Time Machine cannot enter

I have successfully restored Time Machine backup to my Macbook Pro (10.6.8) but now cannot access Time Machine - either via Dock clicking on app icon - or via toolbar Enter Time Machine
Any suggestions welcome

Why did you restore?  Was there a problem?  Does your Mac work ok otherwise?
Were the backups from the same Mac?
What happens (or doesn't happen)?
Do you have the same problem in another user account?  (If you don't have one, make one via System Preferences > Accounts).

Similar Messages

  • HT3275 My Time Machine cannot complete a backup.

    My Time Machine cannot complete a backup.  The error message reads "The backup disk image "/Volumes/Brad Blocksidge's Time Caps/Macintosh.sparsebundle" is already in use.  Suggestions???

    Most common error reported here.. absolutely stock standard what you expect with Mountain Lion.
    Restart the TC will fix 98% of them..
    Pull out the power cord.. count to 10.. plug in the power cord.
    Check the info here for further info.

  • HT3275 Time machine cannot complete my backup

    Time machine cannot complete my backup because 'an error occurred while creating the backup folder'.  How do I solve this problem?

    Failed again this morning.  I checked my logs and one thing it showed was, "Error: (-50) Creating directory..."  I saw this...
    Re: Time Machine Issue-Unable to complete backup. An error occurred while creating the backup folder. 
    Jan 29, 2012 10:42 AM (in response to HMR529)
    one thing you can try
    Open system prefs and go to spotlight, in the privacy section add your Macintosh HD and any other drives you back up.  Give it a few seconds then remove your Macintosh HD and any other drives you added.  Close system preferences.  Watch the spotlight symbol on the top menu bar "looks like a magnifying glass".  It should have a dot in it as in is indexing all your drives again.  When the indexing is over (it can take a long time of your drive is big) now try to create a new backup with time machine...."
    As usual, it's gonna take a couple days to see if it works.  I'll let y'all know...and y'all should try it also, and let us know.

  • My time machine cannot complete my back up saying the "sparse bundle could not be accessed" error -1  Help please

    My time machine cannot complete my back up.  The message I receive says the "sparse bundle cannot be accessed.  (error -1)  Help please.

    Please read over Pondini's Time Machine Troubleshooting guide, specifically C17.

  • HT3275 Time machine cannot backup due to "The backup disk image "/Volume/Data/Dave's Macbook Pro."sparse bundle" is already in use." Does anyone know what this means and how to fix it??

    My time machine is sending me a message; "The backup disk image "/Volume/Data/Dave's Macbook Pro "sparse bundle" is already in use". As a result, the time machine cannot complete a backup. Any suggestions?

    Look at the more like this column on the right.. this is the most common problem reported here.
    You need to restart the TC.. that is all..
    Pull out the power cord.. count to 10.. plug in power cord.
    There are a few occasions where this fails.. see C12 http://pondini.org/TM/Troubleshooting.html

  • HT201250 Time Machine cannot find my external back-up drive when I click on the "select disk" button.  No drive is found. I have run a Time Machine back-up to this external drive in the past.  I'm on the latest version of Snow Leopard.  Thank you!

    Time Machine cannot find my external back-up drive when I click on the "select disk" button.  No drive is listed. I have run a Time Machine back-up to this external drive in the past.    Any suggestions

    Does the disk appear in Disk Utility?

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    Time machine cannot find volume, error-1.  Where can I fine solution for this error? Have latest updates for Airport Utility and TM, running Lion.

    See #C17 in Time Machine - Troubleshooting.

  • I have a wd mybook for mac.time machine cannot back up

    i have a wd mybook for mac.time machine cannot back up

    Try the troubleshooting help here >  Mac Basics: Time Machine

  • Time Machine cannot complete backup to MyBookLiveDuo

    Time Machine cannot complete backup to MyBookLiveDuo
    I am trying to use TimeMachine to setup a backup from a mid-2011 iMac running OSX 10.9.3 to a 4TB WD MyBook Live Duo drive on a network. I have 3 other MacBooks setup to use this shared drive using Time Machine as well as a PC using WD backup software.
    The backup from the iMac is failing with a message “The backup disk image /Volumes/TimeMachine/PM’s iMac.sparsebundle could not be accessed (error(null)).”. After looking through Pondini I change the name of the iMac from "PM’s iMac" to "Family" but the problem is not fixed.
    In fact the iMac seems to still uses the old machine name in the error message.
    In the console I see the following messages
    5/29/14 3:02:47.124 PM com.apple.backupd[220]: Failed to eject volume /Volumes/TimeMachine (FSVolumeRefNum: -106; status: -47; dissenting pid: 0)
    5/29/14 3:02:47.125 PM com.apple.backupd[220]: Waiting 60 seconds and trying again.
    5/29/14 3:03:22.547 PM spindump[427]: Saved hang report for Disk Utility version 13 (517) to /Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/Disk Utility_2014-05-29-150322_Family-iMac.hang
    5/29/14 3:03:29.854 PM mds[37]: (Normal) Volume: volume:0x7fcffb877000 ********** Bootstrapped Creating a default store:0 SpotLoc:(null) SpotVerLoc:(null) occlude:0 /Volumes/TimeMachine
    5/29/14 3:03:53.026 PM com.apple.backupd[220]: Network destination already mounted at: /Volumes/TimeMachine
    5/29/14 3:04:49.260 PM com.apple.backupd[220]: Failed to eject volume /Volumes/TimeMachine (FSVolumeRefNum: -106; status: -47; dissenting pid: 0)
    5/29/14 3:04:49.261 PM com.apple.backupd[220]: Waiting 60 seconds and trying again.
    5/29/14 3:05:32.882 PM mds[37]: (Normal) Volume: volume:0x7fcffb89d400 ********** Bootstrapped Creating a default store:0 SpotLoc:(null) SpotVerLoc:(null) occlude:0 /Volumes/TimeMachine
    5/29/14 3:05:52.689 PM apsd[61]: Unrecognized leaf certificate
    5/29/14 3:05:55.561 PM com.apple.backupd[220]: Network destination already mounted at: /Volumes/TimeMachine
    5/29/14 3:06:44.339 PM mds[37]: (Warning) Volume: vsd:0x7fcffb82d600 Open failed.  failureCount:6 {
        DisabledRecycleCount = 6;
    5/29/14 3:06:52.608 PM com.apple.backupd[220]: Failed to eject volume /Volumes/TimeMachine (FSVolumeRefNum: -106; status: -47; dissenting pid: 0)
    5/29/14 3:06:52.609 PM com.apple.backupd[220]: Giving up after 3 retries.
    5/29/14 3:06:52.814 PM com.apple.backupd[220]: Backup failed with error 21: 21
    5/29/14 3:07:12.831 PM com.apple.backupd[220]: Failed to eject volume /Volumes/TimeMachine (FSVolumeRefNum: -106; status: -47; dissenting pid: 0)
    Ha anyone seen this problem and been able to resolve it.

    Time Machine cannot complete backup to MyBookLiveDuo
    I am trying to use TimeMachine to setup a backup from a mid-2011 iMac running OSX 10.9.3 to a 4TB WD MyBook Live Duo drive on a network. I have 3 other MacBooks setup to use this shared drive using Time Machine as well as a PC using WD backup software.
    The backup from the iMac is failing with a message “The backup disk image /Volumes/TimeMachine/PM’s iMac.sparsebundle could not be accessed (error(null)).”. After looking through Pondini I change the name of the iMac from "PM’s iMac" to "Family" but the problem is not fixed.
    In fact the iMac seems to still uses the old machine name in the error message.
    In the console I see the following messages
    5/29/14 3:02:47.124 PM com.apple.backupd[220]: Failed to eject volume /Volumes/TimeMachine (FSVolumeRefNum: -106; status: -47; dissenting pid: 0)
    5/29/14 3:02:47.125 PM com.apple.backupd[220]: Waiting 60 seconds and trying again.
    5/29/14 3:03:22.547 PM spindump[427]: Saved hang report for Disk Utility version 13 (517) to /Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/Disk Utility_2014-05-29-150322_Family-iMac.hang
    5/29/14 3:03:29.854 PM mds[37]: (Normal) Volume: volume:0x7fcffb877000 ********** Bootstrapped Creating a default store:0 SpotLoc:(null) SpotVerLoc:(null) occlude:0 /Volumes/TimeMachine
    5/29/14 3:03:53.026 PM com.apple.backupd[220]: Network destination already mounted at: /Volumes/TimeMachine
    5/29/14 3:04:49.260 PM com.apple.backupd[220]: Failed to eject volume /Volumes/TimeMachine (FSVolumeRefNum: -106; status: -47; dissenting pid: 0)
    5/29/14 3:04:49.261 PM com.apple.backupd[220]: Waiting 60 seconds and trying again.
    5/29/14 3:05:32.882 PM mds[37]: (Normal) Volume: volume:0x7fcffb89d400 ********** Bootstrapped Creating a default store:0 SpotLoc:(null) SpotVerLoc:(null) occlude:0 /Volumes/TimeMachine
    5/29/14 3:05:52.689 PM apsd[61]: Unrecognized leaf certificate
    5/29/14 3:05:55.561 PM com.apple.backupd[220]: Network destination already mounted at: /Volumes/TimeMachine
    5/29/14 3:06:44.339 PM mds[37]: (Warning) Volume: vsd:0x7fcffb82d600 Open failed.  failureCount:6 {
        DisabledRecycleCount = 6;
    5/29/14 3:06:52.608 PM com.apple.backupd[220]: Failed to eject volume /Volumes/TimeMachine (FSVolumeRefNum: -106; status: -47; dissenting pid: 0)
    5/29/14 3:06:52.609 PM com.apple.backupd[220]: Giving up after 3 retries.
    5/29/14 3:06:52.814 PM com.apple.backupd[220]: Backup failed with error 21: 21
    5/29/14 3:07:12.831 PM com.apple.backupd[220]: Failed to eject volume /Volumes/TimeMachine (FSVolumeRefNum: -106; status: -47; dissenting pid: 0)
    Ha anyone seen this problem and been able to resolve it.

  • Time Machine cannot find internal backup disk.Lost disk image in Finder for internal backup volume.  OS 10.7.3.

    Lost disk image in Finder (Desktop) for backup disk on Intel Mac Pro OS 10.7.3. Time Machine cannot find the internal backup disk. The volume is grayed out in Disk Utility, though it CAN verify the volume. How do I get it back on my desktop?

    First, restart the Time Capsule by disconnecting the power adapter and reconnecting it. If other devices on the network can see it, you can skip this step.
    From the menu bar, select
     ▹ System Preferences ▹ Network
    Click the lock icon in the lower left corner of the window and authenticate to unlock the settings, if necessary. Click the Advanced button, then select the TCP/IP tab in the sheet that drops down. Click Renew DHCP lease.
    Try again to back up.

  • Time Machine Cannot Back up My Applications

    Dear Friends. My time machine cannot back up my applications and library although I do not put them in the lists of excluded files. I have macbook pro with retina display and I use Western Digital for my time machine. Please, help!

    Triple-click the line below to select it:
    Right-click or control-click the highlighted line and select
    Services ▹ Reveal
    from the contextual menu. A Finder window should open with a file selected. Move the selected file to the Trash. You'll be prompted for your administrator password. Reboot, recreate your Time Machine settings, and test.

  • Time Machine cannot back up my Mac.

    Time Machine cannot back up my Mac.  Error reads:  "Files can’t be copied onto the backup disk because it appears to be read-only.  This was the 2nd time I tried today. The first time it said something about 'hidden files.' I haven't had trouble before.

    Restart the Time Capsule. Launch AirPort Utility and check for a firmware update.

  • Time Machine cannot find external hard drive

    I have just recently purchased an airport extreme and have enjoyed being able to plug in an external hard drive for time machine. I think I must have reset my laptop while it was backing up because now I get an error every time it tries to back up. The error I get is disc image cannot be accessed (error 2) I have tried everything I can think (reseting router, unplugging and plugging back in the hard drive, changing networks, and then back) but still nothing. I am not even able to enter the time machine to back up to a time before I had this problem. I can however access the contents of the drive just not successfully complete a time machine back up. Thanks for the help

    Hi, and welcome to the forums.
    Start by Repairing the sparse bundle that contains your backups, via #A5 of the Time Machine - Troubleshooting *User Tip,* also at the top of the +Time Machine+ forum.
    If that doesn't help, try a "full reset" per #A4 there.
    You do need to know that backing-up this way is "iffy" and +*not supported+* by Apple. See the Using Time Machine with a USB drive connected to an Airport Extreme *User Tip,* also at the top of this forum.

  • Time Machine Cannot Recover Grey Items!!

    I need to retrieve some files from my Time Machine.
    By surfing in the past, from about one month ahead, I can see what I had in the folder i was looking for but the subfolders are grey colored and cannot be accessed or recovered!!
    Please help

    In the Finder, open the folder containing the items you want to restore. Then enter Time Machine.

  • Time Machine cannot complete backup

    My time machine backup cannot complete because it thinks there is not enough disk space.  After trying a number of things, I decided to start over by reformatting my backup disk (I have a secondary backup).  I have a 2TB external disk.  I have a 2TB internal disk that is 95GB full.  Certainly there must be some overhead for the backup process, but it can't double the backup.  I'm trying to do a full backup on an empty, newly formatted disk.  The message is:
    The backup disk ran out of space unexpectedly.  Time Machine will try to make more space available by removing expired backups during the next scheduled backup.
    I'm using OSX Mavericks 10.9.4
    Any ideas?

    These instructions must be carried out as an administrator. If you have only one user account, you are the administrator.
    Launch the Console application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Console in the icon grid.
    The title of the Console window should be All Messages. If it isn't, select
              SYSTEM LOG QUERIES ▹ All Messages
    from the log list on the left. If you don't see that list, select
              View ▹ Show Log List
    from the menu bar at the top of the screen.
    In the top right corner of the Console window, there's a search box labeled Filter. Initially the words "String Matching" are shown in that box. Enter the word "Starting" (without the quotes.) You should now see log messages with the words "Starting * backup," where * represents any of the words "automatic," "manual," or "standard."
    Each message in the log begins with the date and time when it was entered. Note the timestamp of the last "Starting" message that corresponds to the beginning of an an abnormal backup. Now
    so that all messages are showing, and scroll back in the log to the time you noted. Select the messages timestamped from then until the end of the backup, or the end of the log if that's not clear. Copy them to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C. Paste into a reply to this message by pressing command-V.
    ☞ If all you see are messages that contain the word "Starting," you didn't clear the text field.
    ☞ The log contains a vast amount of information, almost all of which is irrelevant to solving any particular problem. When posting a log extract, be selective. Don't post more than is requested.
    Please don't indiscriminately dump thousands of lines from the log into this discussion.
    Please don't post screenshots of log messages—post the text.
    ☞ Some private information, such as your name, may appear in the log. Anonymize before posting.

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