Top down Web Services using JMS

I am trying to set up a JMS web service. I m attempting to follow "Oracle® Application Server Advanced Web Services Developer's Guide 10g ( Part Number B28975-02" documentation.
IDE: JDeveloper Build JDEVADF_11.
I get the following error when I run the ant script:
[genInterface] WARNING: Failed to locate wsa.jar file. This may be caused because required "COMMON_COMPONENTS_HOME" environment variable or ant property has not been set.
[genInterface] WARNING: binding "{http://oracle/communications/platform/demo/webservices/rpc/secure/gen}DemoSecRpcPortTypeJMSBinding" is ignored because it has an invalid attribute: transport=""
[genInterface] WARNING: Service "DemoSecRpcService" does not contain any usable portsAnt script run is:
  <path id="taskdef.path">
    <pathelement path="${patch.classpath}"/>
    <pathelement location="${wls-home}/server/lib/weblogic.jar"/>
    <pathelement location="${wls-home}/server/lib/webservices.jar"/>
    <pathelement location="${wls-home}/server/lib/xbean.jar"/>
    <pathelement location="${wsa.dir}/wsa.jar"/>
<taskdef name="genInterface" classname="" classpathref="taskdef.path"/>
  <target name="genwsjms">
    <genInterface wsdl="${wsdl-location}" output="${code-gen-jar}" packagename="${server-pkg-name}" databinding="true" unwrapparameters="false"/>
  </target> has the wsa jar location defined as:
WSDL definition has:
xmlns:jms=""Binding is defined as:
    <binding name="DemoSecRpcPortTypeJMSBinding" type="tns:DemoSecRpcPortType">
        <soap:binding style="document" transport=""/>
        <operation name="getPhoneList">
            <soap:operation soapAction="http://oracle/communications/platform/demo/webservices/rpc/secure/gen/getPhoneList"/>
            <input><soap:body use="literal" parts="lastName" namespace="http://oracle/communications/platform/demo/webservices/rpc/secure/gen"/></input>
            <output><soap:body use="literal" parts="phoneListOut" namespace="http://oracle/communications/platform/demo/webservices/rpc/secure/gen"/></output>
        <operation name="createPhoneRecord"><soap:operation soapAction="http://oracle/communications/platform/demo/webservices/rpc/secure/gen/createPhoneRecord"/>
            <input><soap:body use="literal" parts="createPhoneIn" namespace="http://oracle/communications/platform/demo/webservices/rpc/secure/gen"/></input>
            <output><soap:body use="literal" parts="createPhoneOut" namespace="http://oracle/communications/platform/demo/webservices/rpc/secure/gen"/></output>
    </binding>Service defined:
    <service name="DemoSecRpcService">
        <port name="DemoSecRpcJMSPort" binding="tns:DemoSecRpcPortTypeJMSBinding">
            <jms:address jndiConnectionFactoryName="jms/JMSTransportConnectionFactory"jndiDestinationName="jms://localhost:7101/transports/DemoSecRpcServiceJMS?URI=DemoQueueIn">
                <jms:propertyValue name="endpoint-location" type="string" value="DemoSecRpcService"/>
    </service>Please help me identify the issue with the WSDL defined and/or the build script.

Thank you Shay ....
I was running into the following issue when trying to use wsdlc
<Apr 7, 2010 10:46:23 AM CDT> <Warning> <Deployer> <BEA-149078> <Stack trace for message 149004
weblogic.application.ModuleException: [HTTP:101216]Servlet: "DemoSecRpcServiceServletjms" failed to preload on startup in Web application: "AppUIM-ProjUIM-context-root".
java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: -9
    at java.lang.String.substring(
    at weblogic.wsee.server.jms.JmsDeploymentListener.jmsListenerDeploymentHelper(
    at weblogic.wsee.server.jms.JmsDeploymentListener.process(
    at are the steps that I followed.
1. Created a WSDL
2. ran the ant script: genws
3. Edited the Implementation class to add the annotation: @WLJmsTransport(connectionFactory = "jms/JMSTransportConnectionFactory",
contextPath = "DemoSecRpc", portName = "DemoSecRpcJMSPort",
queue = "jms/DemoQueueIn", serviceUri = "DemoSecRpcJMSService")
4. Edited the Implementation class to add the logic needed for the web service
5. Removed the wsdlLocation variable(wsdlLocation="/wsdls/RISecRPC.wsdl") from the interface: DemoSecRpcPortType
6. ran the ant script: build-service
6. Defined Queue and Connection Factory through Admin console of the integrated weblogic server.
Ant script
  <target name="genws">
    <wsdlc srcwsdl="${wsdl-location}" destjwsdir="${code-gen-jar}" destimpldir="./src"
           packagename="${server-pkg-name}" type="JAXRPC"></wsdlc>
    <unzip src="${code-gen-jar}/${wsdl_name}_wsdl.jar" dest="./src">
      <patternset><include name="**/*.java"/></patternset>
  <!-- ******************************************* -->
  <!-- Build the service with needed config files  -->
  <!-- ******************************************* -->
  <target name="build-service" description="Compiles the WebService App for HTTP transport">
    <mkdir dir="META-INF.tmp"/>
    <delete dir="${dest.dir}" includes="**/${SERVICE_NAME}*.war" quiet="true" verbose="true"/>
    <jwsc srcdir="${serverclass-dir}" destdir="${ear.dir}"
          applicationxml="META-INF.tmp/application.xml" keepgenerated="true"
          classpathref="taskdef.path" verbose="true">
      <jws name="${SERVICE_NAME}" file="/${PORT_NAME}"
           compiledwsdl="${code-gen-jar}/${wsdl_name}_wsdl.jar" type="JAXRPC">
        <WLJMSTransport contextpath="/${SERVICE_NAME}" serviceuri="${JMS_SERVICE_URI}" portname="${JMS_PORT_NAME}" queue="${QUEUE_NAME}"/>
<unwar src="${ear.dir}/${SERVICE_NAME}.war" dest="./public_html">
        <include name="**/*.xml"/>
        <include name="**/*.wsdl"/>
    <unwar src="${ear.dir}/${SERVICE_NAME}.war" dest="./src">
        <include name="**/*"/>
  </target>wsdl binding and service defined as:
    <binding name="DemoSecRpcPortTypeSOAP11JMSBinding" type="tns:DemoSecRpcPortType">
        <soap:binding style="document" transport=""/>
        <operation name="getPhoneList">
            <soap:operation style="document"  soapAction="http://oracle/communications/platform/demo/webservices/rpc/secure/gen/getPhoneList"/>
            <input> <soap:body use="literal" parts="lastName"/> </input>
            <output> <soap:body use="literal" parts="phoneListOut"/> </output>
        <operation name="createPhoneRecord">
            <soap:operation style="document" soapAction="http://oracle/communications/platform/demo/webservices/rpc/secure/gen/createPhoneRecord"/>
            <input> <soap:body use="literal" parts="createPhoneIn"/>  </input>
            <output> <soap:body use="literal" parts="createPhoneOut"/>  </output>
    <service name="DemoSecRpcService">
        <port name="DemoSecRpcJMSPort" binding="tns:DemoSecRpcPortTypeSOAP11JMSBinding">
            <soap:address location="jms://localhost:7001/DemoSecRpc/DemoSecRpcJMSService?URI=jms/DemoQueueIn" />

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    [echo] Generating service artifacts
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    [java] at Method)
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    [java] at Method)
    [java] at;init&gt;(
    [java] at java.util.jar.JarFile.&lt;init&gt;(
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    D:\Franck\WebServices\prototype\projectAS10g\exemple\rpc-lit\config\common.xml:63: Java returned: 1
    Total time: 1 second
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    The OracleAS Web Service stack in 10.1.2 does not support the Top Down generation of Web services (generation of the WS from a WSDL).
    Can you move to 10.1.3, if not one migration path is the following, you do use Apache Axis in 10.1.2 to create topodown WS and when moving in 10.1.3 you will be migrating your Axis to the OracleAS Web Service 10.1.3 stack.
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    Hi Jens,
    I am not sure about your requirement here. What i could understand is that you want to check whether service could handle file processing?
    1) Uploading file - You can build a Webservice which has import/export parameters as the file structures and implement the proxy class in such a way that the passed data is written to application server.
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    Hope this helps.

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    Thank you very much for responding.
    There was no error due to WebService. Actually, I was using xmlbeans and I did not put those xmlbeans jar files into appropriate place. That is what caused the problem. I have solved it now and it is working fine.
    I put those xmlbeans jar files into my war file. It is working. Earlier, I had put them in tomcat 5.5's shared/lib directory. It was not working.
    Thank you once again for replying.

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    Many Thanks in Advance,
    C R Baradwaj

    You might want to take a look at the JMS performance guide:
    Also, your diagram seems to indicate you are using MQ series, so you
    might want to take a look at this whitepaper:
    Generally speaking, SOAP protocol associated with webservices is more
    verbose and will be slower than using JMS as a transport.
    Hope this helps,
    Raghuram Bharadwaj C wrote:
    Hi All,
    I am in the process of benchmarking web services vs JMS.
    My scenario is as follows:
    I had implemented a delay in both web services as well in JMS. The delay is implemented
    using a for loop. I am facing a problem here. Though the Web Services finishes
    the for loop in one second. The MDB takes 4 seconds to finish the for loop.
    I dont know the reason behind this.
    Can anyone throw some light on the same?
    Many Thanks in Advance,
    C R Baradwaj
    Name: POC.doc
    POC.doc Type: WINWORD File (application/msword)
    Encoding: base64

  • Unable to pass xmlbeans object in weblogic web services using OEPE

    Migrating Weblogic web services from Weblogic Workshop 10.3 to Oracle Enterprise for Eclipse...Passing xmlbean generated types in arguments of webservice call
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    " Errors: JAX-WS web services must not have xmlBean parameter or return type"
    PLease note that I want DocType to be xmlbeans generated or inherited from org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlObject....
         public void upload(String filename, DocType doc) {
    Hi, I have legacy codes from Weblogic workshop 10.1 and 10.3.....
    I am able to compile and run in Weblogic workshop 10.3 by passing the xmlbean generated DocType as arguments in the web services call.... but why am I not able to do this in Oracle Enterprise for Eclipse OEPE......
    If I were to generate the web service from teh will generate it's own DocType.class in the jar files and not use the xmlbean generated class one....
    How to get iOEPE to generate the classes in build\jws\ for
    weblogic-webservices.xml etc like in workshop
    How can I resolve this??? Am I stuck with Workshop on this?? How to work around??
    Any help or clarifications would be much appreciated.
    package ws;
    import javax.jws.*;
    import org.example.doc.DocType;
    public class testWS {
         public void upload(String filename, DocType doc) {
              try {
              catch(Exception e) {
    Inside xmlbeans generated
    * XML Type: DocType
    * Namespace:
    * Java type: org.example.doc.DocType
    * Automatically generated - do not modify.
    package org.example.doc;
    * An XML DocType(@
    * This is a complex type.
    public interface DocType extends org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlObject
    public static final org.apache.xmlbeans.SchemaType type = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SchemaType)
    org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlBeans.typeSystemForClassLoader(DocType.class.getClassLoader(), "schemaorg_apache_xmlbeans.system.testWSTypeSystem").resolveHandle("doctypec217type");
    * Gets the "element1" element
    java.lang.String getElement1();
    * Gets (as xml) the "element1" element
    org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlString xgetElement1();
    * Sets the "element1" element
    void setElement1(java.lang.String element1);
    * Sets (as xml) the "element1" element
    void xsetElement1(org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlString element1);
    * Gets the "element2" element
    java.lang.String getElement2();
    * Gets (as xml) the "element2" element
    org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlString xgetElement2();
    * Sets the "element2" element
    void setElement2(java.lang.String element2);
    * Sets (as xml) the "element2" element
    void xsetElement2(org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlString element2);
    * A factory class with static methods for creating instances
    * of this type.
    public static final class Factory
    public static org.example.doc.DocType newInstance() {
    return (org.example.doc.DocType) org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlBeans.getContextTypeLoader().newInstance( type, null ); }
    public static org.example.doc.DocType newInstance(org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlOptions options) {
    return (org.example.doc.DocType) org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlBeans.getContextTypeLoader().newInstance( type, options ); }
    /** @param xmlAsString the string value to parse */
    public static org.example.doc.DocType parse(java.lang.String xmlAsString) throws org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlException {
    return (org.example.doc.DocType) org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlBeans.getContextTypeLoader().parse( xmlAsString, type, null ); }
    public static org.example.doc.DocType parse(java.lang.String xmlAsString, org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlOptions options) throws org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlException {
    return (org.example.doc.DocType) org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlBeans.getContextTypeLoader().parse( xmlAsString, type, options ); }
    /** @param file the file from which to load an xml document */
    public static org.example.doc.DocType parse( file) throws org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlException, {
    return (org.example.doc.DocType) org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlBeans.getContextTypeLoader().parse( file, type, null ); }
    public static org.example.doc.DocType parse( file, org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlOptions options) throws org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlException, {
    return (org.example.doc.DocType) org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlBeans.getContextTypeLoader().parse( file, type, options ); }
    public static org.example.doc.DocType parse( u) throws org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlException, {
    return (org.example.doc.DocType) org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlBeans.getContextTypeLoader().parse( u, type, null ); }
    public static org.example.doc.DocType parse( u, org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlOptions options) throws org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlException, {
    return (org.example.doc.DocType) org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlBeans.getContextTypeLoader().parse( u, type, options ); }
    public static org.example.doc.DocType parse( is) throws org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlException, {
    return (org.example.doc.DocType) org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlBeans.getContextTypeLoader().parse( is, type, null ); }
    public static org.example.doc.DocType parse( is, org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlOptions options) throws org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlException, {
    return (org.example.doc.DocType) org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlBeans.getContextTypeLoader().parse( is, type, options ); }
    public static org.example.doc.DocType parse( r) throws org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlException, {
    return (org.example.doc.DocType) org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlBeans.getContextTypeLoader().parse( r, type, null ); }
    public static org.example.doc.DocType parse( r, org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlOptions options) throws org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlException, {
    return (org.example.doc.DocType) org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlBeans.getContextTypeLoader().parse( r, type, options ); }
    public static org.example.doc.DocType parse( sr) throws org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlException {
    return (org.example.doc.DocType) org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlBeans.getContextTypeLoader().parse( sr, type, null ); }
    public static org.example.doc.DocType parse( sr, org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlOptions options) throws org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlException {
    return (org.example.doc.DocType) org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlBeans.getContextTypeLoader().parse( sr, type, options ); }
    public static org.example.doc.DocType parse(org.w3c.dom.Node node) throws org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlException {
    return (org.example.doc.DocType) org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlBeans.getContextTypeLoader().parse( node, type, null ); }
    public static org.example.doc.DocType parse(org.w3c.dom.Node node, org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlOptions options) throws org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlException {
    return (org.example.doc.DocType) org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlBeans.getContextTypeLoader().parse( node, type, options ); }
    /** @deprecated {@link} */
    public static org.example.doc.DocType parse( xis) throws org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlException, {
    return (org.example.doc.DocType) org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlBeans.getContextTypeLoader().parse( xis, type, null ); }
    /** @deprecated {@link} */
    public static org.example.doc.DocType parse( xis, org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlOptions options) throws org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlException, {
    return (org.example.doc.DocType) org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlBeans.getContextTypeLoader().parse( xis, type, options ); }
    /** @deprecated {@link} */
    public static newValidatingXMLInputStream( xis) throws org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlException, {
    return org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlBeans.getContextTypeLoader().newValidatingXMLInputStream( xis, type, null ); }
    /** @deprecated {@link} */
    public static newValidatingXMLInputStream( xis, org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlOptions options) throws org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlException, {
    return org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlBeans.getContextTypeLoader().newValidatingXMLInputStream( xis, type, options ); }
    private Factory() { } // No instance of this class allowed
    Edited by: user11079482 on Jan 1, 2010 2:09 AM

    Ok just as I expected. So I guess I am left with the following two options
    1) either I switched to using JAXB in my apps instaed of xmlbeans....
    2) or if I still wanna use the old JAX-RPC web services to deploy on the Weblogic 10gR3 server i will have to create my own ant task jwsc shown below in your docs
    Programming Web Services for WebLogic Server (ant tasks)
    Getting Started With WebLogic Web Services Using JAX-RPC
    Will OEPE be supporting the old JAX-RPC anytime in the near future release? or have to create own build ant task to call jwsc ant task directly to compile JAX-RPC web services??

  • How can I call a web service using JAVAscript in LCD

    hi guys,
         I know it can call a WSDL in LCD, but I have not any WSDL web service , and I have a REST web service ,how can I call this REST web service in LCD? I checked some documents and found nothing...if it's possible that it can call a REST web service using JAVAScript code, I mean I can program some code to call this web service ?

    Hi Jesse,
    You can do GET, PUT and POST using FormCalc, so you should be able to access a REST web service. 
    There is a example of accessing a RSS feed in this thread,

  • How to invoke a web service using https

    I have a few security related questions surrounding BPEL process manager.
    1. Does the BPEL engine have the capability to invoke a web service using https (HTTP over SSL)? Does it automatically do that if partner link URI starts with https:// ?
    2. If not, what needs to be done to enable accessing a https based web service?
    3. I need to write a web service that accepts a message and updates certain information in the database. The web service will be deployed in an OC4J instance in Oracle App Server. We want to allow the web service to be accessed from BPEL only by users registered in the database. What is the recommended way to pass username and password to a webservice if service is invoked from BPEL process manager? Note that specifying username/password in bpel.xml is not an option.

    1. Does the BPEL engine have the capability to invoke a web service using https (HTTP over SSL)? Does it automatically do that if partner link URI starts with https:// ?
    We currently don't have support for HTTP over SSl. We are working on it to include this functionality in near future.
    2. If not, what needs to be done to enable accessing a https based web service?
    I am not sure it is possible with current product offering. I will confirm it after discussing with our concerned development group. There is some work going to integrate with Oblix security mechanism [recently acquired by Oracle].
    3. I need to write a web service that accepts a message and updates certain information in the database. The web service will be deployed in an OC4J instance in Oracle App Server. We want to allow the web service to be accessed from BPEL only by users registered in the database. What is the recommended way to pass username and password to a webservice if service is invoked from BPEL process manager? Note that specifying username/password in bpel.xml is not an option.
    This will be easier to do if we can use Oblix along with BPEL PM. Could you please let us know more about your application so that we can provide you the customized solution till it's part of the product. You can send this query to [email protected] so that our product management team can give you more detailed roadmap regarding this.

  • How to call a secure external Web Service using Oracle BPEL and OWSM

    i have to invoke an external secure Web Service using SOA Suite, but i don´t know how to do this. Do i use OWSM gateway or Agent? how to configure the gateway or agent to pass the required security to the external secure web service.
    thanks in advance

    Are you getting any errors? What type of XAI Class are you using?
    One thing I've noticed is that if you are making changes to the XAI Sender you will have to restart the environment before the changes can take effect.
    Also, if you are using RTHTTPSNDR as XAI Class you may have to include the HTTP Method - Post in the context.
    Hope this helps.

  • Unallowed RFC-XML Tag (SOAP_EINVALDOC) - Web Service using ABAP Proxy

    Hi there
    I am trying to consume a Web Service using ABAP Proxies.  I have done the following in the system:
    I configured the HTTP and HTTPS Proxy settings. 
    I created a package with package interfaces SAI_TOOLS and SAPPINT included under the Use Access tab.
    I created the proxy classes by using the WSDL provided by the system I'm trying to interface with. 
    I created my HTTP destination RFC via SM59. 
    I configured a logical port for the proxy. 
    I developed the ABAP code for calling the proxy. 
    In the code the exception CX_AI_SYSTEM_FAULT gets raised with error message <b>"Unallowed RFC-XML Tag (SOAP_EINVALDOC)"</b> when I call the method for passing data to the destination system in the proxy class.
    I had a look at SM21 and the following message was written in the log:
    <b>"SOAP Runtime: SOAP Runtime exception: 111 occurred in method XP_READ_TAG of class CL_SOAP_XP at position 1
    SOAP Runtime: Exception message: Unallowed RFC-XML Tag (SOAP_EINVALDOC)"</b>.  I also looked at SAP Note 919886 which states that it can be dumps in the system, missing configuration or the path prefix of the RFC destination that is incorrect.  I cannot find any ST22 entries.  The trace file looks as follows:
    SAP System ID: DGH
    Client: 009
    User: COLESKG
    System time: 072910
    System date: 20070531
    SAP Release: 700
    Host: hd307c
    Operating system: AIX
    DB System: ORACLE
    Program: ZUK_IPA00003
    Processing State: 0
    Location: Client
    Transport Binding:
    SOAP Application: urn:sap-com:soap:runtime:application:client
    SOAP Runtime Protocol:
    SOAP Protocols: <initial>
    Request Message: <initial>
    Response Message: <initial>
    Fault: <initial>
    Registry: <initial>
    SOAP Roles: <initial>
    Trace Level: 3
    Logging Level: 2
    Monitoring Level: 0
    Security Profile: <initial>
    WS Security Protocol: <initial>
    INFO 07:29:10: SOAP LP Registry CL_SRT_LP_MAINTENANCE->CREATE_CLIENT_APPL() Try to create client application for Proxyclass:
    INFO 07:29:10: SOAP LP Registry CL_SRT_LP_MAINTENANCE->CREATE_CLIENT_APPL() Client application created
    INFO 07:29:10: SOAP LP Registry CL_SRT_LP_MAINTENANCE->CREATE_CLIENT_APPL() Try to initialize client application
    INFO 07:29:10: SOAP Application CL_SOAP_APPLICATION_CLIENT->IF_SOAP_APPLICATION_CS~INIT() Try to initialize application
    INFO 07:29:10: SOAP Runtime CL_SOAP_RUNTIME_CLIENT->REGISTER_APPLICATION() Try to register application
    INFO 07:29:10: SOAP Runtime CL_SOAP_RUNTIME_CLIENT->REGISTER_APPLICATION() Application registered
    INFO 07:29:10: SOAP Application CL_SOAP_APPLICATION_CLIENT->INTERNAL_CLIENT_INIT() Read type of transport binding from
    INFO 07:29:10: SOAP Application CL_SOAP_APPLICATION_CLIENT->INTERNAL_CLIENT_INIT() Create new transport binding type
    INFO 07:29:10: SOAP Transport Binding CL_SOAP_TRANSPORT_BINDING_ROOT->IF_SOAP_TRANSPORT_BINDING~INIT() http://schemas.xmlsoap
    .org/soap/http initialized
    INFO 07:29:10: SOAP Transport Binding CL_SOAP_TRANSPORT_BINDING_ROOT->IF_SOAP_TRANSPORT_BINDING~REQUEST() Try to create request message
    INFO 07:29:10: SOAP Transport Binding CL_SOAP_TRANSPORT_BINDING_ROOT->IF_SOAP_TRANSPORT_BINDING~REQUEST() Request message created
    INFO 07:29:10: SOAP Transport Binding CL_SOAP_TRANSPORT_BINDING_ROOT->IF_SOAP_TRANSPORT_BINDING~RESPONSE() Try to create response message
    INFO 07:29:10: SOAP Runtime CL_SOAP_RUNTIME_CLIENT->INIT() Try to initialize
    INFO 07:29:10: SOAP Runtime CL_SOAP_RUNTIME_CLIENT->INIT() Check transport binding
    INFO 07:29:10: SOAP Runtime CL_SOAP_RUNTIME_CLIENT->INIT() Create runtime protocol
    INFO 07:29:10: SOAP Runtime Protocol CL_SOAP_RUNTIME_PROTOCOL->IF_SOAP_PROTOCOL~INIT() Try to initialize SOAP Runtime-intrinsic
    Protocol as SENDER with Priority 5
    INFO 07:29:10: SOAP Runtime Protocol CL_SOAP_RUNTIME_PROTOCOL->INIT_MODULES() Try to create trace header/part
    INFO 07:29:10: SOAP Runtime Protocol CL_SOAP_RUNTIME_PROTOCOL->INIT_MODULES() Trace header/part created
    INFO 07:29:10: SOAP Runtime Protocol CL_SOAP_RUNTIME_PROTOCOL->INIT_MODULES() Try to create logging header/part
    INFO 07:29:10: SOAP Runtime Protocol CL_SOAP_RUNTIME_PROTOCOL->INIT_MODULES() Logging header/part created
    INFO 07:29:10: SOAP Runtime Protocol CL_SOAP_RUNTIME_PROTOCOL->IF_SOAP_PROTOCOL~INIT() Protocol initialized
    Try to create instance for
    Instance of CL_SOAP_SESSION_PROTOCOL created for
    INFO 07:29:10: SOAP SESSION Protocol CL_SOAP_SESSION_PROTOCOL->IF_SOAP_PROTOCOL~INIT() Try to initialize SOAP Session Protocol
    as SENDER with Priority 5
    INFO 07:29:10: SOAP Application CL_SOAP_APPLICATION_CLIENT_GEN->CONFIGURE_FEATURES() Try to configure features
    create ICF Client for DESTINATION = ALSB
    Client created by DESTINATION
    DESTINATION PATH = /SapHRSmartIntegrationWeb/processes/ProcessEmployeeBatch.jpd
    INFO 07:29:10: SOAP Application CL_SOAP_APPLICATION_CLIENT_GEN->CONFIGURE_FEATURES() Features configured
    INFO 07:29:10: SOAP Application CL_SOAP_APPLICATION_CLIENT->IF_SOAP_APPLICATION_CS~INIT() Application urn:sap-com:soap
    :runtime:application:client initialized
    INFO 07:29:10: SOAP LP Registry CL_SRT_LP_MAINTENANCE->CREATE_CLIENT_APPL() Client application initialized
    Trace file opened at 20070531 073030 GMT SAP-REL 700,0,95
    Error in module XMLParserGetNextElement:773
    Id @(#) $Id: //bas/700_REL/src/krn/rfc/xrfcpars.c#2 $
    Unallowed RFC-XML Tag
    Error in module XMLConverterReadTag:3061
    Id @(#) $Id: //bas/700_REL/src/krn/rfc/xrfccnvrt.c#5 $
    Unallowed RFC-XML Tag(24)
    Error in module ab_soap:4392
    Id @(#) $Id: //bas/700_REL/src/krn/rfc/abxrfccal.c#2 $
    failed with return code 1
    It then must be something in the config.  Has anyone got any idea why this message is encountered?
    Kind Regards
    Gustav Coleske
    Message was edited by:
            Gustav Coleske

    I have the same problem as described.
    Can you give me a little more information about the error you have solved in the proxy.
    Thanks for help

  • Consuming Web Services using UTL_DBWS

    I am trying to call a web service using UTL_DBWS package.
    But I am getting this error:
    ORA-29532: Java call terminated by uncaught Java exception: [failed to localize] No Deserializer found!
    It is failing at this point:
    l_result := sys.UTL_DBWS.invoke (
    call_handle => l_call,
    input_params => l_input_params);
    Is this a problem with database or Web Service? How to resolve this?

    No awnsers???
    I'm having the same problem here....

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