Togglebutton looses its behavior when is added to a buttongroup

what i wanted to do was to have several toogled buttons, but when one is clicked the others buttons sets their position to out, so i added them to a buttongroup, but now i cant change the position of a button from in to out, ej.
if a click a button its remain pressed thats ok =) "in position"
if a click other button its changes its state to in and the others button sets their position to out, thats ok again.
but if a click again the button that its position is in it doesnt change its position to out :S as a normal toogledbutton :S... any ideas?

any ideas? yes, stick to the one thread

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    rtilghman wrote:
    telling me to buy a new router is NOT a solution.
    And why not? Apple is selling these things like BigMacs. They can't make enough of them. You've been suffering since May because you refuse to get a decent router.
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    Thanks for all who participated in resolving of my problem. It's eventually has been resolved by myself.
    The solution was very complicated and looks like unskilful workaround, but it was one, which really helped.
    So now I just want to describe it, maybe someone else will faced the similar problem.
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    public void handleTab() throws Exception{
         Document doc = textPane.getDocument();
         doc.insertString(textPane.getCaretPosition(), "\t", null);
         textPane.setCaretPosition(textPane.getCaretPosition() + 1);
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    <APPLET CODEBASE="." ARCHIVE="editor.jar" CODE="editor.applet.EditorApplet.class" NAME="editor" WIDTH="640" HEIGHT="480" MAYSCRIPT >
    <INPUT name="stub1" type=text onfocus="editor.handleTab();" style="position:absolute; top:100; left:100;">
    <INPUT name="stub2" type=text onfocus="stub1.focus();" style="position:absolute; top:150; left:100;">
    </HTML>I know, this looks little bit strange, so let me clearify some details and aspects of IE behavior.
    - When I press TAB, focus goes to "stub1" input box, which invokes 'editor.handleTab' immediately. But inspite of focus was grabbeg back by applet (invoking textPane.grabFocus()), it is ALSO REMAIS IN BROWSER in inputbox. So when I press TAB again, focus moves not to "stub1" again, but to the next flow control "stub2". So in this case "stub2" must return the focus to "stub1". It is like chain reaction ;-)
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    Hi all
    I'm having a very similar problem with Encore. My menu items are distorting (a minor but infuriating squashing top and bottom) when previewed.
    Using Encore,PS,AE CS4
    DVD format SD PAL DV widescreen
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    You can do this using JavaScript:
    Specify the onkeypress of the inputText like this:
                                    <h:inputText binding="#{Page1.tfSearchString}" id="tfSearchString" onkeypress="return onEnterSubmit(event);" value="*" valueChangeListener="#{Page1.tfSearchString_processValueChange}"/>The in the head part of your page, add the following javascript:
                    var ie4 = false;
                    if(document.all) {
                        ie4 = true;
                    function onEnterSubmit(event) {
                        if (ie4) {
                            if (window.event && window.event.keyCode == 13) {
                                return false;
                                return true;
                            if (event && event.which == 13)
                                return true;
                    }This assumes you have btnRefresh as the name of the submit button, and you want it clicked on enter key press. Else just comment out the part with the .click()/focus() to prevent any action on Enter key press.
    Also, you can focus on any other textField in the page with the enter by replacing the click()/focus lines() with document.forms['form1']['form1:tfName'].focus()

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    Revision: 21050
    Revision: 21050
    Author:   [email protected]
    Date:     2011-04-09 16:22:58 -0700 (Sat, 09 Apr 2011)
    Log Message:
    Popup: The default behavior when an Event.CLOSE is dispatched through the popup component should be preventable
    Popup: The write-only behaviors property can not be used with states
    Ticket Links:
    Modified Paths:
    Added Paths:

    Hi Shweta,
    as i discussed with you to update the script code
    <html><script> function closeWindow( ){       top.close( );     }                  </script><body><form> The application was logged off successfully. <br><input type="button" value="close window" onclick="closeWindow( );" /></ form></body></html>
    in sicf transaction for your component.
    it will work (close the window).
    dont forget to give me points
    all the best...

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    Firefox V30.0
    I saw a poss solution to my prob of loosing tab groups when closing firefox It read ". Edit > Preferences > Privacy "I can't find references under the edit menu" so cannot attempt the fix offered?

    Your System Details list shows that you have a user.js file in the profile folder to initialize prefs each time Firefox starts.
    The user.js file is only present if you or other software has created this file and normally it wouldn't be there.
    You can check its content with a plain text editor (right-click: Open with) if you didn't create this file yourself.
    The user.js file is read each time Firefox is started and initializes preferences to the value specified in this file, so preferences set via user.js can only be changed temporarily for the current session.
    Delete a possible user.js file and numbered prefs-##.js files and rename (or delete) the prefs.js file to reset all prefs to the default value including prefs set via user.js and prefs that are no longer supported in the current Firefox release.
    You can use this button to go to the currently used Firefox profile folder:
    *Help > Troubleshooting Information > Profile Directory: Show Folder (Linux: Open Directory; Mac: Show in Finder)
    See also:
    App (pinned) tabs and Tab Groups (Panorama) are stored as part of the session data in the sessionstore.js file in the Firefox profile folder.
    You can check for problems with the sessionstore.js and sessionstore.bak files in the Firefox profile folder that store session data.
    *Help > Troubleshooting Information > Profile Directory: Show Folder (Linux: Open Directory; Mac: Show in Finder)
    Deleting sessionstore.js will cause App Tabs and Tab Groups and open and closed (undo) tabs to get lost and you will have to recreate them (make a note or bookmark them if possible).

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    Thanks everybody for your help and your suggestions.
    @Jeff - no, I'm always logged in with the same account - and I'm also the only user on the machine - so I don't think this is the reason.
    @AndreyV - possible, but as far as I know, I don't have any cleaning tools working in the background
    @ the_wine_snob - I don't think, that it's a problem of Windows, because all other applications run properly - the last opened word and excel documents are always remembered normaly, so I think...
    @SFL46' suggestion could be the cause of my problem  - in fact I do have the folder "my documents" (and in it the PP.prproj-files) at a diffrent location than Windows Vista usually puts it. I moved it to my RAID-drives (instead of the system drive c where usually the "user"-folders are located). I never had any problems with PP CS3 or the earlier versions, but that could be the reason of this behaviour (specially because PP doesn't always looses the last opened documents). I will move the prproj-files to the user-folder on the system drive and will report my experience here.

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    I have all my music on an external media drive that has crashed. How can I get the music of my ipod touch back onto the comupter without loosing the music when it syncs. in order to start rebuilding my music collection?

    You should be able to recover the media with the tips in  this post from forum regular Zevoneer but I'm not sure what the implications are for your application settings. You can probably transfer your purchases into a newly authorised library, backup the device, recover any other media using third party tools, then restore the device from the backup. That should switch the assocation of the device to the new library but it is not something I've personally tested.
    When you get it all working, make a backup!

Maybe you are looking for