Totally mystified by charts

I get the impression that there's some way to create a chart from data in a table. When I try to do this, the values that show up in the chart are completely different.
Say I have a table like this:
Dogs Cats Bears Trucks
10 40 50 16
20 40 30 6
30 40 20 2
(I want to show that dogs are on the rise, trucks and bears are getting fewer, and cats remain the same.)
A chart created from this data has these sort of numbers in it:
3 2 7 4
5 2 6 3
6 2 2 2
I am totally confused. What am I doing wrong? Any help appreciated. Thanks!

In testing my response to your comment/question, I found that my last answer wasn't entirely accurate. It IS possible to paste the entire table to the Chart Data Editor at once.
No, the Chart doesn't update from your Table directly or automatically. This is because the Chart only takes data from the Chart Data Editor. To get your updated Table data to the Chart, Select the range of cells corresponding to the Chart Data, Edit > Copy, Click on the Chart to select it and activate the Chart Data Editor, Click on the first header cell in the CDE, Edit > Paste. This should update your CDE and your Chart to match your Table.

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    Pretty simple to achieve :)
    In your Pivot view, under Rows section where you have column dimensions like AAA,BBB etc...create a new calculated item say Grand Total with function as 'formula' and formula as sum(*). This will give you a new row with totals. Now Chart Pivoted Results and you are done.
    Hope answered

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    Hi Eddie,
    Here are a couple of white papers for you. This might be of help.
    1. [Chart Changes from Crystal Reports 8.5, 9 and 10 to XI|]
    2. [Charting on Print-Time Formulas|]
    Please do ket us know if this helps.
    Abhishek Jain.

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    Hi Yudie,
    Can you get compromised in the following way ?
    In the X Axis labels, you can get the values concatenated dynamically and displayed. Example given below:
    2008          2009          2010
    P180         P250         P280
    A172        A263         A265
    Whereas P denotes to Plan and A denodes Actuals.  Above to this labels stacked colum wil be there as usual.
    Consider and revert, in case you need any more clarification on this.
    Keep posting.
    With best wishes
    Edited by: Baskar Rajagopalan on Feb 23, 2011 3:36 PM

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    Its not clear if you are double-buffering.
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  • Chart Cummulative Percentage Total?

    Post Author: Kanshouzhe
    CA Forum: Charts and Graphs
    I have seen one other post for one similar to this... but no answer. 
    I have created a Crystal 9 bar chart showing the percentage of days to resolve helpdesk tickets.  Nice... but I really want to create a running total (cummulative) of the percentages.  I have been able to create a formula for the cummulative total, but the chart excludes my formula:
    WhilePrintingRecords;Numbervar TotalPercent;TotalPercent := TotalPercent + (DistinctCount (, {@DaysOpen})/DistinctCount ())*100;
    I have tried creating various formulas, running total Summaries and combinations to no avail.  Could someone please help me skin this cat?  Thanks!

    paulclark wrote:
    I have a spreadsheet full of clients from different cities, and I'd like to create a chart (3D ideally) showing which cities have the most clients and which have the fewest.
    For example, 158 live in City A, 132 City B all the way down to 1 client in City V.
    Currently my spreadsheet has first, last, street, ZIP, city, state, misc info A, misc info B, misc info C Etc Etc.
    I may also like to create a chart showing totals of one of the Misc columns.
    Use a subsidiary table to collect the names of the cities in your list, and to count them. Chart the results. Here's an example.
    Cities are listed in column B, and may be in any order. Spelling counts, as the formula in column E identifies each city by the exact contents of the cell.
    Column E contains a formula that counts the number of different entries in column B, and marks the row containing the first occurrence of each with a serial number.
    The formula in E2 is
    Fill down to the end of the column.
    Column A in the second table (For Graph) contains a formula that constructs a reference to the cell containing the first occurrence of each City name on the Main table, and copies that name to it's cell.
    The formula in A2 is
    =IFERROR(OFFSET(Main :: $A$1,MATCH(ROW()-1,Main :: $E,0)-1,1),"")
    Fill down to the end of the column.
    Column B contains a formula that counts all occurrences in column B of the Main table of the name in its row in column A.
    The formula in B2 is
    =IF(COUNTIF(Main :: B,A2)>0,COUNTIF(Main :: B,A2),"")
    Fill down to the end of the column.
    PS: Descriptions of each function used, and further examples of their use can be found in the iWork Formulas and Functions User Guide. You can download the guide (and the Numbers '09 User Guide) through the Help menu in Numbers.

  • Charting Running Totals as Percentage

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    Is what I'm trying to do possible?
    Edited by: Doug McLauchlan on Mar 26, 2010 7:22 PM - Spelling

    I finally found an answer here:
    The technique involves building your charted values into strings and passing them to a sub-report to do the charting.
    I found I had to make several changes to way the report works in my situation - mainly because of grouping.

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    Sounds like you have a left outer join from your product table to the sales data. Thus product is listed even when no data present.
    Try changing join to Equal

  • Calender view using charts

    Hello everyone,
    I am trying to create a calender view for a week using charts with days on x axis and hours on y axis.
    I would like to highlight the meetings in any color to give a weekly view. But I am not able to highlight more than one meeting in a single day.
    I am totally new to charts. Please advise me what is the best axis and series to be implemented for the case.
    Thanks a lot in advance.
    This is what I am using
      private var expensesAC:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
      { Date: "25-Jul", Open: 40.75,  High: 40.75, Low: 40.24, Close:40.31},
      { Date: "26-Jul", Open: 39.98,  High: 40.78, Low: 39.97, Close:40.34},
      { Date: "27-Jul", Open: 40.38,  High: 40.66, Low: 40, Close:40.63},
      { Date: "28-Jul", Open: 40.49,  High: 40.99, Low: 40.3, Close:40.98},
      { Date: "29-Jul", Open: 40.13,  High: 40.4, Low: 39.65, Close:39.95},
      { Date: "1-Aug", Open: 39.00,  High: 39.50, Low: 38.7, Close:38.6},
      { Date: "2-Aug", Open: 38.68,  High: 39.34, Low: 37.75, Close:38.84},
      { Date: "3-Aug", Open: 38.76,  High: 38.76, Low: 38.03, Close:38.12},
      { Date: "4-Aug", Open: 37.98,  High: 37.98, Low: 36.56, Close:36.69},                      
      { Date: "5-Aug", Open: 36.61,  High: 37, Low: 36.48, Close:36.86} ]);
    <mx:CandlestickChart id="candlestickchart"
      paddingLeft="5" columnWidthRatio="1"
      dataProvider="{expensesAC}" dataTipFunction="dataTipFunction"
      <mx:LinearAxis id="vaxis" baseAtZero="false" title="Price" direction="inverted"/>
      <mx:CategoryAxis id="haxis" categoryField="Date" title="Date"/>
      <mx:AxisRenderer axis="{haxis}" canDropLabels="true" placement="top"/>
      boxStroke="{box}" dataProvider="{expensesAC}"

    Why are you using a Chart component to render calendar data? There are some pretty powerful calendar components that are built for this purpose , ours included : Flexicious | Flex Calendar Component - New with Flexicious 3.1

  • FCP Novice needs help with video quality and FCP 5!!

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    The final footaage looks like an old VHS recording that's a year or two old!
    Does anyone know how I can capture my footage in FCP with the maximum quality, edit it without quality loss and the export it for DVD again without such significant quality loss whilst all the time keeping it at proper 16:9 widescreen?
    Is there some presets I should be working to?
    I'm tearing my hair out! Help!

    Hi Guys,
    thanx for your replies.
    here's the latest:
    Brian, I followed your instructions and the DVD burned successfully. However the video quality of the dvd when viewed on my TV ('ve tried on all 3 of my tvs now) is still a lot poorer than the quicktime movie that was imported into DVDSP4. When I play the original QT Movie on my Mac CRT monitor it looks a little blurry and grainy because I guess its non interlaced however when viewed on an external Video monitor it looks great - very sharp.
    When I view the burned DVD on my television the picture quality looks like the non interlaced version of the original QT Movie that appeared on my Mac CRT and not the sharp interlaced (lower field) version that appeared on my external video monitor.
    Its almost like taking a sharp jpeg into Photoshop and applying a gaussian blur of about 0.3 followed by jepg compression compressing it down to 5% quality!
    I'm totally mystified. Can the conversion to Mpeg2 be removing all interlacing so that you get the less sharp computer monitor look? I just want the video on my final DVDs to be as good as the original source footage! I appreciate that along the way there might be loss of some quality but surely not that much?
    Does this make sense to you guys or am I still doing something very wrong?
    Robert: I have tried setting all manner of drives including a fresh external firewire HD with nothing on it (clean out of the box) but it doesn't seem to help.
    Brian: I tried the no network suggestion a few months back but I'm not sure if I got it right. At the moment I have broadband through an external speedtouch usb modem and am also connected (occasionally although not for the last 3 months) via a crossover cable to my PCs ethernet card. When I last tried the No Network solution I had immense trouble getting my internet to work again! Can you please help me by directing me to the best ay to do this while protecting my internet settings?
    any more help guys would be greatfully appreciated.

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    Anyway, does anyone know how to get a bookmark to a webpage on the desktop?  It used to be that you could click the little "plus" button and just select to put the shortcut on the desktop, but you can't do that anymore, and none of my searches have come up with anything that isn't referring to pre-ios5 versions of safari on the ipad...

    It is totally weird that you no longer have that feature in the Safari app. Have you tried the basics, restart, reset, quit the app, clear Safari.
    Go to Settings>Safari>Clear Cookies and Data. Restart the iPad. Restart the iPad by holding down on the sleep button until the red slider appears and then slide to shut off. To power up hold the sleep button until the Apple logo appears and let go of the button.
    Reset the iPad by holding down on the sleep and home buttons at the same time for about 10-15 seconds until the Apple Logo appears - ignore the red slider - let go of the buttons.
    Quit Safarai and restart - Go to the home screen first by tapping the home button. Quit/close open apps by double tapping the home button and the task bar will appear with all of you recent/open apps displayed at the bottom. Tap and hold down on any app icon until it begins to wiggle. Tap the minus (-) sign in the upper left corner to close the apps. Restart the iPad. Restart the iPad by holding down on the sleep button until the red slider appears and then slide to shut off. To power up hold the sleep button until the Apple logo appears and let go of the button.
    I have seen some of the most bizarre, off the wall, mysterious issues on my iPad since I updated that it has me totally mystified in many ways. Very, very disappointing to say the least.

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    load an image and open the tone curve panel (you already did this probably).  at the lower right of the canvas you'll see a button with "!" on it.  click the button to convert to "2012 process".  wait.  when it is done if you *still* don't see the channel dropdown click the "edit tone curve" button to hide the sliders and *then* you should see the channel dropdown.
    I found this totally mystifying, but once I found it (luck) I get features, new entries in the database or some other magic.  anyway the video sure didn't give me a hint.
    this will be my 5th try posting an answer to your question, hopefully this time it will work, no thanks to support, 5 times resetting the password, etc etc.

  • How can I automatically create calendar events using text from a Pages document?

    I'm looking for a way that I can automatically have calendar events created, by extracting dates and times from a table within a Pages document I have saved on my Mac.
    Currently, I record my working hours/dates on a Pages document in table format, so that I can record and ensure I receive payment for all hours I work.
    After finding out which shifts I have for the week, I insert the day, date, start time and end time (for each shift), into a table within a Pages document.
    I'm wondering if there is any way - such as through Automator, Apple Scripts, etc. - that I can then have the Calendar app automatically create events from that data - including the date, start and end times for each shift?
    Also, if possible, is there a way to set each event to automatically alert me at a chosen time (1 day, 2 days, etc.) beforehand?
    Here is an example of the layout of my document table:
    Saturday, 21 December 2013
    8:00 AM
    5:00 PM
    9:00 hrs
    Sunday, 22 December 2013
    9:00 AM
    6:00 PM
    9:00 hrs
    Monday, 23 December 2013
    12:00 PM
    9:00 PM
    9:00 hrs
    Tuesday, 24 December 2013
    12:00 PM
    6:00 PM
    6:00 hrs
    If anyone can help with this question, that would be greatly appreaciated, as then I could have my calendar automatically create and sync my work shifts across to my iPhone, iPad and Mac.
    Thanks in advance,

    I totally agree with you.
    Where are the fixes for a long string of bugs, glitches and user issues?
    Looking at the list of new "features" for the next OSX, Maverick (what a dumb name!), all I am seeing is Apple ripping off other peoples' ideas, something it swinges others mercilessly for.
    There is not one thing in Maverick that I don't already have, only more so, with 3rd party add-ons.
    Apple seems bereft of ideas now and I am totally mystified what it is doing with all that money and employees it has accumulated.

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    Hi Paul,
    If I understand you correctly you actually want to see the grand total on your chart as a separate line, right? Unfortunately Pivot Charts do not provide that out of the box. One option would be to manually create a "normal" chart from it as described
    here but I have not tried that yet.
    Another (in my opinion) nice option to solve this is to create an "artificial" all-element in one of your slicers. This could for example be accomplished by using a date table (instead of your month/year-fields from the fact table) that is related to
    the date-field from your fact-table. You would then add another element to that date-table such as the last line from this linked table:
    All (Average)
    Using this I created a new measure based on your existing CumPercent:
      if(values('Date'[Year])="All (Average)",
    If you replace your existing measure with this new one and your StartYear with the new Year-Column from our date-table, an additional all-element will Ssow up on your Pivot Chart:
    Would that help?
    Julian Wissel | BI for NAV @ | Blog @

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    So in short... if you are having this problem try moving this file elsewhere and then restarting iTunes & your synch to see what happens!

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