Several timeline technique questions

1) When you drag the end of a clip longer or shorter in the timeline, a little window pops up showing how many frames you're moving.
Question: Is it possible to see the new lengh as you drag also or in addition?
2) When you move a clip in the timeline up or down to a new track, is there a key stroke to lock it so it does not move left or right?
3) How do I keep a clip on a lower layer from dissolving with the dissolve effect on the layer above it?
4) My sequences are all set to 720x480 wide, but my title window is 720x480 standard.   Can I get the title window 'wide'?
5) When I put a video clip on a different layer, the audio track stays on its same layer.   How can I get it to move to another layer automatically with the video clip move?
Thanks for your help.
iMac, Premiere Pro 5.5

For # 5, why do you want the Audio to move? Jim has given you a method to do it, but what is the exact purpose of chaning the Audio Track?
Remember, you can change the name of any Track, so if you do not want to see Audio 1, you can change that to "AVI Audio," or anything that you want.
Projecting a bit, in case this question comes up, the Audio Clip's channel-count must match the channel-count of the Audio Track. This ARTICLE goes into more detail.
Good luck,

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    1. If you select iMovie>Preferences>General>Snap to item in Timeline, you'll be able to relocate your audio tracks very easily.
    2. I'm not quite sure about the pushpin behavior either. But you're right, iMovie doesn't stop you from making a change that a pin should stop you (or at least warn you) from making.
    3. No, you can't lock a clip to a given point in the time line.
    4. That technique used to work in iMovie 4. With iMovie HD 5 I think you can hold down the control key and movie video clips frame by frame, but it doesn't work with audio clips.
    In iMovie HD 6 the control key is needed to do a frame by frame movie of a video clip, but not with an audio clip. Just select the audio clip and hit the left or right arrow.

  • Creating a combined timeline based on several timelines in several tables

    I need to extract a timeline for a customer based on valid_from and valid_to dates in several tables.
    For example: I have a table named customers with an id, a valid_from and a valid_to date and a table named contracts with an contrat_name, customer_id and valid_from and valid_to:
    1 | 01.03.2010 | 01.01.4000
    ContractA | 1 | 01.03.2010 | 01.10.2010
    ContractB | 1 | 01.10.2010 | 01.01.4000
    The following statement would now give me the correct timeline:
    select customer, con.contract_name contract, greatest(cus.valid_from,con.valid_from) valid_from, least(cus.valid_to,con.valid_to) valid_to
    from customers cus
    inner join contracts con on = con.customer_id;
    1 | ContractA | 01.03.2010 | 01.10.2010
    1 | ContractB | 01.10.2010 | 01.01.4000
    That works, but I get a problem as soon as I have a point of time where there is no contract for a customer but I still would like to have these periods in my timeline:
    Let's assume the following data and the same select statement:
    1 | 01.03.2010 | 01.01.4000
    ContractA | 1 | 01.05.2010 | 01.10.2010
    ContractB | 1 | 01.12.2010 | 01.03.2011
    What I would now get would be:
    1 | ContractA | 01.05.2010 | 01.10.2010
    1 | ContractB | 01.12.2010 | 01.03.2011
    But what I would like to get is the following:
    1 | null | 01.03.2010 | 01.05.2010
    1 | ContractA | 01.05.2010 | 01.10.2010
    1 | null | 01.10.2010 | 01.12.2010
    1 | ContractB | 01.12.2010 | 01.03.2011
    1 | null | 01.03.2011 | 01.01.4000
    What I do not want to do is to generate a result with contract = null any time there is no contract since I actually want to join the timeline of several different tables into one and it would therefore become very complicated to assume things based on what data can or can not be found in one specific table.
    Thanks for any help or ideas,

    Hi, Thomas,
    Thomas Schenkeli wrote:
    ... Is this the way you meant? Because I actually didn't have to change anything about part (b) of the statement since non-matching results were excluded by the where-clause "OR     valid_from     < valid_to" in the final select anyway.You're absolutely right. Sorry about the mistakes in my last message. I'm glad you solved the problem anyway.
    Beware of SELECT DISTINCT . Adding DISTINCT causes the system to do extra work, often because the query was doing something wrong and generating too many rows, so you pay for it twice. In this case, the join conditions in (b) are different from (a) and (c), so b is generating too many rows. The DISTINCT in the main query corrects that mistake, but it would be more efficient just to avoid the mikstake in the first place, and use the same join conditions in all 3 branches of the UNION. (You could also factor out the join, doing it once in another sub-query, and then referencing that result set in each branch of the UNION.)
    You can get the same results a little more efficiently, with a little less code, this way:
    WITH     union_data     AS
         SELECT       MIN (ua.customer_id)     AS customer_id
         ,       NULL               AS contract_name
         ,       MIN (ua.valid_from)     AS valid_from
         ,       MIN (oa.valid_from)     AS valid_to
         ,       'A'                AS origin
         FROM       tmp_customers     ua
         JOIN       tmp_contracts     oa     ON     oa.customer_id     = ua.customer_id
                               AND     oa.valid_from     >= ua.valid_from
                             AND     oa.valid_to     <= ua.valid_to
         GROUP BY
        UNION ALL
         SELECT       ub.customer_id
         ,       ob.contract_name
         ,       ob.valid_from
         ,       ob.valid_to
         ,       'B'                AS origin
         FROM       tmp_customers     ub
         JOIN       tmp_contracts     ob     ON     ob.customer_id     = ub.customer_id
                               AND     ob.valid_from     >= ub.valid_from
                             AND     ob.valid_to     <= ub.valid_to
        UNION ALL
         SELECT       uc.customer_id
         ,       NULL               AS contract_name
         ,       oc.valid_to          AS valid_from
         ,       LEAD ( oc.valid_from
                     , 1
                     , uc.valid_to
                     ) OVER ( PARTITION BY
                        ORDER BY      oc.valid_from
                         )          AS valid_to
         ,       'C'                AS origin
         FROM       tmp_customers     uc
         JOIN       tmp_contracts     oc     ON     oc.customer_id     = uc.customer_id
                               AND     oc.valid_from     >= uc.valid_from
                             AND     oc.valid_to     <= uc.valid_to
    SELECT       *
    FROM       union_data
    WHERE       contract_name     IS NOT NULL
    OR       valid_from     < valid_to
    ORDER BY  customer_id
    ,       valid_from
    You may have noticed that this site normally doesn't display multiple spaces in a row.
    Whenever you post formatted text on this site, type these 6 characters:
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  • Animation in FXD file - How to start several timelines simultaneously

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    As each FXD file contains different animations for different object and what not, how can I simply trigger all animations to execute at once?
    So far I am using:
    var action = fxdContent.getObject("moveCircle") as Timeline;;But say for example, I have three animations in my FXD -> "moveCircle", "moveSquare", "moveLine" how can I initiate them all at once?

    If you want to start several parallel transitions simultaneously, you should use the class javafx.animation.transition.ParallelTransition to do it. It can be defined either in directly in FXD content
    FXD {
            actions: [
                ParallelTransition {
                    id: "main"
                    content: [
                        Timeline {
                            id: "animation1"
                            repeatCount: 1
                            autoReverse: false
                            keyFrames: [
                                KeyFrame {
                                    time: 3000
                                    values: [ KeyValue { target: #rect.x value: 40} ]
                        Timeline {
                            id: "animation2"
                            repeatCount: 1
                            autoReverse: false
                            keyFrames: [
                                KeyFrame {
                                    time: 3000
                                    values: [ KeyValue { target: #rect1.y value: 200} ]
         content: [
                Rectangle {
                    id: "rect"
                    x: 10
                    y: 11
                    width: 40
                    height: 40
                    fill: Color.RED               
                Rectangle {
                    id: "rect1"
                    x: 50
                    y: 50
                    width: 40
                    height: 40
                    fill: Color.GREEN
    }or can be in the JavaFX Script code, for example
    var main = ParallelTransition {
            content: [
               fxdContent.getObject("moveCircle") as Timeline,
               fxdContent.getObject("moveSquare") as Timeline,
               fxdContent.getObject("moveLine") as Timeline
        }the parallel transition is then simply started by the play() method.

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    As a preemptory response...yes I am in touch with AJA engineers as well to try and get an answer to this question 

  • Timeline Slideshow question

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    The problem I have is that when I do create it according to this
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    your security, Internet Explorer has restricted this page from
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    but I must be doing something wrong because I don't get this
    message when I view MilliesTuxandBridal. Can anyone figure out how
    they made the slideshow in Millie's website so that a security
    message doesn't show? Should I make the slideshow in Flash instead
    of Dreamweaver? Or is there another program or tutorial I should
    try? Any ideas on what I am doing wrong? Thanks for any help with
    this matter. By the way, I would like to make this slideshow with
    10 photos and to have the photos overlap each other slightly.
    Thanks again.

    I am still trying to figure out the Timeline in Dreamweaver
    and I appreciate the help I have received. I was actually able to
    make it work with this tutorial
    . Although it did work well after uploading my page to my webhost,
    I noticed that the slideshow, which worked well in IE7 did not
    rotate through the slideshow in Firefox (I have tried it
    on several computers/browsers). One other thing I am after is a way
    to make the Timeline rotate images with a slight overlap of images
    instead of just swapping the images. I did try using different
    layers on different channels but was unsuccessful. I did notice one
    other mistake I have been making and not sure which way is correct.
    When I use a layer with a image in the Timeline, do I use the layer
    or the image? (I did see one of each in one of my test

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    Does my question make sense? Is there a way to do what I'm wanting to do?

    If you are happy using 50% or don't want to do any extra math, figure out the duration of the space between the two clips it will be between. Let's say your gap has a duration of 1 sec. Load up the clip you want to change the speed on into the viewer. Set your inpoint, and set your duration to 15 frames. Now change the speed in the viewer (cmd j) to 50%. Your clip is now 1 sec long at 50%, a perfect fit for that gap you have. Easy for speeds of 50%, anything else you actually have to think about the math.

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    10.7.3, bound to AD
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    3. I cannot edit user's shortnames via WGM. Even so, it wouldn't accomplish what i need. So i'm fine with just manually creating aliases.  I tried to edit the postfix aliases file for a test alias
    group:     user1, user2
    Doesn't work even after restarting mail it says it's unknown user.  Mailman doesn't work the way i expected. I need to create distrobution groups, not a maillist.
    Anyone know how i can fix these issues?

    "Is it normal to learn in the beginning and then to start working correctly?"
    In essence, yes.
    Graylisting is on by default when you configure and enable the Mail Service and it's actually a good thing if you're prepared to be patient. However you may decide you don't actually need it and resort to other methods of filtering mail to your domain. There are many tools available for any enterprise wishing to run it's own private mail server and graylisting is just one option. There are lots of resources explaining graylisting which you can google for yourself.
    However these might help?
    A good resource for all things OS X Mail Server is here:
    Your iCal Service issue for Active Directory Users may be answered here:
    However the problem you're describing with certificates is not good and you should really clear this up as soon as you can. There are some 'golden rules' regarding servers in general and OS X Server in particular. In no particular order these are:
    1 - Start at the end to begin at the beginning (a bit odd but it does make sense if you think about it)
    2 - DNS. Get this bit right and everything else will follow
    3 - If you mess up the initial configuraton right at the beginning it's best to start again
    4 - DNS. Get this bit right and everything else will follow
    5 - A lot of features you'd expect from a Mail Server for Enterprise use is not in the GUI. You will have to use Terminal sooner rather than later. This is also true to a lesser degree with other services.
    6 - DNS. Get this bit right and everything else will follow
    The above is only my opinion.
    If you've not already done so you may want to start again (wipe and reinstall) otherwise you may find as time goes on that the instability the server is suffering from at the moment will only get worse and usually when you least want it.

  • Audio disappeared on several timelines in project. How do I get it back?

    I am working on a project that I started in CS4 and continued in CS5 after the upgrade.  At first I had to do a lot of re-linking for some reason, but most everything works fine.  However on 3 of the 6 timelines the audio is gone.  It shows up as a solid line with no waveform (even though that view is selected).  I haven't been able to figure out any way to get it back.  I tried closing the project and deleting the .pek files in the "Media Cache Files" folder, and re-opening the project hoping that it would recreate them, but that didn't happen.  I also opened a new project and imported the original file (captured on a p-2 card).  That didn't seem to work either.  Help!???

    I would first try the Match Frame (the M-key in CS5, IIRC). Place the CTI over one of those Flatline Clips, and Select that Audio Clip. Press the M-key. Does that restore the Audio?
    I do not know if there is a shortcut to do an entire Timeline, so it might be a Clip-by-Clip basis. Maybe others will have an easier way to do the full Timeline.
    Good luck,
    PS - Welcome to the forum.

  • Several how-to questions...

    I'm looking for answers to the following questions with respect to Framemaker 9:
    1) How do I get the Spell Checker to recognize words that abut dash ems and ellipsis?  Currently the Spell check flags such instances.
    2) Is there no way to display POTENTIALLY misspelled words as Microsoft Word does with wiggly red underlines?
    3) When hypenation is turned ON for a particular paragraph design, how does one keep the very last word on the page from hyphenating without affecting all of the other hyphenation within that paragraph?  I would have though Framemaker would know better than to split a word in the middle of a page break.
    ...this is an example of what I am talking about. Hyphen-
    ---------auto page break-----
    ation is occuring across a page break!
    4) Is there a way to make the text large in the Adobe Help Viewer window?  If one is working on a 26"+ LCD monitor, the default text in the Help viewer is so small one needs a magnifying glass to read it.

    >> Try a thin-space between the words and the em-dash or ellipsis.
    Thanks, but that really creates another problem, that is, when using FULL JUSTIFICATION the thin space and become a huge space.  I can't believe FM is so dumb that it doesn't know better than to flag the words left and right of a dash em as misspelled.
    >>  IIRC, this is a browser function - "ctrl +" to enlarge in Firefox and Chrome.
    I have no idea what you just said.  What is IIRC?  And what does FF and Chrome have to do with the sad Adobe Help viewer?

  • How to save a looks with several timeline's layers?

    I need two masks in a correction, therefore is essential another layer in the timeline for the second mask, but how I can to save a looks that includes the two layers?

    Hea Manuel,
    right now you cannot save two seperate looks in one Lookfile.
    you have to save them seperately. to apply them:
    1) apply first look on desired clip
    2) drag second look onto the desired clip, creating a separate gradinglayer
    hope that helps,

  • Several Boot Camp Questions

    I want to install Windows for games on my late 2012 iMac
    1) Do I have to get any special versions?  Will OEM versions work?  I can only seem to find OEM versions of Windows 7 on Amazon.
    2) For gaming should I get Windows 7 or Windows 8.1
    3) Will I have any problems with my bluetooth keyboard? (I have a USB gaming mouse)
    4) Is there any place I can purchase a downloadable copy of Windows?  I can't seem to find any.
    A peripheral question: I'm going to be using XPlane flight simulator which is available for Windows and Mac.  Is there any reason to pick one OS over the other for an application like that?

    OEM is fine, all you need is the key ... for the w7 ISO, go here
    for gaming, 7 or 8.1 both are fine. if same price, go 8.1, why not ... note, though, you'll need to buy a 8.1 DVD as you cannot consistently find these ISOs online
    if the BT kb is already paired in OSX before you start boot camp assistant, it *should* be fine but would not hurt to have a wired kb and mouse handy

  • Premiere Elements 12 - Timeline Rendering Question.

    Hello All.
    When I add my video files to my timeline, press the "Render" button for a smoother timeline, after the process has finished, the quality looks terrible. Am I doing something wrong?

    More later in the morning. But just leaving you with some things to check out.
    In Premiere Elements 12, the render indicator system is
    You are getting the best possible preview, no rendering possible since you already have best preview
    no colored line over Timeline content
    green line over Timeline content
    You are not getting best possible preview, rendering possible
    orange line over the Timeline content
    Above the Timeline is the Work Area Bar with two gray tabs. Those tabs need to span the whole content to be rendered. Are your gray tabs of the Work Area Bar doing that? If not, move them to span the content to be rendered. Keyboard shortcuts are
    Alt + [ for the left gray tab at the start of the content
    Alt+] for the right gray tab at the end of the content
    If none of the above factors into your present situation, you might want to post a screenshot of your Timeline setup in the Expert workspace of your Premiere Elements 12.

  • Several Tape Backups Questions

    1. Does Maxdb Support Backup to Tape with norewind I mean doing the backup to /dev/rmt/0n or /dev/rmt/0c because I cannot make it work in any of those, but it does work to /dev/rmt/0c.
    2. When I do a backup to tape /dev/rmt/0c does maxdb write the eof to the tape? Or must I do it myself?
    This is the error when I try norewind tape either with /dev/rmt/0n or /dev/rmt/0c
    2007-04-04 11:25:57   106 ERR 11000 d0_aopen filetype found tape norewind, required tape rewind
    2007-04-04 11:25:58    30 ERR 52012 SAVE     error occured, basis_err 3700
    2007-04-04 11:25:58    30 ERR     3 Backup   Data backup failed
    2007-04-04 11:25:58    30 ERR     1 Backup    +   Backupmedium #1 (/dev/rmt/0cn) Wrong file type
    2007-04-04 11:25:58    30 ERR     6 KernelCo  +   Backup error occured, Errorcode 3700 "hostfile_error"
    2007-04-04 11:25:58    30 ERR    17 SrvTasks  +   Servertask Info: because Error in backup task occured
    2007-04-04 11:25:58    30 ERR    10 SrvTasks  +   Job 1 (Backup / Restore Medium Task) [executing] WaitingT114 Result=3700
    2007-04-04 11:25:58    30 ERR     6 KernelCo  +   Error in backup task occured, Errorcode 3700 "hostfile_error"

    Hi Daniel,
    to the 1. question:
    the supported way would be make a backup to the real file which you can afterwards put to the tape. You can try your way but in this case we don't guarantee that the backup vs. recovery will be successfull.
    to the 2. question:
    if I understand you right you will try to simulate no-rewind tape with OS tools. As the using of no-rewind tapes for backup and recovery is not supported by us it is your own risk for testing and establishing such kind of backup/recovery.
    Oksana Alekseous

  • Timeline Compression Question

    I am working with footage in a timeline that is HD (1440x1080)(16:9), compressor video setting is HDV 1080i60.
    To get a higher level of quality, should I change the compressor setting to ProRes LT within the timeline before I export?
    Text, photos, and graphics are part of the project and any help would be great.

    ProRes LT would make the graphics look better, but it won't improve the quality of the HDV footage. Video quality can't really be improved over the original.

Maybe you are looking for