Timeline, canvas not available

Hi there, does anybody know why I suddenly cant access Canvas and timeline in my project ? They are grey in the Window menu

I remember when tom answered this question for me... its frustrating when you don't know why FCE is acting the way it is.
Think of it like this you're timeline and canvas are essentially the same thing as far as the app is concerned if you move around in you're canvas you move around in you're timeline.
You can kinda think about the view and browser being a duo in a little different way. They are where you preview you're media either by file name or by clip preview.
If the browser doesn't tell the timeline that it has a space available for you to put you're media, neither the timeline or canvas will appear.
Open you're project hit Command + N and name the sequence it makes. then double click on that sequence and everything should appear.
after that happy cutting

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    Many Thanks,

    I am having the same problem however I end up having hardware error "Sense code 52102"
    My video capture is similar to yours except I am using HD (Canon HNV model Legria HV40)
    The process takes a long time and I have breaks in my recording to DVD and with no sound - once it completed after 40 hours.
    I have wasted over 20 DVD's trying different things.
    OS:  Windows 7 64-bit.
    Video footage format:  HD 1440 X 1080 (1.333) 25fps, 48KHz
    Photoshop Images:  1440 X 1080 (1.333)
    I have not tried what you did buy opening up Encore and importing to new timeline , let me do that and see if I get the same message.

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        Thanks in Advance

    Hi Hunt,
           Here is the skinny.  A window base PC.  footage shot with HD sony HD cameras,  Project imported to Premiere CS3.  Once completed sent file to Adobe media encoder and render them as H.264 widescreen high Quality.  Imported them to Adobe Encore CS3.  After about ten files or so.  I got the error message.  Did all the basic trouble shoot like restarting the computer, got latest patch.  Even build a new test project with the same problem.
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       what do you think ????

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    I am having the same problem however I end up having hardware error "Sense code 52102"
    My video capture is similar to yours except I am using HD (Canon HNV model Legria HV40)
    The process takes a long time and I have breaks in my recording to DVD and with no sound - once it completed after 40 hours.
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    I have not tried what you did buy opening up Encore and importing to new timeline , let me do that and see if I get the same message.

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    Do you mean...
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    it is greyed out?
    Can't help much in the first instance because its not in my experience base... might be a prefs or install issue. If its not offered, but is named, then its a case of selecting the open sequence.
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    Message was edited by: JP Owens

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    The number of frames in each scene doesn't look like a problem.
    I would suggest you to Keep one scene and split your elements in Movie Clips instead of creating different scenes.
    Your explanation suggests that your scenes run continuously and there is no interaction by the user. So you can easily use 6 movie Clips in the timeline instead of Six Scenes.
    Let me know if this solution resolves your issue.

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    You're honestly better off not using QT.
    What is the basis and  foundation of this comment ?
    (apart from personal bias of course)
    We have never had any issues in using QT in a cross platform, cross facilty workflow.
    My peers and colleagues agree.
    Thing is Jim..if one works within a cross platform, cross facilty workflow...one often runs into QT. eg Uncompressed .mov (8, 10, 16 bit)  required. Not AVI or H264!.
    They wont change setups based on Jim Simons humble opinion on all things Apple.

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    Try This...
    Close All Open Apps...  Sign Out of your Account... Perform a Reset... Try again...
    Reset  ( No Data will be Lost )
    Press and hold the Sleep/Wake button and the Home button at the same time for at least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears. Release the Buttons.

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    While opening a saved for later notification, we are getting "The selected action is not available. The cause may be related to security. Contact your system administrator to verify your permission level for this action". error.
    This is a custom notification.
    Please help.

    HI All,
    Please help on this issue.

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    weeks ago. Looking for any advice now. Thanks.

    Hi Chris,
    I have tried all the usual remedies - remove, install all drivers, reinstall printer, Windows update, start/stop print spooler and all other printer related services, etc.
    I noticed that you had reinstalled the printer. Just a confirmation, when un-install this printer, please check
    if this printer still exist in registry. For more details, please refer to following KB.
    Registry entries for printing
    If printer entry still exist in registry, please delete that printer entry and re-install this printer again,
    then check if this issue still exists. (Please backup registry entries before operating registry. It will help us to avoid unexpected issue.)
    àand now see
    message Active Directory Domain Services is not available
    By the way, would you please let me know where/when get this
    Active Directory Domain Services is not available error message? Or provide a screenshot of it?
    (Please hide all protected or private information) Please check if all services are running correctly on the computer. Meanwhile, please refer to following article and check if can help you.
    Problem: Active Directory Domain Services is currently unavailable – Why does windows say no printers are installed?
    Please Note: Since the web site is not hosted by Microsoft, the link may change without notice. Microsoft
    does not guarantee the accuracy of this information.
    If any update, please feel free to let me know.
    Hope this helps.
    Best regards,
    Justin Gu

  • My external hard drive is not recognized by Time Machine; "The backup disk is not available" according to Disk Utility

    I'm not completely tech savvy, but I'm having troubles with my external memory & time machine.  I'm a student, and thus its very important to me to be able to back up my computer.
    I wanted to back up my Time Machine the other day.  I clicked the icon at the top of the page (beside the battery icon, etc.) and the message "The backup disk is not available".  I have a 500GB Seagate passport (ie: http://www.bestbuy.com/site/Seagate---FreeAgent-GoFlex-500GB-External-USB-2.0-Po rtable-Hard-Drive---Silver/9929098.p?id=1218196478444&skuId=9929098)
    My macbook pro is version 10.7.5 Mac OS X Lion.  My external memory is only about a year old. It hasn't been dropped or anything; it permanently sits secured to my desk.
    What appears when I click "Repair Disk":
    Verify and Repair volume “Time Machine Backups”
    Checking file systemChecking Journaled HFS Plus volume.
    Detected a case-sensitive volume.
    Checking extents overflow file.
    Checking catalog file.
    Incorrect block count for file shutdown_time
    (It should be 1 instead of 0)
    Invalid node structure
    Rebuilding catalog B-tree.
    The volume Time Machine Backups could not be repaired.
    Volume repair complete.Updating boot support partitions for the volume as required.Error: Disk Utility can’t repair this disk. Back up as many of your files as possible, reformat the disk, and restore your backed-up files.
    After clicking "Repair Disk" this message pops up: "Disk Utility Stopped Repairing 'Time Machine Backups'  Disk utility can't repair this disk. Back up as many as your files as possible, reformat the disk, and restore your backed-up files."
    I don't want to wipe my memory on my external disk just in case the disk doesn't restore (as I do not have another disk to back up my computer on to).
    What is going on? Why is this happening out of the blue? How can I fix this?

    Sounds like it either has, or is about to die.
    If you don't need anything off the old drive, then yes, replace it immediately with something a little more reolaable. I use WD Caviar Black personally. But anything that has a known low failure rate.

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