Timemachine menubar icon greyed out

I'm not sure when it happened but I can no longer enter Timemachine, either via the menubar icon which is greyed out or via the Dock app.
It backs up fine but I cannot access the backups via the 'starwars' interface.
OSX 10.7.2, MacPro 12-core, TM on its own internal 2TB Samsung HD.
Tried premissions repair and Repair the TM disk, no dice.

Try the things in #E4 of Time Machine - Troubleshooting.

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    Please follow the mentioned steps:
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    Dedicating four drives to hold data that could be serviced by one will not get you performance or data security. If you seek performance, use a pair of drives to create a Striped RAID, and plan on rolling the files off to another medium at the end of the day or every few days.
    Mirrored RAID is NOT Backup. It extends the time-to-repair after a drive failure, and is useful for mission-critical and near-non-stop services. You still need a backup scheme. If you have to do backups anyway, why bother with Mirrored RAID unless you have data that meets the description above?
    We  sucessfully created a raid zero set in disk utility  from the two drives, but Raid Utility doesn't recognise them.
    You choose one or the other. Either you are using RAID Utility and the RAID card, OR
    ... you are NOT using the RAID card and using Disk Utility.
    The RAID card is useful for RAID schemes where checksums must be computed and checked on-the-fly, such as RAID 5.

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