Time Capsule turned to PC Server?

Hi Everyone,
I have a 1TB time capsule that I've had forever - seriously, since it first came out.  It works perfectly!  I use it for both my backup device and to broadcase my wireless signal.
The only computers I use are Macs - my roommates, however, use PC's.
I recently noticed that in my Finder window, the time capsule "disk" is now a PC screen, and the name of it is my first and last name, with my last name misspelled....  When I right click on the icon, the "Kind" is a PC Server...  Does anyone know what could have happened to my time capsule?
When I use the Airport Utility, I get an error, which reads, "Unable to find a AirPort Wireless Device."
Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions for me?  Could my roommates - or neighbors - have accessed my Time Capsule?

Yes.. there is no loss of data doing a reset.
There are 3 levels of reset.. and at least for Gen1-4 TC and Gen 1-5 AE this document is still valid.
Looks like it has just been updated.
To erase data on the TC you need to do it deliberately..
But let me say.. if you have all the files on the TC and no where else.. you have no backup.. you MUST fix that today.. go and buy a USB drive of equal size or larger than the TC and archive it now.. If someone has accessed the TC they can do an erase in a few seconds.. and that means goodbye to your files.. The TC is not a reliable file store.. it is a backup location.
The quick method of factory reset.
Power down the TC.
Hold in reset. and keep holding it in. Gently it is a tiny surface mount switch with a plastic lever.. Attempting to push it out the other side of the TC will not make the switch turn on.
(I fix TC and have several reset levers bent over and jammed).
Power on the TC.. this needs three arms.. a friend or power switch you can get to with your feet..
Keep holding in reset for about 10sec until the front LED flashes rapidly.
Release reset and wait .. the boot will be slow as it deletes previous setting.. only from router side and pulls out the factory defaults.

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    No.  A Time Capsule has no media serving logic.

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    Just note Apple states specifically not to store the iphoto library on network drives.
    http://support.apple.com/kb/TS5168 Although mostly about FAT32           it adds network drives.
    In fact I think it dangerous to have any live files ie ones you are actually working on stored on the TC and not your local drive/s. If you store files on the TC be aware at least that you will also experience some slow operations of some things.

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    Yes, I’m using my TC as a media sever, both audio and video, without any problem. At my home I have two laptops running Windows XP, one Scaleo media center running Windows MCE and a MacBookPro running Leapord. It was a hasle keeping media and docs upto date for all and backups as well. TC solved the problem. Sharing videos , docs and pictures was straight forward. For sharing audio on iTunes, I had to make more than one attempt. Now I have same iTunes libraries on three computers sharing mp3s from TC, I can even play same song on two computers at the same time. Only thing I did was unchecked ”Keep iTunes forlder organised” and ”Copy files to iTunes folder when adding to library” under the ”Advanced” tab of ”Preference”.

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    Ok, I'll dismount the harddrive and have a look how it behaves then. If it stays on I'll head for a power supply replacement.
    This seems to be a good disassembly how-to:
    Also yours (@LaPastenague):
    http://sites.google.com/site/lapastenague/a-deconstruction-of-routers-and-modems /apple-time-capsule-repair
    Moreover it's seems to be a known problem by apple:
    http://arstechnica.com/apple/news/2010/07/apple-to-replace-time-capsules-with-do dgy-power-supplies.ars
    Unfortunately the link provided doesn't work anymore:

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    No, you can't, but what do you expect to gain by doing so?
    The main advantage of the print server is to provide multi-user network access to a printer that typically only supports a single connection. Since, by definition, your printer already has a network connection and can be used by multiple users.

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    ronbak wrote:
    I have converted my existing wireless router and network hard drive to a single time capsule. My old router was setup as a DHCP server and I had the IP range set to to and had a IMac, Windows PC and Copier connected to the EtherNet ports and my home network ran perfectly but only at 100MPS.
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    In the Internet panel and Internet Connection tab of AirPort Utility, do you have "Configure IPv4" set to "Using DHCP" and "Connection Sharing" set to "Share a public IP address"?
    I would also like to setup the time capsule so it show up as an external drive in my mobileme account so I can access my files when I am on the road. HELP!!!
    You can set that in the Advanced panel, MobileMe tab.

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    Is Time Capsule just a great wirelsss router and backup device
    Yes, it is that.
    is it any good as a basic file server / nas drive.
    It is not a good NAS.. primary issue.. no internal backup. No way for the TC to back itself up.
    No way for Time Machine to backup a network drive.
    It still lacks any proper high speed connections for a second hard drive.. usb2 doesn't cut it.
    The tools are poor.. actually almost non-existent. No partitioning.. so mixing backups and data is not a great idea.
    See Q3 Pondini. http://pondini.org/TM/Time_Capsule.html
    Nothing has changed with this new one.
    There are no media servers. no ftp, http, or any other access method for files such as is common to the basic NAS of the world.
    To say nothing of rsync and all those kinds of things.
    It is still slow to spin up and quick to spin down.. fine for data.. not so great for streaming media.
    Remote access can be difficult if you cannot get the TC as the main router in the network.

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    Any help much appreciated!

    To answer your question, yes but I would not use two Time Capsules. Just purchase one Time Capsule and then one external hard drive (cheaper than a Time Capsule) and connect the hard drive to the Time Capsule via USB. You can use the Airport Utility to archive the contents of your Time Capsule to the external hard drive using the Archive feature (http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1281).
    In fact, it may be worth buying two external hard drives so you can keep one offsite in case of disaster, theft, etc. You then rotate the external hard drives weekly (or whatever you choose) so you always have a current backup offsite.

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    The Time Capsule is a dumb hard drive with no brains. It is not a media server and will not ever be one.
    If you want to put your music and movies on the Time Capsule, you can do so, just like you could place them on any external hard drive.
    But, you will need to have a DLNA server running somewhere else on your network to be able to do anything with the data on the Time Capsule.
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    the power supply is cooked in its own internal oven bag..
    It sounds like it is beyond warranty but if you have applecare on a Mac that will also cover the TC if it was purchased within 2years of the computer..
    Otherwise a self - repair is possible or help from a repairer if you happen to live in an area.. to Apple it is a sealed unit and they will not help you.
    http://sites.google.com/site/lapastenague/a-deconstruction-of-routers-and-modems /apple-time-capsule-repairers
    When I read your title I thought this was a playback of the thread.

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    When you say backed up.. does that mean in a backup using a software backup utility like MSbackup.. in which case the files will not be visible to any other application. Or did you just copy the files to the TC. What format are they in?? Did you copy a WIndows Itunes library to the TC that you are trying to use via the ipad or iphone? Generally that won't work as they need an itunes server not library running.
    Or what format are the files in? The iOS devices cannot even see files stored on the TC without an app like filebrowser. You then need an application that can read the file type. whatever that is.

  • Have Apple done something to disable Time Capsule as a media server?

    Hi Guys,
    Ever since I bought my Time Capsule I've used it as a media server for my iMac and two family MacBook Airs. The reasons are simple. It enabled all three Macs to access music in iTunes, store photos, video and correspondence. Plus it frees up a huge amount of space on each Mac and saves on duplication.
    I also have a USB external connected to my Time Capsule so I can run a routine back-up to ensure our media files are never lost through a TC failure. All well and good.
    I have included the TC in my Login items so it always appears on my desk at start up making it instantly available. This has worked fine up until recently and the volume has always been accessible like any other external hard drive. Now however I get a message on start-up effectively saying that the alias cannot find the original. Even if I try to 'fix' the alias I cannot access my media files.
    I can see the TC in my Finder and when I try to access it I can only see it as a Sharepoint. In the meantime my iTunes is defaulting to the standard library folder and I can't access my thousands of photographs.
    What is going on? Do I need to set something up differently or is this an Apple attempt to nail us to using TC as a Time Machine back up only?
    Really fed up... :-/

    As far as I'm aware there have been two updates to Airport/TC software/hardware yet I still cannot get my TC to mount on my desktop except as a 'sharepoint'. If I double click the icon it tells me the alias can't find the original item.
    This makes it really awkward to use as I appear to have to disconnect and reconnect the TC until it lists the contents in a Finder window.
    I'm thinking about binning the TC altogether and getting one of those LG NAS drives with a Blu-Ray burner built in. Does anyone have any user experience with these?
    Does anyone from Apple ever read these pages? Surely they can fix this? I only inherited it after updating to Snow Leopard and indeed I'm still running Leopard on another partition and the TC works exactly as it should.
    It isn't exactly a cheap piece of kit to just dispose of (especially in 1TB guise) and I really see no reason why that decision is being forced upon me because of a glitch in a purchased Apple software upgrade.
    Come on Apple, sort it out!

  • Time Capsule Turns Off

    I am having some troubles with my time capsule. It has been working flawlessly for the last 3 months...until this weekend. Three times now, it has turned off at some point. If I unplug it and plug it back in, the front lights back up and all is good.
    The switch has constant power and I did not have any problems with the network before this...
    any ideas?

    This has just started happening to me as well.
    I have a 1TB Time Capsule & over this past weekend it's turned completely off on it's own 4-5 times.
    Unplugging it and replugging it boots it back up.
    BK, any further news on yours?

  • What's the Difference between Time Capsule and OS X Server?

    The only thing i know is that both of them can share and backup files among different computers.
    is that correct?
    I'm still not quite understanding the exact functions of them
    so your help and explanation will be highly appreciated.!!

    Did i do something to cast your anger upon me o mighty Camelot, backed up bypterobyte?
    Not at all, Mark - at least not in my case. I'm sorry if it came over that way. I was just saying that there's a slew of differences between Time Capsule and Mac OS X Server - it's almost unfair to put them in the same bucket.
    Yes, Mac OS X Server can act as a backup destination for Time Machine clients, but it can also do a lot more than that. To be fair, it wasn't clear from the original post whether the focus was on backups alone (in which case the two are reasonably similar), but my point was that Mac OS X Server is a whole different animal. It's like comparing a Smart Car and an RV - both will get you from point A to point B, but the RV has bathroom, shower, beds, satellite TV, a kitchen, etc.

Maybe you are looking for