Title list data retreval

I have a title list that works fine. However, I am trying to
access one of the variables of the component that i have built
(part one of attached code). To get the source variable, I am using
this (code part two). Why doesn't it work?

you can access the values like this:
Tracer_0.Message = Local.Variablename{x}
x = the position that you will read from your List (List starting with 0).
Hope this answer your questions.
Pedro Iglesias

Similar Messages

  • Build XML for Custom Nested Accordian (like Tree View Structure) for SharePoint List Data

    Expected output in Xml:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    - <TopRoot>
    - <Root id="1" Name="Department">
    - <Type id="2" Name="IT">
    - <SubType id="3" Name="Technology">
      <SubSubType id="4" Name="Sharepoint" />
      <SubSubType id="5" Name="ASP.NET" />
      <SubSubType id="6" Name="HTML 5" />
    List Details:
    list details for storing category / sub category data and code to build tree structure for the same.
    1.Create Custom List named “CategoryDetails”:
    2.Create Column “Category Name” of type single line of text. Make it as required field and check Yes for Enforce Unique values.
    3.Create column “Parent Category” of type lookup. under Additional Column Settings.
    Get information dropdown, select “CategoryDetails”.
    4.Choice column ["SRTypeName"] 1.Root,2.SRTYPE,3.SubSRTYPE, 4.SUBSUBSRTYPE
    In this column dropdown, select “Category Name”:  
    http://www.codeproject.com/Tips/627580/Build-Tree-View-Structure-for-SharePoint-List-Data    -fine but don't want tree view just generate xml string
    i just follwed above link it work perferfectly fine for building tree view but i don't want server control.
    Expected Result:
    My ultimate goal is to generate xml string like above format without building tree view.
    I want to generate xml using web service and using xml i could convert into nested Tree View Accordian in html.
    I developed some code but its not working to generate xml /string.
    My modified Code:
    public const string DYNAMIC_CAML_QUERY =
            "<Where><IsNull><FieldRef Name='{0}' /></IsNull></Where>";
            public const string DYNAMIC_CAML_QUERY_GET_CHILD_NODE =
            "<Where><Eq><FieldRef Name='{0}' /><Value Type='LookupMulti'>{1}</Value></Eq></Where>";
            protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
                if (!Page.IsPostBack)
                 string TreeViewStr= BuildTree();
                 Literal1.Text = TreeViewStr;
            StringBuilder sbRoot= new StringBuilder();
            protected string BuildTree()
                SPList TasksList;
                SPQuery objSPQuery;
                StringBuilder Query = new StringBuilder();
                SPListItemCollection objItems;
                string DisplayColumn = string.Empty;
                string Title = string.Empty;
                string[] valueArray = null;
                    using (SPSite site = new SPSite(SPContext.Current.Web.Url))
                        using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb())
                            TasksList = SPContext.Current.Web.Lists["Service"];
                            if (TasksList != null)
                                objSPQuery = new SPQuery();
                                Query.Append(String.Format(DYNAMIC_CAML_QUERY, "Parent_x0020_Service_x0020_Id"));
                                objSPQuery.Query = Query.ToString();
                                objItems = TasksList.GetItems(objSPQuery);
                                if (objItems != null && objItems.Count > 0)
                                    foreach (SPListItem objItem in objItems)
                                        DisplayColumn = Convert.ToString(objItem["Title"]);
                                        Title = Convert.ToString(objItem["Title"]);
                                        int rootId=objItem["ID"].ToString();
                                        sbRoot.Append("<Root id="+rootId+"
                                        string SRAndSUBSRTpe = CreateTree(Title, valueArray,
    null, DisplayColumn, objItem["ID"].ToString());
                                        SRType.Clear();//make SRType Empty
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw ex;
                return SRType.ToString();
             StringBuilder strhtml = new StringBuilder();
            private string CreateTree(string RootNode, string[] valueArray,
          List<SPListItem> objNodeCollection, string DisplayValue, string KeyValue)
                    strhtml.Appends(GetSRType(KeyValue, valueArray, objNodeCollection);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw ex;
                return strhtml;
            StringBuilder SRType = new StringBuilder();
            private string GetSRType(string RootNode,
            string[] valueArray, List<SPListItem> objListItemColn)
                SPQuery objSPQuery;
                SPListItemCollection objItems = null;
                List<SPListItem> objNodeListItems = new List<SPListItem>();
                objSPQuery = new SPQuery();
                string objNodeTitle = string.Empty;
                string objLookupColumn = string.Empty;
                StringBuilder Query = new StringBuilder();
                SPList objTaskList;
                SPField spField;
                string objKeyColumn;
                string SrTypeCategory;
                    objTaskList = SPContext.Current.Web.Lists["Service"];
                    objLookupColumn = "Parent_x0020_Service_x0020_Id";//objTreeViewControlField.ParentLookup;
                    (DYNAMIC_CAML_QUERY_GET_CHILD_NODE, objLookupColumn, RootNode));
                    objSPQuery.Query = Query.ToString();
                    objItems = objTaskList.GetItems(objSPQuery);
                    foreach (SPListItem objItem in objItems)
                    if (objNodeListItems != null && objNodeListItems.Count > 0)
                        foreach (SPListItem objItem in objNodeListItems)
                            RootNode = Convert.ToString(objItem["Title"]);
                            objKeyColumn = Convert.ToString(objItem["ID"]);
                            objNodeTitle = Convert.ToString(objItem["Title"]);
                            SrTypeCategory= Convert.ToString(objItem["SRTypeName"]);
                           if(SrTypeCategory =="SRtYpe")
                              SRType.Append("<Type  id="+objKeyColumn+" Name="+RootNode+ ">");
                             if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(objNodeTitle))
                              SRType.Append(GetSRType(objKeyColumn, valueArray, objListItemColn));
                          if(SrTypeCategory =="SRSubTYpe")
                              SRType.Append("<SRSubType  id="+objKeyColumn+" Name="+RootNode+
                             if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(objNodeTitle))
                              SRType.Append(GetSRType(objKeyColumn, valueArray, objListItemColn));
                          if(SrTypeCategory =="SubSubTYpe")
                              SRType.Append("<SubSubType  id="+objKeyColumn+" Name="+RootNode +"
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw ex;
                return SRType.ToString();
                // Call method again (recursion) to get the child items

    According to your post, my understanding is that you want to custom action for context menu in "Site Content and Structure" in SharePoint 2010.
    In "SiteManager.aspx", SharePoint use MenuItemTemplate class which represent a control that creates an item in a drop-down menu.
    For example, to create or delete the ECB menu for a list item in
    "Site Content and Structure", we can follow the steps below:
    To add the “My Like” menu, we can add the code below:      
    Text="My Like"
    To remove the “Delete” menu, we can comment the code below:
    The result is as below:
    More information:
    MenuItemTemplate Class (Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls)
    MenuItemTemplate.ClientOnClickScript property (Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls)
    Best Regards,
    Linda Li
    Linda Li
    TechNet Community Support

  • How to get list data and bind to data table or Grid view in share point 2010 using j query

    How to bind list data in to data table or  grid view  using Sp Services.
    How to use sp services in share point 2010 lists and document library 

    Hi, You can use List service, SPServices and JQuery to get your requiement done-
    See here for an sample implementation -
    Mark (creator of SPServices) has some good documentation on how to use SPServices-
    SPServices Stories #7 – Example Uses of SPServices, JavaScript and SharePoint
    Hope this helps!
    Ram - SharePoint Architect
    Blog - SharePointDeveloper.in
    Please vote or mark your question answered, if my reply helps you

  • Multiple entries for same title in ADE title list

    I have 6 entries for the same title in the ADE title list.  All have the same date and time added.  All but one are blank in the "Last Read" column.  On my computer I have only 1 epub file for this title.  Why do I have multiple entries for the same title?  If I delete all entries except for the one that has a date and time in the Last Read column will that be okay -- will I still be able to access the book?

    This is the normal effect of SAP DBSL SQL code translation.
    You can find a lot of post on SCN that will help you to understand this behavior...
    About rsdb/prefer_join and rsdb_prefer_union_all
    634263 - Selects with FOR ALL ENTRIES

  • PowerPivot report data refresh error Data source as SharePoint list Data Feed

    Hi All,
    I am facing a problem on auto refresh, the report data source is SharePoint list Data Feed, I saved it my PC desktop when I set up auto fresh it fails then I moved the SharePoint list data feed "atomsvc" file to A SharePoint Data feed library then connected
    to report started a manual refresh it was success, after next schedules it failed.
    Error massage:
    Errors in the high-level relational engine. The following exception occurred while the managed IDbConnection interface was being used: 
    The network path was not found. ;The network path was not found. The network path was not found. . 
    A connection could not be made to the data source with the DataSourceID of '82f49f39-45aa-4d61-a15c-90ebbc5656d', 
    Name of 'DataFeed testingreport'. An error occurred while processing the 'Testing Report' table. The operation has been cancelled.  
    Thank you very much !

    If you are using Claims Auth then this is a known limitation.  Auto refresh only works under Classic Auth.
    I trust that answers your question...
    http://www.cjvandyk.com/blog |
    LinkedIn | Facebook |
    Twitter | Quix Utilities for SharePoint |

  • Regarding Invoice list dates.

    Hi Experts,
    I have one requirement where i need to get the next invoice list date based on invoive list dates-profile(KNVV-PERRL) of the invoice list sold-to-customer(VKDFS-KUNNR) and I need to update the updated date to VKDFS-FKDAT.
    Please provide me with ideas or some Function modules to get the invoice list date and the FM for updating VKDFS-FKDAT.

    the payer is not equil to the sold to party and bill to party
    There is no such standard report to meet this requirement.  You have to develop the logic considering VF05
    G. Lakshmipathi

  • SSDT - Using a SharePoint list data feed as source - "column does not exist in the rowset" error

    Hey guys!
    So, I want to use a SharePoint list data to create a cube/tabular model, in order to make a complex analysis in PPS using MDX.
    To create the tabular model, I'm using the SS Data Tools, and importing a feed from the respective SharePoint list (using the _vti_bin/listdata.svcextension and then selecting the list(s) I wanna to import).
    Everything looks fine and smooth, I can select and preview the data in the table import wizard, but in the end, when importing, I always get this error IF the table has one or more row of data (if the table is empty, it's ok...) - the <...>
    column doesn't exist in the rowset.
    (Curiously, when I have the same procedure in PowerPivot for Excel, I have no problems, everything works fine. The problem is that then I get again errors if I try to create a tabular model on SSDT importing a PowerPivot file).
    Here's the error:
    Had you already tried this in SSDT? Are you experiencing the same trouble?
    Best regards, and thanks in advance!
    Jorge Mateus
    Jorge Mateus

    I noticed something else too.
    I can't process Tabular Models on both SSDT and SSMS (2012), but I can process Tabular Models created on PowerPivot.
    I tried to create a Data Feed connection on PowerPivot, and it was successfully created. However, if restoring the PowerPivot Tabular DB on my SSAS Tabular instance and processing (full) the model through SSMS, it won't work.
    Is there anything different on PowerPivot and SSDT related with Partitioning or connections to the data sources?
    Jorge Mateus
    When trying to Restore a PowerPivot file on my SSAS Tabular Server and full process the model:
    The operation failed because the source does not contain the requested column. You can fix this problem by updating the column mappings.
    More Details:
    The 'X' column does not exist in the rowset.
    An error occurred while processing the partition 'X_81dabac5-c250-4a8c-8832-ad7fcedd35cb' in table 'X_81dabac5-c250-4a8c-8832-ad7fcedd35cb'.
    The current operation was cancelled because another operation in the transaction failed.
    X is the first column of the source table, no matter if I chose others on the PowerPivot table.
    When trying to import data from a data feed using SSDT:
    The 'X' column does not exist in the rowset.
    An error occurred while processing the partition 'X_ee6be81f-2235-4113-b404-cfcb20647a38' in table 'X_ee6be81f-2235-4113-b404-cfcb20647a38'.
    The current operation was cancelled because another operation in the transaction failed.
    X is the first chosen column to import.

  • Invoice List data(VF21/VF22) as IDoc

    We have a typical scenario of converting Invoice List data in SAP into IDoc and to transmit it as an XML to the third party system. In the data to be transmitted, sub-totalling at the material (in the invoice items) and material+invoice date level is required and the sub-totals are to be populated in two kind of segments (for each of the sub-total type) in the IDoc.
    That is, a new IDoc structure will be defined with the segments/fields that the customer wants viz., a header segment with only few fields from the invoice list header, an item segment with only few fields from the invoice list item, and a sub-total segment with two fields, each to hold sub-total at material and material+date level respectively.
    We have output types which, when assigned in the invoice list should create the required Idocs.
    Invoice lists will be created for several partners, but each list will have only one partner.
    What are the steps to be carried out in order to achieve this objective? Please stress upon the FM parameters to be provided and NACE options to be selected.

    Hello ,
    Your requirement is very simple ,However before posting into sdn please do  a proper search on idoc.
    Now coming to your requirement as of now you have the invoice data coming up.
    1. In the NACE transaction create an output type related with the respective partner data.
    2.Create segments with the required fields and set its status to release.
    3.create  Idoc type and message type ..link the message and segents.
    4.Now link the message type and idoc type .
    6. Now assign process code to the partner function by defining a logical system and in the process code
    put your custom function module where you put your custom code which will filter and
    cumulate the data coming from the invoice into different fields
    using normal abap code,
    Now once you are done with the abap coding the
    function module has few parameters which you can pass  them as it is .
    control_in need to be passed to Control_out as it is.
    Now fill the segments with the required data and append the segment data to the
    EDI_DATA structure which is a exporting parameter for thefunction module .
    Now once you execute the invoice using this partner function and message type
    system would internally call the custom function module which you have assigned to
    the process code and would create an idoc.
    also go through saptechnical-com site for addition details on idoc creation.

  • Invoice list date  in the masters data

    We have changed the invoice liste date of Customer Master (Sales area tab page under billing) from "01" to "05" in Production
    Then after that we deleted the old Invoice  document, which has the invoice list date of "01", and created a new billing document,
    However the invoice list date of "01, Not "02", has been assigned to this newly created billing document,
    Aftwer making the changes of calendar date format in the Xd03 saleas area billing tab page when user is creating the Invoice the new Invoice list date is not taking the new one what could be reasons help me to know
    Thank you.

    I think, this changes will affect only new document.
    In your case you had deleted old invoicess only,but data already captured in sales order or may be in delivery.
    Create new SO >>> delivery >>> invoice and shee it appears or not.
    If it comes then above my statement is right,

  • How do I pull SharePoint 2013 list data using a SQL Query

    I have been asked to write a sql query to pull data from a SharePoint 2013  List.it needs to return all the columns
    Basically a Select all from the specific SharePoint list Database
    I do have the  list GUID ID. But not sure  which  SQL Table or Database to look in for list data.. the site and the list is in our main SharePoint site collection.
    the query only needs to be saved in SQL server

    I know it isn't support but sometimes you have to share data with other programs....
     I'm stuck.. I was able to get this far...
    SELECT * FROM dbo.Lists
    where tp_Title ='List Name'
     how do I pull the columns of the list?
    I think I still need the specific list not just the master list dbo....
    those two links do not work for SQL server  and SharePoint 2013

  • Etrecheck results and damaged Property List Data

    In the past couple of weeks I have discovered several problems with my (mid-2010) iMac (System: OS X 10.9.4). First of all, Safari does not automatically open when I boot my computer. Although the computer appears to work alright otherwise, I then suddenly began having problems with it failing to scan documents from my HP L7780. Having a large project requiring the scanning of hundreds of documents, I’m at a standstill until I solve this problem.
    1. 120GB Internal SSD with OS X (10.9.4) used as main disk with frequently used applications and documents.
    2. 1TB Internal Hard Disk with seldom used applications and documents.
    3. 1TB External Hard Disk with two partitions:
      A) Backup for 120GB Internal SSD,
      B) Backup for 1TB internal Hard Disk. (The 1TB internal Hard Disk has only 124GB. Obviously, a much better setup would be to have just one 250GB internal SSD and one external backup for that drive.)
    The problem appears to be with the software on the SSD and not the software on the internal hard drive.
    Procedures taken:
    1. Backed up SSD and reinstalled a fresh copy of OS X 10.9.4 via the Recovery partition using ⌘-R.
    2. Attempted to Repair Disk Permissions on SSD again from the Recovery partition. Printout is extremely long.
    3. Ran all the tests on TechTool Pro from the external backup. No problems found.
    4. Ran all the tests on DiskWarrior from the DiskWarrior disk on both the internal Hard Disk and the internal SSD.
    When I scanned the internal Hard Disk with DiskWarrior for files and folders for damage and potential compatibility, no problems were found.
    Concerning the internal SSD, using DiskWarrior I had to rebuild the directory several times to (supposedly) completely repair the disk. When I scanned the internal SSD for files and folders for damage and potential compatibility I FOUND A LONG LIST OF PROBLEMS. I’m listing only two (of dozens) below:
    ******************** BEGINNING OF DISKWARRIOR REPORT ********************
    DiskWarrior scanned the disk named "SSD" checking all files and folders for damage and potential compatibility
    Disk: "SSD"!
    The Property List data was checked in 4,846 files.!
    The Resource Data was checked in 4,623 files.!
    The maximum Folder Depth on this disk is 20. This does not exceed the maximum recommended depth.!
    Location: "Desktop"!
    File: "._browserExtentionVersion.plist"!
    Detected that Property List data is damaged and cannot be repaired.!
    Unexpected character ! at line 1!
    Location: "SSD/Users/danielbollhoefer/Library/Application Support/iSkysoft iTube Studio/ResourceForFree/5_0/
    File: "._Extensions.plist"!
    Detected that Property List data is damaged and cannot be repaired.!
    Unexpected character ! at line 1!
    Location: "SSD/Users/danielbollhoefer/Library/Application Support/iSkysoft iTube Studio/ResourceForFree/5_0/
    ******************** END OF ABBREVIATED DISKWARRIOR REPORT ********************
    I realize that some of these files are invisible, however I do have InVisible 1.2.1. In checking out some invisible folders I find that they have a white minus sign on a red circle on the bottom right corner of the folder icon which means that (apparently) I do not have Sharing & Permissions for this folder.
    QUESTION: So, how can I delete a damaged plist in this situation?
    In addition, I ran an EtreCheck. Below is a copy of the report:
    ******************** BEGINNING OF ETRECHECK REPORT ********************
    EtreCheck version: 1.9.13 (49)
    Report generated August 13, 2014 at 11:39:27 AM EDT
    Hardware Information: ?
      iMac (27-inch, Mid 2010) (Verified)
      iMac - model: iMac11,3
      1 3.2 GHz Intel Core i3 CPU: 2 cores
      16 GB RAM
    Video Information: ?
      ATI Radeon HD 5670 - VRAM: 512 MB
      iMac 2560 x 1440
    System Software: ?
      OS X 10.9.4 (13E28) - Uptime: 0 days 0:13:33
    Disk Information: ?
      WDC WD10EARX-00PASB0 disk1 : (1 TB)
      S.M.A.R.T. Status: Verified
      EFI (disk1s1) <not mounted>: 209.7 MB
      Hard Disk (disk1s2) /Volumes/Hard Disk: 999.86 GB (875.11 GB free)
      Samsung SSD 840 Series disk0 : (120.03 GB)
      S.M.A.R.T. Status: Verified
      EFI (disk0s1) <not mounted>: 209.7 MB
      SSD (disk0s2) / [Startup]: 119.04 GB (54.41 GB free)
      Recovery HD (disk0s3) <not mounted>: 650 MB
    USB Information: ?
      Apple Inc. BRCM2046 Hub
      Apple Inc. Bluetooth USB Host Controller
      Apple Internal Memory Card Reader
      DYMO DYMO LabelWriter 450
      Apple Computer, Inc. IR Receiver
      Apple Inc. Built-in iSight
    Gatekeeper: ?
      Mac App Store and identified developers
    Kernel Extensions: ?
      [not loaded] com.dymo.usbprinterclassdriver.kext (1.1 - SDK 10.5) Support
    Launch Daemons: ?
      [loaded] com.adobe.fpsaud.plist Support
      [loaded] com.bombich.ccc.plist Support
      [running] com.dymo.pnpd.plist Support
      [running] com.micromat.TechToolProDaemon.plist Support
    Launch Agents: ?
      [running] com.micromat.TechToolProAgent.plist Support
    User Launch Agents: ?
      [loaded] com.adobe.ARM.[...].plist Support
      [failed] com.google.keystone.agent.plist Support
    User Login Items: ?
    Internet Plug-ins: ?
      FlashPlayer-10.6: Version: - SDK 10.6 Support
      Default Browser: Version: 537 - SDK 10.9
      AdobePDFViewerNPAPI: Version: 11.0.07 - SDK 10.6 Support
      AdobePDFViewer: Version: 11.0.07 - SDK 10.6 Support
      DYMO NPAPI Addin: Version: 1.0 - SDK 10.6 Support
      Flash Player: Version: - SDK 10.6 Outdated! Update
      QuickTime Plugin: Version: 7.7.3
      DYMO Safari Addin: Version: (null) - SDK 10.5 Support
    Safari Extensions: ?
      iTube Studio (Disabled)
      AdBlock-2 (Disabled)
      Awesome Screenshot-2 (Disabled)
    Audio Plug-ins: ?
      BluetoothAudioPlugIn: Version: 1.0 - SDK 10.9
      AirPlay: Version: 2.0 - SDK 10.9
      AppleAVBAudio: Version: 203.2 - SDK 10.9
      iSightAudio: Version: 7.7.3 - SDK 10.9
    iTunes Plug-ins: ?
      Quartz Composer Visualizer: Version: 1.4 - SDK 10.9
    3rd Party Preference Panes: ?
      Flash Player  Support
      TechTool Protection  Support
    Time Machine: ?
      Time Machine not configured!
    Top Processes by CPU: ?
          2% WindowServer
          2% xScan
          1% fontd
          0% coreservicesd
          0% hidd
    Top Processes by Memory: ?
      197 MB com.apple.IconServicesAgent
      115 MB TextEdit
      66 MB xScan
      66 MB mds_stores
      66 MB Safari
    Virtual Memory Information: ?
      13.34 GB Free RAM
      1.27 GB Active RAM
      225 MB Inactive RAM
      1.17 GB Wired RAM
      305 MB Page-ins
      0 B Page-outs
    ******************** END OF ETRECHECK  REPORT ********************
    When attempting to repair permissions in Disk First Aid, there are hundreds (thousands?) of entries stating that they have been repaired. However, when immediately repeating the test, I get the same report.
    Any assistance will be greatly appreciated.

    colimotl wrote:
    1. 120GB Internal SSD with OS X (10.9.4) used as main disk with frequently used applications and documents.
    2. 1TB Internal Hard Disk with seldom used applications and documents.
    I don't think it is related to your problem, but just so you know, you should only run applications from the Applications folder. There are some low-level interactions between the system and software that may be broken if applications are installed elsewhere. I know this is true for help. It could be true about other things as well. If you need to, you can use the Applications folder in your home directory instead.
    File: "._browserExtentionVersion.plist"!
    Detected that Property List data is damaged and cannot be repaired.!
    Unexpected character ! at line 1!
    Location: "SSD/Users/danielbollhoefer/Library/Application Support/iSkysoft iTube Studio/ResourceForFree/5_0/
    File: "._Extensions.plist"!
    Detected that Property List data is damaged and cannot be repaired.!
    Unexpected character ! at line 1!
    Location: "SSD/Users/danielbollhoefer/Library/Application Support/iSkysoft iTube Studio/ResourceForFree/5_0/
    ******************** END OF ABBREVIATED DISKWARRIOR REPORT ********************
    I realize that some of these files are invisible, however I do have InVisible 1.2.1. In checking out some invisible folders I find that they have a white minus sign on a red circle on the bottom right corner of the folder icon which means that (apparently) I do not have Sharing & Permissions for this folder.
    QUESTION: So, how can I delete a damaged plist in this situation?
    Those files are not damaged. Nor are the plist files. They are AppleDouble files meant for cross platform use on a non-Apple server or inside a zip file. They should never exist in this form on a Mac.
    User Login Items: ?
    Why do you have two xScans here? Try removing everything from Mail down and see if things work better.
    When attempting to repair permissions in Disk First Aid, there are hundreds (thousands?) of entries stating that they have been repaired. However, when immediately repeating the test, I get the same report.
    Don't worry about those: Mac OS X: Disk Utility's Repair Disk Permissions messages that you can safely ignore

  • List data validation failed when creating a new list item but does not fail when editing an existing item

    Dear SharePoint Experts,
    Please help.
    Why does my simple formula work in Excel but not-work in SharePoint?
    Why does this formula...
    =IF([Request Type]="Review",(IF(ISBLANK([Request Date]),FALSE,TRUE)),TRUE)
    ...work in Excel but fail when I try to use it in SharePoint?
    The intent of this formula is the following...
    If the field "Request Type" has the value "Review" and the field "Request Data" is blank then show FALSE, otherwise show TRUE.
    SharePoint saves the formula, but when a list item is saved where the formula is implemented, (under List Settings, List Validation), SharePoint does not, say anything other than that the formula failed.
    Note that the "list data validation failed" error only happens when I am creating a new item-- the formula above works just fine when one is trying to Save on the edit form. 
    Can you help?
    -- Mark Kamoski

    Dear Jason,
    I appreciate your efforts.
    However, it seems to me that this statement of yours is not correct...
    "If it meet the validation formula, then you can new or edit the item, otherwise, it will throw the 'list data validation failed' error, it is by design".
    I believe this is NOT the answer for the following reasons.
    When I create a new item and click Save, the validation error is "list data validation failed".
    When I edit an existing item and click Save, the validation error is "my custom error message" and this is, I believe, the way it needs to work each time.
    I think, at the core, the error my formula does not handle some condition of null or blank or other default value.
    I tried a forumla that casts the date back to a string, and then checked the string for a default value, but that did not work.
    I tried looking up the Correlation ID in the ULS when "list data validation failed" occurs, but that gave no useful information because, even though logging was set to Verbose, the stack trace in the error log was truncated and did not given any
    good details.
    However, it seems to me that SharePoint 2013 is not well-suited for complex validation rules, because...
    SharePoint 2013 list-level validation (NOT column-level validation) allows only 1 input for all the multi-field validation formulas in a given list-- so, if I had more than 1 multi-field validation rule to implement on a given list, it would need to be packed
    into that single-line-of-code forumla style, like Excel does. That is not practice to write, debug, or maintain.
    SharePoint 2013 list-level validation only allows 1 block of text for all such multi-field validation rules. So that will not work because I would have something like "Validation failed for one or more of the following reasons-- withdrawal cannot exceed
    available balance, date-of-birth cannot be after date-of-death,... etc". That will not work for me.
    The real and awesome solution would simply be enhancing SP 2013 so that column-level validation forumlas are able to reference other columns.
    But, for now, my workaround solution is to use JavaScript and jQuery, hook the onclick handler on the Save button, and that works good. The only problem, is that the jQuery validation rules run before any of the column-level rules created  with OOTB
    SP 2013. So, in some cases, there is an extra click for the enduser.
    Mark Kamoski
    -- Mark Kamoski

  • Project Site custom list data reporting with Odata connection, BI reports in Project online 2013.

    Can we create an excel report with Odata feed connection which includes project site custom list data?
    Example: My Project is "ProjectTest" and it has a project site in which i created a custom list "ProjectNotes" with some new columns. I want to include these columns in my report.

    when using the SharePoint ODATA or REST APIs each list and site would have a different endpoint URL. Some example URLs are below:
    The down site is that in Excel you cant dynamically update the connection URL so would have to add all of these in manually and create the data models - I guess this is ok if you don't have many projects and don't create many new projects. In code such as
    JavaScript it is easy and you can build up the URL dynamically using variables like below:
    projSiteUrl + "/_api/Web/Lists/getByTitle('ProjectNotes')/Items"
     The options to explore to see if you have make this dynamic and get the data you want are:
    Potentially look at the search API and use that in Excel:
    Power Query:
    JavaScript (put the data on a page), example:
    Or bring the data down to a custom SQL database table and report of that data:
    Hope that helps
    Paul Mather | Twitter |
    http://pwmather.wordpress.com | CPS

  • I have a new IPAD. There are no "list", "date," and "add a reminder" buttons on the Reminder app. There are also no "calendar" and "add an event" bottons on the Calendar App. Why?

    I just bought a new IPAD. There are no "list", "date," and "add a reminder" buttons on the Reminder App. There are also no  "calendar" and "add an event" buttons on the Calendar App. Why? Is there a way to add either a reminder or an event?

    For the reminders app - just tap on an open space on the ruled paper window under the heading in order to create a new reminder. Or tap on the + sign in the upper right corner of the app. You do not have the + sign on the app?
    For the calendars app to go Settings>iCloud>Calendars>On. Toggle the setting on and off and the + sign should appear in the lower right corner of the calendars app. Tap the + sign to create a new event.

  • Netbeans 5.5 + VWP and Object List Data Provider

    Hi there.
    I'm trying to build an Object List Data Provider as in fieldguide_08_dataProviders.
    I'm using Netbeans 5.5 + VWP
    When I try to "Configure the Table" on page 360, there are some difference.
    When I select Object List Data Provider and drop it on the Table component opens an unexpected choose for the target, then I choose tableRowgroup1.
    The JSP souce don't change and is still
    <ui:tableRowGroup binding="#{Schedule.tableRowGroup1}" id="tableRowGroup1" rows="10"
    sourceData="#{Schedule.defaultTableDataProvider}" sourceVar="currentRow">
    When I select objectListDataProvider1 the drop down opposite property list doesn't work. The button opens a selection window with no items.

    A better resource is http://developers.sun.com/prodtech/javatools/jscreator/learning/tutorials/2/hibernate.html#object in conjunction with http://blogs.sun.com/LongLiveThePepper/entry/using_netbeans_visual_web_pack

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