Time counter...

Hi all....
How can I using labVIEW to create a stop watch for count the time? anyone have idea about this?
with regard
using labVIEW 7.1 on winXPMessage Edited by @ on 04-12-2005 11:10 PM

Hi Jaxx
Attached is a very simple stop watch.
If you push "Start/Stop" button time counting is started and it runs as long as this button is true.
Hope it helps.
Using LV8.0
Don't be afraid to rate a good answer...
Stopwatch.vi ‏22 KB

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    This isn't something you would add to DW, you would need to add it to your webpages. You would do this with javascript. Search the web for
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    Hi AK2DM,
    thanks for catching this one. I missed the important piece of information that the original poster would like to generate pulses. We have a KB-entry for this. You could also generate software-timed pulses with the 8451. The jitter (timing deviation), as you mentioned, could be a problem. The same issue arises with the 6501 I mentioned!
    For generating pulse trains I would recommend a basic E or M series device such as the 6210 USB.
    If you have further questions, don't hesitate to ask.
    Best regards,
    Peter A.
    Field Sales Engineer, NI Germany

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    Thanks Ryan.
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    Convert to (milli)seconds and calculate it. There are no API's of use for you AFAIK.

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    As Hoek said, this is not a Forms forum.
    However, the problem is not really unique to Forms and a timer itself is not needed.
    A timer is a kernel object that fires at specific intervals and each time around executes a callback routine. This allows one to update or process at specific intervals.
    You do not need a timer as you are interested in time elapsed - which means that on the creation of the form you need to get the current time. When the save button is clicked you again get the current time. The data that you are interested in is the time difference between these two.
    Remember that timers are expensive objects to create ito kernel resources. Some operating systems limit the total number of timers that can be created. In general, it is not a good idea to create a timer unless it is the best technical solution for the problem. And you do not need a timer determine a time elapse. You simply need code in the constructor of the form and code in the save events of the form. Nothing more.

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    second day :02.35.45 to 03.35.45
    need solution.

    Convert to (milli)seconds and calculate it. There are no API's of use for you AFAIK.

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    Piero, a regular poster to these boards, has free plugins in for both Timecode and Counter reader, they work quite well (tho so does the Timecode generator)
    http://web.mac.com/piero.fiorani/iWeb/PieroF%20FCE%20Effect/FCE%20Counter%20Disp lay.html

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    Thanks for any help you can provide!!
    Message was edited by: zurdyo
    Message was edited by: zurdyo

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    Hello there,
    You're in the forum for Acrobat.com. We can't help with questions about other products; I'm not sure what you're using for your project, but it's not likely you'll find the help you're looking for in this particular forum. Sorry!

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