Tips on creating a Preloader (AS2.0)

Hi all
I am new to ActionScript and to the Adobe forums, I have just
created my first Flash application and now want to create a
preloader for my swf file, I am looking for any general tips on
creating preloader code or tutorials on this topic. My first Flash
application is located at:
USA Information
I understand OOP and have studied the basics of Flash
animation, any help will be much appreciated.

Similar Messages


    제품 : SQL*PLUS
    작성날짜 : 1996-11-12
    TIPS(18) : Creating Scripts to Recreate a Table Structure
    The script creates scripts that can be used to recreate a table structure.
    For example, this script can be used when a table has become fragmented or to
    get a defintion that can be run on another database.
    This script creates scripts to recreate a table structure.
    Use the script to reorganise a table that has become fragmented,
    to get a definition that can be run on another database/schema or
    as a basis for altering the table structure (eg. drop a column!).
    IMPORTANT: Running the script is safe as it only creates two new scripts and
    does not do anything to your database! To get anything done you have to run the
    scripts created.
    The created scripts does the following:
    1. save the content of the table
    2. drop any foreign key constraints referencing the table
    3. drop the table
    4. creates the table with an Initial storage parameter that
    will accomodate the entire content of the table. The Next
    parameter is 25% of the initial.
    The storage parameters are picked from the following list:
    64K, 128K, 256K, 512K, multiples of 1M.
    5. create table and column comments
    6. fill the table with the original content
    7. create all the indexes incl storage parameters as above.
    8. add primary, unique key and check constraints.
    9. add foreign key constraints for the table and for referencing
    10.Create the table's triggers.
    11.Compile any depending objects (cascading).
    12.Grant table and column privileges.
    13.Create synonyms.
    This script must be run as the owner of the table.
    If your table contains a LONG-column, use the COPY
    command in SQL*Plus to store/restore the data.
    from SQL*Plus:
    start reorgtb
    This will create the scripts REORGS1.SQL and REORGS2.SQL
    REORGS1.SQL contains code to save the current content of the table.
    REORGS2.SQL contains code to rebuild the table structure.
    undef tab;
    set echo off
    column a1 new_val stor
    column b1 new_val nxt
    024))+1))||'M', /* > 1M new rounded up to nearest Megabyte */
    decode(sign(512-sum(bytes)/1024), -1,'1M',
    decode(sign(256-sum(bytes)/1024), -1,'512K',
    decode(sign(128-sum(bytes)/1024), -1,'256K',
    decode(sign(64-sum(bytes)/1024) , -1,'128K',
    024))+1))||'M', /* > 1M new rounded up to nearest Megabyte */
    decode(sign(512-sum(bytes)/4096), -1,'1M',
    decode(sign(256-sum(bytes)/4096), -1,'512K',
    decode(sign(128-sum(bytes)/4096), -1,'256K',
    decode(sign(64-sum(bytes)/4096) , -1,'128K',
    from user_extents
    where segment_name=upper('&1');
    set pages 0 feed off verify off lines 150
    col c1 format a80
    spool reorgs1.sql
    PROMPT drop table bk_&1
    prompt /
    PROMPT create table bk_&1 storage (initial &stor) as select * from &1
    prompt /
    spool off
    spool reorgs2.sql
    PROMPT spool reorgs2
    select 'alter table '||table_name||' drop constraint
    from user_constraints where r_constraint_name
    in (select constraint_name from user_constraints where
    and constraint_type in ('P','U'));
    PROMPT drop table &1
    prompt /
    prompt create table &1
    select decode(column_id,1,'(',',')
    ||decode(data_type,'DATE' ,'DATE '
    ,'LONG' ,'LONG '
    ,'RAW' ,'RAW '
    ,'CHAR' ,'CHAR '
    ,'NUMBER' ,'NUMBER '
    decode(data_type,'DATE' ,null
    ,'LONG' ,null
    ,'LONG RAW',null
    ,'RAW' ,decode(data_length,null,null
    ,'CHAR' ,decode(data_length,null,null
    ,'VARCHAR' ,decode(data_length,null,null
    ,'NUMBER' ,decode(data_precision,null,' '
    ,'unknown'),8,' ')
    ||decode(nullable,'Y','NULL','NOT NULL') c1
    from user_tab_columns
    where table_name = upper('&1')
    order by column_id
    prompt )
    select 'pctfree '||t.pct_free c1
    ,'pctused '||t.pct_used c1
    ,'initrans '||t.ini_trans c1
    ,'maxtrans '||t.max_trans c1
    ,'tablespace '||s.tablespace_name c1
    ,'storage (initial '||'&stor' c1
    ,' next '||'&stor' c1
    ,' minextents '||t.min_extents c1
    ,' maxextents '||t.max_extents c1
    ,' pctincrease '||t.pct_increase||')' c1
    from user_Segments s, user_tables t
    where s.segment_name = upper('&1') and
    t.table_name = upper('&1')
    and s.segment_type = 'TABLE'
    prompt /
    select 'comment on table &1 is '''||comments||''';' c1 from
    where table_name=upper('&1');
    select 'comment on column &1..'||column_name||
    ' is '''||comments||''';' c1 from user_col_comments
    where table_name=upper('&1');
    prompt insert into &1 select * from bk_&1
    prompt /
    set serveroutput on
    cursor c1 is select index_name,decode(uniqueness,'UNIQUE','UNIQUE')
    from user_indexes where
    table_name = upper('&1');
    indname varchar2(50);
    cursor c2 is select
    decode(column_position,1,'(',',')||rpad(column_name,40) cl
    from user_ind_columns where table_name = upper('&1') and
    index_name = indname
    order by column_position;
    l1 varchar2(100);
    l2 varchar2(100);
    l3 varchar2(100);
    l4 varchar2(100);
    l5 varchar2(100);
    l6 varchar2(100);
    l7 varchar2(100);
    l8 varchar2(100);
    l9 varchar2(100);
    for c in c1 loop
    dbms_output.put_line('create '||c.unq||' index '||c.index_name||' on
    indname := c.index_name;
    for q in c2 loop
    end loop;
    select 'pctfree '||i.pct_free ,
    'initrans '||i.ini_trans ,
    'maxtrans '||i.max_trans ,
    'tablespace '||i.tablespace_name ,
    'storage (initial '||
    decode(sign(512-sum(e.bytes)/1024), -1,'1M',
    decode(sign(256-sum(e.bytes)/1024), -1,'512K',
    decode(sign(128-sum(e.bytes)/1024), -1,'256K',
    decode(sign(64-sum(e.bytes)/1024) , -1,'128K',
    '64K'))))) ,
    ' next '||
    decode(sign(512-sum(e.bytes)/4096), -1,'1M',
    decode(sign(256-sum(e.bytes)/4096), -1,'512K',
    decode(sign(128-sum(e.bytes)/4096), -1,'256K',
    decode(sign(64-sum(e.bytes)/4096) , -1,'128K',
    '64K'))))) ,
    ' minextents '||s.min_extents ,
    ' maxextents '||s.max_extents ,
    ' pctincrease '||s.pct_increase||')'
    into l1,l2,l3,l4,l5,l6,l7,l8,l9
    from user_extents e,user_segments s, user_indexes i
    where s.segment_name = c.index_name
    and s.segment_type = 'INDEX'
    and i.index_name = c.index_name
    and e.segment_name=s.segment_name
    group by s.min_extents,s.max_extents,s.pct_increase,
    i.pct_free,i.ini_trans,i.max_trans,i.tablespace_name ;
    end loop;
    cursor c1 is
    select constraint_name, decode(constraint_type,'U',' UNIQUE',' PRIMARY
    KEY') typ,
    decode(status,'DISABLED','DISABLE',' ') status from user_constraints
    where table_name = upper('&1')
    and constraint_type in ('U','P');
    cname varchar2(100);
    cursor c2 is
    select decode(position,1,'(',',')||rpad(column_name,40) coln
    from user_cons_columns
    where table_name = upper('&1')
    and constraint_name = cname
    order by position;
    for q1 in c1 loop
    cname := q1.constraint_name;
    dbms_output.put_line('alter table &1');
    dbms_output.put_line('add constraint '||cname||q1.typ);
    for q2 in c2 loop
    end loop;
    dbms_output.put_line(')' ||q1.status);
    end loop;
    cursor c1 is
    select c.constraint_name,c.r_constraint_name cname2,
    c.table_name table1, r.table_name table2,
    decode(c.status,'DISABLED','DISABLE',' ') status,
    decode(c.delete_rule,'CASCADE',' on delete cascade ',' ')
    from user_constraints c,
    user_constraints r
    where c.constraint_type='R' and
    c.r_constraint_name = r.constraint_name and
    c.table_name = upper('&1')
    select c.constraint_name,c.r_constraint_name cname2,
    c.table_name table1, r.table_name table2,
    decode(c.status,'DISABLED','DISABLE',' ') status,
    decode(c.delete_rule,'CASCADE',' on delete cascade ',' ')
    from user_constraints c,
    user_constraints r
    where c.constraint_type='R' and
    c.r_constraint_name = r.constraint_name and
    r.table_name = upper('&1');
    cname varchar2(50);
    cname2 varchar2(50);
    cursor c2 is
    select decode(position,1,'(',',')||rpad(column_name,40) colname
    from user_cons_columns
    where constraint_name = cname
    order by position;
    cursor c3 is
    select decode(position,1,'(',',')||rpad(column_name,40) refcol
    from user_cons_columns
    where constraint_name = cname2
    order by position;
    for q1 in c1 loop
    cname := q1.constraint_name;
    cname2 := q1.cname2;
    dbms_output.put_line('alter table '||q1.table1||' add constraint ');
    dbms_output.put_line(cname||' foreign key');
    for q2 in c2 loop
    end loop;
    dbms_output.put_line(') references '||q1.table2);
    for q3 in c3 loop
    end loop;
    dbms_output.put_line(') '||q1.delete_rule||q1.status);
    end loop;
    col c1 format a79 word_wrap
    set long 32000
    set arraysize 1
    select 'create or replace trigger ' c1,
    description c1,
    'WHEN ('||when_clause||')' c1,
    trigger_body ,
    '/' c1
    from user_triggers
    where table_name = upper('&1') and when_clause is not null
    select 'create or replace trigger ' c1,
    description c1,
    trigger_body ,
    '/' c1
    from user_triggers
    where table_name = upper('&1') and when_clause is null
    select 'alter trigger '||trigger_name||decode(status,'DISABLED','
    from user_Triggers where table_name='&1';
    set serveroutput on
    cursor c1 is
    select 'alter table
    '||'&1'||decode(substr(constraint_name,1,4),'SYS_',' ',
    ' add constraint ') a1,
    ',constraint_name)||' check (' a2,
    search_condition a3,
    ') '||decode(status,'DISABLED','DISABLE','') a4,
    '/' a5
    from user_constraints
    where table_name = upper('&1') and
    b1 varchar2(100);
    b2 varchar2(100);
    b3 varchar2(32000);
    b4 varchar2(100);
    b5 varchar2(100);
    fl number;
    open c1;
    fetch c1 into b1,b2,b3,b4,b5;
    exit when c1%NOTFOUND;
    select count(*) into fl from user_tab_columns where table_name =
    upper('&1') and
    upper(column_name)||' IS NOT NULL' = upper(b3);
    if fl = 0 then
    end if;
    end loop;
    create or replace procedure dumzxcvreorg_dep(nam varchar2,typ
    varchar2) as
    cursor cur is
    select type,decode(type,'PACKAGE BODY','PACKAGE',type) type1,
    name from user_dependencies
    where referenced_name=upper(nam) and referenced_type=upper(typ);
    for c in cur loop
    dbms_output.put_line('alter '||c.type1||' '||||' compile;');
    end loop;
    exec dumzxcvreorg_dep('&1','TABLE');
    drop procedure dumzxcvreorg_Dep;
    select 'grant '||privilege||' on '||table_name||' to '||grantee||
    decode(grantable,'YES',' with grant option;',';') from
    user_tab_privs where table_name = upper('&1');
    select 'grant '||privilege||' ('||column_name||') on &1 to
    decode(grantable,'YES',' with grant option;',';')
    from user_col_privs where grantor=user and
    order by grantee, privilege;
    select 'create synonym '||synonym_name||' for
    from user_synonyms where table_name=upper('&1');
    select 'create public synonym '||synonym_name||' for
    from all_synonyms where owner='PUBLIC' and table_name=upper('&1') and
    prompt spool off
    spool off
    set echo on feed on verify on
    The scripts REORGS1.SQL and REORGS2.SQL have been
    created. Alter these script as necesarry.
    To recreate the table-structure, first run REORGS1.SQL.
    This script saves the content of your table in a table
    called bk_.
    If this script runs successfully run REORGS2.SQL.
    The result is spooled to REORGTB.LST.
    Check this file before dropping the bk_ table.

    Please do NOT cross-postings: create a deep structure for dynamic internal table

  • Create cool preloader without flash?

    Hi all,
    Is there a way I can graphically design a preloader with just AI en Flex?
    I've found tutorials online using Flash and pure AS3 to create preloaders, but it'd be very convenient if I could use Flash Builder and create a Preloader.mxml with some simple .FXG graphs.
    Or maybe there's a way to generate a standard PreloaderSkin.mxml with FlashBuilder which I can use as a template?

    I had a bit of a play with preloaders, this is what I found.
    1. A flex based preloader is no value as it won't work until the framework components are loaded, even if you start to add the needed libraries into a flex swc the file size becomes very large very quickly which defeats the whole purpose of a preloader.
    2. Preloaders are happy to be constructed with any elements available in the flashplayer so you don't need a preformed flash based swc or swf as a preloader.
    3. Its Easy to write actionscript preloader's in flex.
    4. A preloader generator wouldn't be that hard to make maybe an air app with a visual designer that generates the requires actionscript file.
    I am going to play with the visual designer idea after experimenting with preloaders that use a config file for 'skinning'.
    for a basic as preloader (no flash needed )  view source enabled

  • How to Create Custom Preloader

    I wnat to create custom Preloader with Progress bar and
    Can you help me

    on your application tab..  you can specify the preloader class..
    <mx:Application preloader="Your preloader class" />
    and make sure your preloader class extends DownloadProgressBar class.
    public class PreLoader extends DownloadProgressBar and also
    override public function set preloader(preloader:Sprite):void
    override this function ..


    제품 : SQL*PLUS
    작성날짜 : 1996-11-22
    The script below is one I used quite frequently when I was with
    Oracle Consulting.
    It is handy for walking into a company and getting a quick layout of
    their database.
    I call it dbmap.sql.
    spool dbmap.txt;
    prompt ======================================
    prompt Tablespace/Datafile Listing
    prompt =====================================
    column "Location" format A30;
    column "Tablespace Name" format A15;
    column "Size(M)" format 999,990;
    break on "Tablespace Name" skip 1 nodup;
    compute sum of "Size(M)" on "Tablespace Name";
    SELECT tablespace_name "Tablespace Name",
    file_name "Location",
    bytes/1048576 "Size(M)"
    FROM sys.dba_data_files
    order by tablespace_name;
    prompt ======================================
    prompt Redo Log Listing
    prompt =====================================
    column "Group" format 999;
    column "File Location" format A40;
    column "Bytes (K)" format 99,990;
    break on "Group" skip 1 nodup;
    select "Group",
    b.member "File Location",
    a.bytes/1024 "Bytes (K)"
    from v$log a,
    v$logfile b
    where =
    order by 1,2;
    prompt =====================================
    prompt Rollback Listing
    prompt =====================================
    column "Segment Name" format A15;
    column "Tablespace" format A15;
    Column "Initial (K)" Format 99,990;
    Column "Next (K)" Format 99,990;
    column "Min Ext." FORMAT 990;
    column "Max Ext." FORMAT 990;
    column "Status" Format A7;
    select segment_name "Segment Name",
    tablespace_name "Tablespace",
    initial_extent/1024 "Initial (K)",
    next_extent/1024 "Next (K)",
    min_extents "Min Ext.",
    max_extents "Max Ext.",
    status "Status"
    from sys.dba_rollback_segs
    order by tablespace_name,
    spool off;

    Thanks guys. I'm still trying to learn the programs mentioned. For a person who knows nothing about databases FileMaker was pretty easy to work with. The downside was that it doesn't work with images so well. I was thinking of testing Smart Catalog an extension for InDesign by WoodWing next. Or maybe XCatalog or InCatalog. I'm not too sure Portfolio is right for me, it's great if I wanted to catalog my products with metadata - like a inventory list - but I don't. I want to take the product information from a access/excell file, import it into some type of a catalog program where i can design the layout then save the file as a PDF so I can send it to get professionally printed.
    The extension for InDesign might be my best bet, especially since I'm a tad familiar with it. Or Quark, I haven't tried it yet but it seems promising. Thanks for all the suggestions - I'd be lost without all your help.

  • JavaFX aplication : create a preloading image interface

    Could anyone tell me ihow create a preloading bar view with a background image while waiting the appearance of the main program interface created by JavaFX application ?
    Or give me a link to a related instance...

    Hi. You can customize your preloader using CSS:
      .default-preloader {
        -fx-background-color: yellow;
        -fx-text-fill: red;
        -fx-preloader-graphic: url("http://host.domain/duke.gif");
        -fx-preloader-text: "Loading, loading, LOADING!";
    } -fx-preloader-graphic is the image to be used by the preloader.
    For more info take a look:

  • Advice please for creating a preloader for an AIR app

    I've developed an AIR app in flex and all I want is a preloader for when the app is opened.
    I've ready plenty of the tutorials online - but most of the tutorials are geared towards <mx:Application> not <mx:WindowedApplication> and I
    can't seem to get them working using the <mx:WindowedApplication preloader=" ">.
    Coding the actual preloader isn't the issue i'm just having problems running it from the AIR app.
    If anyone has any tips for me that would be great!

    you could use a mx:Window in order to create a splash window.

  • Preloader AS2 wont work in FL CS3?!

    this is strange and i can only think it's me who's missing
    i have a preloader script i used with Flash 8 but when i try
    to attach it in the movie i made in FL CS3 it doesn't work (the new
    movie is in AS2).
    can anyone tell what i'm doing wrong??
    Here's the code

    it's WindowsXP x64 bug again!! I tried the same code on
    another computer running XP (x32) and all looks as it should, i try
    the same .fla at x64 and script won't work.
    should i post this somewhere else???

  • Passing variables from a dynamically created textinput in AS2?

    Hey everyone,
    I have a contact form in my flash file with name/email/message fields which a user can fill out and then click send, which passes these to a php script which then emails the information that they entered. This works fine when the text inputs are manually placed on the stage and all the information is passed to the php script and emailed to me. I am just updating it so the textinputs are created via AS2 so that I can style them more easily etc. This is fine however when created via script they no longer get passed to my php file. I am creating the textinput using the following code (which works fine):
    var my_fmt:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
    my_fmt.bold = false;
    my_fmt.font = "Arial";
    my_fmt.color = inputcol;
    contact_form.createTextField("contact_name", getNextHighestDepth(),112.6, 27, 174, 20);
    contact_form.contact_name.wordWrap = true;
    contact_form.contact_name.multiline = false;
    contact_form.contact_name.border = true;
    contact_form.contact_name.borderColor = inputcol;
    contact_form.contact_name.type = "input";
    contact_form.contact_name.text = "";
    FYI I am creating this outside the movieclip containing the form (called contact_form) and then adding it into that mc specifically because I thought this may be necessary as doing it within the mc itself (using this.createTextField....) didn't work, however both seem to have the same effect.
    I am then doing various checks on the input box contents (to make sure it's not empty etc), this also works fine and gives me the relevant error if it is empty so it's accessing it correctly. I then use the following code to submit the variables and check_status checks the success/failure of the php script and alerts the user accordingly:
    loadVariables("" + random(1000), this, "POST");
    message_status.text = "sending....";
    var interval_id = setInterval(check_status, 400);
    This works fine however does not pick up the value of the dynamically created text input (however does pick up all the text inputs that are manually added to the stage). I am rather confused as to why it's not picking this up and am not sure how I set it to do so, i would be immensely grateful if someone could point me in the right direction?
    Thanks so much for your help as ever,

    Hi kglad,
    I'm sorry but i still don't understand what you mean? They are all text inputs which are defined in AS2 (you can see the code in my first post), the values (inputtext.text) are surely set by the user when they enter information into the input boxes. Accessing these works fine within my flash file, they just don't get passed to my php file. I got round this by manually creating duplicate textinputs on the stage for each dynamically created textinput which are all hidden, then assigning the values of the dynamically created inputs to the manually created inputs before loading the php file. This works fine as it picks up the manually placed inputs as local. I assume it's something to do with the scope of the dynamically created inputs but I cannot work out how you would ensure they would be picked up as even when you explicitly create them within the relevant mc it doesn't pick them up. As I say i've managed to get it working in a rather convoluted way which is good but would be most interested to understand why the other method doesn't work.
    Thanks so much for your help,

  • Tools or tips to create schema

    Also, please let me know if there any tools or tips with you to create schema in much faster and efficient way.

    Schema Issue, or Data Mapping Issue.
    I presume that you have created two form templates (one for each user). Am I correct?
    Here are some troubleshooting tips:
    1. Are you sure that your schema is properly defined on both form templates?
    2. Are you mapping all the fields from form1 to form2?
    3. Did you enable process recording and make sure that the data is available in the xml variable just before the Second Actor?
    4. Do you have any custom Prepare Data process which populates the form before rendering?
    If nothing works out, send you LCA to me. I will try to figure out the issue.

  • How to create a preloader in Flash CS5?

    can someone help me with creatinga preloder in CS5?

    Here is the code.Create a movie clip and call it logo_mc    Inside that movie clip insert a text field.  Make it dynamic.  then lable it percent.  This will create a nice preloader.  Do not put this code in your current project.  Create a new file.  change "" to the address of your flash app.
    var l:Loader = new Loader();
    l.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, loop);
    l.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, done);
    l.load(new URLRequest(""));
    function loop(e:ProgressEvent):void
        var perc:Number = e.bytesLoaded / e.bytesTotal;
        logo_mc.percent.text = Math.ceil(perc*100).toString()+"%";
    function done(e:Event):void
    //    for(var i:uint = 0; i < numChildren;i++){
    //        trace("CHILD:"+getChildAt(i).name);        
        var movie:* = l.content;; 

  • Tips on creating website for online content on ipad

    Hi there I am not sure this is the right forum but here goes my question. I am building a simple website (text and pictures with slideshows) and my objective is to be able to show it to clients on the ipad without necessarily being connected to the internet. What is the best way to go forward? I was thinking of buidling it on iweb and somehow transferring it to the ipad for offline browsing, any other tips? how would I transfer the whole website to the ipad? thanx in advance

    I could be wrong, but I don't believe that Safari, at least, will load pages locally. I would instead suggest creating your document as a Keynote or PowerPoint presentation and showing it with Keynote for iPad or another presentation app, or creating it as a PDF.

  • I could use some tips when creating a SD DVD from HD masters

    I have been having problems with this workflow from day one. First, some background. I have been producing an hour long football highlight show for local cable for over 20 years. it is extremely popular in our community and I couldn't be happier but over the years the quality has gotten worse when broadcast even though my quality has gotten better. When I ran the program from 3/4 SP tape years ago,  it looked great. But now, the cable system will only provide a SD DVD player with composite out (yikes) for broadcast.
    I shoot and master in 720p 60. I have DVD SP, Toast Titanium, and iDVD available to create my disc to give to the cable company. Also, it must have a simple menu so the playback machine can begin play at the correct time. Can anyone give me a few tips on how to simply burn the master to the DVD for the best looking playback possible? Any tips will be appreciated.

    I'm not sure about the "720p60" but the normal way of dealing with both SD and HD videos is Share>Export Media and leave everything in the default position.
    Drop the resulting file in iDVD.
    I suggest you test it using a very short video, maybe a couple of minutes of typical shots, and burn it on a DVD-RW so you are not wasting discs.
    This way it will only take about 10 minutes to see the results and you can test out different techniques, if necessary, very quickly and at no cost.

  • Creating hyperlink in AS2

    Am a newbie and working with CS3 on a template in AS2.
    Successfully created a hyperlink in CS3 following advice given on this site.
    BUT, when I go to my web template and try to set up a hyperlink using code from this site for AS2,
    I get the following message:
    Forms Component - Version 0.81
    This should be a simple task, but I'm running out of hair and your help is appreciated...HM

    Actually, this is the code used as advised on tutorial by template provider:
    on (rollover) {
    on (rollOut) {
    on (release) {
                    getURL("my site”);
    Don't know what the (2) and (11) are for?  thx, HM

  • Tip for creating auto-updating Smart Playlists for iPod

    Short Answer:
    Don't use Smart Playlists that use rules with nested playlists which aren't completely on iPod.
    Long Answer:
    If you're like me and use nested Smart Playlists, make sure that any Smart Playlist you want to have auto-update on the iPod doesn't use a rule which uses as a criteria a playlist that isn't fully present on iPod (exclamation point next to the Smart Playlist in iTunes when connecting iPod to your Mac).
    For example, I have Smart Playlists to exclude certain tracks in other Smart Playlists (Streams, Spoken Word,tracks under 1 minute, etc.). These are tracks that I usually want to exclude in other Smart Playlists but don't want to add those rules each and every time.
    The problem is that iPod looks to see if that 'excludes' playlist is present, which obviously it isn't because by it's nature it's designed to exclude tracks. If a nested playlist isn't present it seems the auto-update will not work.
    My solution was to create a new Smart Playlist specifically for the iPod, which contained all the rules of my "master exclude" Smart Playlist and any other I wanted specifically for the iPod.
    My beef with Apple here is that I can't duplicate a Smart Playlist, which is possible in iPhoto. Being able to do that would make things much easier.
    I have since gone about creating 'excludes' playlists so that the playlist itself excludes tracks; previously I was creating a Smart PLaylist that contained (included) all the tracks I wanted to exclude, then using that as a rule (Playlist is not 'Excludes') in other playlists. The second method worked fine on iTunes, since all the tracks are present, but it creates problems on iPod.

    I've posted a better version of this thread in the "Using the iPod with color display" forum.
    APPLE DISCUSSION ADMINS: Please delete this thread. Thanks!

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