Timeline ripple question

Is there a way to apply a constant speed change to a clip and not have that clips duration update to the new length, rippling everything down the timeline?
There are times when I need to insert a clip into a pre-produced doughnut with set clip lengths. The footage I'm inserting needs to run at 50% - 70% speed starting at my IN point. The workaround at this point is to lock all the tracks and do the speed change on another unlocked track, and then unlock everything and drag the effected clip into the space.
Does my question make sense? Is there a way to do what I'm wanting to do?

If you are happy using 50% or don't want to do any extra math, figure out the duration of the space between the two clips it will be between. Let's say your gap has a duration of 1 sec. Load up the clip you want to change the speed on into the viewer. Set your inpoint, and set your duration to 15 frames. Now change the speed in the viewer (cmd j) to 50%. Your clip is now 1 sec long at 50%, a perfect fit for that gap you have. Easy for speeds of 50%, anything else you actually have to think about the math.

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    For # 5, why do you want the Audio to move? Jim has given you a method to do it, but what is the exact purpose of chaning the Audio Track?
    Remember, you can change the name of any Track, so if you do not want to see Audio 1, you can change that to "AVI Audio," or anything that you want.
    Projecting a bit, in case this question comes up, the Audio Clip's channel-count must match the channel-count of the Audio Track. This ARTICLE goes into more detail.
    Good luck,

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    More later in the morning. But just leaving you with some things to check out.
    In Premiere Elements 12, the render indicator system is
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    ProRes LT would make the graphics look better, but it won't improve the quality of the HDV footage. Video quality can't really be improved over the original.

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    Right. I think this only affects new projects; if you were to open a project that only has one sequence after your project with six sequences, you'd get only one sequence tab. However, creating a new project would create a timeline panel with as many sequence tabs as were open in the previous project.
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    You need to spend a little time learning the application.
    A sequence is what you edit in and appears in the timeline window. A clip when opened from the browser appears in the viewer. The sequence icon has two horizontal yellows bars on it. Do you have one of those in the browser? If you double click on one the timeline window will open.
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    1. I have suggested a solution to this on your other post.
    2. Add the stop() as a mouseEnter/mouseOver event on the symbol that is being animated that will stop the playhead at its current location, a mouseLeave play() will restart the animation but in the 'play' direction, You could then use a variable to determine which direction the playhead was moving and always send it in the same direction when mousing out, if you need/want it to do that. Hope this helps

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    From the top menu bar choose Window and from the drop-down menu check Audio editor.You can choose all else according to what you want to do.
    Go through the manual about Layouts.

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    A basic menu with just buttons and links should not take more than an hour if all the artwork is provided as well as accurate requirements definition up front.  Considering a usual lack of the well-defined requirements and back and forth I would go two hours for an estimate.
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    As I can't find a clear answer in my FCP-manual, I'll ask my very simple question here...
    What I want to do is select a segment (V, A1, A2)in my timeline, ripple delete it and then paste insert my selection into another part of the timeline. Pretty basic I should say.
    As I like to do this as fast as possible and using only my keyboard, I tried it the way I used to do it on the AVID.
    So, in this case:
    *I make an IN-OUT selection with 'x'
    *I ripple-delete with the delete button
    *I set an IN-point somewhere else in the timeline, where I want my selection inserted and press 'arrow-V'.
    And then some old selection appears, instead of the segment I had just ripple-deleted before!
    So what am I doing wrong?
    Or am I asking too much wanting to insert paste the same selection as I just ripple-deleted, without any mouse-movement?
    And in case it's not possible... what will be the fastest way then?
    Best regards,
    Robbie V., Amsterdam, the Netherlands
    Mac Pro Mac OS X (10.4.7)

    For the record, the drag-then-Option method is just one keystroke. That's one long keystroke and one long mouse click.
    The other method is three keystrokes and two mouse clicks. (And you have to make sure your AutoSelect buttons are in the correct state for the tracks you want to paste the clips to. If not, then there are more mouse clicks involved.)
    Not that I'm counting, mind you.

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