, which allows the VP2 console to be located just about anywhere and still used for data logging instead of requiring the purchase of a Wireless Envoy.
You can check out my weather page to get an idea of wview's capabilities. As I write this, I'm using wview's built-in weather station simulator, but I will start using live data hopefully in about a week, pending the arrival of my WeatherLink package (only needed to get the data logger).

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    Hi whenever i try to run this method from a different class to the one it is declared in it throws invalid class exception, (in its error it says the class this method is written in is the problem) yet when i run it from its own class in a temporary main it works fine, perhaps someone can see the problem in the method code. All its doing is reading from a few different txt files, deserializing the objects and putting them into arraylists for future access.
    public void readCourseData()
              CourseArrayLengths cal;
                   FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream("arraylengths.txt");
                   ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(fis);
                   cal = ((CourseArrayLengths) ois.readObject());     
                   FileInputStream fis1 = new FileInputStream("units.txt");
                   ObjectInputStream ois1 = new ObjectInputStream(fis1);
                   for(int i=0;i<cal.getUnitArrayLength();i++)
                        units.add((Unit) ois1.readObject());
                   FileInputStream fis2 = new FileInputStream("sections.txt");
                   ObjectInputStream ois2 = new ObjectInputStream(fis2);
                   for(int i=0;i<cal.getSectionArrayLength();i++)
                        sections.add((Section) ois2.readObject());
                   FileInputStream fis3 = new FileInputStream("files.txt");
                   ObjectInputStream ois3 = new ObjectInputStream(fis3);
                   for(int i=0;i<cal.getFileArrayLength();i++)
                        files.add((Filetype) ois3.readObject());
              catch(FileNotFoundException exception)
              System.out.println("The File was not found");
              catch(IOException exception)
              catch(ClassNotFoundException exception)

    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.io.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class Unit implements Serializable
    ArrayList units = new ArrayList();
    ArrayList sections = new ArrayList();
    ArrayList files = new ArrayList();
    String unitName;
    int sStart=0,sEnd=0,sIndex=0,fIndex=0,subIndex=0;
         public Unit(String unitNamec,int sStartc,int sEndc)
              unitName = unitNamec;
              sStart = sStartc;
              sEnd = sEndc;
         public Unit()
         public String getUnitName()
              return unitName;
         public Unit getUnit(int i)
              return (Unit)units.get(i);
         public Section getSection(int i)
              return (Section)sections.get(i);
         public ArrayList getUnitArray()
              return units;
         public int getSectionStart()
              return sStart;
         public int getSectionEnd()
              return sEnd;
         public void setSectionStart(int i)
              sStart = i;
         public void setSectionEnd(int i)
              sEnd = i;
         public void addUnit(String uName)
              units.add(new Unit(uName,sections.size(),sIndex));
         public void addSection(String sName,Unit u)
              //problem lies with files.size()
              sections.add(new Section(sName,files.size(),files.size()));
         public void addFile(String fName,File fPath,Section s)
              files.add(new Filetype(fName,fPath));
         public void display(Unit u)
              for(int i=u.getSectionStart();i<u.getSectionEnd();i++)
                   for(int j=((Section)(sections.get(i))).getFileStart();j<((Section)(sections.get(i))).getFileEnd();j++)
         public void writeCourseData()
         //writes 3 arrays to 3 different files
    FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream("units.txt");
    ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(fos);
         for(int i=0;i<units.size();i++)
    catch (Exception e)
    System.err.println ("Error writing to file");
    FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream("sections.txt");
    ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(fos);
         for(int i=0;i<sections.size();i++)
    catch (Exception e)
    System.err.println ("Error writing to file");
    FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream("files.txt");
    ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(fos);
         for(int i=0;i<files.size();i++)
    catch (Exception e)
    System.err.println ("Error writing to file");
    FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream("arraylengths.txt");
    ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(fos);
         oos.writeObject(new CourseArrayLengths(units.size(),sections.size(),files.size()));
    catch (Exception e)
    System.err.println ("Error writing to file");
         public void readCourseData()
              CourseArrayLengths cal;
                   FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream("arraylengths.txt");
                   ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(fis);
                   cal = ((CourseArrayLengths) ois.readObject());     
                   FileInputStream fis1 = new FileInputStream("units.txt");
                   ObjectInputStream ois1 = new ObjectInputStream(fis1);
                   for(int i=0;i<cal.getUnitArrayLength();i++)
                        units.add((Unit) ois1.readObject());
                   FileInputStream fis2 = new FileInputStream("sections.txt");
                   ObjectInputStream ois2 = new ObjectInputStream(fis2);
                   for(int i=0;i<cal.getSectionArrayLength();i++)
                        sections.add((Section) ois2.readObject());
                   FileInputStream fis3 = new FileInputStream("files.txt");
                   ObjectInputStream ois3 = new ObjectInputStream(fis3);
                   for(int i=0;i<cal.getFileArrayLength();i++)
                        files.add((Filetype) ois3.readObject());
              catch(FileNotFoundException exception)
              System.out.println("The File was not found");
              catch(IOException exception)
              catch(ClassNotFoundException exception)
         /*public static void main(String args[])
              Unit u1 = new Unit();
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.io.*;
    public class Section implements Serializable
    private String sectName,subSectName;
    private int fpStart=0,fpEnd=0,subSectStart=0,subSectEnd=0;
    private Section s;
    private boolean sub;
         public Section(String sectNamec,int fpStartc,int fpEndc,int subSectStartc,int subSectEndc,Section sc,boolean subc)
              sectName = sectNamec;
              fpStart = fpStartc;
              fpEnd = fpEndc;
              subSectStart = subSectStartc;
              subSectEnd = subSectEndc;
              s = sc;
              sub = subc;
         public Section(String sectNamec,int fpStartc,int fpEndc)
              sectName = sectNamec;
              fpStart = fpStartc;
              fpEnd = fpEndc;
         public Section getParent()
              return s;
         public boolean isSub()
              return sub;
         public String getSubName()
              return subSectName;
         public int getSubStart()
              return subSectStart;
         public int getSubEnd()
              return subSectEnd;
         public void setSubStart(int i)
              subSectStart = i;
         public void setSubEnd(int i)
              subSectEnd = i;
         public int getFileStart()
              return fpStart;
         public int getFileEnd()
              return fpEnd;
         public String getSectName()
              return sectName;
         public void setFileStart(int i)
              fpStart = i;
         public void setFileEnd(int i)
              fpEnd = i;
         public void addSection(String sectName)
         /*public static void main(String args[])
    import java.io.*;
    public class Filetype implements Serializable
         private String name;
         private File filepath;
         public Filetype(String namec, File filepathc)
              name = namec;
              filepath = filepathc;
         public String getFileName()
              return name;
         public File getFilepath()
              return filepath;
    import java.io.*;
    public class CourseArrayLengths implements Serializable
    private int ul,sl,fl;
         public CourseArrayLengths(int ulc,int slc,int flc)
              ul = ulc;
              sl = slc;
              fl = flc;
         public int getUnitArrayLength()
              return ul;
         public int getSectionArrayLength()
              return sl;
         public int getFileArrayLength()
              return fl;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.io.*;
    public class OrganiserGui implements ActionListener
    int width,height;
    JFrame frame;
         public OrganiserGui()
              width = 600;
              height = 500;
         public void runGui()
              //Frame sizes and location
              frame = new JFrame("StudentOrganiser V1.0");
              JMenuBar menuBar = new JMenuBar();
              //File menu
              JMenu fileMenu = new JMenu("File");
              JMenu addSubMenu = new JMenu("Add");
              JMenuItem cwk = new JMenuItem("Coursework assignment");
              JMenuItem lecture = new JMenuItem("Lecture");
              JMenuItem seminar = new JMenuItem("Seminar sheet");
              //Calendar menu
              JMenu calendarMenu = new JMenu("Calendar");
              JMenu calendarSubMenu = new JMenu("Edit Calendar");
              JMenuItem eventa = new JMenuItem("Add/Remove Event");
              JMenuItem calClear = new JMenuItem("Clear Calendar");
              JMenu calendarSubMenuView = new JMenu("View");
              JMenuItem year = new JMenuItem("By Year");
              JMenuItem month = new JMenuItem("By Month");
              JMenuItem week = new JMenuItem("By Week");
              //Timetable menu
              JMenu timetableMenu = new JMenu("Timetable");
              JMenu stimetableSubMenu = new JMenu("Social Timetable");
              JMenu ltimetableSubMenu = new JMenu("Lecture Timetable");
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
              JMenuItem source = (JMenuItem)(e.getSource());
              Calendar c = new Calendar();
              if(source.getText().equalsIgnoreCase("By Year"))
              if(source.getText().equalsIgnoreCase("Add/Remove Event"))
              if(source.getText().equalsIgnoreCase("clear calendar"))
                   System.out.println("Nearly working");
                   //JFileChooser jf = new JFileChooser();
                   FileManager fm = new FileManager();
                   //choose unit to add file to
                   JOptionPane unitOption = new JOptionPane();
                   Unit u = new Unit();
                   String[] unitNames = new String[u.getUnitArray().size()];
                   for(int i=0;i<unitNames.length;i++)
                        //unitNames[i] = (((Unit)u.getUnitArray().get(i)).getUnitName());
                   //unitOption.showInputDialog("Select Unit to add lecture to",unitNames);
                   //needs to select where to store it
         public static void main(String args[])
              OrganiserGui gui = new OrganiserGui();
    java.io.invalidclassexception: Unit; local class incompatible: stream classdesc serialversionUID = 3355176005651395533, local class serialversionUID = 307309993874795880

  • Tiger and USB and Classic connection problems

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    The other is a RoboLab USB infrared transmitter. Same scenario.
    While troubleshooting the transmitter, I tried booting into OS9 (on my G4) and the connection was made. It worked fine. I tried the same thing with StylusRip, and it too worked fine, the printer was recognized.
    My USB Epson scanner still works in OSX, but it has a native driver.
    Can anyone tell me what could be different about the way Tiger handles USB that could affect the interoperability with devices/software that require Classic?
    Any suggested troubleshooting? Is it possible to "reset" the USB ports? I've reset the PRAM, haven't tried resetting NVRAM.

    Thanks for your reply. Yes, I am running 9.2.2. The only thing that changed was the update to Tiger. I have called ESPON, and they refer me to Adobe because they licensed the RIP from Adobe. I've not had any success with that yet. The last update of RIP does not support the Stylus 3000 printer, and I don't think it's native anyway. The set-up I was using was a "non-supported workaround", so I may just be out of luck. Which is a pain, because the printer still has some miles on it. I may try to see if I can use an older Mac running 9.2.2 as a print server.
    Robolab has an OSX native update out, so we will get that.
    What I found curious was that both pieces of software, or the USB connectivity required by both, was broken by Tiger.

  • GPIB and RS232 communication problems

    I've been having several "interesting" problems with GPIB and RS232 communications in LabVIEW VIs.  Some I'll mention at the end for curiosity, but right now I'm facing a rather big problem.  I'm essentially self-taught at doing LabVIEW (using 8.5.1 right now), but by now I've had a lot of experience as their either has not been any drivers or pre-made VIs for the instruments I've needed or I've not been able to get the available drivers to work and had to write my own anyway (such as with the HP 3458A), but nothing seems to be working right now.  I'm not at work, but we typically find forum sites blocked anyway (I can't even download the NI drivers at work since they house them on a ftp server, go figures) so I can't give the VI itself (it wouldn't be easy to get approval even if I could) so the best I can do right now is in words describe everything I've tried.  I will be happy to post follow-ups of specific details if I can if they would be helpful.
    I've been working on a routine to read data from an MKS 670 Signal Conditioner/Display with a MKS 274 Multiplexer with 3 connected MKS 690A Baratrons.  Previously I've worked on programs using other older displays and the analog outputs which were being read by a DAQ card, but for a new project it was decided to try and just read the data directly.  I first worked with a unit with just an RS232 Serial Port which I managed to get to work, but had so much problems with garbage readings and having to add checks and re-reads that by the end no matter what delays I added between each reading and how simplified the command routine down to just 2 sequences and the read that it took at least 10 seconds to get 1 reading from each channel.
    Figuring maybe it was a limitation of the serial communications for these instruments I tried to re-work it for a unit with a GPIB port with which I'm actually much more familiar.  The problem is that I cannot get anything at all from the unit through GPIB.  Everything even the bare-bones built-in GPIB CLR function times out with no response from the instrument no matter how long I set the timeout limit and it also freezes the entire GPIB bus as well.  It isn't a waiting issue as it freezes on the very first command.  The GPIB initialization function seems to work (I typically find this to be unnecessary), but the instrument itself doesn't even respond with a status code.  I've also tried just the basic GPIB write functions with even just passing the <cr> and <lf> characters as well.  In Measurement and Automation Explorer most of the time the instrument won't even appear when doing search for instruments and when it does it shows as not responding to the *IDN? command (yes I've messed with the EOI, EOS, etc settings and I've even changed the GPIB address even though when it gets this far it confirms that I have the correct address) and even tried manually doing the *IDN?, *RST, and *CLR commands even with <cr> and <lf> characters which the manual for these units clearly states are compatible commands and NI SPY and everything show no response at all.  I've tried 2 different GPIB units, 3 different computers including several that are not online and haven't been updated for a while, and using older LabVIEW versions, extensive re-booting and resetting of computers and devices and still nothing.  I'm using an NI GPIB-USB-HS GPIB to USB adaptor which I've used extensively on other systems and even re-connected to those systems and everything worked fine.  When I hooked up equipment that I knew was working, it would either freeze the entire GPIB bus until well past whatever timeout setting I set at which point all the instruments would appear, but none responding to *IDN? queries or nothing would appear at all, or if I manually turned it off when frozen the other instruments would work and most even respond to the *IDN? queries.  The same goes for both of the GPIB instruments of this type that I tried and again for different versions of LabVIEW, difference computers (all Windows XP though), and every GPIB configuration setting I can find to mess with in every combination.
    Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.  I've had all sorts of weird problems with equipment and LabVIEW (you've got to love undocumented design features) that have frustrated me before, but I've never had an instrument never respond at all especially a GPIB one.  Getting garbage yes, no response at all, no.
    The side side issues I'm just mentioning as they may be related, but I'm really interested in the above as I have working solutions for these:
    One I've had is with a Hart Scientific (prior to being bought by Fluke) 1560 Black Stack that would continually stop responding to GPIB commands when on a continual read function taking readings just every 4 seconds with 250ms between each GPIB read or write command but for up to hours in total and the times it stops responding are random as far as I can tell.  I even started sending the *RST command before and after every read or write command and still it freezes.  The only thing is to manually turn it off and then back on or manually go through the menus and manually trigger the GPIB reset routine at which point it immediately starts responding.  However, when I got sick of having to babysit it and just decided to try the RS232 serial port (as that is all it has without the extended communications module) it works fine no problem and I can even get readings slightly faster from it.  Using a Hart Scientific 1529 Chub-e it could give me data on all 4 channels every second without problems.  I just find it a bit odd.
    When I couldn't get any of the HP 3458A driver packs to work to even give a single measurement reading and just made my own using basic GPIB read/write commands using the programming manual I still have a few interesting problems in randomly when reading off the full possible 256 bytes on the bus and clearing the bus I often find garbage partial readings on the bus every now and then.  I've added a few routines to do some basic checks, but it is annoying.  What is really weird is when just doing basic DC Voltage reads the "-" sign will randomly be dropped from some readings (started as about 1 out of every 5, down now to about 1 out of every 10).  Fortunately I'm taking several readings and averaging and taking the standard deviation with limits on the deviations and basically added a routine to say if there is even 1 negative number take the absolute value of all then make all negative, but again I find it weird.
    Leif King
    Metrology Engineer
    Oak Ridge Metrology Center

    Greetings Leif,
    I understand you have completed extensive troubleshooting techniques to pin-point the problem with the GPIB communication. To begin, I want to ask you a few questions to help me understand your set-up and the issue at hand.
    1) Is the NI GPIB-USB-HS cable the one which cannot communicate with your instrument?
    2) When using the GPIB-USB-HS, does the GPIB interface show up in MAX?
    3) If yes, does the instrument appear in MAX after scanning for instruments (from what I understand in your issue, it does so in an intermittent manner..)?
    4) What driver version of VISA do you have installed in your computer?
    5) Are you able to communicate to the same instrument using another GPIB cable?
    Thank you for trying out some of these steps again, but we want to make sure we rule out other aspects in the systems which might be affecting the GPIB communication.
    As for your other issues, please post seperate threads for each so we can help you accordingly. Thanks!
    Aldo A
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

  • USB communication problems

    I'm facing some problems with USB communication between a software application build with visual studio and a microcontoller.
    Basically the USB communication is working, I send data from the µController to PC by splitting the data up into packets of 64bytes.
    1st problem:
    Everything works fine with data packets up to a number of 5. If my data is bigger, so that I have to split it up into 6 packages or more, the communication freezes when sending the 6th packet. It seems that the endpoint/streamhandle keeps being busy (regarding
    to the debugging of the µC), but I don't know why.
    Here is the part where I read the data:
    HANDLE OverlappedReadPingEvent;
    HANDLE OverlappedWriteEvent;
    OVERLAPPED OverlappedReadPing;
    OVERLAPPED OverlappedWrite;
    OverlappedReadPingEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL);
    OverlappedWriteEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL);
    OverlappedReadPing.Internal = 0;
    OverlappedReadPing.InternalHigh = 0;
    OverlappedReadPing.Offset = 0;
    OverlappedReadPing.OffsetHigh = 0;
    OverlappedReadPing.hEvent = OverlappedReadPingEvent;
    ReadWriteHandleError = GetReadWriteHandle(pThread->SerialNumber, 2, &(pThread->ReadWriteHandlePing)); // Handle öffnen zum Lesen und Schreiben EP 2
    if (!ISUCCEEDED(ReadWriteHandleError))
    OutLenPing = 0;
    if (!ReadFile(pThread->ReadWriteHandlePing, pThread->ReadBufferPing, pThread->PacketLength+1, &OutLenPing, &OverlappedReadPing))
    if (GetLastError() == ERROR_IO_PENDING)
    if (WaitForSingleObject(OverlappedReadPing.hEvent, pThread->TimeOut) == WAIT_OBJECT_0)
    if (!GetOverlappedResult(pThread->ReadWriteHandlePing, &OverlappedReadPing, &OutLenPing, FALSE))
    OutLenPing = 0;
    OutLenPing = 0;
    2nd problem:
    when using the application with 5 or less data packets, I get an error after a while (about 1:30min) telling me about unkown serial number.
    that's the corresponding code:
    Error = GererateSerialString(SerialNumber, (PWSTR)SerialString, 17);
    if (ISUCCEEDED(Error))
    HardwareDeviceInfo = SetupDiGetClassDevs( (LPGUID)&GUID_DEVINTERFACE_MCHPUSB,
    if (HardwareDeviceInfo != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
    Error = TestInterfaceNumber( (LPGUID)&GUID_DEVINTERFACE_MCHPUSB,
    if (IFAILED(Error))
    // interface not found error
    Error = FormatErrorCode(MODUL_NUMBER, 1, 0, L"Interface unbekannt.");
    // SetupDiGetClassDevs error
    Error = FormatErrorCode(MODUL_NUMBER, 1, 1, L"Hardware-Info nicht ermittelt.");
    DWORD TestInterfaceNumber( __in LPGUID InterfaceGuid,
    __in HDEVINFO HardwareDeviceInfo,
    __in PWSTR SerialString)
    SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DATA DeviceInterfaceData;
    SP_DEVINFO_DATA DeviceInfoData;
    BOOL Success = true;
    DWORD LocalInterfaceNumber = 0;
    while(Success != FALSE)
    DeviceInterfaceData.cbSize = sizeof(SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DATA);
    if(!SetupDiEnumDeviceInterfaces( HardwareDeviceInfo,
    return FormatErrorCode(MODUL_NUMBER, 2, 0, L"Interfaces nicht ermittelt.");
    DeviceInfoData.cbSize = sizeof(SP_DEVINFO_DATA);
    if(!SetupDiEnumDeviceInfo( HardwareDeviceInfo,
    return FormatErrorCode(MODUL_NUMBER, 2, 1, L"Geräte-Info nicht ermittelt.");
    PWSTR DeviceInstanceId = NULL;
    DeviceInstanceId = (PWSTR) calloc (MAX_PATH, sizeof(PWSTR));
    if(DeviceInstanceId == NULL)
    return FormatErrorCode(MODUL_NUMBER, 2, 2, L"Speicherfehler.");
    DWORD outSize;
    if(!SetupDiGetDeviceInstanceId( HardwareDeviceInfo,
    return FormatErrorCode(MODUL_NUMBER, 2, 3, L"Geräteinstanz ID nicht ermittelt.");
    PWSTR CompareResult = wcsstr(DeviceInstanceId, SerialString);
    if(CompareResult != NULL)
    Success = FALSE;
    return 0;
    I marked the lines bold, which are the resulting error information.
    Does anybody has any idea what could be the reason of these problems? Or any hint, how I could dig for the problem?
    Thanks for your help!
    regards, lh

    Hello Ih,
    Thank you for your post.
    Your issue is out of support range of VS General Question forum which mainly discusses the usage issue of Visual Studio IDE such as
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    I am moving your question to the moderator forum ("Where is the forum for..?"). The owner of the forum will direct you to a right forum.
    Best regards,
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
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  • 10.5.2 lockup and USB drive problems

    My install of the update went fine. However, I've had a few of problems since the upgrade.
    Once, I couldn't eject a thumb drive. Applications began locking up until I pulled the drive without ejecting it. I also had a time where I couldn't eject my iPod until I rebooted the system.
    My recent problem was that the screen saver locked up while importing an iMovie HD project into iMovie 08. I haven't had that since I installed the firmware update on my iMac. I had to power cycle it.
    Just a few flaky problems but they seem to be getting worse.
    Anybody else with these issues?

    Maybe your update didn't go as well as you think. Did you repair your hard drive and permissions before updating? If not you may have updated a somewhat corrupted system that is now even more akilter. I suggest giving that a try:
    Repairing the Hard Drive and Permissions
    Boot from your OS X Installer disc. After the installer loads select your language and click on the Continue button. When the menu bar appears select Disk Utility from the Installer menu (Utilities menu for Tiger and Leopard.) After DU loads select your hard drive entry (mfgr.'s ID and drive size) from the the left side list. In the DU status area you will see an entry for the S.M.A.R.T. status of the hard drive. If it does not say "Verified" then the hard drive is failing or failed. (SMART status is not reported on external Firewire or USB drives.) If the drive is "Verified" then select your OS X volume from the list on the left (sub-entry below the drive entry,) click on the First Aid tab, then click on the Repair Disk button. If DU reports any errors that have been fixed, then re-run Repair Disk until no errors are reported. If no errors are reported click on the Repair Permissions button. Wait until the operation completes, then quit DU and return to the installer. Now shutdown the computer for a couple of minutes and then restart normally.
    If DU reports errors it cannot fix, then you will need Disk Warrior (4.0 for Tiger, and 4.1 for Leopard) and/or TechTool Pro (4.6.1 for Leopard) to repair the drive. If you don't have either of them or if neither of them can fix the drive, then you will need to reformat the drive and reinstall OS X.

  • KT7 Turbo V3 and USB mouse problem

    Hello!  I'm hoping someone here can help me out with this problem.  I've looked thru numerous other threads here regarding USB problems, and I'm not certain if any of them apply to me.
    KT7 Turbo V3 with lastest Live BIOS downloaded and flashed.
    Athlon 1GHz
    512MB RAM (2x256 Crucial)
    Windows 98SE
    300W PSU
    Nvidia Geforce2 MX
    Logitech Cordless Optical USB mouse (2 button)
    Anyway, in pursuing a problem discussed in another thread, I upgraded my BIOS and re-installed my operating system.  Actually, I've done both multiple times, including re-Fdisking and formatting.
    Since then, whenever I make a BIOS change of any type, or change any drivers, etc., the mouse stops responding, and Windows gives a "No mouse detected error" upon booting. I fix this by going into Control Panel>System>Devices and deleting the Human Interface device, and then either Refresh or re-boot.
    I'm afraid to even install the Logitech drivers anymore, because the last time I tried it, and had this problem, Windows wouldn't even boot after I deleted the mouse in Devices.
    I never had a single problem with this mouse until I updated my BIOS.  Has anyone heard of this problem before?  I'm thinking about going back a few BIOS versions, but I also want to pop an Athlon 1600+ in my machine, so I was afraid I might need a newer version to support it.
    Any help or ideas would be appreciated!
    - Rick

    FYI for anyone else having this problem, going back to an old BIOS version seems to have fixed this.  Both v2.4 and 2.9 seem to work fine.
    - Rick

  • K9N Neo-F and USB Mouse problem

    Some people including me have noticed problem with USB Mouse when using MSI K9N Neo-F BIOS above 1.3.
    Results are simple - when loading Windows, the system initiates USB devices, but when it goes to Windows mouse doesn't work.
    There is only one solution to fix the problem, reconnect USB cable from mouse.
    It seems to be a BIOS problem, but there have been many BIOSes during 2-3 months and now currently the newest one is 1.63 Beta, which still didn't fix the problem at all.
    I contacted MSI, but they can't do anything.
    According to my tests, if I change in BIOS S1 to S3, it runs fine until I won't shutdown computer and turn it on again.
    I wonder if there's any solution. I'm really mad about it and probably will RMA my mobo or change it to some else.

    get devcon (http://download.microsoft.com/download/1/1/f/11f7dd10-272d-4cd2-896f-9ce67f3e0240/devcon.exe)
    extract it (from \i386) and copy file to %systemroot%\system32
    then copy and paste text in blue below into new .txt file, save it and rename extention to .cmd then execute it.
    :: Check Windows version
    IF NOT "%OS%"=="Windows_NT" GOTO Syntax
    IF     "%OS%"=="Windows_NT" SETLOCAL
    VER | FIND "Windows NT" >NUL && GOTO Syntax
    :: Check command line arguments -- none required
    IF NOT "%~1"=="" GOTO Syntax
    :: Check if DEVCON.EXE is available and if not, prompt for download
    SET DevconAvailable=
    SET Download=
    DEVCON.EXE /? >NUL 2>&1
       SET DevconAvailable=No
       ECHO This batch file requires Microsoft's DEVCON untility.
       SET /P Download=Do you want to download it now? [y/N]
    :: Start download if requested
    IF /I "%Download%"=="Y" (
       START "DevCon" "http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;EN-US;Q311272"
       ECHO Install the downloaded file and make sure DEVCON.EXE is in the PATH.
       ECHO Then try again.
    :: Abort if DEVCON.EXE is not available yet
    IF "%DevconAvailable%"=="No" GOTO End
    :: List and remove all USB devices
    >> RenewUSB.dat ECHO.%Date%, %Time%
    DEVCON FindAll =USB | FIND ":" >> RenewUSB.dat
    FOR /F "tokens=1 delims=:    " %%A IN ('DEVCON FindAll ^=USB ^| FIND ":"') DO DEVCON Remove "@%%A"
    DEVCON FindAll USB* | FIND ":" >> RenewUSB.dat
    FOR /F "tokens=1 delims=:    " %%A IN ('DEVCON FindAll USB*  ^| FIND ":"') DO DEVCON Remove "@%%A"
    :: Rescan for new hardware
    DEVCON ReScan
    :: Done
    GOTO End
    all USB enteres will be removed, and USB devices will be redetected, if mess exist will be solved.
    after USB devices are recognised navigate to device manager locate your USB mouse double click on it and untick "allow the computer to turn off this device to save power" config OK.

  • Imac G% tiger and Front Row Problem

    Front Row do not recognize my Itunes library (tv shows, music etc...)
    How can I make it work
    I have Tiger and Imac g5(isisght)

    Is your profile correct? Is there a reason you're still running Mac OS X 10.4.6? I think you'll need to make sure your iLife applications and iTunes are up-to-date as well as Mac OS X for everything to work correctly together. Mac OS X can be updated to 10.4.11, iTunes can be updated to 7.6.1 and QuickTime can be updated to 7.4.5 all for free. Which version of iLife do you have? '06 or '08? You'll need to make sure you have the most recent versions of iPhoto as well...

  • Deserialize Object Invalid Class Exception

    I receive the followign error when attempting to deserialize an Integer class:
    java.lang.Integer; Local class not compatible: stream classdesc serialVersionUID=1360826667802527544 local class serialVersionUID=1360826667806852920
    java.io.InvalidClassException: java.lang.Integer; Local class not compatible: stream classdesc serialVersionUID=1360826667802527544 local class serialVersionUID=1360826667806852920
         at java.io.ObjectStreamClass.validateLocalClass(ObjectStreamClass.java:560)
         at java.io.ObjectStreamClass.setClass(ObjectStreamClass.java:604)
         at java.io.ObjectInputStream.inputClassDescriptor(ObjectInputStream.java:981)
         at java.io.ObjectInputStream.readObject(ObjectInputStream.java:402)
         at java.io.ObjectInputStream.readObject(ObjectInputStream.java:272)
         at java.io.ObjectInputStream.inputObject(ObjectInputStream.java:1231)
         at java.io.ObjectInputStream.readObject(ObjectInputStream.java:422)
         at java.io.ObjectInputStream.readObject(ObjectInputStream.java:272)
         at nyerges.matt.Serialization.DeserializeObjectFromString(Serialization.java:50)
         at nyerges.matt.TestSerialization.main(TestSerialization.java:35)
    Here is my main class and method:
    package nyerges.matt;
    * @author n0139292
    * To change the template for this generated type comment go to
    * Window>Preferences>Java>Code Generation>Code and Comments
    public class TestSerialization {
         public static void main(String[] args) {
              Integer i = new Integer(10);
              String res = Serialization.SerializeObjectToString(i);
              Integer q = (Integer) Serialization.DeserializeObjectFromString(res);
    }Here is the code for the serialization class:
    package nyerges.matt;
    import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
    import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
    import java.io.ObjectInputStream;
    import java.io.ObjectOutputStream;
    * @author n0139292
    * To change the template for this generated type comment go to
    * Window>Preferences>Java>Code Generation>Code and Comments
    public class Serialization {
         public static String SerializeObjectToString(Object o)
                   ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                   ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(baos);
                   String toSend = new String(baos.toByteArray());
                   return toSend;
              }catch(Exception e){
              return null;
         public static Object DeserializeObjectFromString(String s)
                   byte[] bs = s.getBytes();
                   ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(bs);
                   ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(bais);
                   Object toGet = (Object) ois.readObject();
                   return toGet;
              }catch(Exception e)
              return null;
    }This does not deal with RMI or Marshalling problems, since I am doing it on the same computer within seconds of each other. This was developed and ran with WebSphere if that helps.
    Thanks in advance,

    Check this out for a discussion on this:
    Oh, as an aside and you might also want to take a look here, for method names:

  • FireWire (and USB?) problems with 23" Cinema display

    Whenever my G5 wakes from sleep, I seem to have problems with FireWire devices attached to the Cinema Display (and, possibly, the USB ports also). Somehow, it seems that the "wake" signal is not transmitted to them.
    a FireWire hard drive does not spin up (a USB drive connected to the back port does, as does a FW 800 drive also connected to my PowerMac). When I try to access it, then it finally spins up.
    An EyeTV 200 device fails to connect (i.e., display TV or record shows) unless the Fi cable is unplugged and reattached.
    This happens WHENEVER the Mac sleeps. However, if I attach those two devices directly to my PowerMac, they function just fine, using the same port the Cinema Display is attached to.
    I don't have other comparable devices attached to the USB port of the Cinema Display, except (previously) for a Plextor ConvertX DVR (a USB 2 device), which exhibted the same problems as the EyeTV 200, which is why I tried swapping it with the FireWire-based EyeTV (unsuccessfully). So I have some evidence that the USB port has similar problems, but nothing conclusive.

    Hey Scott
    You are not alone. I'm beginning to think there is an issue with the power supplies of the 23" displays.
    In my case, my computer is set to never sleep, while the display is set to sleep atfter 30 mins or so.
    It appears that the computer won't wake up in these cases, but in fact what is happening is that the display won't wake up.
    Multiple re-starts are sometimes necessary to get the display up and running again.
    While your problem seems slightly different, I think that the two are related in that there is not enough power being delivered from the power supply for the monitor to both your USB and Firewire devices connected to your display.
    I don't really have a solution as of yet.... aside from purchasing a new power supply from Apple... But, you are not exactly alone in your misery. Should I run across a fix for this aside from the power supply, I'll be glad to let you know.
    Generally after HD's spin down, they usually don't spin up unless they are accessed. If you have any open files on your FW800, that may explain why it does spin up when you wake up your system.
    One thing you can try, in the System Prefs, under Energy Saver, uncheck "Put HD's to sleep". This may cause all of them to spin up when you wake your system up.

  • Itunes 7 and USB port problems

    I recently upgraded to Itunes 7.0.2, and have been trying to get it to work with my 60GB Ipod Photo. With Itunes 6, I could connect my Ipod via USB with no problems. With Itunes 7, my Ipod will connect perfectly fine. When I attempt to update my Ipod, though, it will sync a couple songs and then say that my Ipod is corrupted. I forget the exact error message, but the gist of it is that Itunes won't write to the Ipod because it thinks it is corrupted. Syncing through Firewire works perfectly fine, though. Firewire is a pain for me, so I would like to get my USB connection working again.
    I am running WindowsXP with Itunes 7.0.2 and using USB 2.0. Any help you can give me on this would be greatly appreciated.

    I'll post my solution in the hope that this helps others. Tech support for Ipod is apparently non-existent.
    1. Uninstall iTunes. Completely. This means deleting temporary files and any windows installation files. Also, ensure that there is no iTunes related registry values.
    2. Connect your Ipod, go to the disk drive icon corresponding to your Ipod, and right click. Select Properties.
    3. On the hardware tab, select the Apple Ipod option and press the Properties button.
    4. Select the "Optimize for Performance." option. Hit the Apply and OK buttons until you've gotten out of the dialogues.
    5. Restart the computer! This means turn it off! Do not just hit the restart button! Then re-install iTunes.
    Although I doubt Apple reads this stuff, this will be my last Apple product that I buy. I find their lack of software support appalling. On top of that, they seem to only produce buggy software and unstable hardware. For $300 I expected something a little better.

  • PPC Update 10.4.7 and USB hub problems

    After installing the PPC 10.4.7 combo update on my PowerPC G5 dual 2.7 GHz (4GB RAM) I have problems with my USB hub. The update seemed to have been installed properly (two reboots and no error messages) but since then my Kensington track ball does no longer work after power on. I have to detach and reattach the USB hub to reactivate the trackball. The problem does not occur after a restart (only after a power off/on cycle).
    The USB hub did work before the update and I did not change the configuration after the update.
    I hope someone can help me with this as it is very frustrating for me to crawl under my desk to detach and reattach the USB hub every time I turn on my mac...
    Thanks for any help!

    After installing the PPC 10.4.7 combo update on my
    PowerPC G5 dual 2.7 GHz (4GB RAM) I have problems
    with my USB hub. The update seemed to have been
    installed properly (two reboots and no error
    messages) but since then my Kensington track ball
    does no longer work after power on. I have to detach
    and reattach the USB hub to reactivate the trackball.
    The problem does not occur after a restart (only
    after a power off/on cycle).
    The USB hub did work before the update and I did not
    change the configuration after the update.
    I hope someone can help me with this as it is very
    frustrating for me to crawl under my desk to detach
    and reattach the USB hub every time I turn on my
    Thanks for any help!
    I can't help you, but I wanted to say that I have a similar problem. After a sleep/wake, my hub doesn't wake up. I have done a bunch of troubleshooting, including buying a new hub, which did not solve the problem (I took it back). When I reboot, all is back to normal. I have a 2001 Powermac G4 with a Sonnet Allegro USB 2.0 card that I added, over a year ago. It has worked fine since I bought it. Now, after upgrading to OS 10.4.7, I have this sleep/wake problem with the USB hub (Keyspan).
    I have checked the ports on the USB card and I have found that at least one port is dead when I wake the machine back up. I can switch over devices around and they work in the remaining three ports on the board. The hub, however, does not work at all in any port, until after a reboot. There must be some special signal that the board sends out to the hub that resets it after a boot. I don't know. It's very frustrating, though. I don't like waiting for a reboot, which is why I have gotten in the habit of using sleep.
    Maybe someone else has some idea what might be causing this problem? It could be just a coincidence that it started soon after the OS update. Maybe the board just decided to go bad at this particular time...?
    PowerMac G4 2001 Quicksilver   Mac OS X (10.4.7)   Sonnet Allegro USB 2.0, Sonnet Encore ST G4 Duet, ATI Radeon 9000 Pro

  • Using Epson Perfection 2480 with Tiger and USB 2.0 Macs

    Actually I couldn't reply to an older post, since it was archived:
    So I tought to simply drop some info here about a few findings I had in the last few minutes.
    Downloading and installing driver version 2.65 cured this (avoid the newer 2.77 driver; Epson says 2.65 is for OS9, but I have it here running on a Intel Mac). This will install the Epson Monitor software. Now that's a first trick: make sure all accounts in the computer have that on the login items for that account, that has to start as soon as the computer starts. Install the older Epson software even if you plan to use your scanner with Vuescan or Image Capture, for example.
    After that, I still had the same problem here, but it was only on the machine with USB 2.0.
    Switching the scanner to the keyboard USB plug (1.1) solved the problem. Maybe an older hub could do the trick if you have, let's say, a wireless keyboard.
    Good luck,
    Message was edited by: GuilhermeM

    Great info/tip(s), thanks!

  • Airport Extreme and USB Printer Problem

    I have an Epson printer connected to the USB port of my Airport Extreme.  This has worked just fine for years.  But from today neither my iMac nor my MacBook Air can "see" the printer any more.  I have rebooted everything a couple of times, but still no joy.
    I have connected the printer directly to a USB port on my iMac, and all is well, so I guess the problem is not with the printer.
    The only thing significant done to my system in recent times is the latest security update, which I installed yesterday.
    Can anybody give me a clue as to why this problem has suddenly raised its head after all these years?

    Hi bricknell,
    It sounds like you are experiencing some printing issues after performing an update to your computer’s software. Here is an article for you with some troubleshooting steps that will help you address this issue:
    Troubleshooting printer issues in OS X - Apple Support
    Thanks for being a part of the Apple Support Communities!

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