Time limit error no matter what optimization I do...

Hello Experts,
I am trying to optimize the code below since it always results in time limi error when we transport
it to production server. I have tried eliminating some select inside the loop and using for all entries
but it still gets the error. Anyway, below is the code and I hoe you can help me out on this one guys.
Thank you and take care!
LOOP AT lt_vbap ASSIGNING <wa_vbap>.
    IF <wa_vbap>-auart EQ 'ZUCI' OR
       <wa_vbap>-auart EQ 'ZURV' OR
       <wa_vbap>-auart EQ 'ZUPR'.
    Check if a delivery document has been created
     CLEAR wa_vbill.                  "used wa_vbfa-vbeln instead of wa_vbill
*Start of modification - AVH - 04/11/07
*/ Used read table instead of fetching records from database every loop
     SELECT SINGLE vbeln
       FROM vbfa
       INTO wa_vbill
      WHERE vbelv = <wa_vbap>-vbeln
        AND ( ( vbtyp_n EQ 'J' AND vbtyp_v = 'C' )
         OR ( vbtyp_n EQ 'T' AND vbtyp_v = 'H' ) ).
      CLEAR wa_vbfa.
      READ TABLE lt_vbfa INTO wa_vbfa WITH KEY vbelv   = <wa_vbap>-vbeln
                                               vbtyp_n = 'J'
                                               vbtyp_v = 'C'
                                               BINARY SEARCH
                                               TRANSPORTING vbeln.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
        READ TABLE lt_vbfa INTO wa_vbfa WITH KEY vbelv   = <wa_vbap>-vbeln
                                                 vbtyp_n = 'T'
                                                 vbtyp_v = 'H'
                                                 BINARY SEARCH
                                                 TRANSPORTING vbeln.
*End of modification - AVH - 04/11/07
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
        <wa_vbap>-del_ind = 'X'.
      Check if within selection parameters
        CLEAR wa_likp.
*Start of modification - AVH - 04/11/07
       READ TABLE lt_likp INTO wa_likp WITH KEY vbeln = wa_vbill.
        READ TABLE lt_likp INTO wa_likp WITH KEY vbeln = wa_vbfa-vbeln.
*End of modification - AVH - 04/11/07
*Start of modification - AVH - 04/11/07
*/ Used wa_vbfa instead of variable wa_vbill
        IF sy-subrc <> 0.
         SELECT SINGLE *
           FROM likp
           INTO wa_likp
          WHERE vbeln = wa_vbill.
          SELECT SINGLE *
            FROM likp
            INTO wa_likp
           WHERE vbeln = wa_vbfa-vbeln.
*End of modification - AVH - 04/11/07
          APPEND wa_likp TO lt_likp.
        IF NOT wa_likp-wadat_ist IN s_erdat.
          <wa_vbap>-del_ind = 'X'.
  Check if this has already been billed
   CLEAR wa_vbill.                      "Used wa_vbfa instead of wa_vbill
*Start of modification - AVH - 04/11/07
*/ Used read table instead of fetching records from database every loop
     SELECT SINGLE vbeln
       FROM vbfa
       INTO wa_vbill
      WHERE vbelv = <wa_vbap>-vbeln
        AND ( ( vbtyp_n EQ 'M' AND vbtyp_v = 'C' )
         OR ( vbtyp_n EQ 'O' AND vbtyp_v = 'H' ) ).
      CLEAR wa_vbfa.
      READ TABLE lt_vbfa INTO wa_vbfa WITH KEY vbelv   = <wa_vbap>-vbeln
                                               vbtyp_n = 'M'
                                               vbtyp_v = 'C'
                                               BINARY SEARCH
                                               TRANSPORTING vbeln.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
        READ TABLE lt_vbfa INTO wa_vbfa WITH KEY vbelv   = <wa_vbap>-vbeln
                                                 vbtyp_n = 'O'
                                                 vbtyp_v = 'H'
                                                 BINARY SEARCH
                                                 TRANSPORTING vbeln.
*End of modification - AVH - 04/11/07
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
        <wa_vbap>-del_ind = 'X'.
      Check if within selection parameters
        CLEAR wa_vbrk.
*Start of modification - AVH - 04/11/07
*/ Used wa_vbfa instead of variable wa_vbill.
       READ TABLE lt_vbrk INTO wa_vbrk WITH KEY vbeln = wa_vbill.
        READ TABLE lt_vbrk INTO wa_vbrk WITH KEY vbeln = wa_vbfa-vbeln.
        IF sy-subrc <> 0.
         SELECT SINGLE vbeln fkdat
           FROM vbrk
           INTO wa_vbrk
          WHERE vbeln = wa_vbill.
         APPEND wa_vbrk TO lt_vbrk.
          SELECT SINGLE vbeln fkdat
           FROM vbrk
           INTO wa_vbrk
          WHERE vbeln = wa_vbfa-vbeln.
          APPEND wa_vbrk TO lt_vbrk.
*End of modification
        IF NOT wa_vbrk-fkdat IN s_erdat.
          <wa_vbap>-del_ind = 'X'.
  Get Material Type and Division
    IF <wa_vbap>-spart IS NOT INITIAL.
      SELECT SINGLE mtart
        FROM mara
        INTO lv_mtart
       WHERE matnr = <wa_vbap>-matnr.
      SELECT SINGLE mtart spart
        FROM mara
        INTO (lv_mtart,<wa_vbap>-spart)
       WHERE matnr = <wa_vbap>-matnr.
  If material division is same as parameter division
    IF <wa_vbap>-spart = p_spart.
  If material is subsidiary-owned
   IF <wa_vbap>-spart in lr_spart.
    If customer is the same as that of parameter division
      IF <wa_vbap>-kunnr NE lr_kunnr OR <wa_vbap>-auart EQ 'ZUDO' OR <wa_vbap>-auart EQ 'ZUS3'.
      If item is a free good, tag order type as 'ZUPR' to treat
      the item the same way as 'ZUPR'
        IF <wa_vbap>-pstyv = 'TANN' OR
           <wa_vbap>-pstyv = 'ZKNF' OR
           <wa_vbap>-pstyv = 'ZKNN' OR
           <wa_vbap>-pstyv = 'ZFLO' OR
           <wa_vbap>-pstyv = 'ZKBF' OR
           <wa_vbap>-pstyv = 'ZKLN' OR
           <wa_vbap>-pstyv = 'ZREN'.
          lv_auart = <wa_vbap>-auart.
          IF lv_auart EQ 'ZUPR'.
            CLEAR <wa_vbap>-pstyv.
          <wa_vbap>-auart = 'ZUPR'.
          CLEAR: lv_mtart.
      Set Cost of Goods Sold Account
        <wa_vbap>-cogshkont = '0050000010'.
       CASE <wa_vbap>-auart.
         WHEN 'ZUDO' OR 'ZUPR' OR 'ZUCI'.
           IF p_rtrns EQ 'X'.
             <wa_vbap>-del_ind = 'X'.
         WHEN 'ZURD'.
           IF p_issue EQ 'X'.
             <wa_vbap>-del_ind = 'X'.
         WHEN OTHERS.
           <wa_vbap>-del_ind = 'X'.
        CASE <wa_vbap>-auart.
          WHEN 'ZUPR'.
            CASE lv_mtart.
              WHEN 'ZUL4'.
                <wa_vbap>-del_ind = 'X'.
              WHEN OTHERS.
              Check if division is defined in mapping table
                READ TABLE lt_ulsub INTO wa_ulsub
                     WITH KEY spart = <wa_vbap>-spart.
                IF sy-subrc = 0.
                  <wa_vbap>-kostl = wa_ulsub-kostlp.
                  <wa_vbap>-bukrs = wa_ulsub-bukrsp.
                  <wa_vbap>-type = 'TP'.
                Set Cost of Goods Sold Account
                  IF lv_auart = 'ZUPR'.
                    <wa_vbap>-cogshkont = '0050000006'.
                  <wa_vbap>-del_ind = 'X'.
          WHEN 'ZUCI' OR 'ZUDO' OR 'ZURD' OR 'ZUS3'.
        Get cost center from header text
            PERFORM get_cost_center USING <wa_vbap>-vbeln
                                 CHANGING <wa_vbap>-kostl.
*  Change by LGTE 11-02-2006
        Check if Medvale sales
            IF <wa_vbap>-auart EQ 'ZUCI' AND <wa_vbap>-kostl IS INITIAL.
              <wa_vbap>-del_ind = 'X'.
        Check if UL Cost Center
            ELSEIF <wa_vbap>-kostl NE gv_ul_kostl.
           IF <wa_vbap>-kostl NE gv_ul_kostl.
*  End change.
          Get material division and check if subsidiary product
             SELECT SINGLE spart FROM mara INTO <wa_vbap>-spart
             WHERE matnr = <wa_vbap>-matnr.
              READ TABLE lt_ulsub INTO wa_ulsub
                   WITH KEY spart = <wa_vbap>-spart.
              IF sy-subrc = 0.
              Get requestor's company code from cost center data
                SELECT SINGLE bukrs
                  FROM csks
                  INTO <wa_vbap>-bukrs
                 WHERE kokrs =  lc_kokrs
                   AND kostl =  <wa_vbap>-kostl
                   AND datbi GE sy-datum
                   AND datab LE sy-datum.
                IF sy-subrc = 0.
                For donations, only include if a subsidiary company is donating
                  IF <wa_vbap>-auart EQ 'ZUDO' OR <wa_vbap>-auart EQ 'ZUS3'.
                    IF NOT <wa_vbap>-kunnr IN lr_kunnrnt.
                      <wa_vbap>-del_ind = 'X'.
                   CHECK <wa_vbap>-kunnr IN lr_kunnrnt.
                For ZUCI, if the company code of the costcenter is UL, do not include
                  IF <wa_vbap>-bukrs EQ gc_ul_bukrs.
                    <wa_vbap>-del_ind = 'X'.
                  IF <wa_vbap>-bukrs = wa_ulsub-bukrsp.
                    <wa_vbap>-type = 'RV'.
                    <wa_vbap>-type = 'RV'.
                Check if customer defined in table ZFI_DONATIONS
                  SELECT SINGLE kunnr FROM zfi_donations INTO <wa_vbap>-kostl
                    WHERE kunnr = <wa_vbap>-kostl.
                  IF sy-subrc <> 0.
                    lv_error = 'X'.
                    CONCATENATE 'Cost center/Customer' <wa_vbap>-kostl
                                'does not exist. Please check Sales Order'
                                INTO lt_disp-message SEPARATED BY space.
                    lt_disp-type = 'E'.
                    <wa_vbap>-del_ind = 'X'.
                    APPEND lt_disp.
                    <wa_vbap>-type = 'RV'.
                <wa_vbap>-del_ind = 'X'.
              <wa_vbap>-del_ind = 'X'.
          WHEN OTHERS.
            <wa_vbap>-del_ind = 'X'.
        <wa_vbap>-del_ind = 'X'.
      <wa_vbap>-del_ind = 'X'.
  Get company code description
      FROM t001
      INTO <wa_vbap>-butxt
     WHERE bukrs = <wa_vbap>-bukrs.
    IF sy-subrc <> 0.
      SELECT SINGLE name1
        FROM kna1
        INTO <wa_vbap>-butxt
       WHERE kunnr = <wa_vbap>-kostl.
Change by LGTE on 11-02-2006
Get Transaction Type
    CASE <wa_vbap>-auart.
      WHEN 'ZUPR'. "UL Promo/Samples
        IF <wa_vbap>-pstyv = 'TANN' OR
           <wa_vbap>-pstyv = 'ZKNF' OR
           <wa_vbap>-pstyv = 'ZKNN' OR
           <wa_vbap>-pstyv = 'ZFLO' OR
           <wa_vbap>-pstyv = 'ZKBF' OR
           <wa_vbap>-pstyv = 'ZKLN' OR
           <wa_vbap>-pstyv = 'ZREN'.
          <wa_vbap>-ltext = 'Free Goods'.
          <wa_vbap>-ltext = 'Product Samples'.
      WHEN 'ZUDO'. "Donations - R/3
        <wa_vbap>-ltext = 'Donations - R/3'.
      WHEN 'ZUCI'. "Donations - ZUCI
        <wa_vbap>-ltext = 'Donations - ZUCI'.
      WHEN 'ZURD' OR 'ZUS3'. "UL Returns - Donation
        <wa_vbap>-ltext = 'UL Returns - Donation'.
  Get cost center description
   SELECT SINGLE ltext FROM cskt INTO <wa_vbap>-ltext
    WHERE spras = sy-langu
      AND kokrs = lc_kokrs
      AND kostl = <wa_vbap>-kostl
      AND datbi GE sy-datum.
End of change.
Get material description
      FROM makt
      INTO <wa_vbap>-maktx
     WHERE matnr = <wa_vbap>-matnr
       AND spras = sy-langu.
Get division from material master
   SELECT SINGLE spart FROM mara INTO <wa_vbap>-spart
    WHERE matnr = <wa_vbap>-matnr.
Get division description
      FROM tspat
      INTO <wa_vbap>-vtext
     WHERE spras = sy-langu
       AND spart = <wa_vbap>-spart.
Get Valuation Class
      FROM mbew
      INTO lv_bklas
     WHERE matnr = <wa_vbap>-matnr.
Determine G/L of FG Based on Valuation Class
    READ TABLE lt_val_cls INTO wa_val_cls WITH TABLE KEY bklas = lv_bklas.
    <wa_vbap>-fghkont = wa_val_cls-hkont.
Determine Cost Center of Cogs Account
    READ TABLE lt_ulsub INTO wa_ulsub WITH TABLE KEY spart = <wa_vbap>-spart.
    <wa_vbap>-cogskostl = wa_ulsub-kostlp.
  ENDLOOP.                                    "ENDLOOP

Hopefully it can help you:
1. Try remove all SELECT statement within LOOP, replace with select all data before LOOP using For ALL ENTRIES.
2.  Try use READ TABLE using BINARY SEARCH. Don't forget to SORT the table according your Search Key.
If it still couldn;t help, try run your report in background.

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    Feb 20 19:23:29 sherborn-g5 /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[335]: Backup requested by automatic scheduler
    Feb 20 19:23:29 sherborn-g5 /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[335]: Starting standard backup
    Feb 20 19:23:36 sherborn-g5 /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[335]: Backing up to: /Volumes/Time Mach 160Gb HD/Backups.backupdb
    Feb 20 19:23:37 sherborn-g5 /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[335]: Event store UUIDs don't match for volume Leopard HD
    Feb 20 19:23:37 sherborn-g5 /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[335]: Node requires deep traversal:/ reason:kFSEDBEventFlagMustScanSubDirs|kFSEDBEventFlagReasonEventDBUntrustable|
    Feb 20 19:27:47 sherborn-g5 /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[335]: No pre-backup thinning needed: 10.18 GB requested (including padding), 14.37 GB available
    Feb 20 19:27:52 sherborn-g5 /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[335]: MDBackupIndexFile returned -12 for: /Library/Application Support/5221530, /Volumes/Time Mach 160Gb HD/Backups.backupdb/Sherborn G5/2008-01-25-202510.inProgress/0FA23087-5ECE-44FB-8C5D-C089622A374E/Leopard HD/Library/Application Support/5221530
    Feb 20 19:27:52 sherborn-g5 /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[335]: Aborting backup because MDBackupIndexFile failed
    Feb 20 19:27:52 sherborn-g5 /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[335]: Canceling backup.
    Feb 20 19:27:54 sherborn-g5 /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[335]: Copied 2 files (18 KB) from volume Leopard HD.
    Feb 20 19:27:54 sherborn-g5 /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[335]: Copy stage failed with error:11
    Feb 20 19:27:55 sherborn-g5 /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[335]: Backup failed with error: 11

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    Make sure you set the time zone you want from the drop down menu in the upper right corner?

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    I removed Photoshop CS5 and Premiere, the only programs the cleaner would recognize. I rebooted between each and afterwards. I then ran the photoshop CS6 setup as administrator. I got the same thing.
    Exit Code: 6
    Please see specific errors and warnings below for troubleshooting. For example,  ERROR: DW050 ...
    -------------------------------------- Summary --------------------------------------
    - 0 fatal error(s), 7 error(s), 0 warning(s)
    ----------- Payload: {92D58719-BBC1-4CC3-A08B-56C9E884CC2C} Microsoft_VC80_CRT_x86 -----------
    ERROR: Install MSI payload failed with error: 2 - The system cannot find the file specified.
    MSI Error message:
    ----------- Payload: {7E91BB17-16A1-42CE-9502-D6C98BE04920} PDF Settings CS6 -----------
    ERROR: Install MSI payload failed with error: 2 - The system cannot find the file specified.
    MSI Error message:
    ERROR: DW050: The following payload errors were found during install:
    ERROR: DW050:  - Microsoft_VC90_CRT_x86: Install failed
    ERROR: DW050:  - PDF Settings CS6: Install failed
    ERROR: DW050:  - Microsoft_VC80_CRT_x86: Install failed
    ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe Mini Bridge CS6: Install failed
    ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe SwitchBoard 2.0: Install failed
    I am also getting this when I try to open PS6: Could not open a scratch file because the file is locked, you do not have necessary access permissions, or another program is using the file. Use the Properties command int he Windows Explorer to unlock the file. I have no idea where this file is, and I cannot open the program to modifiy the properties of the scratch disk. I am about to give up and return Photoshop 6.
    I have a 6 month old high end Windows 7 machine; PowerSpec Intel i7 cpu, 960 @ 3.20 GHz 3.19 GHz with 12 GB ram, 64-bit Operating system. There is no reason this program should not run.

  • I try to install many times. Error: 1 is what?

    The time when i want to install  my adobe photoshop written there Error 1. what does it means?

    Creative Cloud Error Codes (WIP) | Mylenium's Error Code Database

  • I am being kicking offline all the time the error is 80710102 what si this and how do i fix it

    hey dose anyone know what this error 80710102 is and how doi fix

    I have an iMac, Processor: 2.7 GHz Intel Core i5, memory: 8 GB 1333 MHz DDR3, OSX 10.7.5, FCPX 10.0.8. I have no third party plugins. First time responding to community. Forgive any protocol errors.
    Been working on variety of work projects for months prior to update with no problems. Took time off for a simple new project after updating to 10.0.8. Finished this small (11 minute) new project that is a combination of video and stills, with a few titles and simple transitions. Plays fine within FCPX, however, ran into same problem that started this chain, ie cannot share/export without getting same error message stated above related to a faulty frame.
    Tried several share/export Master File settings. Tried moving project (from within FCPX) to another drive which resulted in same error message, but related to other different frames. Tried replacing original data in affected frame with freshly exported replacement files using QTime. Same problem again. Was able to export to Compressor, but resulting ProRes 422 file was so jumpy it wasn't usable.
    Tried suggestions of Mark M 98021 and Hank LV, ie, halting all rendering in preferences and deleting render files. After this, I was successful in sharing/exporting at will.
    I have several other major projects that I am afraid to return to. I'm not an expert at the inner workings of FCPX and don't have time to keep dealing with this issue. I can leave rendering off, but not a satisfactory solution. Not sure if old rendered files might become infected.
    It would seem that there is a problem in the update. I hope this is corrected so I can continue with my work.

  • I used the iTunes match workaround and now want to start over, but I am being told I have exceeded the limit even though I completely cleared the match cloud, mindful of the 1000-delete-at-a-time limit....what should I do?

    I have over 25k songs in iTunes. I originally tried the "create a second library" solution. I reduced to less than 25k songs and successfully ran iTunes match. Then I discovered the limitations of the second library solution regarding adding more music, managing playlists, and turning back on my main library and being greeted with all sorts of problems.
    So, I created a blank library, ran iTunes match, and its showed me all of my files in the cloud that had been matched or uploaded. I deleted all of the files, mindful of the 1000 file limit per delete. I have confirmed I have now deleted them all. An iTunes match update says I have no files in the cloud. Perfect.
    I reduced my library again, this time using the superior method of just changing the files I do not want to match to voice memos. That is done. I have less than 25 k songs.
    I waited 2 days and ran match again. Yikes. It did not let me match or upload anything, and every music files's cloud status just says "exceeded limit," despite the fact that my cloud is devoid of music and I have no access to any music via match.
    I am in a limbo where I have nothing in the cloud from match, but I can't add anything because match says I exceeded my limit.
    I emailed customer support, and got back a useless email linking me to a very general article about iTunes match. I called customer service and they said this was something the iTunes store people would need to address, and they can only be contacted by email. Sigh . . . .
    Any thoughts?

    Have you confirmed that you successfull purged iTunes Match by also looking on an iOS device?  If so, keep in mind that Apple's servers may be experiencing a heavy load right now.  They just added about 19 countries to the service and I've read a few accounts this morning that suggests all's not running perfectly right now.

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