Touch screen problems with touch

I sent my phone away to get fixed and got it back Tuesday last week. Although my phone turns back on now the other problems are still there. When I try to type other random letters will be hit all over the screen and it will keep happening until I look the screen. There are times I try to hit the back button and the screen will read it as I'm hitting the middle home button and swiping up for the Google search engine. If this happens and I try to hit back it will keep doing the same thing I just explained.
I'm really getting tired of this because when this starts happening my phone ends up becoming defective. I have already sent my phone away to get fixed twice (they ended up only turning on for a little bit at a time and then eventually not at all and the first time this happened it effected the battery life to). I'm really considering getting a phone that isn't with Sony :/

this happened to my z1 last year after using it in the took three send backs before sony actually listened to me and fixed it.i think they just test it switches on and makes calls and send the phone back.I threatened the consumer ombudsman on them my phone was no longer fit for purpose and they wouldnt give me a new one.Phone finally fixed ...and guess what this year spash in pool and whole phone gone dead.I am fuming as will need to go through whole rigmarole again.keep persisting and tell them that the law says if an item is no longer fit for the purpose it was sold they have to replace it !good luck

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    Have a look at this help document for suggestions that you haven't tried yet:

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    There can be several things that could effect your issue. If you are using a color calibration device, it may change your white balance. Check and verify that you really are using pure white when filling, a value of 255, 255, 255 thats red, green, and blue. Check and see what color mode you are in, are you in 8 bit, 16 or 32 bit. Are you in RGB, CMYK, or other color mode.
    I am sure there are a few other things, that I haven't thought of at the moment that can effect your issue.
    The next question is what do you mean by black and white? or should I say how did you make it that way. Was it already a black and white (grayscale)? or did you convert it in photoshop and if so how. The reason I ask is there are more than one way to convert a color image to black and white and how you do it will effect the final outcome.

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    Any input regarding the display issues? Thanks.""""
    I can't use the mouse or anything else, and after a while the fans start to go on max. This is the second time I encounter this problem within 30 days. What I have noticed is that the day before, the brightness of the screen started to "blink" slightly -- like if the screen tried to adjust itself.
    But I haven't experienced what Bob North describes as the: "Upon boot, the dispaly appears normal, but within 5-10 minutes, either at desktop or in ASD, the normal display will "crash" to the "plaid" display".
    I just restart with the power button and everything is working OK. I made an Extended Hardware test without any problems detected.
    I have been looking for this issue with iMac G5 20" (iSight) and only found it at :
    Apr. 18, 2006
    bob north
    I repair Apple products, and recently I've seen strange and erratic display problems with the G5 flat-panel (iSight) 17" and 20"...and I am very curious about the origin. The picture will display what I will call "plaid pixles". Upon boot, the dispaly appears normal, but within 5-10 minutes, either at desktop or in ASD, the normal display will "crash" to the "plaid" display. The desktop, or whatever, can still be distinguished in the background, but it is overwashed by the plaid patterns -- which do change slightly, and also cover the full space of the screen. I've seen different scenarios, 3 in 2 weeks, where the symptom is exhibited with no particular failure pattern -- both before and after repair. I've replaced the main logic on one occasion, with no fix...but the 2nd try replaced both display panel and inverter. The display issue was fixed, but the system exhibited lockups only when it reached the destop. Another repair the same issue was seen after replacing the 20" main logic, where the symptom was not present previous. Personal opinion of the late 2005 IMAC flat-panels, in the hardware sense, is the likelihood of component manufacture issues, possibly the main logic boards or the panel displays themselves. Repair of this model, as opposed to the earlier, non-iSight flat-panel 17 and 20" models are extremely difficult -- access to main componenets is blocked by the display panel, which must be removed for each troubleshooting attempt. The internal hardware design is not oriented for repair ease...they are by far the most difficult to work on.
    Any input regarding the display issues? Thanks.
    Apr. 19, 2006
    Robert Mohns
    bob north describes: "...recently I've seen strange and erratic display problems with the G5 flat-panel (iSight) 17" and 20"...and I am very curious about the origin. The picture will display what I will call "plaid pixles". Upon boot, the dispaly appears normal, but within 5-10 minutes, either at desktop or in ASD, the normal display will "crash" to the "plaid" display. The desktop, or whatever, can still be distinguished in the background, but it is overwashed by the plaid patterns -- which do change slightly, and also cover the full space of the screen."
    Does it look anything like this?
    My nearly 3 year old Titanium PowerBook G4 just did this one day, out of the blue. The problem went away after a few minutes, but I had already taken photos. Thanks to those photos, Apple gave the powerbook a new logic board.
    (This PowerBook has had its logic board replaced twice, a new optical drive, and a cracked case edge replaced. AppleCare has more than paid for itself. Despite the occasional problems, I remain very happy with this machine. I'm sure I'd be much less happy if I had not bought AppleCare!)

    Hubert Frank,
    To Apple Discussions!
    What troubleshooting methods have you tried to solve your issue?
    The knowledgeable users will need this info to avoid the "been there, done that" senerios.
    Have you tried the methods mentioned in the following Knowledge Base Article? Troubleshooting when there's no picture on the display
    Do you have AppleCare? If so, have you contacted them? If so, outcome?

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    hey ODub,
    before all of this started, was any software installed or removed ?
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    WW Social Media
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    How to send a private message? --> Check out this article.

  • White/Black Screen Problems With Flash Player

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    To fix the problem, I have attempted to uninstall and reinstall flash player.  I have also tried changing the settings, enabling/disabling hardware acceleration.  I feel like I've tried just about everything and I'm running out of ideas.  I currently am using flash version through Internet Explorer 11.0.9600.16518.  My computer is running on Windows 7.  Does anyone have any idea's on how to fix this problem?

    I am having the same problems and have tried all the posted solutions with no positive result, so far. 
    Similar to above… on all of the web pages on which I am unable to see the flash videos, if I click in the flash window to start the video, all I get is audio playback with a black or white screen. 
    However…  If I move the mouse around inside the flash window, I can see that the mouse pointer still reacts wherever the video control buttons are located at the bottom (although I can’t see the buttons, themselves).  And if I click the “full screen” button …. usually in the lower right… my view goes to full screen and the video appears! 
    I don’t know about everyone else, but my problem appears to be limited to:
    Specific websites (facebook, most news websites)… I have no problem with Youtube or the Adobe  Test Page. 
    Viewing video in the embedded flash window on the web page...  Opening the video to full screen allows me to see it.
    I’ve tried this on several of my problem websites with consistent “success” at viewing videos.  It's an annoying solution, but at least I can see the videos.

  • Y 70-70 screen : problems with the black and white colors

    Hi all, I just bought a Lenovo Y70-70 and already encountered several problems with the screen :- I had to change the notebook twice because of clearer zones on the black and because of dead pixels- The model I have now still presents irregularities in the black : if the screen is black, I can still see a few clearer zones on it, especially (but not exclusively) on the edges- concerning the white, I am a bit disappointed too : this color present zones that are sometimes ok, sometimes more yellow. Even if it is subtle, I nevertheless particularily see this effect when reading or typing, due to an optical effect that amplifies the phenomenom when text is displayed which tires my eyes. I also see it on colors like beige or grey. As I use this computer to play but also to work, it is uncomfortable. What I would like to know is if these problems are inherent to the screen, or if it is a defect. What should I do ? Did other people encounter the same problems ? I didn't find any setting to improve it. I found that these problems may be link to these, reported on the Y50-70 :- Othewise this notebook is OK, playing with it is a real pleasure. Thank you for your answer,S.

    Installation of Mavericks is the culprit here. Lightroom versions 4.4 and earlier are not fully compatible with OS 10.9.x. There will be no more updates to Lightroom version 4.x so the only fix is to upgrade Lightroom to 5.0 or later or reinstall an older OS on Mac.

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    Also Im not sure what my exact opporating system is, but I did buy and download mountainlion in August so It is pretty new

    Welcome to the Apple Support Communities
    The hard disk is damaged. Take the Mac to an Apple Store

  • Screen problems with photoshop elements 10

    I installed Photoshop Elements 10 and Premiere Elements.
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    Letters become 6x larger than normal.
    All my other programms work fine. I never had screenproblems.
    I use Elements 8 now again and that works fine.
    I use: Windows 7
    Card: NVIDEA GeForce GT 220 resolution 1680x1050
    Do I have to remove Elements 8 before installing Ellements 10? Is that perhaps the problem?

    Ken, The problem is: The buttons don't work. So I cannot use Edit...
    I reïnstalled Adobe Elements 10 for the 4th time
    Cleaned my register again.
    restarted my computer
    Did a computer reset to an earlier date
    Installed Elements 10 again but .......not the try version of Premiere Elements.
    Now Elements 10 has a normal screen.
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  • I have Possible screen problem with iPhone 5 - Is this normal?

    I have an iPhone 5 purchased about 4 months ago and I'm not sure if this is a defect or not but when I boot up the iPhone and the Apple logo appears all around the logo is totally black except for the upper left corner. That corner has a yellowish/whitish tint when I assume like the rest of screen around the logo it should be totally black. There is no other issue or complaint about it I just I'm just wondering if this is common or can lead to future screen problems.
    Thanks for all your input!

    This is not normal.  Bring your phone to Apple for evaluation

  • Touch screen problems with touch when typing

    I sent my phone away to get fixed and got it back Tuesday last week. Although my phone turns back on now the other problems are still there. When I try to type other random letters will be hit all over the screen and it will keep happening until I look the screen. There are times I try to hit the back button and the screen will read it as I'm hitting the middle home button and swiping up for the Google search engine. If this happens and I try to hit back it will keep doing the same thing I just explained.
    I'm really getting tired of this because when this starts happening my phone ends up becoming defective. I have already sent my phone away to get fixed twice (they ended up only turning on for a little bit at a time and then eventually not at all and the first time this happened it effected the battery life to). I'm really considering getting a phone that isn't with Sony :/

    this happened to my z1 last year after using it in the took three send backs before sony actually listened to me and fixed it.i think they just test it switches on and makes calls and send the phone back.I threatened the consumer ombudsman on them my phone was no longer fit for purpose and they wouldnt give me a new one.Phone finally fixed ...and guess what this year spash in pool and whole phone gone dead.I am fuming as will need to go through whole rigmarole again.keep persisting and tell them that the law says if an item is no longer fit for the purpose it was sold they have to replace it !good luck

  • T232HL touch screen problem with windows 10

    Hi  I would like to know if there is any update cool touch drivers for windows 10 for this touch screen?  My update to windows 10 from 8.1 works well apart from the monitor I have a error 18 in the device manager for this cool touch drivers so can anyone help.regardsScotsman

    Hi  I have fixed it by going into device manager and clicking on the yellow faulty driver from cool touch and then update the driver then select browse my computer then let me pick from a list of device drivers. Then i had 2 choices I did not select the acer driver but the other one in the list of 2 can't remember the name as its not there anymore.hope this helps someone else.regardsScotsman

  • [SOLVED] dual-screen problem with awesome3.2 and firefox/gedit

    my problem is that firefox/gedit (+maybe other apps, i don't know yet) are starting in awesome like they are fullscreen apps. Firefox covers the wibox at the top of the screen, and even overlaps a bit to the seconds screen. So the keyboard-shortcuts doenst work well, because awesome then changes the tags in bots screens when on one tag firefox is opened.
    I dont know why this happens, here is my rc.lua:
    -- Load libraries
    -- {{{ Variable definitions
    -- User styles for windows, statusbars, titlebars and widgets
    theme_path = os.getenv("HOME") .. "/.config/awesome/themes/zenburn"
    -- Modifier keys
    modkey = "Mod4" -- Super_L
    -- Window titlebars
    use_titlebar = true
    -- Window management layouts
    layouts = {
    awful.layout.suit.tile, -- 1
    awful.layout.suit.tile.left, -- 2
    awful.layout.suit.tile.bottom, -- 3, -- 4
    awful.layout.suit.fair, -- 5
    awful.layout.suit.fair.horizontal, -- 6
    awful.layout.suit.max, -- 7
    -- awful.layout.suit.max.fullscreen, -- /
    awful.layout.suit.magnifier, -- 8
    awful.layout.suit.floating -- 9
    -- Application specific behaviour
    apprules = {
    -- Class Instance Name Screen Tag Floating
    { "Firefox", nil, nil, nil, 2, false },
    { "Firefox", "Download", nil, nil, nil, true },
    { "Firefox", "Places", nil, nil, nil, true },
    { "Firefox", "Extension", nil, nil, nil, true },
    { "MPlayer", nil, nil, nil, nil, true },
    { nil, nil, "VLC media player", nil, nil, true },
    { "Gimp", nil, nil, nil, nil, true },
    { "Xmessage", "xmessage", nil, nil, nil, true },
    { "Skype", nil, nil, nil, 1, true },
    { "Pidgin", nil, nil, nil, 1, true },
    -- {{{ Tags
    -- Define tags table
    tags = {}
    tags.settings = {
    { name = "im", layout = layouts[9] },
    { name = "www", layout = layouts[1] },
    { name = "terms", layout = layouts[3] },
    { name = "dev", layout = layouts[3] },
    { name = "other", layout = layouts[5] },
    -- Initialize tags
    for s = 1, screen.count() do
    tags[s] = {}
    for i, v in ipairs(tags.settings) do
    tags[s][i] = tag(
    tags[s][i].screen = s
    awful.tag.setproperty(tags[s][i], "layout", v.layout)
    awful.tag.setproperty(tags[s][i], "setslave", v.setslave)
    tags[s][1].selected = true
    -- {{{ Wibox
    -- Widgets configuration
    -- Reusable separators
    myspace = widget({ type = "textbox", name = "myspace", align = "right" })
    myseparator = widget({ type = "textbox", name = "myseparator", align = "right" })
    myspace.text = " "
    myseparator.text = "|"
    -- Date, time and...
    mydateicon = widget({ type = "imagebox", name = "mydateicon", align = "right" })
    mydateicon.image = image(beautiful.widget_date)
    mydatewidget = widget({ type = "textbox", name = "mydatewidget", align = "right" })
    wicked.register(mydatewidget,, "%b %e, %R", 60)
    -- a Calendar
    function calendar_select(offset)
    local datespec ="*t")
    datespec = datespec.year * 12 + datespec.month - 1 + offset
    awful.util.spawn("cal -m " .. (datespec % 12 + 1) .. " " .. math.floor(datespec / 12) .. " | xmessage -geometry +1135+17 -file -")
    button({ }, 1, function () calendar_select(0) end),
    button({ }, 4, function () calendar_select(1) end),
    button({ }, 5, function () calendar_select(-1) end)
    -- System tray
    mysystray = widget({ type = "systray", align = "right" })
    -- Create a wibox and...
    mywibox = {}
    mypromptbox = {}
    mylayoutbox = {}
    mytaglist = {}
    mytaglist.buttons = { button({ }, 1, awful.tag.viewonly),
    button({ modkey }, 1, awful.client.movetotag),
    button({ }, 3, function (tag) tag.selected = not tag.selected end),
    button({ modkey }, 3, awful.client.toggletag),
    button({ }, 4, awful.tag.viewnext),
    button({ }, 5, awful.tag.viewprev) }
    -- ...add it to each screen
    for s = 1, screen.count() do
    -- Create a promptbox
    mypromptbox[s] = widget({ type = "textbox", align = "left" })
    -- Create an imagebox widget with icons indicating active layout
    mylayoutbox[s] = widget({ type = "imagebox", align = "left" })
    mylayoutbox[s]:buttons({ button({ }, 1, function (), 1) end),
    button({ }, 3, function (), -1) end),
    button({ }, 4, function (), 1) end),
    button({ }, 5, function (), -1) end) })
    -- Create the taglist
    mytaglist[s] =, awful.widget.taglist.label.all, mytaglist.buttons)
    -- Create the wibox
    mywibox[s] = wibox({ position = "top", height = "14", fg = beautiful.fg_normal, bg = beautiful.bg_normal })
    -- Add widgets to the wibox (order matters)
    mywibox[s].widgets = { mylayoutbox[s],
    mydateicon, mydatewidget,
    s == screen.count() and mysystray or nil
    mywibox[s].screen = s
    -- {{{ Mouse bindings
    button({ }, 4, awful.tag.viewnext),
    button({ }, 5, awful.tag.viewprev)
    -- {{{ Key bindings
    globalkeys = {
    -- Applications
    key({ modkey }, "Return",function () awful.util.spawn("uxterm") end),
    -- Prompt menus
    key({ modkey }, "F2", function (){ prompt = "Run: " }, mypromptbox[mouse.screen],
    awful.util.spawn,, awful.util.getdir("cache") .. "/history")
    -- Awesome controls
    key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "q", awesome.quit),
    key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "r", function () mypromptbox[mouse.screen].text = awful.util.escape(awful.util.restart()) end),
    -- Layout manipulation
    key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "Plus", function () awful.client.incwfact(-0.05) end),
    key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "Minus", function () awful.client.incwfact(0.05) end),
    key({ modkey }, "space", function (), 1) end),
    key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "space", function (), -1) end),
    -- Focus controls
    key({ modkey }, "Tab", function () awful.client.focus.history.previous(); if client.focus then client.focus:raise() end end),
    key({ modkey }, "Down", function () awful.client.focus.bydirection("down"); if client.focus then client.focus:raise() end end),
    key({ modkey }, "Up", function () awful.client.focus.bydirection("up"); if client.focus then client.focus:raise() end end),
    key({ modkey }, "Left", function () awful.client.focus.bydirection("left"); if client.focus then client.focus:raise() end end),
    key({ modkey }, "Right", function () awful.client.focus.bydirection("right");if client.focus then client.focus:raise() end end),
    key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "Down", function () awful.client.swap.bydirection("down") end),
    key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "Up", function () awful.client.swap.bydirection("up") end),
    key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "Left", function () awful.client.swap.bydirection("left") end),
    key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "Right", function () awful.client.swap.bydirection("right") end),
    -- Client manipulation
    clientkeys = {
    key({ modkey, "Control" }, "space", awful.client.floating.toggle),
    -- Bind keyboard digits
    keynumber = 0
    for s = 1, screen.count() do
    keynumber = math.min(9, math.max(#tags[s], keynumber));
    -- Tag controls
    for i = 1, keynumber do
    key({ modkey }, i,
    function ()
    local screen = mouse.screen
    if tags[screen][i] then
    key({ modkey, "Shift" }, i,
    function ()
    if client.focus and tags[client.focus.screen][i] then
    -- Set keys
    -- {{{ Hooks
    -- Hook function to execute when focusing a client
    awful.hooks.focus.register(function (c)
    if not awful.client.ismarked(c) then
    c.border_color = beautiful.border_focus
    -- Hook function to execute when unfocusing a client
    awful.hooks.unfocus.register(function (c)
    if not awful.client.ismarked(c) then
    c.border_color = beautiful.border_normal
    -- Hook function to execute when marking a client
    awful.hooks.marked.register(function (c)
    c.border_color = beautiful.border_marked
    -- Hook function to execute when unmarking a client
    awful.hooks.unmarked.register(function (c)
    c.border_color = beautiful.border_focus
    -- Hook function to execute when the mouse enters a client
    awful.hooks.mouse_enter.register(function (c)
    -- Sloppy focus (but disabled for magnifier layout)
    if awful.layout.get(c.screen) ~= awful.layout.suit.magnifier
    and awful.client.focus.filter(c) then
    client.focus = c
    -- Hook function to execute when a new client appears
    awful.hooks.manage.register(function (c)
    -- If we are not managing this application at startup, move it to the screen where the mouse is
    if not startup and awful.client.focus.filter(c) then
    c.screen = mouse.screen
    -- Add a titlebar to each client
    if use_titlebar then
    awful.titlebar.add(c, { modkey = modkey })
    -- Set client mouse bindings
    button({ }, 1, function (c) client.focus = c; c:raise() end),
    button({ modkey }, 1, awful.mouse.client.move),
    button({ modkey }, 3, awful.mouse.client.resize)
    -- New clients may not receive focus if they're not focusable, so set the border anyway
    c.border_width = beautiful.border_width
    c.border_color = beautiful.border_normal
    -- Check application->screen/tag mappings and floating state
    local target_screen
    local target_tag
    local target_float
    for index, rule in pairs(apprules) do
    if (((rule[1] == nil) or (c.class and c.class == rule[1]))
    and ((rule[2] == nil) or (c.instance and c.instance == rule[2]))
    and ((rule[3] == nil) or ( and string.find(, rule[3], 1, true)))) then
    target_screen = rule[4]
    target_tag = rule[5]
    target_float = rule[6]
    -- Apply mappings, if any
    if target_float then
    awful.client.floating.set(c, target_float)
    if target_screen then
    c.screen = target_screen
    awful.client.movetotag(tags[target_screen][target_tag], c)
    -- Focus after tag mapping
    client.focus = c
    -- Set client key bindings
    -- Put windows at the end of others instead of setting them as a master
    -- ...or do it selectively for certain tags
    if awful.tag.getproperty(awful.tag.selected(mouse.screen), "setslave") then
    -- New floating windows don't cover the wibox and don't overlap until it's unavoidable
    -- Honoring size hints: false to remove gaps between windows
    c.size_hints_honor = false
    -- Hook function to execute when arranging the screen
    awful.hooks.arrange.register(function (screen)
    -- Update layout imagebox widget with an icon indicating active layout
    local layout = awful.layout.getname(awful.layout.get(screen))
    if layout and beautiful["layout_" ..layout] then
    mylayoutbox[screen].image = image(beautiful["layout_" .. layout])
    mylayoutbox[screen].image = nil
    -- Give focus to the latest client in history if no window has focus
    -- or if the current window is a desktop or a dock one
    if not client.focus then
    local c = awful.client.focus.history.get(screen, 0)
    if c then client.focus = c end
    -- Fine grained border controls
    local visible_clients = awful.client.visible(screen)
    if #visible_clients > 0 then
    for unused, current in pairs(visible_clients) do
    -- Floating clients always have borders
    if awful.client.floating.get(current) or (layout == 'floating') then
    current.border_width = beautiful.border_width
    -- Floating clients always on top
    if not current.fullscreen then
    current.ontop = true
    -- Don't draw the border if there is only one tiled client visible
    elseif (#visible_clients == 1) or (layout == 'max') then
    visible_clients[1].border_width = 0
    current.border_width = beautiful.border_width
    I added "xrandr --output DVI-1 -- right-of DVI-0" to the .xinitrc to get the extended desktop i want.
    Any suggestions?
    Last edited by Wishes (2009-03-29 10:52:00)

    Still the same
    Edit: i deleted my ~/.mozilla folder. Now firefox starts not overlapping with the wibox, but still a bit overlapping to the other screen, so hat my keystrokes toggle both screens. it seems that it start in floating mode, because i can move it with the mouse. When i move it a bit towarts the wibox and a bit right, it seems to get stuck in the chosen tile-layout and everything is fine... until i quit firefox and start it again.
    Edit2: Hmmm, ok, i think i found it... or at least something:
    -- New floating windows don't cover the wibox and don't overlap until it's unavoidable
        --awful.placement.no_offscreen(c)  //THIS was first uncommented
        awful.placement.no_overlap(c)  //THIS was first commented
    So now with no_overlap it seems to work finde (although i cannot move gedit between the screens with the mouse, but i dont know if this isn't normal. Firefox is moveable between the screens.), no overlapping anymore with the wibox or to the other screen.
    When i uncomment both lines, firefox and gedit are starting both on the 2nd screen (the left one), and gedit cannot be moved to the right one (although firefox can be moved.).
    Last edited by Wishes (2009-03-28 20:24:52)

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