Time in miliseconds

How to get time in miliseconds from database.
like. 12:20:2224 or just milisconds.

try using this
p_time NUMBER;
p_time1 NUMBER;
empcnt emp.empno%TYPE;
i NUMBER := 0;
p_time := dbms_utility.get_time();
dbms_output.put_line('1st update started at:'||TO_CHAR
WHILE (i <10000)
i := i + 1;
p_time1 := dbms_utility.get_time();
dbms_output.put_line('1st update end at:'||TO_CHAR
TIME := p_time1 - p_time;
dbms_output.put_line('Total Time taken is : '||TIME);
dbms_output.put_line('Total Time taken is : '||TIME/100);

Similar Messages

  • Get time in milisecond

    I used Java stored procedure that gets the time in milisecond , it returns milisecond but change in time is about 15 milisecond.
    Example server output
    2009-07-22 16:35:39.077
    2009-07-22 16:35:39.077
    2009-07-22 16:35:39.077
    2009-07-22 16:35:39.077
    2009-07-22 16:35:39.077
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    2009-07-22 16:35:39.093
    Same procedure works on different server as expected . How can i solve this problem.

    In fact i need to calculate time execution of party of my application and i need to milisecond accuracy.
    First off all I used systimestamp then i got milisecond precision But i reliaze that result is truncated by about 15
    Before java procedure I used script below to test precision
    currtimestamp timestamp (9);
    for i in 1..1000 loop
    currtimestamp := systimestamp;
    dbms_output.put_line(to_char(currtimestamp,'ff9')) ;
    end loop;
    example result show what is problem
    part of result
    As seen last 6 digit always zero . I am not care about last 6 digit.
    At least after 358000000 out put might be 359000000 not 374000000

  • JCShell command response time in miliseconds

    Is there anyway to capture milliseconds response time in JCShell?
    I'ved looked at the "time" variable, but it does not seem to have a milliseconds format.
    Thank you for any help.

    Thanks for your reply. So, I gather there is no way to capture miliseconds from the JCShell.
    I wonder if a plug-in would do the trip? I am new to JCOP. Could a plugin give me the system time in milliseconds?

  • Date in miliseconds

    i try to store current date value as integer in my database so i will be able to compare dates by sql command simply like comparing integer values. this is the method i use when i code in PHP. so for this purpose i use Date classes getTime() method to get the time in miliseconds. but i want to ignore hour,minute,second,milisecond values. i need only day,month and year in miliseconds. but how?
    also how can i reverse the process to get day,month and year from such milisecond representation?
    thaks for your helps...

    Try this one :))
    import java.util.Calendar;
    import java.util.Date;
    public class DateConverter {
      Calendar calendar;
         public DateConverter() {
              this( Calendar.getInstance() );
      public DateConverter( Calendar cal ) {
        calendar = cal;
      public long toMillis( Date d ) {
        long result = -1;
        calendar.setTime( d );
        result = calendar.getTime().getTime();
        return result;
      private void clearTime() {
        calendar.set( Calendar.HOUR, 0 );
        calendar.set( Calendar.MINUTE, 0 );
        calendar.set( Calendar.SECOND, 0 );
        calendar.set( Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0 );
      public Date toDate( long millis ) {
        Date result;
        result = new Date( millis );
        calendar.setTime( result );
        result = calendar.getTime();
        return result;
      public static void main(String[] args) {
        DateConverter conv = new DateConverter();
        Date now = new Date();
        System.out.println( "Now is " + now + "\n -> millis " + now.getTime() );
        System.out.println( " -> becomes " + conv.toMillis( now ) );
        System.out.println( " -> as Date " + conv.toDate( conv.toMillis( now ) ) );
        long then = System.currentTimeMillis();
        System.out.println( "Then is " + then + "\n -> Date " + new Date( then ) );
        System.out.println( " -> becomes " + conv.toDate( then ) );
        System.out.println( " -> as millis " + conv.toMillis( conv.toDate( then ) ) );
    Now is Thu Jan 02 12:34:36 GMT+01:00 2003
    -> millis 1041507276338
    -> becomes 1041505200000
    -> as Date Thu Jan 02 12:00:00 GMT+01:00 2003
    Then is 1041507276598
    -> Date Thu Jan 02 12:34:36 GMT+01:00 2003
    -> becomes Thu Jan 02 12:00:00 GMT+01:00 2003
    -> as millis 1041505200000

  • Sliding Panels Auto Advance w/ Timer

    Hi everyone. I'm looking to make my sliding panels advance
    with a simple timer. I know this can be done (right?) but can't
    find any way to do this. I have text content in my panels (no
    images) so the posted example of a gallery doesn't help me much.
    I have no problem setting up the panels as I want, I just
    want to make them advance every few seconds.
    Anyone please help!!
    Thanks so much,
    Varen Swaab

    Instead of creating a custom script, I decided to extend the widget it self. So everything can be controlled from the widget constructor.
    Before we get started a small side note:
    I would advice to put the changes in a seperate script, and not to modify the current SlidingPanels.js. This way, if you happen to update to Spry 1.7 it will not overwrite the change you made. But if you do not wish to update just paste it in the SprySlidingPanels.js (This saves a HTTP request, resulting in a slightly faster page load, maintainablity vs performance)
    The changes allow you specify the following new options in the constructor:
    - automatic: true / false [boolean]
    turns automatic sliding panels on or off, off by default
    - direction: 0 / 1 [number or Spry.forward , Spry.backward if you have SpryEffects included]
    direction that panels should automaticly slide to, 1 is forward, 2 is backward
    - each: 1000 [number]
    time in miliseconds, note I had to name this "each" instead of duration, because duration handles the sliding panel animation duration.
    Example constructor:
    var sp1 = new Spry.Widget.SlidingPanels("SlidingPanels1", { automatic: false, direction: 0, each: 5000 });
    It also adds 3 new methods to the sliding panel:
    - .start  [ sp1.start(); ]
    This allows you to start the automatic sliding of the panels, this will also work, if you did not specify automatic in your constructor
    - .stop  [ sp1.stop(); ]
    Stops automatic sliding of the panels
    - .setDirection [ sp1.setDirection(1); ]
    Sets a new direction for the sliding panels, requires the same values as you can specify in the sliding panels constructor
    The new code:
    // line 121 of SprySlidingPanels.js
    Spry.Widget.SlidingPanels.prototype.attachBehaviors = function()
         var ele = this.element;
         if (!ele)
         if (this.enableKeyboardNavigation)
              var focusEle = null;
              var tabIndexAttr = ele.attributes.getNamedItem("tabindex");
              if (tabIndexAttr || ele.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "a")
                   focusEle = ele;
              if (focusEle)
                   var self = this;
                   Spry.Widget.SlidingPanels.addEventListener(focusEle, "focus", function(e) { return self.onFocus(e || window.event); }, false);
                   Spry.Widget.SlidingPanels.addEventListener(focusEle, "blur", function(e) { return self.onBlur(e || window.event); }, false);
                   Spry.Widget.SlidingPanels.addEventListener(focusEle, "keydown", function(e) { return self.onKeyDown(e || window.event); }, false);
         if (this.currentPanel)
              // Temporarily turn off animation when showing the
              // initial panel.
              var ea = this.enableAnimation;
              this.enableAnimation = false;
              this.enableAnimation = ea;
         if (this.automatic){
    // These are all new methods
    Spry.Widget.SlidingPanels.prototype.start = function(){
         var self = this; // reference to this, so we can use it inside our function
         this.automaticStarted = setInterval(function(){
                   var panels = self.getContentPanels(),
                        panelcount = panels.length,
                        current = self.getCurrentPanel(),
                   // locate the current panel index, and check if we need to increase or decrease the panel
                   for(var i = 0; i < panelcount; i++){
                        if(panels[i] == current){
                             self.direction == 1 ? (i++) : (i--);
                             self.showPanel( self.direction == 1 ? (i >= panels.length ? 0 : i) : (i < 0 ? panels.length -1 : i));    
                             break; // stop looping, we already found and are displaying our new panel
         }, this.each || 3000);
    Spry.Widget.SlidingPanels.prototype.stop = function(){
         if(this.automaticStarted && typeof this.automaticStarted == 'number'){
              this.automaticStarted = null;
    Spry.Widget.SlidingPanels.prototype.setDirection = function(direction){
         this.direction = direction;
    Hopes this helps

  • Absolut time to deliver

              Is there a way to set an absolut time to deliver a Message?
              All I find is WLMessageProducer.setTimeToDeliver() which receives a relative time
              in miliseconds.
              I think I read somewhere that internally the JMS server calculates the corresponding
              absolut time, it seems to me it's 'not clever' to do this twice...

    Paulo Santos wrote:
              > Is there a way to set an absolut time to deliver a Message?
              One can configure a cron-like schedule on the time-to-deliver-override for the
              Otherwise, no.
              > All I find is WLMessageProducer.setTimeToDeliver() which receives a relative time
              > in miliseconds.
              > I think I read somewhere that internally the JMS server calculates the corresponding
              > absolut time, it seems to me it's 'not clever' to do this twice...
              I suggest filing an enhancement request.
              Meanwhile, pass in "absoluteTime - System.currentTimeMillis()", which, while 'not
              will very likely suffice. :-)
              Tom, BEA
              > Thanks,
              > Paulo

  • Comparing two date/times

    I need to be able to compare two times:
    1. I need top get the current time e.g 13:15
    2. I then need to work out how many minutes exist bewteen the above time and 17:00 the previous day
    So if the current time was 17:00 Mon
    then the number of minutes to 17:00 Sun would be 24hrs x 60 = 1440 Minutes ( I need this time )
    Any help would be great

    Try this:
    import java.util.*;
    public class timeDif {
       public static void main(String[] args) {
          Date yesterday=new Date(102,3,1,17,0,0);  // year,month-1,day,hour,minute,second
          Date today=new Date();  // get the current date/time
          long diff=(today.getTime()-yesterday.getTime())/60000;   // getTime() returns times in miliseconds
          System.out.println("time diff in minutes is "+diff);

  • How to interpret or calculate Crystal Report Performance Timing?

    I have been trying to interpret the Performance Information/Performance Timing of a Crystal Report. When I access this information from Crystal designer menu I see several fields but I don't know exactly which one gives you the total execution time in miliseconds or how do you calculate the total time using the fields.
    Help to interpret the following information will be appreciate. Example:
    Open Document:   0 ms  
    Run the Database Query:   703 ms  
    Read Database Records:   92 ms  
    Format First Page:   949 ms  
    Number of pages formatted:   2   
    Average time to format a page:   474 ms  
    Number of page starts generated:   13   
    Average time to generate a page start:   13 ms  
    Run the Database Query:   4 ms   For all instances
    Read Database Records:   2 ms   For all instances
    Number of page starts generated:   3   
    Average time to generate a page start:   0 ms   For all instances
    Number of subreport instances formatted:   1   
    Time to format all subreport instances:   38 ms

    Have you seen this post:  [Needing to monitor the report run time and produce the dates/time on my rpt;

  • Help me regards perfomance:java.util.concurrent.Executors

    hi friends,
    I implemented the concurrent.Executors in my project. to tell my problem consider a program that insert 1000 data into oracle database.
    instead of inserting 1000 data as a single operations i created 5 threads using the concurrent API. and inserted 200 records per thread.
    when i analyse the time(in miliseconds) i got the following result,
    insert the 1000 records through a single thread thks 200 ms.
    when i use 5 threads it taks atlease 200 ms to a single thread.
    so every threads finished it in 200 or 210 ms. so both perfomance is equal.
    Buy i want to run the each thread in 200/5. time. then my perfomance will be improved.
    Can anybody help me.
    With regards Prince

    i think eventhough i use the seperate connection i
    got some lock on some object when my Statement(not
    PreparedStatement) executes the query(by some other
    threads) so all the threads taks almost same time to
    finish like ordinary operation. is't it. i want to
    speadup the operation. Three threads doing the same stuff taking five turns each:
    Notice something? They all start and end at the same time.
    because in my company i am doing the process with
    80000 data. i taks 1 hour to complete all tasks. how
    can i minimize the time by using the threads?Find the bottleneck first.

  • Some websites say that the connection reset, but after following the instructions to fix it, it still doesn't work, and recently they simply refuse to load.

    Recently, Mozilla has refused to load certain webpages for me, saying that 'the connection was reset' or sometimes not loading at all. I don't know what's wrong and if it's just me. So far, I've had problems getting onto Random.org, Serenes Forest.net (which actually didn't load a few times), and Dictionary.com. Is there something wrong with my internet, and if there is, what? And why does this happen? (I don't have wireless internet, if that helps deduce the problem.)
    I know that maybe this sounds like something that doesn't have to do with Firefox, but Firefox never did this before, and my computer has always worked fine before, so I think maybe something happened to my Firefox that's corrupted it in some way. Has a problem like this come up before, and if so, was it already solved?

    If you are using wi-fi:
    1- Are you connected?
    2- Check if you have full access or only limited access, limited means no internet connection provided. (if so, proceed step 3)
    3- Ping your wi-fi modem IP address:
    ping (my modem local IP Address)
    If you get high number in round trip time (in miliseconds), turn off your modem for about 1 minute.
    3- ping any site that did not load
    Wish it may help


    Can anyone tell me how to create a stopwatch or timer widget for Captivate 4?

    You don't really have to construct a widget to do that. There are two easy ways to achieve this.
    1. Make a textbox and use the $$cpInfoElapsedTimeMS$$ Captivate system variable to show the elapsed time since the project was started. It displays the time in miliseconds,  but you could just make a rectangle in the same color as your background color and then cover up the miliseconds part of the text box. That way only the seconds will show. Remember to right-align the text in your text box.
    2. Provided that you have Flash and can use it you could make a simple flash file which reads the cpInfoElapsedTimeMS variable from Captivate - strips away the miliseconds and display the result in a dynamic text box.
    Click here to visit the www.captivate4.com blog

  • Tomcat finalizer memory leak ???

    I have was profiling my application using yourkit profiler. The statisxtics are stange and I need help to understand them.
    Here is the scenario:
    1) started Tomcat @ 1:00 profiling using yourkit profiler - only 1 context, our application. I set the profiler to take a heap snapshot on 90% of heap usage. I set the heap to 64Megs because I knew there would be only 2 users on it, and I wanted to get to a point of OOME faster
    2) took a snapshot before anyone logged in, and after Tomcat booted up
    3) took a few other snapshots in the first hour of usage while 2 people using system
    4) everyone left ~ 5:00pm and logged out of our system. The only thing running was Tomcat
    5) @ ~ 2:00am the next morning, a snapshot was taken because 90% of the heap was in use (???)
    6) the next morning, all the heap was used and Tomcat would only respond with OOME - java.lang.heap out of memory error
    I compared the last heap snapshot I took during step 3 above and the low memory snapshot and found that 73% of memory was being held by
    java.lang.ref.Finalizer. WHAT THE HECK IS THAT? I have looked all over the web and have found no information on what it is or what it does?
    The closest I have come to any information is articles about java finalizers vs. destructors, and what java.lang.Object.Finalize method. I also saw a reference to the java.lang.ref.Finalizer api, but there are no javadocs describing its functinoliaty. My questions are:
    1) How are Finalizer and java.lang.Object.Finalize related - or are they? what is java.lang.ref.Finalizer and what do they do?
    2) WHY would I have over 200000 Finalizer objects occupying 73% of the heap at step 5 (see above), when in my final snapshot of step 3 I had 0???
    3) we are also using org.apache.commons.dbcp and the sql server JTDS driver for our db connection pool in the following manner. Does anyone know if there is a problem with this?
    DriverAdapterCPDS cpds = new DriverAdapterCPDS();
    cpds.setUrl( databaseURL );
    cpds.setUser( user );
    cpds.setPassword( password );
    cpds.setDriver( databaseDriver );
    SharedPoolDataSource tds = new SharedPoolDataSource();
    tds.setConnectionPoolDataSource( cpds );
    tds.setMaxActive( iMaxActive ); // Connection pool Size
    tds.setMaxWait( iMaxWait ); // Max connection wait time (in miliseconds)
    ds = tds;
    catch( Exception e )
    I will be repeating this test today, but will take heap snapshots on an hourly interval - HOPEFULLY, I can find what is going on
    Is there any one out there who can help us find this memory leak? Fee for Service could be acceptable?
    John McClain
    Senior Software Engineer
    TCS Healthcare
    [email protected]
    "Skepticism is the first step toward truth"

    I did find some information on sourceforge about jTDS having memory issues with PreparedStatements (v1.2) or queries using scrollable cursors (v1.1). The scrollable cursor issue seems to be the closes match to your problem so if you are using version 1.1 you may want to move up to version 1.2. Also check your SQL statements to see if you are using scrollable cursors and if they can be changed to read only.

  • Howto: comparing 2 dates and getting the seconds

    By comparing 2 dates I need to extract or get somehow the elapsed seconds. I need to get only
    the seconds.
    Dates are in this format "hh:mm:ss"
    I tried with Date and GregorianCalendar but I couldnt get the desired result.
    Can someone provide me with a sample code please.

    remus.dragos wrote:
    Its not broken, nor absurd or complicated. I only need resolution only for minutes. The method that I use does not need to know more than 20 seconds.
    But I added minutes knoledge aniway. As you can see its easy to add hour resolution if needed. But I didnt needed it so thats why I took that approach.
    This looks cleaner for you? I just wrote it here, untested, but should work.
    public int returnSeconds(Calendar c1, Calendar c2)
    int mins =  c1.get(Calendar.MINUTES) - c2.get(Calendar.MINUTES);
    int secs =  c1.get(Calendar.SECONDS) - c2.get(Calendar.SECONDS);
    if (mins > 0) return secs+=mins;
    else            return secs;
    }And why should I treat all the time as miliseconds since the epoch. Thats an absurd afirmation without a detailed explanation.
    Edited by: remus.dragos on Apr 30, 2008 6:18 AM- Unnecessary creation of expensive Calendar objects.
    - Significantly slower
    - Breaks across Timezones
    - Unnecessary decision making introduces complexity
    - Introduces a bug by assuming c1 represents a time greater than c2
    - Introduces a bug by not multiplying minutes by 60 to obtain seconds.
    - Makes assumptions about the calendar system in use
    - Less maintainable because it limits the scope of time unit resolution handled by the logic
    I probably missed some more too. None of this is needed, and it is very brittle. Your problem can be solved by subtracting one fixed-point number from another. Go with es5f's approach.

  • Need advise for processing DAQmx waveform array

    Hello All,
    I am using following code to continuously acquire data from 2 channels, then export to a text file for analysis with Execel or Origin. The data file should contain four columns:
    t1   Y1    t2   Y2
    I know it is convenient to use Write Measurement File express VI, but since this express VI open and close file in each loop execution, I prefer to use low-level File I/O functions to save computer resources (I need to reserve resources for image acquisition and analyses).
    The following attached VI just show the overall frame of the code, but is not executable now. I hope to get some suggestions from this forum to finish it.
    Here, I have two main questions, thank you in advance if you can provide hints to any of them.
    (1) How to get correct t0 and dt values for the waveform data
     I am using 25Hz pulse signal to externally trigger DAQmx  through PFI0.  I set 100Hz for the rate input of the DAQmx timing VI  since  LabVIEW help  says "If you use an external source for the Sample Clock, set this input to the
    maximum expected rate of that clock. " .
     When I use Write Measurement File express VI,  I found in the resulting text file, the dt is 0.01 instead of 0.04, i.e., the value of dt in the waveform data is not determined by external PFI0 signal, but by the rate input for the DAQmx timing VI.  Also, I found t0 does not always start from  zero.  However, from the display of data plot, I am sure the acquisition is at 25Hz.
    Some people in this forum ever told me to use Get Waveform Component and Build waveform functions to manually rebuild the waveform data in order to get correct t0 and dt. I tried and no luck to succeed.  Anyone can give me more detailed hints?
    (2) How to write data of 'NChan NSample' at one time in a loop
    I have two channel DAQmx, and for each channel there are several data points.  I plan to use following method to export data:
    Suppose in one loop DAQmx Read VI read 10 samples from each channel, so I assume I will get four arrays of 10 elements:
    t_channel_1, Y_channel_1, t_channel_2, Y_channel_2.
    Then I use a loop structure of N=10 to concatenate t1, tab,Y1,tab, t2,tab, Y2,return in 'element by element' mode, i.e., do 10 times of string concatenate and write to text file.
    I don't know whether above method is effective. Anyone can advise a better one?
    (3) Convert from timestamp to elapsed time in milisecond
    In the final text file, the time column should be the values of elapsed time in milisecond since the start of acquisition. So, I think I need to get the timestamp of the first data point so that for later data points I can use Elapsed Time express VI  to extract elapsed time in milisecond. However, I don't know how to get the timestamp at the starting of acquisition. Please advise if you know it.
    Message Edited by Dejun on 08-30-2007 10:34 AM
    code.jpg ‏86 KB
    code.vi ‏49 KB

    tbob wrote:
    Ravens Fan:
    Read his post again:
    "I am using 25Hz pulse signal to externally trigger DAQmx  through PFI0.  I set 100Hz for the rate input of the DAQmx timing VI  since  LabVIEW help  says "If you use an external source for the Sample Clock, set this input to the maximum expected rate of that clock. " .
     When I use Write Measurement File express VI,  I found in the resulting text file, the dt is 0.01 instead of 0.04, i.e., the value of dt in the waveform data is not determined by external PFI0 signal, but by the rate input for the DAQmx timing VI.  Also, I found t0 does not always start from  zero.  However, from the display of data plot, I am sure the acquisition is at 25Hz."
    He says in the 1st paragraph that he sets theDAQmx timing to 100Hz because that is his maximum expected clock rate.  In the 2nd paragraph he says that in his measurement file dt is 0.01 instead of 0.04.  This indicates that the dt value is determined by the DAQmx timing rate, not the PFI0 clock rate.  I am thinking that he should set the DAQmx timing to match the PFI0 timing, 25Hz.
    Maybe this would work.
    You're right, I did misread what he said. But, I still have questions about what he said.  " I set 100Hz for the rate input of the DAQmx timing VI  ".  The code shows a rate input of 25 to the timing VI.  And nowhere else do I see a setting of 100Hz.  I ran his code (used a simulated device) and put an indicator on the to dt's in the clusters.  The came up as .04 which is what i would expect.  It is hard to comment what is going on in the file since there is nothing being send to the write text file VI.
    Message Edited by Ravens Fan on 08-31-2007 12:18 PM

  • Calander getTime() display problems...

    I'm connected to an oracle database and there is a date_reception column that has the time in miliseconds: 992023833 which is 06/08/2001 2:12:34 PM.
    When try to get that same number fromm java I get a long integer that is: 992023954881 which is longer and a little different.
    Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
    c.set(2001, Calendar.JUNE, 8, 14, 12, 34);
    long bigtime = c.getTime().getTime();
    I need the same exact long integer as the oracle database one so I can run queries from that date...
    Please help...

    The Java number is time in milliseconds since midnight GMT on January 1, 1970. It appears that the Oracle number is the time in seconds; the remaining discrepancy is probably due to your time zone not being GMT.

Maybe you are looking for