Too many clips!!!!!

Help! Hi , I am having this annoying problem. iMovie is breaking my scnes up into very small clips of about 2-3 seconds sometimes. This started to get much worse when I either switched fro LP to Sp speed, or when I turned on 16 bit audio.
This would not be so bad if I could take all the small clips I know are from one scene and join them into one clip.
Any suggestions?

My dad's having the same type of problem, except that iMovie keeps importing the same 2:12 seconds as a clip. Which means he can't even paste all the bits together because there's only just one clip imported several times.
He says File Vault is turned off.
He tried changing the preferences as well.
I just upgraded his iMovie from the standard to the HD version, and the same problem occurred before and after...
What can we do?...

Similar Messages

  • Imported Tape Broken into Too Many Clips

    I tape my movies with a Sony Digital 8 camera, model DCR-TRV103, and import them to my MacBook Pro, using iMovie HD 6. This has been working very well. But one recent event I taped, upon importing, started breaking a long clip from the tape into very many short clips in iMovie, most only a few seconds long, with some just a fraction of a second in length. When the number of clips in iMove exceeded 100, I stopped the importing, even though the tape was less than half way through. I have not had this problem either before or after this one particular tape.
    The event I taped was a ride on a tourist railroad, so I was bouncing around a lot. Maybe this threw some kind of errors into the tape? I'm grasping at straws here. Viewing the tape, as it imported into iMovie, it looks just fine, with no irregularities apparent, at the same time that dozens of clips are being populated.
    I shot another movie after this one, and had no problems importing it into iMovie. But during this taping, the camera was stationary. Importing this one gave only two clips for an entire 55 minute tape.
    Any ideas?

    I have this problem too. I was able to make the situation a little better by cleaning the video heads with a cleaning tape, but the problem still persists. Now, I am having to work around this problem by turning off the option to "start new clip @ scene break" in the import preferences. I then set the maximum clip length to 1 minute. Then I get a series of 1 minute clips that I can then break into scenes in iMovie. Not an optimal situation.

  • Help! iMovie deleted many clips during a "split event" procedure.

    Please help. I realized that my 2004 "event" had far too many clips in it and decided to split the event. (Trying to remedy a poor organizational system). The split appeared to work fine, creating a new event 2004 1 that I assumed had my clips in it. They weren't there, or in the original event. Worse, other clips from that event were also missing. I have restarted the computer, still not there. And yes, I did check to be sure I was viewing ALL clips, not just favorites etc.
    I do have a backup, but after much reorganizing it is just about impossible for me to figure out which clips disappeared. I had just this week given up on using iPhoto for my old 1000+ 30 second clips from my digital camera and had imported them directly into iMovie. I had also just imported all my old video footage from my nonHD camera. And of course, I hadn't re-backed up yet, but I had deleted them from iPhoto. (Was going to backup tonight to my new drive I bought for that purpose...)
    Any suggestions?

    Thank you. I tried that and the actual folders match what shows in iMovie. I'm backing up now, but when I'm done I'll just reimport from my older backup and tapes and try to figure out what's missing.
    What I'm really concerned about, is does iMovie just arbitrarily make things disappear often? How do I know there aren't other things from other events that are missing? Obviously right now I can do a file count, but once I actually start working with the clips and deleting the bad ones etc. how can I know if things are suddenly missing? (I have over a thousand clips so it isn't obvious.) These are baby clips which are precious to me...
    In case it matters, just had my mac in for full diagnostic and it's fine. The hard drive is new and tests fine. Permissions on my C drive HAVE been being corrupted during file imports from my old Sony digital8, possibly that caused the original problem? I will be sure to check permissions before opening iMovie from now on.

  • While importing clip getting error "The file contains too many audio channels" in premiere pro cs5

    I  am using video clips from sony digital hi8 camera and trying to import  video clips (.mov) 720*480  fps 29.97 .But unable to get into premiere  pro cs5.System configuration:
    MAC 10.6.4
    2.66ghz intel core i7
    4gb ram
    nvidia geforce gt 330 mn.
    Error :
    Actually ,i have checked the inspector panel and i found same infomation in
    in this panel for both clips .please check these clips screen shoots seprately .
    Actually i have a long video clip and i have scatterred this clip into 6 diffrent portions
    where i am not able to import the last video clip.It is giving me same error "file contain too many audio channels"".

    I too am getting this error in Premiere CS5.  I was digitizing a Broadcast VHS and since I did not have a breakout box, I hooked it up to a Sony DV deck so I could connect via firewire and capture inside Premiere.  I was able to capture and import 1 of the 3 clips and it did have 4 audio channels attached to it.  However, upon closer inspection only 2 channels had a waveform.  I captured the other 2 clips the same way, but this time, Premiere give the error "The file contains too many audio channels." 
    Any ideas?

  • Can't figure out how to make "sub-tabs" / Too many "top-tabs" / Other ?

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    I am having some problems:
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    Another example, if you look at the home screen, I'd like to have the link to the "Privacy Policy" and Terms of Service" pages on the bottom, but not have them appear as tabs in the top, too.
    How do I do this, please? I've searched, and can't figure out/___sbsstatic___/migration-images/migration-img-not-avail.png
    2) How do I add "Copyright 2011" automatically? I saw in the Rapidweaver trial version, it automatically adds it when you publish... is there a way to tell this program to do this? Or do I need to type that in on each page? (I don't want to purchase RW... I'm not ready for that yet.)
    Thank you in advance

    Cindee ~ One way to do the copyright notice is to use a Text Clipping — Select (highlight) the copyright text you want to use and drag it to the Desktop. If necessary, change the name of the Clipping icon so that it's more easily identifiable on the Desktop. Then, when you need it in iWeb, simply drag the Clipping icon from the Desktop to iWeb's main canvas.
    By the way, rather than posting your URL here like this:
    ...include the prefix to make it conveniently clickable:

  • Is it possible to have too many keyframes in one project in Premiere?

    Hi all,
    I'm using Premiere 6 on a Windows 7 ULT machine.
    Is it possible to have too many keyframes in one project in Premiere?
    I'm getting app crashes when I try to re-open a certain project in Premiere 6 and it seems that if that file has over 93 keyframes, then it will not re-open.  But I can re-open that exact same project file with 93 keyframes in it, no problem.
    But if I go any further and create any more keyframes than 93 in a new re-saved version of the exact same file, then that file will not re-open and I get an app crash... you can see screenshots of the two Windows app crash info panels below that I'm getting from three different bad Premiere project files that I've created so far.
    I've tested and tested what is going on here and this seems to be what is causing the bad files.  I've re-created the scenario and re-created files with over 93 keyframes from the same base project file that will still open... as soon as I get more than 93 keyframes in this file, then that newly saved file will not re-open after I close and try to re-open it.
    This is 75 keyframes in one still image clip, 14 keyframes in another still image clip and 2 keyframes each in two other still image clips in a single project file... that is the limit... if I create any more keyframes in the clip that has 75 keyframes, the new file will save and render, but it won't re-open once it has been closed.
    The two slightly different app crash info panels show, in the first one below,
    "Fault Module Name: StackHash_e98d"
    ... and the second one shows,
    "Fault Module Name: PREMINFO.dll"
    ... both messages with a little more different info in each one.  I get either of the two error info panels when trying to re-open all three bad files that I've created with over 93 keyframes in them.  That is, two of the files alternate between giveing "StackHash_e98d" and "PREMINFO.dll" when trying to open them and one of them always shows the "Fault Module Name: PREMINFO.dll" error.
    So even the error messages are inconsistent with two of the bad files.
    I've searched the internet for this error in association with Premiere and I've also searched on this forum and found nothing.  Can anyone shed any light on this?

    Even though I figured out a work around, I was still interested to know if these file opening crashes are related to Virtual Memory.
    So on the topic of Virtual Memory... a few months ago I was troubleshooting a different problem in Premeire and I found this information...
    "To improve performance in Premiere Pro, adjust the size of the paging file to a maximum of twice the amount of installed RAM."
    Previous to that time three months ago or so, I had my Virtual Memory settings at the default automatic setting, but I tried setting my VM to twice the amount of installed RAM, and I've had it set that way ever since, just to make sure I'm optimizing the VM performance for Premiere and other apps.
    But that isn't making any difference in this case.  Today I also found information in a search that says to troubleshoot StackHash crashes, one should turn off "DEP" in the system settings for the application with the crash problem... according to the paragraph below, from the second post down by Chris on this page...
    Even though this was written in 2009 with Windows Vista in mind, many things for Vista work in Windows 7... it says,
    "Here’s how 99 percent of Vista users can fix a StackHash failure. I’ll walk you through it step by step:
    Method A:
    1. Open your Start menu and click Control Panel
    2. Browse to “System Maintenance” then “System”
    3. In the left panel, select “Advanced System Settings” from the available links
    4. You should now see the System Properties Window, which will have three sections. The top section is labeled “Performance” and has a “Settings” button. Click this button.
    5. Select the “Data Execution Prevention” tab.
    6. Select the option which reads “Turn on DEP for all programs and services except those I select”
    7. Use the “Browse” button to locate the executable file for the application you were trying to start when you received the StackHash error, and click Open to add it to your exceptions list.
    8. Click Apply or OK to commit your changes."
    But I tried this and none of the three problem files that I encountered would open... I still got the StackHash_e98d or PREMINFO.dll crash errors.
    So anyway, I'm a ways past that in my project now, just continuing with more keyframes over the number of 78 in separate but identical still image clips... that allows me to successfully work with this project with as many keyframes as I need.
    Thanks again,

  • TS3320 "too many redirect occurred" error message on iPad using a bookmark

    I get the error message "too many redirect occurred" when using a bookmark to connect to a site. Safari is disabled in settings. This worked fine for about 5 months. Recently it stopped working. Now the site will only open going straight through Safari. (The error still appears using the book mark with Safari enabled). Cookies are enabled and are cleared off.
    Any ideas on how to get around this?

    Because its an issue with the site programming.  It can be due to some cookie or cache on your iPad, but its the actual website that tells the iPad to redirect.
    Imagine if you go the store with a coupon you clipped off of a newspaper. when you get to the door, you show the coupon and the guy at the door says you need to use the other door because the coupon says so.   So you walk to the other door, and the guy at that door tells you nope, for that type of product you need to go to the original door.  So you go back and the cycle repeats.
    Eventually you give up and leave, same thing happens with the iPad after so many tries going back and forth between pages or if sent to enough different pages it will just give up since it just can't access anything as it keeps being sent elsewhere.
    If its due to Cookies or corrupted cache you can go into Settings->Safari and clear Cookies and history to see if that fixes it.
    Otherwise its usually some type of loop being generated by untested conditions in the web page coding, and only the Website owners / programmers can fix it.
    Most often its caused by a website sending you to the mobile version of the site, and the mobile version detecting an iPad sends you back to the desktop version of the site, and the cycle repeats there.

  • Encore Error when building Blu Ray *ISO (too many primary video...)

    I have huge problem.
    I'm creating Blu Ray Image (ISO)
    I have project with
    Main Menu (Button-Start Film and Button-Submenu) Background Video and audio
    Submenu (16 Chapters Buttons and Button-Back to Main Menu) Background Video and audio
    One Timeline (rendered in PrPro) 2:46h (16 Chapters on it)
    I do Render motion menus first, then transcoding now of Timeline and when i Click Build I get this error
    "Blu-Ray Object: "<Menu>Name_Menu top menu",Error:"device error",Code: "2",
    Note: "Too many primary video streams in clip (Spec Table 9-3,Annex B)"
    I couldn't Find any answers for this problem in google.
    Anybidy had this and solved ?
    My Machine is
    Motherboard. ASRock P67 Extreme 4
    Proc. Intel core i7 2600 3.4GHz LGA1155
    RAM. DDR3 CL9: 12GB
    HDD. WD WD10EARS 1TB Caviar 64MB Sata
    Cooler Aerocool 700W
    GFX. Asus Geforce GTX 460 1024MB DDR5
    Win7 x64 Home Premium

    Are you using an AVCHD file as a background video and Audio?  The AVCHD files are the cause of the issue.I think this is a known issue in Encore and is discussed in the below thread -

  • "Too many objects" (Illustrator - FC)

    Hi all,
    Are there guidelines on just how many objects (or what kind of objects) cause this error? Tips on this topic would be greatly appreciated as well.
    Old threads on this seem to indicate that
    I don't come close to it (number):
    "kind of object" seems to matter:
    I am of course assuming the threads above are accurate.....
    This is the Illustrator document info (Objects) I'm trying to open in FC:
    Paths: 52 (17 open, 35 closed, 198 points, length = 60099.035 pt)
    Compound Paths: 2
    Gradient Meshes: NONE
    Symbol Instances: 7
    All Type Objects: 231
    Point Type Objects: 231
    Area Type Objects: NONE
    Type on Path Objects: NONE
    Clipping Masks: 6
    Opacity Masks: NONE
    Transparent Groups: NONE
    Transparent Objects: NONE
    RGB Objects: 277
    CMYK Objects: NONE
    Grayscale Objects: NONE
    Spot Color Objects: NONE
    Pattern Objects: NONE
    Gradient Objects: NONE
    Brushed Objects: NONE
    Styled Objects: NONE
    Fonts: 1
    Linked Images: NONE
    Embedded Images: 6
    Non-Native Art Objects: NONE

    Ok, hopefully this helps others. In my case (and my case alone), the culprit was text - just like what was described in the #2 thread above (regarding text styles, etc).
    Truth is, I didn't even notice it (these are files from other people consolidated into a single document)...until I saw some text layers had that "meatball" in the plate indicator - btw, whatever it was doesn't show up in the Appearance pallete of Illustrator so add that to the mystery - I just dragged the meatball into the trash can - not really knowing what it was (and it didn't affect the appearance of the text either...go figure).
    Hopefully, an update/fix to FC make it friendlier as far as messaging is concerned. "Too many objects" is just too vague.
    I think a lot of users can share my  horrific experience:
    You go through the effort of organizing your Illustrator document for FC
    Now that its all neatly organized;
    You can't get it into FC with a vague message about "too many objects"
    You randomly start making changes to no avail (because of this vague message), and really, in my case, without that past thread I'm referring to, TEXT would be the last place I'd look.
    Ed@SF wrote:
    Hi all,
    Are there guidelines on just how many objects (or what kind of objects) cause this error? Tips on this topic would be greatly appreciated as well.
    Old threads on this seem to indicate that
    I don't come close to it (number):
    "kind of object" seems to matter:
    I am of course assuming the threads above are accurate.....

  • Unable to run movie coz too many keyframe

    Hi flash developers
    I am new to flash, i have developed an education software.
    The entire movie consist of movie clip the followed by more than a
    thouse keyframes. when i run the entire movie, it stop half way
    because of too many keyframes.
    Can anybody advise me how to solve this problem.

    That is not too many - flash can handle 16,000 frames - 1
    thousand is very normal. You must have a
    stop action at that point in the timeline where it stops.
    Check your FLA or post it somewhere so we
    can check it also.
    Chris Georgenes
    Adobe Community Expert
    esof wrote:
    > Hi flash developers
    > I am new to flash, i have developed an education
    software. The entire movie
    > consist of movie clip the followed by more than a thouse
    keyframes. when i run
    > the entire movie, it stop half way because of too many
    > Can anybody advise me how to solve this problem.
    > Regards,
    > Koh

  • Final Cut Exporting Too Many Frames

    Maybe this has been happening for years, but now at Comcast out west has been rejecting my spots because they are too long. For example, I have my sequence set up as usual with everything ends at :30 sec. (900 frames). Sometimes I go one frame over to make sure nothing it cut off. Problem is, my exported files come out with lenghts like 0:00:00:30.07 or 0:00:00:30.03.
    This happens whether I use an out point or not.
    I just double-checked the sequence settings and I see one thing that could be a cause. The video I'm using was shot at 23.98, but my exports need to be at 29.97. Is this the cause and if so, can I remedy this issue?
    A side question:  Would it be better to shoot 29.97 in the first place? I'm guessing the reason it was shot that way is for the film look, but I would imagine I can add some effects for that.
    Thanks in advance.

    >If I open them in QT 7, using the Get Info window, I can see the frame count. I believe VLC player shows this too.
    They might be wrong. They aren't designed to be frame accurate. Bring the footage into an NLE and check the frame count. If it is wrong there, they they are giving you too many frames. 
    >This project was created by another shop, the shooters, and I'm now tagging the endings. I had never checked their settings until now. They are set to match the clips at 23.98. I believe the video was shot with a 5D Mark II and I think they shoot in h264 if I'm not mistaken, so they converted to ProRes on their end.
    Are you getting the PROJECT or an exported QT file?
    >So I have a 23.98 timeline (and clips) exporting to h.264 29.97.
    AHA!!  DON'T DO THAT!!!  Export a 23.98 file...self contained QT file.  Take the result into Compressor and THERE change the frame rate.  Doing it from FCP will result in extra frames.  No no no...that's all wrong.
    >I can't seem to figure out how to get Compressor to work properly either.
    How so? Can't figure it out in general? Or it isn't working right?

  • Too many events for FCPX?

    I have a fairly large project where we filmed close to a hundred locations. We categorized each of those locations as an event. Now when we launch FCP, it seems to be too much for FCPX. Searching across multiple events takes quite a long time while FCP "preps" the media.
    My solution has been to make a folder called "Final Cut Events INACTIVE". I then drag all the events that aren't being used in a given project to that folder so that FCPX will perform better. The problem is that our main edit needs some content from ALL of those events, so I really need all 100 events available.
    So basically I'm asking if others have this kind of event-overload performance issue. If so, what are solutions? Certainly I could get a faster HD. Right now I'm using an external FW800 2TB drive on a brand new iMac 3.4 i7 with 16GB RAM. So that's a pretty decent setup. I hate to drop a ton of cash on a Thunderbolt RAID just so I can access 100 events easily. That seems unnecessary.
    The FW800 drive plays back our native, unoptimized MTS media just fine (re-wrapped as MOV), so generally speaking, it performs quite well. I guess I just find it disappointing that FCPX doesn't ahndle a lot of events well unless there's something I can be doing to manage them better.
    Also, is there a way to temporarily deactivate an event without resorting to my solution of moving it to an INACTIVE folder?

    You don't say how many clips there are.
    I have over 5,000 clips (some of 15 or even 20 minutes but most less than 25 seconds). These are split between ten events.
    I have a 2 x 2.26 GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon Mac Pro with 16GB RAM.
    When I click an event, it opens more or less instantly.
    I suggest you have fewer actual events, and use keywords to categorise the locations.
    It would be easy to do - just select all the clips in one event and press Cmd+K to add the location keyword to every clip, then drag the clips into an event.

  • Have I removed and re-installed iMovie too many times?

    iMovie09 won't show anything in my Preview Browser when I upload a video clip or a still image. Could it be that I've installed it too many times on my computer? It worked orginally when I installed it and used it with an Aperture demo, but when I tried to use it with iPhoto, it wouldn't work. So I removed Aperture and iMovie and re-installed iMovie but it didn't work then and hasn't after two more removals and re-installations. Could I have used up the number of times I can install iMovie using a 5-time "Family Pack"? When I install the iLife09 disk, iMovie and iPhoto are greyed out and cannot be selected.
    Thanks for the help.

    I took my computer into the Genius Bar today and three guys couldn't figure out why iMovie wouldn't show me any previews. So I brought it home, backed it up again and got ready to erase the hard drive and start over. But first I decided to just reinstall SnowLeopard and upgrade it to v. 10.6.3 v1.1 and then did a full Software Update after that, and guess what. iMovie now works the way it's supposed to. It didn't matter how many times I'd reinstalled iMovie and upgraded iMovie. It was a OSX system problem. Take heart, all you SnowLeopard users.

  • Unable to create report. Query produced too many results

    Hi All,
    Does someone knows how to avoid the message "Unable to create report. Query produced too many results" in Grid Report Type in PerformancePoint 2010. When the mdx query returns large amount of data, this message appears. Is there a way to get all
    the large amount in the grid anyway?
    I have set the data Source query time-out under Central Administration - Manager Service applications - PerformancePoint Service Application - PerformancePoint Service Application Settings at 3600 seconds.
    Here Event Viewer log error at the server:
    1. An exception occurred while running a report.  The following details may help you to diagnose the problem:
    Error Message: Unable to create report. Query produced too many results.
            Contact the administrator for more details.
    Dashboard Name:
    Dashboard Item name:
    Report Location: {3592a959-7c50-0d1d-9185-361d2bd5428b}
    Request Duration: 6,220.93 ms
    User: INTRANET\spsdshadmin
    Exception Message: Unable to create report. Query produced too many results.
    Inner Exception Message:
    Stack Trace:    at Microsoft.PerformancePoint.Scorecards.Server.PmServer.ExecuteAnalyticReportWithParameters(RepositoryLocation analyticReportViewLocation, BIDataContainer biDataContainer)
       at Microsoft.PerformancePoint.Analytics.ServerRendering.OLAPBase.OlapViewBaseControl.ExtractReportViewData()
       at Microsoft.PerformancePoint.Analytics.ServerRendering.OLAPBase.OlapViewBaseControl.CreateRenderedView(StringBuilder sd)
       at Microsoft.PerformancePoint.Scorecards.ServerRendering.NavigableControl.RenderControl(HtmlTextWriter writer)
    PerformancePoint Services error code 20604.
    2. Unable to create report. Query produced too many results.
    Microsoft.PerformancePoint.Scorecards.BpmException: Unable to create report. Query produced too many results.
       at Microsoft.PerformancePoint.Scorecards.Server.Analytics.AnalyticQueryManager.ExecuteReport(AnalyticReportState reportState, DataSource dataSource)
       at Microsoft.PerformancePoint.Scorecards.Server.PmServer.ExecuteAnalyticReportBase(RepositoryLocation analyticReportViewLocation, BIDataContainer biDataContainer, String formattingDimensionName)
       at Microsoft.PerformancePoint.Scorecards.Server.PmServer.ExecuteAnalyticReportWithParameters(RepositoryLocation analyticReportViewLocation, BIDataContainer biDataContainer)
    PerformancePoint Services error code 20605.
    Thanks in advance for your help.

    I would like you to try the following to adjust your readerquotas.
    Change the values of the parameters listed below to a larger value. We recommend that you double the value and then run the query to check whether the issue is resolved. To do this, follow these steps:
    On the SharePoint 2010 server, open the Web.config file. The file is located in the following folder:
    \Program Files\Microsoft Office Servers\14.0\Web Services\PpsMonitoringServer\
    Locate and change the the below values from 8192 to 16384.
    Open the Client.config file. The file is located in the following folder:
    \Program Files\Microsoft Office Servers\14.0\WebClients\PpsMonitoringServer\
    Locate and change the below values from 8192 to 16384.
    After you have made the changes, restart Internet Information Services (IIS) on the SharePoint 2010 server.
    Heidi Tr - MSFT
    Please remember to click “Mark as Answer” on the post that helps you, and to click “Unmark as Answer” if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.

  • Too many columns to be shown in the Enterprise Manager 11g?

    we are having some problems with the Enterprise Manager 11g. When we want to VIEW DATA of a specific table, we get this exception. We think that our table has too many columns to be displayed. If we delete some of the columns, the data is shown in the enterprise manager. But this cannot be a solution for us. Can you help us with this point?
    2009-08-03 10:07:04,210 [EMUI_10_07_04_/console/database/schema/displayContents] ERROR svlt.PageHandler handleRequest.639 - java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -128
    java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -128
         at oracle.sysman.emo.adm.DBObjectsMCWInfo.getSqlTimestampIndexes(
         at oracle.sysman.emo.adm.schema.TableViewDataBrowsingDataSource.executeQuery(
         at oracle.sysman.emo.adm.DatabaseObjectsDataSource.populate(
         at oracle.sysman.emo.adm.DatabaseObjectsDataSource.populate(
         at oracle.sysman.emo.adm.schema.DisplayContentsObject.populate(
         at oracle.sysman.db.adm.schm.DisplayContentsController.onDisplayAllRows(
         at oracle.sysman.db.adm.schm.DisplayContentsController.onDisplayContents(
         at oracle.sysman.db.adm.schm.DisplayContentsController.onEvent(
         at oracle.sysman.db.adm.DBController.handleEvent(
         at oracle.sysman.emSDK.svlt.PageHandler.handleRequest(
         at oracle.sysman.db.adm.RootController.handleRequest(
         at oracle.sysman.db.adm.DBControllerResolver.handleRequest(
         at oracle.sysman.emSDK.svlt.EMServlet.myDoGet(
         at oracle.sysman.emSDK.svlt.EMServlet.doGet(
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
         at com.evermind.server.http.ResourceFilterChain.doFilter(
         at com.evermind.server.http.EvermindFilterChain.doFilter(
         at oracle.sysman.db.adm.inst.HandleRepDownFilter.doFilter(
         at com.evermind.server.http.EvermindFilterChain.doFilter(
         at com.evermind.server.http.EvermindFilterChain.doFilter(
         at oracle.sysman.emSDK.svlt.EMRedirectFilter.doFilter(
         at com.evermind.server.http.EvermindFilterChain.doFilter(
         at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.invoke(
         at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.forwardInternal(
         at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.doProcessRequest(
         at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.processRequest(
         at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.serveOneRequest(
         at com.evermind.util.ReleasableResourcePooledExecutor$
         at we select the table via SQL, everything works fine.

    I'm Galit from the QE team of VIN.
    All the things that you've described are correct.
    It is actually an edge case where the only VM, that the manual App can be managed from its Map view, was removed from the App.
    The Manual App management is as designed, and may be changed in the future.
    There are 2 ways to overcome this situation:
    1.You can, as you stated, create another Manual App with similar name and remain with the "Zombie App".
    2. To run a specific command that will remove the Zombie App from the DB.
    Please note that option no. 2 involves using an API that we do not publish.
    If you would like to use option no. 2 contact me in private and we will see about supplying the relevant commands to run in order to delete the "zombie" application.
    Galit Gutman

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  • Dispatcher dies after startup - sapdb / libpcr

    We have a NW04 server on Windows whose primary purpose is as an XI hub.  It was recently moved from one network to another (same machine name) and initially worked properly, but is now not starting up. I just had to extend the data volume, as it was

  • How do I keep photos is a specific order when you burn to disc

    I have placed forty pics in a folder, and arranaged them in a specific order for a client. When I burn them to a CD, they return to numeric order, based on the number assigned by my camera. Is there any way to have the pics remain in the order I wish

  • SELECT-OPTION to internal table

    Hi, I need to convert the select-option values into an internal table. For example, if there is a select-option S_WERKS... i need all the values entered for S_WERKS into the internal table. The internal table structure contains only WERKS. My actual

  • Bleed settings come out wrong when export to PDF

    I'm working on a 5x13 door hanger in InDesign with a .125" bleed on all sides. I did the front in Illustrator and brought it into ID and I did the back entirely in ID since it's text heavy. When I export it to PDF with bleed and crop marks showing, t

  • How can I avoid the need for Administra​tor rights for open registry

    Dear wire workers. I would like to do an EXCEL export. Therefore I like to check if EXCEL is installed or not. I use 'open registry' and read out the Excel\InstallRoot. If there is an installed EXCEL than I export the data using ActiveX. Every