Title text disappearing between sessions

One of the genuinely annoying, and potentially job-threatening, bugs in FCP X is this:
When working on a project with title text (lower thirds, text on screen, title slides, end credits, etc) the customized text will often just clear out between FCP X sessions. For example, I have a project with a title slide (created from one of the standard title generators) that says "Barcelona Revitalization - Public Private Partnerships." I dress the text up just so then go on about my editing. Tomorrow, I may re-open the project, change one video clip, then export again for the client EXCEPT that a quick scan of the video reveals that the text box of the opening slide now, inexplicably, says "Title Text Here" with no remnants of my former text.  This happens frequently enough that I have to scan EVERY text slide each time I export a file to avoid a big embarrassment. I have nearly exported final drafts of videos for clients with "Title Here" for the main interviewee's name on more than one occasion. Note that it only happens when FCP is quit then restarted, and has no other predictable pattern.
It's a terrible bug, and I need a workaround that I can be confident about. Why does this happen and what can I do? Am I the only one?

Only you and several thousand others...
I'm not sure there's a definite workaround for this other than to work in small segments then close FCPX. Re-open and work on another small segment, then close....etc.
This is one they haven't been able to fix after two incremental upgrades.

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  • PDF attachment, text disappearing once opened.

    Hi Experts, I have been working on a smartform conversion to PDF email. I have inserted a gui download after the conversion process to check the pdf conversion. When opening the pdf that was downloaded, the pdf is perfect. However, once the pdf is emailed out of SAP to the microsoft exchange server and I open it in Outlook, only one block of text is present and if I scroll the page the text disappears. Has anyone encountered this problem and/or can someone help me fix it?

    Here is my code as of right now. The PDF email is saying the pdf is damaged or could not be repaired, when I try to open it.
    DATA: it_otf   TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF itcoo,
          it_docs  TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF docs,
          it_soli TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF tline,
          it_table TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF tline,
          st_job_output_info      TYPE ssfcrescl,
          st_document_output_info TYPE ssfcrespd,
          st_job_output_options   TYPE ssfcresop,
          st_output_options       TYPE ssfcompop,
          st_control_parameters   TYPE ssfctrlop,
          v_len_in                TYPE so_obj_len,
          v_language              TYPE sflangu VALUE 'E',
          v_e_devtype             TYPE rspoptype,
          v_bin_filesize          TYPE i,
          v_name                  TYPE string,
          v_path                  TYPE string,
          v_fullpath              TYPE string,
          v_filter                TYPE string,
          v_uact                  TYPE i,
          v_guiobj                TYPE REF TO cl_gui_frontend_services,
          v_filename              TYPE string,
          v_fm_name               TYPE rs38l_fnam.
      DATA:  pdf_length      TYPE i,
             doctab TYPE TABLE OF docs.
      i_tline TYPE TABLE OF tline WITH HEADER LINE,
      i_receivers TYPE TABLE OF somlreci1 WITH HEADER LINE,
      i_record LIKE solisti1 OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE.
    Objects to send mail.
      DATA: i_objpack LIKE sopcklsti1 OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE,
      i_objtxt LIKE solisti1 OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE,
      i_objbin LIKE solisti1 OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE,
      i_reclist LIKE somlreci1 OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE,
      it_mess LIKE solisti1 OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE,
      wa_doc_data TYPE TABLE OF sodocchgi1 WITH HEADER LINE,
      it_pcklist TYPE TABLE OF sopcklsti1 WITH HEADER LINE,
      it_receivers TYPE TABLE OF somlreci1 WITH HEADER LINE,
      tripdata TYPE  zps_appr_dissappr_wf,
      ziflo TYPE  iflo.
    Work Area declarations
      DATA: wa_objhead TYPE soli_tab,
      w_ctrlop TYPE ssfctrlop,
      w_compop TYPE ssfcompop,
      w_return TYPE ssfcrescl,
      wa_doc_chng TYPE sodocchgi1,
      w_data TYPE sodocchgi1,
      wa_buffer TYPE string."To convert from 132 to 255
    Variables declarations
      DATA: v_form_name TYPE rs38l_fnam,
      v_len_out LIKE sood-objlen,
      v_len_outn TYPE i,
      v_lines_txt TYPE i,
      v_lines_bin TYPE i,
      v_lines     TYPE i.
      DATA: itcpo LIKE itcpo,
            tab_lines LIKE sy-tabix.
    Variables for EMAIL functionality
      DATA: maildata   LIKE sodocchgi1.
      DATA: mailpack   LIKE sopcklsti1 OCCURS 2 WITH HEADER LINE.
      DATA: mailhead   LIKE solisti1 OCCURS 1 WITH HEADER LINE.
      DATA: mailbin    LIKE solisti1 OCCURS 10 WITH HEADER LINE.
      DATA: mailtxt    LIKE solisti1 OCCURS 10 WITH HEADER LINE.
      DATA: mailrec    LIKE somlrec90 OCCURS 0  WITH HEADER LINE.
      DATA: solisti1   LIKE solisti1 OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE.
    *&      Form  smartform_email
         -->C_FORMNAME text
      FORM smartform_email USING c_formname.
            i_language    = v_language
            i_application = 'SAPDEFAULT'
            e_devtype     = v_e_devtype.
        st_output_options-tdprinter = v_e_devtype.
    *st_output_options-tdprinter = 'locl'.
        st_control_parameters-no_dialog = 'X'.
        st_control_parameters-getotf = 'X'.
    .................GET SMARTFORM FUNCTION MODULE NAME.................
            formname           = c_formname
            fm_name            = v_fm_name
            no_form            = 1
            no_function_module = 2
            OTHERS             = 3.
        IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    ...........................CALL SMARTFORM............................
        CALL FUNCTION v_fm_name
            control_parameters   = st_control_parameters
            output_options       = st_output_options
            tripdata             = zps_appr_dissappr_wf
            ziflo                = iflo
            document_output_info = st_document_output_info
            job_output_info      = st_job_output_info
            job_output_options   = st_job_output_options
            formatting_error     = 1
            internal_error       = 2
            send_error           = 3
            user_canceled        = 4
            OTHERS               = 5.
        IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    .........................CONVERT TO OTF TO PDF.......................
              bin_filesize           = v_bin_filesize
              otf                    = st_job_output_info-otfdata
              doctab_archive         = it_docs
              lines                  = it_lines
              err_conv_not_possible  = 1
              err_otf_mc_noendmarker = 2
              OTHERS                 = 3.
          IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    ........................GET THE FILE NAME TO STORE....................
          CONCATENATE 'Field Trip' '.pdf' INTO v_name.
          CREATE OBJECT v_guiobj.
          CALL METHOD v_guiobj->file_save_dialog
              default_extension = 'pdf'
              default_file_name = v_name
              file_filter       = v_filter
              filename          = v_name
              path              = v_path
              fullpath          = v_fullpath
              user_action       = v_uact.
          IF v_uact = v_guiobj->action_cancel.
    ..................................DOWNLOAD AS FILE....................
          MOVE v_fullpath TO v_filename.
              bin_filesize            = v_bin_filesize
              filename                = v_filename
              filetype                = 'BIN'
              data_tab                = it_lines
              file_write_error        = 1
              no_batch                = 2
              gui_refuse_filetransfer = 3
              invalid_type            = 4
              no_authority            = 5
              unknown_error           = 6
              header_not_allowed      = 7
              separator_not_allowed   = 8
              filesize_not_allowed    = 9
              header_too_long         = 10
              dp_error_create         = 11
              dp_error_send           = 12
              dp_error_write          = 13
              unknown_dp_error        = 14
              access_denied           = 15
              dp_out_of_memory        = 16
              disk_full               = 17
              dp_timeout              = 18
              file_not_found          = 19
              dataprovider_exception  = 20
              control_flush_error     = 21
              OTHERS                  = 22.
          IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    convert pdf from 132 to 255.
        LOOP AT it_lines.
          TRANSLATE it_lines USING '~'.
          CONCATENATE wa_buffer it_lines INTO wa_buffer.
        TRANSLATE wa_buffer USING '~'.
          i_record = wa_buffer.
          APPEND i_record.
          SHIFT wa_buffer LEFT BY 255 PLACES.
          IF wa_buffer IS INITIAL.
        CLEAR wa_objhead.
        i_objbin[] = i_record[].
    Create Message Body
    Title and Description
        i_objtxt = 'test with pdf-Attachment!'.
        APPEND i_objtxt.
        DESCRIBE TABLE i_objtxt LINES v_lines_txt.
        READ TABLE i_objtxt INDEX v_lines_txt.
        wa_doc_chng-obj_name = 'smartform'.
        wa_doc_chng-expiry_dat = sy-datum + 10.
        wa_doc_chng-obj_descr = 'smartform'.
        wa_doc_chng-sensitivty = 'F'.
        wa_doc_chng-doc_size = v_lines_txt * 255.
    Main Text
        wa_doc_chng-doc_size = ( v_lines_txt - 1 ) * 255 + STRLEN( i_objtxt ).
        CLEAR i_objpack-transf_bin.
        i_objpack-head_start = 1.
        i_objpack-head_num = 0.
        i_objpack-body_start = 1.
        i_objpack-body_num = v_lines_txt.
        i_objpack-transf_bin = 'X'.
        DESCRIBE TABLE i_objbin LINES v_lines_bin.
        READ TABLE i_objbin INDEX v_lines_bin.
        i_objpack-doc_size = v_lines_bin * 255 .
        i_objpack-body_num = v_lines_bin.
        i_objpack-doc_type = 'PDF'.
        i_objpack-obj_name = 'smart'.
        i_objpack-obj_descr = 'test'.
        APPEND i_objpack.
        CLEAR i_reclist.
        i_reclist-receiver = '[email protected]'.
        i_reclist-rec_type = 'U'.
        APPEND i_reclist.
            document_data              = wa_doc_chng
            put_in_outbox              = 'X'
            commit_work                = 'X'
            packing_list               = i_objpack
            object_header              = wa_objhead
            contents_bin               = i_objbin
            contents_txt               = i_objtxt
            receivers                  = i_reclist
            too_many_receivers         = 1
            document_not_sent          = 2
            document_type_not_exist    = 3
            operation_no_authorization = 4
            parameter_error            = 5
            x_error                    = 6
            enqueue_error              = 7
            OTHERS                     = 8.
      ENDFORM.                    "smartform_email

  • TextArea and TextInput on mobile device the text disappears and works fine on desktop

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    Is this an identified bug ? ... is there a workaround ? ... I tried to set visible property to false and true and sometimes it works and sometimes not at random.
    Thank you for you help.

    UPDATE : if I set Focus=true the text appears. I think that the text should be there even if I don't set focus.
    This simple code when run in the device (Sony Tablet S) doesn't work as expected ... ( the text in the textbox dissapears, and if you change orientation appeears).
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:View xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
                        xmlns:s="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark" title="Editar acción"
                        xmlns:dao="dao.*" creationComplete="view1_creationCompleteHandler(event)" >
                                  import mx.events.FlexEvent;
                                  protected function view1_creationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void
                                            txt1.setFocus(); // <---- if not set the text "Hola" flashes and dissapear.
              <s:TextInput id="txt1" x="26" y="44"/>

  • History not retrained between sessions, tho set to do so !?

    Browsing several sites 3 x wk'ly to read commentary,but this history is not retained between sessions tho set to do so as far as I can see after perusing Firefox repeatedly over several wks....not browsing privately , etc....recent trovi malware infestation seems negligible,???, tho I still see it in IE. Any suggestions , Thanks....L F

    In case you are using "Clear history when Firefox closes":
    *do not clear the Browsing History
    *Tools > Options > Privacy > Firefox will: "Use custom settings for history": [X] "Clear history when Firefox closes" > Settings
    Note that clearing "Site Preferences" clears all exceptions for cookies, images, pop-up windows, software installation, passwords, and other website specific data.
    There is software like Advanced SystemCare with its Surfing Protection feature that can protect files in the Firefox profile folder against changes.
    If you have such software then check the settings or uninstall this software.
    Your System Details list shows that you have a user.js file in the profile folder to initialize prefs each time Firefox starts.
    The user.js file is only present if you or other software has created this file and normally it wouldn't be there.
    You can check its content with a plain text editor (right-click: Open with) if you didn't create this file yourself.
    The user.js file is read each time Firefox is started and initializes preferences to the value specified in this file, so preferences set via user.js can only be changed temporarily for the current session.
    You can use this button to go to the currently used Firefox profile folder:
    *Help > Troubleshooting Information > Profile Directory: Show Folder (Linux: Open Directory; Mac: Show in Finder)
    Delete a possible user.js file and numbered prefs-##.js files and rename (or delete) the prefs.js file to reset all prefs to the default value including prefs set via user.js and prefs that are no longer supported in the current Firefox release.

  • How come my text disappears when I choose a new theme?

    I'm new to keynote and I've imported a powerpoint presentation and I want to change the theme. When I do this, my text disappears. Can anyone help?

    sometimes this can appear to happen if the text is in a "body" box but the master slide doesn't have the body box turned on by default.
    Once your text goes missing, click on the slide inspector and then on the Appearance tab. See if the title or body are turned off, and check them to turn them back on.
    Also, when you choose the new theme, use the theme choose, don't just pick a theme from the list, and when the chooser comes up, UNCHECK the retain changes to theme defaults. This should force your ppt into the new theme more correctly.
    If your text is still missing, then there's something else going on here.

  • Difference between Session method and call transaction

    please give me the differences between session method and call transaction,
    briefly explaining synchronus , asynchronus, process, update.
    Thanks in advance

    Hi Vijay Kumar
    CLASSICAL BATCH INPUT (Session Method)
    This method is also called as ‘CLASSICAL METHOD’.
    Asynchronous processing.
    Synchronous Processing in database update.
    Transfer data for more than one transaction.
    Batch input processing log will be generated.
    During processing, no transaction is started until the previous transaction has been written to the database.
    This is another method to transfer data from the legacy system.
    Synchronous processing. The system performs a database commit immediately before and after the CALL TRANSACTION USING statement.
    Updating the database can be either synchronous or asynchronous. The program specifies the update type.
    Transfer data for a single transaction.
    Transfers data for a sequence of dialog screens.
    No batch input processing log is generated.
    Among the two methods call transaction is better compared to session bcoz data transfer is faster in it.
    Differences between call transaction and session.
    Session Method:
    1) Data is not updated in the database table until the session is processed.
    2) No sy-subrc is returned.
    3) Error log is created for error records.
    4) Updation is always synchronous.
    Call Transaction Method:
    1) Immediate updation in the database table.
    2) sy-subrc is returned.
    3)Error need to be handled explicitly.
    4) updation can be synchronous as well as asynchronous.
    2) ya u can use using the N mode no screen.
    3)u can't handle multiple transaction in call transaction.
    4) u can handle multiple transaction in session using the BDC_INSERT fm.
    5)When u go to SM35 u can able to see the error records.
    Which is best?
    That depends on your requirement. Both of them have there advantages.
    According to the situation u can choose any one of these.
    difference between batch input and call transaction in BDC Session method.
    1) synchronous processing.
    2) can tranfer large amount of data.
    3) processing is slower.
    4) error log is created
    5) data is not updated until session is processed.
    Call transaction.
    1) asynchronous processing
    2) can transfer small amount of data
    3) processing is faster.
    4) errors need to be handled explicitly
    5) data is updated automatically
    For session method,these are the function modules to b used.
    For call transaction,this is the syntax.
    MODE A or E or N
    UPDATE A or S
    Take a scenario where we need to post documents in FB01 and the input file has say 2000 records (2000 documents, not line items in FB01 but 2000 records)
    In the BDC call transaction method
    We call the transaction FB01 2000 times (once for each record posting) and if the processing fails in record no 3 it can be captured and start with reocord 4.
    Eg: Loop at itab.
    call transaction FB01
    capture errors
    In the session method.
    We do not explicity call the transaction 2000 times, but all the records are appeneded into a session and this session is stored. The processinf of the session is done wwhenever the user wants it to be done. Hence the errors cannot be captured in the program itself
    Check these link:
    Batch Input Session method is asynchronous as told by others here. But the advantage of this is that you have all the error messages and the data for each transaction held persistantly. You don't have to code anything for processing them or writing the logs.
    But at the same time, the same feature can be disadvantageous if you need to react to an error or if there are too many errors to manually correct in a session. Since the session are created in the program and its execution is done seperately, you loose the trackability of such transactions.
    With a call transaction, what was a disadvantage above will become an advantage. Call transaction immediately gives you messages back and you can react to it in your program. But the disadvantage is that, if you have several hundreds of transactions to run, running them from within the program can be resource crunching affair. It will hamper the system performance and you cannot really distribute the load. Of course, you have some mechanisms with which you can overcome this, but you will have to code for it. Also, storing the messages and storing the errored transaction data etc will have to be handled by you in the program. Whereas, in batch input session, your program's job is to just create the session, after that everything is standard SAP system's responsibility.
    Ideally, you should do a call transaction if the resources are not a problem and if it fails, put the errored transaction into a session.
    You can decide based on the data volume that your BDC is processing. If data volume is high go for session else call transaction will do.The call transaction updates will be instantaneous where as session needs to be processed explictly after creation.
    Session Method
    1) Session method supports both small amount of data aswell as large amount of data
    2) data processing is asynchronus and data updation is synchronus.
    3) it process multiple apllication while perfomaning validations.
    4) in session method data will be updated in data base only after processing session only.
    5) system provide by default logfile for handling error records.
    6) it supports both foreground aswell as background process
    in bdc we use FM ...
    bdc_open_group " for creating Session
    bdc_insert " adding transaction and bdcdata table for updating database
    bdc_close_group " for closing Session
    Call Transaction
    1) Call transaction exclusively for small amout of data
    2) it supports only one apllication while perfoming validations
    3) there is no default logfile, We can explicitly provide logic for creating logfile for handling error records.
    we can create logfile by using structure....BDCMSGCOLL
    4) it doesn't support background processing.
    5) data processing is synchronous and Data updation is Synchronous( default), in
    this method also supports daya updation in asynchronus process also.
    Call transaction <transaction-name> using BDCDATA
    mode <A/N/E>
    update <L/A/S>
    messages into BDCMSGCOLL.
    Batch Data Communication (BDC) is the process of transferring data from one SAP System to another SAP system or from a non-SAP system to SAP System.
    Features :
    BDC is an automatic procedure.
    This method is used to transfer large amount of data that is available in electronic medium.
    BDC can be used primarily when installing the SAP system and when transferring data from a legacy system (external system).
    BDC uses normal transaction codes to transfer data.
    Types of BDC :
    CLASSICAL BATCH INPUT (Session Method)
    This method is also called as ‘CLASSICAL METHOD’.
    Asynchronous processing.
    Synchronous Processing in database update.
    Transfer data for more than one transaction.
    Batch input processing log will be generated.
    During processing, no transaction is started until the previous transaction has been written to the database.
    This is another method to transfer data from the legacy system.
    Synchronous processing. The system performs a database commit immediately before and after the CALL TRANSACTION USING statement.
    Updating the database can be either synchronous or asynchronous. The program specifies the update type.
    Transfer data for a single transaction.
    Transfers data for a sequence of dialog screens.
    No batch input processing log is generated.
    For BDC:
    Check these link:
    call Transaction or session method ?
    Check the following links:
    See below example code :
    Once you execute the program and it creates the session at SM35 Transaction.
    Report : ZMPPC011
    Type : Data upload
    Author : Chetan Shah
    Date : 05/05/2005
    Transport : DV3K919557
    Transaction: ??
    Description: This ABAP/4 Program creates new Production Versions
    (C223). It accepts tab-delimited spreadsheet input and
    creates BDC sessions.
    Modification Log
    Date Programmer Request # Description
    06/10/2005 Chetan Shah DV3K919557 Initial coding
    report zmppc011 no standard page heading line-size 120 line-count 55
    message-id zz.
    pool of form routines
    include zmppn001.
    Define BDC Table Structure
    data: begin of itab_bdc_tab occurs 0.
    include structure bdcdata.
    data: end of itab_bdc_tab.
    Input record layout of Leagcy File
    data: begin of itab_xcel occurs 0,
    matnr(18) type c,
    werks(4) type c,
    alnag(2) type c,
    verid(4) type c,
    text1(40) type c,
    bstmi like mkal-bstmi,
    bstma like mkal-bstma,
    adatu(10) type c,
    bdatu(10) type c,
    stlal(2) type c,
    stlan(1) type c,
    serkz(1) type c,
    mdv01(8) type c,
    elpro(4) type c,
    alort(4) type c,
    end of itab_xcel.
    data: begin of lt_pp04_cache occurs 0,
    matnr like itab_xcel-matnr,
    werks like itab_xcel-werks,
    alnag like itab_xcel-alnag,
    plnnr like mapl-plnnr,
    arbpl like crhd-arbpl,
    ktext like crtx-ktext,
    end of lt_pp04_cache.
    data: v_ssnnr(4) type n,
    v_lines_in_xcel like sy-tabix,
    v_ssnname like apqi-groupid,
    v_trans_in_ssn type i,
    wa_xcel LIKE itab_xcel,
    l_tabix like sy-tabix,
    v_matnr like rc27m-matnr,
    v_plnnr like mapl-plnnr,
    v_plnal like mapl-plnal,
    v_tcode like sy-tcode value 'C223',
    v_plnty like plas-plnty value 'R',
    v_objty like crhd-objty value 'A',
    v_plpo_steus like plpo-steus value 'PP04',
    v_verwe like crhd-verwe value '0007'.
    selection-screen: skip 3.
    selection-screen: begin of block 1 with frame.
    parameters: p_name like rlgrap-filename
    default 'C:\My Documents\InputFile.txt'
    bdc session name prefix
    p_bdcpfx(6) default 'ZPVCRT'
    number for transction per BDC session
    p_trnssn type i
    default 2000 obligatory,
    retain the BDC session after successfull execution
    p_keep like apqi-qerase
    default 'X',
    user who will be executing BDC session
    p_uname like apqi-userid
    default sy-uname
    selection-screen: end of block 1.
    possible entry list (F4 dropdown) for input file name
    at selection-screen on value-request for p_name.
    call function 'WS_FILENAME_GET'
    DEF_FILENAME = ' '
    def_path = 'C:\Temp\'
    mask = ',.,..'
    mode = 'O'
    title = 'Select File '(007)
    filename = p_name
    RC =
    inv_winsys = 1
    no_batch = 2
    selection_cancel = 3
    selection_error = 4
    others = 5.
    if sy-subrc 0.
    MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
    WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
    begin the show
    read data from input file
    perform transfer_xcel_to_itab.
    loop at itab_xcel.
    hang on to xcel line num
    l_tabix = sy-tabix.
    each line in the xcel file marks begining of new prod.version defn
    if num-of-trnas-in-session = 0, create new BDC session
    if v_trans_in_ssn is initial.
    perform bdc_session_open.
    begin new bdc script for rtg create trans
    fill in bdc-data for prod.version maintenance screens
    perform bdc_build_script.
    insert the bdc script as a BDC transaction
    perform bdc_submit_transaction.
    keep track of how many BDC transactions were inserted in the BDC
    add 1 to v_trans_in_ssn.
    if the user-specified num of trans in BDC session is reached OR
    if end of input file is reached, close the BDC session
    if v_trans_in_ssn = p_trnssn or
    l_tabix = v_lines_in_xcel.
    perform bdc_session_close.
    clear v_trans_in_ssn.
    call function 'Z_HEADER'
    FLEX_TEXT1 =
    FLEX_TEXT2 =
    FLEX_TEXT3 =
    Transfer Xcel Spreadsheet to SAP Internal Table *
    form transfer_xcel_to_itab.
    Read the tab-delimited file into itab
    call function 'WS_UPLOAD'
    filename = p_name
    filetype = 'DAT'
    filelength = flength
    data_tab = itab_xcel
    conversion_error = 1
    file_open_error = 2
    file_read_error = 3
    invalid_table_width = 4
    invalid_type = 5
    no_batch = 6
    unknown_error = 7
    others = 8.
    if sy-subrc = 0.
    sort the data
    sort itab_xcel by matnr werks.
    clear v_lines_in_xcel.
    if no data in the file - error out
    describe table itab_xcel lines v_lines_in_xcel.
    if v_lines_in_xcel is initial.
    write: / 'No data in input file'.
    if file upload failed - error out
    write: / 'Error reading input file'.
    Open BDC Session *
    form bdc_session_open.
    create bdc session name = prefix-from-selectn-screen + nnnn
    add 1 to v_ssnnr.
    concatenate p_bdcpfx v_ssnnr into v_ssnname.
    open new bdc session
    call function 'BDC_OPEN_GROUP'
    client = sy-mandt
    group = v_ssnname
    keep = p_keep
    user = p_uname
    client_invalid = 1
    destination_invalid = 2
    group_invalid = 3
    group_is_locked = 4
    holddate_invalid = 5
    internal_error = 6
    queue_error = 7
    running = 8
    system_lock_error = 9
    user_invalid = 10
    others = 11.
    Build BDC *
    form bdc_build_script.
    data: l_arbpl like crhd-arbpl,
    l_text1 like mkal-text1,
    l_mdv01 like mkal-mdv01,
    l_mapl like mapl.
    clear bdc-data itab - begin of new bdc transaction
    clear itab_bdc_tab.
    refresh itab_bdc_tab.
    read material cross reference tables to determine sap part#
    clear : v_matnr, v_plnnr, v_plnal.
    perform read_matnr_cross_ref using itab_xcel-matnr
    changing v_matnr.
    determine the version description to use
    if itab_xcel-text1 is initial.
    l_text1 = itab_xcel-verid.
    l_text1 = itab_xcel-text1.
    determine the routing group# and group ctr# to use
    perform read_routing .
    determine the production line to use
    if itab_xcel-mdv01 is initial.
    if not provided in the file then:
    prod line = work ctr on the last PP04 op of the rtg determined above
    perform read_wc_on_last_pp04 using v_plnnr v_plnal
    changing l_mdv01.
    NOTE: when executing the above form\routine, if v_plnnr is initial
    or v_plnal is initial, THEN l_mdv01 will automatically be
    returned blank (ie initial)
    l_mdv01 = itab_xcel-mdv01.
    build bdc script
    perform bdc_build_script_record
    fill in initial screen
    using: 'X' 'SAPLCMFV' '1000',
    ' ' 'BDC_OKCODE' '=ENTE',
    ' ' 'MKAL-WERKS' itab_xcel-werks,
    ' ' 'MKAL-MATNR' v_matnr,
    ' ' 'MKAL_ADMIN-DISPO' space,
    ' ' 'MKAL-PLNNR' space,
    ' ' 'MKAL_ADMIN-STTAG' space,
    ' ' 'MKAL-PLNNG' space,
    ' ' 'MKAL-MDV01' space,
    ' ' 'MKAL-PLNNM' space,
    click create button on initial screen and go to detail screen
    'X' 'SAPLCMFV' '1000',
    ' ' 'BDC_OKCODE' '=CREA',
    fill in the detail screen and go back to initial screen
    'X' 'SAPLCMFV' '2000',
    ' ' 'BDC_OKCODE' '=CLOS',
    ' ' 'MKAL_EXPAND-MATNR' v_matnr,
    ' ' 'MKAL_EXPAND-VERID' itab_xcel-verid,
    ' ' 'MKAL_EXPAND-TEXT1' l_text1,
    ' ' 'MKAL_EXPAND-BSTMI' itab_xcel-bstmi,
    ' ' 'MKAL_EXPAND-BSTMA' itab_xcel-bstma,
    ' ' 'MKAL_EXPAND-ADATU' itab_xcel-adatu,
    ' ' 'MKAL_EXPAND-BDATU' itab_xcel-bdatu,
    ' ' 'MKAL_EXPAND-PLTYG' v_plnty,
    ' ' 'MKAL_EXPAND-PLNNG' v_plnnr,
    ' ' 'MKAL_EXPAND-ALNAG' v_plnal,
    ' ' 'MKAL_EXPAND-STLAL' itab_xcel-stlal,
    ' ' 'MKAL_EXPAND-STLAN' itab_xcel-stlan,
    ' ' 'MKAL_EXPAND-SERKZ' itab_xcel-serkz,
    ' ' 'MKAL_EXPAND-MDV01' l_mdv01,
    ' ' 'MKAL_EXPAND-ELPRO' itab_xcel-elpro,
    ' ' 'MKAL_EXPAND-ALORT' itab_xcel-alort,
    save the production version from initial screen
    'X' 'SAPLCMFV' '1000',
    ' ' 'BDC_OKCODE' '=SAVE'.
    Submit BDC Session *
    form bdc_submit_transaction.
    Load BDC script as a trqansction in BDC session
    call function 'BDC_INSERT'
    tcode = v_tcode
    dynprotab = itab_bdc_tab
    internal_error = 01
    not_open = 02
    queue_error = 03
    tcode_invalid = 04.
    form bdc_build_script_record using dynbegin name value.
    clear itab_bdc_tab.
    if dynbegin = 'X'.
    move: name to itab_bdc_tab-program,
    value to itab_bdc_tab-dynpro,
    'X' to itab_bdc_tab-dynbegin.
    move: name to itab_bdc_tab-fnam,
    value to itab_bdc_tab-fval.
    shift itab_bdc_tab-fval left deleting leading space.
    append itab_bdc_tab.
    Close BDC Session *
    form bdc_session_close.
    close the session
    call function 'BDC_CLOSE_GROUP'
    not_open = 1
    queue_error = 2
    others = 3.
    skip 2.
    if sy-subrc ne 0.
    write: / 'Error Closing BDC Session ' , 'RETURN CODE: ', sy-subrc.
    write : / 'Session created:', v_ssnname,
    50 '# of transactions:', v_trans_in_ssn.
    *& Form read_routing_cache
    *FORM read_routing_cache USING pi_matnr
    DATA: BEGIN OF lt_plpo OCCURS 0,
    vornr LIKE plpo-vornr,
    objty LIKE crhd-objty,
    objid LIKE crhd-objid,
    arbpl LIKE crhd-arbpl,
    END OF lt_plpo,
    l_mapl_plnnr LIKE mapl-plnnr.
    determine the routing group#
    CLEAR lt_pp04_cache.
    chk if its in the cache first, if not then get it from MAPL table
    and put it in the cache
    READ TABLE lt_pp04_cache WITH KEY matnr = pi_matnr
    werks = pi_werks
    alnag = pi_alnag.
    IF sy-subrc = 0.
    do nothing - lt_pp04_cache header line has rtg#
    get the routing group # from MAPL
    SELECT plnnr INTO l_mapl_plnnr
    FROM mapl UP TO 1 ROWS
    WHERE matnr = pi_matnr AND
    werks = pi_werks AND
    plnty = 'R' AND
    plnal = pi_alnag AND
    loekz = space.
    put it in the cache internal table
    IF NOT l_mapl_plnnr IS INITIAL.
    lt_pp04_cache-matnr = pi_matnr.
    lt_pp04_cache-werks = pi_werks.
    lt_pp04_cache-alnag = pi_alnag.
    lt_pp04_cache-plnnr = l_mapl_plnnr.
    APPEND lt_pp04_cache.
    if the rtg# was determined AND
    -- the work center was not determined yet AND
    -- work center was really needed for this line in the input file
    -- read the work center from last PP04 operation on the routing
    -- update the cache accordingly
    IF NOT lt_pp04_cache-plnnr IS INITIAL AND
    lt_pp04_cache-arbpl IS INITIAL AND
    ( pi_verid IS INITIAL OR
    pi_mdv01 IS INITIAL ).
    read the last PP04 operation
    CLEAR lt_plpo.
    REFRESH lt_plpo.
    SELECT vornr eobjty eobjid e~arbpl
    FROM plas AS b
    INNER JOIN plpo AS c
    ON bplnty = cplnty AND
    bplnnr = cplnnr AND
    bzaehl = czaehl
    INNER JOIN crhd AS e
    ON carbid = eobjid
    WHERE b~plnty = v_plnty AND
    b~plnnr = lt_pp04_cache-plnnr AND
    b~plnal = lt_pp04_cache-alnag AND
    c~loekz = space AND
    c~steus = v_plpo_steus AND
    e~objty = v_objty AND
    e~werks = lt_pp04_cache-werks AND
    e~verwe = v_verwe.
    SORT lt_plpo BY vornr DESCENDING.
    READ TABLE lt_plpo INDEX 1.
    IF NOT lt_plpo-arbpl IS INITIAL.
    lt_pp04_cache-arbpl = lt_plpo-arbpl.
    read work center description
    SELECT SINGLE ktext INTO lt_pp04_cache-ktext
    FROM crtx WHERE objty = lt_plpo-objty AND
    objid = lt_plpo-objid AND
    spras = sy-langu.
    the following read will get the index of the correct record to be
    updated in the cache
    READ TABLE lt_pp04_cache
    WITH KEY matnr = pi_matnr
    werks = pi_werks
    alnag = pi_alnag.
    MODIFY lt_pp04_cache
    INDEX sy-tabix
    TRANSPORTING arbpl ktext.
    *ENDFORM. " read_last_pp04_operation_cache
    *& Form read_routing
    form read_routing.
    data: begin of lt_mapl occurs 0,
    plnnr like mapl-plnnr,
    plnal like mapl-plnal,
    end of lt_mapl,
    l_arbpl like crhd-arbpl.
    get all the rtg# and grp ctr# from MAPL
    select plnnr plnal
    into corresponding fields of table lt_mapl
    from mapl
    where matnr = v_matnr and
    werks = itab_xcel-werks and
    plnty = v_plnty and "Rate Routing
    loekz = space. "with del flag = OFF
    sort lt_mapl by plnal.
    if not itab_xcel-verid is initial.
    if the verid=0001 then use the 1st good rtg-grp# and grp-ctr#
    if itab_xcel-verid = '0001'.
    read table lt_mapl index 1.
    v_plnnr = lt_mapl-plnnr.
    v_plnal = lt_mapl-plnal.
    if the verid0001 then use the rtg-grp# and grp-ctr# of the routing
    whose work center on the last PP04 operation matches the given verid
    loop at lt_mapl.
    clear l_arbpl.
    get the work center from the last PP04 operation
    perform read_wc_on_last_pp04 using lt_mapl-plnnr
    changing l_arbpl.
    if itab_xcel-verid = l_arbpl.
    v_plnnr = lt_mapl-plnnr.
    v_plnal = lt_mapl-plnal.
    do nothing
    For version IDs that are other then '0000' or 'ZWIP' :--
    if itab_xcel-verid NE '0000' and
    itab_xcel-verid NE 'ZWIP'.
    if routing group# or group counter was not determined, make the
    valid-to date 99/99/9999 so that the BDC, on execution, errors out.
    if v_plnnr is initial or
    v_plnal is initial.
    itab_xcel-bdatu = '99/99/9999'.
    determine the routing group#
    CLEAR lt_pp04_cache.
    chk if its in the cache first, if not then get it from MAPL table
    and put it in the cache
    READ TABLE lt_pp04_cache WITH KEY matnr = pi_matnr
    werks = pi_werks
    alnag = pi_alnag.
    IF sy-subrc = 0.
    do nothing - lt_pp04_cache header line has rtg#
    get the routing group # from MAPL
    put it in the cache internal table
    IF NOT l_mapl_plnnr IS INITIAL.
    lt_pp04_cache-matnr = pi_matnr.
    lt_pp04_cache-werks = pi_werks.
    lt_pp04_cache-alnag = pi_alnag.
    lt_pp04_cache-plnnr = l_mapl_plnnr.
    APPEND lt_pp04_cache.
    if the rtg# was determined AND
    -- the work center was not determined yet AND
    -- work center was really needed for this line in the input file
    -- read the work center from last PP04 operation on the routing
    -- update the cache accordingly
    IF NOT lt_pp04_cache-plnnr IS INITIAL AND
    lt_pp04_cache-arbpl IS INITIAL AND
    ( pi_verid IS INITIAL OR
    pi_mdv01 IS INITIAL ).
    read the last PP04 operation
    CLEAR lt_plpo.
    REFRESH lt_plpo.
    SELECT vornr eobjty eobjid e~arbpl
    FROM plas AS b
    INNER JOIN plpo AS c
    ON bplnty = cplnty AND
    bplnnr = cplnnr AND
    bzaehl = czaehl
    INNER JOIN crhd AS e
    ON carbid = eobjid
    WHERE b~plnty = v_plnty AND
    b~plnnr = lt_pp04_cache-plnnr AND
    b~plnal = lt_pp04_cache-alnag AND
    c~loekz = space AND
    c~steus = v_plpo_steus AND
    e~objty = v_objty AND
    e~werks = lt_pp04_cache-werks AND
    e~verwe = v_verwe.
    SORT lt_plpo BY vornr DESCENDING.
    READ TABLE lt_plpo INDEX 1.
    IF NOT lt_plpo-arbpl IS INITIAL.
    lt_pp04_cache-arbpl = lt_plpo-arbpl.
    read work center description
    SELECT SINGLE ktext INTO lt_pp04_cache-ktext
    FROM crtx WHERE objty = lt_plpo-objty AND
    objid = lt_plpo-objid AND
    spras = sy-langu.
    the following read will get the index of the correct record to be
    updated in the cache
    READ TABLE lt_pp04_cache
    WITH KEY matnr = pi_matnr
    werks = pi_werks
    alnag = pi_alnag.
    MODIFY lt_pp04_cache
    INDEX sy-tabix
    TRANSPORTING arbpl ktext.
    endform. " read_last_pp04_operation_cache
    *& Form read_wc_on_last_pp04
    form read_wc_on_last_pp04 using pi_plnnr
    changing pe_arbpl.
    data: begin of lt_plpo occurs 0,
    vornr like plpo-vornr,
    objty like crhd-objty,
    objid like crhd-objid,
    arbpl like crhd-arbpl,
    end of lt_plpo.
    get all the PP04 operations for the given rtg# & grp-ctr#
    select vornr eobjty eobjid e~arbpl
    into corresponding fields of table lt_plpo
    from plas as b
    inner join plpo as c
    on bplnty = cplnty and
    bplnnr = cplnnr and
    bzaehl = czaehl
    inner join crhd as e
    on carbid = eobjid
    where b~plnty = v_plnty and "Rate Routing
    b~plnnr = pi_plnnr and
    b~plnal = pi_plnal and
    c~loekz = space and "Oper Del Flag = OFF
    c~steus = v_plpo_steus and "PP04
    e~objty = v_objty. "WC Obj Type = 'A'
    read the last operation
    sort lt_plpo by vornr descending.
    read table lt_plpo index 1.
    pe_arbpl = lt_plpo-arbpl.
    endform. " read_wc_on_last_pp04
    Goto LSMW-> Select Direct Input method in 1st step. These are the standard programs for data transfer.
    Otherwise goto SPRO->SAP Reference IMG-> Under this you'll find standard data transfer programs module wise.
    Reward points,

  • Adobe Reader X text disappears

    I have a user that will have open 3 or 4 PDF's in Adobe Reader X. When the user starts flipping between the PDF's. the screen starts to go dark and the text disappears on one or more document until it's closed out and reopened. The PDF's are about 300 pages each of text. I did all updates to windows and to adobe and it still happening. The computer is running Windows 7 32bit. It's a Dell 980 with 4GB of RAM. Any advice would help.

    Is there something special about a pdf/a doc?

  • What is the difference between Session timeout and Short Session timeout Under Excel Service Application -- session management?

    Under Excel Service Application --> session management; what is the difference between Session timeout and Short Session timeout?

    Any call made from the API will automatically be set to the “Session Timeout” period, no matter
    what. Calls made from EWA (Excel Web Access) will get the “Short Session Timeout” period assigned to it initially.
    Short Session Timeout and Session Timeout in Excel Services
    Short Session Timeout and Session Timeout in Excel Services - Part 2
    Sessions and session time-outs in Excel Services
    above links are from old version but still applies to all.
    Please remember to mark your question as answered &Vote helpful,if this solves/helps your problem. ****************************************************************************************** Thanks -WS MCITP(SharePoint 2010, 2013) Blog: http://wscheema.com/blog

  • How can I make a title (text) on a postcard vertical not horizontal text?

    How can I make a title (text) on a postcard layout vertical not horizontal text?

    Insert it in a Text Box then rotate this one.
    Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) lundi 13 juin 2011 16:20:28
    iMac 21”5, i7, 2.8 GHz, 4 Gbytes, 1 Tbytes, mac OS X 10.6.7
    Please : Search for questions similar to your own
    before submitting them to the community
    To be the AW6 successor, iWork MUST integrate a TRUE DB, not a list organizer !

  • How can I make a table cell extend beyond the page?  The text disappears when the cell becomes larger than the page.

    How can I make a table cell extend beyond a page?  The text disappears when the cell becomes bigger than the page.  I want the table to continue to the next page.

    As a student, you might be able to get Office for Mac from the college bookstore at a substantial discount. Otherwise, I think your best option for documents that need to be shared with Office users is to get one of the free Office clones such as LibreOffice.

  • Report generation toolkit how to access "title text" 1.1.3

    Hi at all,
    in LabView 8.5.1 with Report Generation Toolkit 1.1.2 I used the  "Generate Report Get Modified Data.vi" and "Generate Report Set Modified Data.vi" to modify the Report Title Text. In the Version 1.1.3 of the toolkit I found no method to access this property.
    Is there anybody solved this problem?

    I'm creating HTML reports.
    ...and I found an unaesthetic solution (thanks to my college):
    immediately after I created a new report, I'm searching in while loop for the first report with empty Title Text using HTML Data global.vi (or anything else in the cluster) and the previous HTML Ref-num is the according report. Now I can set the property using HTML Data global.vi again.
    I won't suggest this if you're creating reports at more than one place, but in my case I can't get a race condition.

  • Calendar on iOS 7. Anyone noticed that when you enter text into the "notes section" of a day, the text disappears behind the keyboard rather than scrolling down to keep pace with text entry ? Looks like an 7 glitch to me ?

    Calendar on iOS 7. Anyone noticed that when you enter text into the "notes section" of a day, the text disappears behind the keyboard rather than scrolling down to keep pace with text entry ? Looks like an 7 glitch to me ?

    Doesn't do that for me. Try resetting the phone

  • How to change Font Type of the Title Text of a JFrame?

    I want to set a different Font Type for the Title text of the titlebar of my JFrame.
    Is it possible? Can anyone show me how if it is?

    Thanks. It works!
    But there was a problem. I was not using the :-
    so I have to use it now.
    Is it possible to do it without the default decorated look and feel? Because the default LNF title bar has too much height and I am cramped for space.
    I know that's no excuse. I tried but it doesn't work.. I am using a extended JFrame like this:-
    class Testing extends JFrame
    public Testing()
    Container container = getContentPane();
    /* add components to this container here */
    When I use getComponent() for the container, I get an ArrayIndexOutOfBound Exception.
    When I set the argument to getComponent(0), the font in the title bar is not changed.
    What else should I do?

  • How do i link text boxes between pages in indesign cs5

    How do i linbk text boxes between pages in indesign cs5 please

    It is indeed may be someone has moved the discussions,
    Regarding your issue, Check this link:- http://helpx.adobe.com/indesign/using/threading-text.html
    If you could explain what exactly you are trying to do we may help better.

Maybe you are looking for