Track document

Is there any web site where you can upload a document and see the tracking of the document ?
When someone logs-in to change the content of the document ? who changed it ? when ? from where (ip address) etcc . ??

Is there any web site where you can upload a document and see the tracking of the document ?
Yes. Google Docs.

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    Hello xMII Community,
    I have been working with Michael Appleby in regards to questions for ME II and have found documentation for same.
    In the "Setting up Labor Tracking" document, there are two acronyms - SFC and POD.
    My initial take on SFC was that it was "Shop Floor Control", but after reading it in context of several sentences that definition did not work.  Here is a couple of sentences that use both both acronym's ...
    > Working in the POD -  If the user is a production operator using the POD, as he or she begins recording work in the POD, the system charges time against the labor. The system generates SFCs when you release product demand to the shop floor. The system assigns the labor charge code (LCC) associated with a shop order to each SFC as it generates them.
    You can allow users or supervisors to change the LCC associated with an SFC after the system has assigned it.<------
    Here is another example...
    >  At his or her workstation, the operator works one SFC at a time in the POD. <----
    So my question is - in the context of the above examples, what do "SFC" and "POD" stand for?
    Best Regards,
    Dean Atteberry.
    Edited by: Dean Atteberry on Jul 2, 2009 6:07 PM
    Edited by: Dean Atteberry on Jul 2, 2009 6:09 PM

    "SFC" is an acronym for "Shop Floor Control" .  In SAP ME, it is an ID that reprsents a production unit or lot used for for detailed manufacturing traceability. 
    "POD" is an acronym for "Production Operataor Dashboard".  In SAP ME, it is the primary user interface of the shop floor operator.  PODs can be configured for each user, work center, or plant depending on the requirements.

  • Assistance with time tracking document

    I am working on a time tracking document, and I need to create a total on the first page of the document based on the selection of a drop down box and a total time field.
    Basically on the reverse side of the form, someone enters that they spent 15 mins on paperwork (drop down list number 3).  I then need to review all the entries on the reverse side of the form to add up all the time that the individual spent on 3 ie. paperwork, 2 telephone, etc.  (there are 30 rows).  I would want the the time to automatically fill into a simple chart on the front of the document. That chart will then have a total which would equal the amount of hours worked. 
    I'm new at adobe, and have tried a variety of ways to run it with no avail. I can accomplish it for a single box but can't get it to compute correctly when I add additional fields.   Is this possible?
    In addition, I need to have the time on the fill in portion of the form be in real time whereas the chart on the front needs to be changed to quarter hours, which I think I have figured out.
    entry on reverse                                                            chart on front
    Start      End     Total Time     Work Type                      Paperwork:     3.75
    08:00     08:15     :15               3                                    Telephone     2.00
                                                                                          Training:        2.25  
    Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you!

    Thank you GKaiseril for your response. 
    I wanted the results in decimal hours.
    I have used the attached calculations, and it works perfectly with the exception for anything that that runs to or past 00:00. 
    This form will be used by public safety; therefore there is a good chance that they take an incident call at 11:45pm and it goes past the midnight hour.  From your other posts, you have indicated that there is a lot of script writing to be done before this happens.  Obviously, I don't have the capabilities to do this so I just wanted to double check with you before I try to figure out a work around.
    function Round(nValue, nPrecision) {
    // round a number a given precision
    return util.printf("%,101." + nPrecision + "f", nValue);
    } // end round
    function Time2Min(cFormat, sTime) {
    sTime = sTime.toLowerCase();
    // adjust for 12:MM am
    if( (cFormat == "h:MM tt" || cFormat == "hh:MM tt") && ( (sTime.substr(0, 2) == "12" && sTime.substr(6,1) == 'a') || (sTime.substr(0, 2) == "12" && sTime.substr(5,1) == 'a') ) )
       sTime = "00" + sTime.substr(2, sTime.length - 2);
    // convert a formatted time string to number of minutes since midnight
    // get time object
    var oTime = util.scand("mm/dd/yyyy " + cFormat, "01/01/1970 " + sTime);
    // convert to milliseconds
    var nTime = oTime.getTime();
    // convert to milliseconds to minutes and return value
    nTime = nTime / (1000 * 60);
    // return round to whole minutes
    return Number(Round(nTime, 0));
    } // end Time2Min
    function TimeDiff(cFormat, cSTARTRow, cENDRow) {
    var nDiff = 0;
    // get the value of the time in and out fields
       var sOut = this.getField(cENDRow).value;
       var sIn = this.getField(cSTARTRow).value;
       // compute if we have both values
       if(sOut != "" && sIn != "") {
          // convert time string to minutes and compute difference
                nDiff = Time2Min(cFormat, sOut) - Time2Min(cFormat, sIn);
          // convert to hours
          nDiff = nDiff / 60;
       }   // end if sOut & sIn
       // return rounded value 
       return Round(nDiff, 2);
    individual field
    var cIn = "STARTRow.1", cOut ="ENDRow1";
    event.value= TimeDiff(HH:MM",cIn, cOut;:
    //convert zero entry to null
    if (event.value ==0)event.value ="";
    Thank you.

  • Track documents based on a purchase order

    One of my customers asked me yesterday if there is a good way to follow the steps from a purchase order to goods reciept and AP invoice? If you have a large purchase order with many items and only a few of them are copied to goods reciept PO at a time, and you have several goods reciepts PO and many invoices. How can one best track all of these documents and get a good overview?
    I tried using Drag & Relate, but it's not good enough to get the whole picture. So I would really appreciate if you have some tips, or if there could be a way to create a report for which documents are based on a purchase order.
    Best regards,

    Hello Lena-Marie - welcome to the forum.  You might want to start with this and add some more into and/or change the WHERE clause to pull up the information you need.   Such as T2.DocNum =
    This SQL was restricted to display only some open items...
    If you need more help changing this particular SQL, just contact me directly through my business card's alternative...
    Regards - Zal
    --E-PU Audit Review of Purchase Orders to AP Invoices Workstation Ver 1 ZP 2011 02 14
    --DESCRIPTION:  SQL shows ONLY those lines from the Purchase Orders or Goods Receipts or AP Invoice that are still open and needing to be worked.
    --Version 1 Zal Parchem 14 Feb 2011
    T2.DocNum AS 'Purch Ord',
    T2.DocDate AS ' Ord Date',
    T1.ShipDate AS 'Expected',
    T1.ItemCode AS 'Product',
    WHEN T1.[LineStatus] = 'O' THEN 'Open'
    WHEN T1.LineStatus = 'C' THEN 'Closed'
    ELSE 'Error'
    END AS 'Row Stat',
    WHEN T2.Canceled = 'Y'
    THEN 'Yes'
    ELSE ' '
    END AS 'Cancelled?',
    T1.LineNum+1 AS 'Line',
    T1.OpenQty AS 'Open Qty',
    T4.DocNum AS 'Goods Rcpt',
    T4.DocDueDate AS 'Rcpt Date',
    WHEN T3.[LineStatus] = 'O' THEN 'Open'
    WHEN T3.LineStatus = 'C' THEN 'Closed'
    ELSE ' '
    END AS 'Row Stat',
    WHEN T4.Canceled = 'Y'
    THEN 'Yes'
    ELSE ' '
    END AS 'Cancelled?',
    T3.LineNum + 1 AS 'Line',
    T6.DocNum AS 'Return',
    T5.LineNum +1 AS 'Line',
    WHEN T5.[LineStatus] = 'O' THEN 'Open'
    WHEN T5.LineStatus = 'C' THEN 'Closed'
    ELSE ' '
    END AS 'Row Stat',
    WHEN T6.Canceled = 'Y'
    THEN 'Yes'
    ELSE ' '
    END AS 'Cancelled?',
    T8.DocNum AS 'AP Invoice',
    T7.LineNum + 1 AS 'Line',
    T10.DocNum AS 'AP Cred Memo',
    T9.LineNum + 1 AS 'Line',
    FROM POR1 T1
    ON T1.DocEntry = T2.DocEntry
    ON T2.DocEntry = T3.BaseEntry
    AND T1.LineNum = T3.BaseLine
    AND T1.ItemCode = T3.ItemCode
    ON T3.DocEntry = T4.DocEntry
    ON T4.DocEntry = T5.BaseEntry
    AND T3.LineNum = T5.BaseLine
    AND T3.ItemCode = T5.ItemCode
    ON T5.DocEntry = T6.DocEntry
    ON T4.DocEntry = T7.BaseEntry
    AND T3.LineNum = T7.BaseLine
    AND T3.ItemCode = T7.ItemCode
    ON T7.DocEntry = T8.DocEntry
    ON T8.DocEntry = T9.BaseEntry
    AND T7.LineNum = T9.BaseLine
    AND T7.ItemCode = T9.ItemCode
    ON T9.DocEntry = T10.DocEntry
    (T1.LineStatus = 'O' OR T3.LineStatus = 'O' OR T5.LineStatus = 'O')

  • Tracking documents in B2B

    There are a couple of questions pertaining to B2B that I have
    1) Is it possible in B2B to keep track of documents based on the Interchange Control Number (ISA13 segment). Say if a TP was to send documents control number 1000,1001,1002 and misses to send the one with 1003, is it possible for B2B to identify that a raise an error or warning?
    2) Can we use a resubmit facility to resubmit a document if a 997 is not received within a specified time. In our case we have 810 documents going out and if we dont get a response within a specified time, resend the document.
    Please let me know.

    Answers are in line.
    There are a couple of questions pertaining to B2B that I have
    1) Is it possible in B2B to keep track of documents based on the Interchange Control Number (ISA13 segment). Say if a TP was to send documents control number 1000,1001,1002 and misses to send the one with 1003, is it possible for B2B to identify that a raise an error or warning?
    You should do that as a custom solution based on the InstanceMessageUtil or DB tables.
    2) Can we use a resubmit facility to resubmit a document if a 997 is not received within a specified time. In our case we have 810 documents going out and if we dont get a response within a specified time, resend the document.
    This is a custom solution using resubmission feature in maual mode. You can do the timeout as a custom feature. Let me know we can work with you to build this.
    Please let me know.

  • Content tracker: tracking document uploads

    Hi all,
    Using UCM we have come with a list of requirements. One of them is to track the usage of the documents managed in UCM.
    With the Content Tracker and Content Tracker reports we are able to follow and build reports of the usage and accesses to uploaded documents but we also need to track and build reports on the documents that are being uploaded.
    Is there a way to do this with Content Tracker? If not, is there any other way?

    Any service call (custom or core) can be tracked.
    So if you want to track Checkins find the name of the Checkin service and track that. If there is an upload of an attachment service for Folios or the ZipRenditionManagment Component then find the service name and track that.

  • Tracking document posted user wise

    In FB03 i can see posted documents and in its headear button i can see complete log of document including user who posted it. My query is i have around 550 document against which i want to track the user who posted it. Entering it in FB03 indvidually would be cumbersome task. How can i see them in a single go.

    It is important that what you want to track for each user. As rightly said by atif you can get the document header details from BKPF. In case you need more details like account, account etc then you need to pass this information in BSEG TABLE, to get the exact details you need..
    Milind Sonalkar

  • How to track document changes

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    Hi Mr. Modi,
                       Can you clarify your scenario properly that I can analyse it to give you proper solution....I am confuse with your requirement and  example which you have given...
    Sagun Desai....

  • Sharepoint system file/lists - tracking document access

    Does sharepoint keep track of activities on a library - such as which user id has loaded a file and which user id has accessed it.
    The requirement is a reporting tool to track/audit the progress of a series of Excel files in place by keeping a status of who has accessed the file, which files were accessed when and perhaps who has modified the files.
    These statistics are generally available for most librarian tools and I would assume Sharepoint should have this functionality.
    Thanks in advance, Don McGimpsey

    Hi there.
    Yes, this is possible in SharePoint 2007. You can
    enable the auditing feature for a site collection which lets you monitor
    these events .
    Hope this helps.
    My blog:

  • Tracking document access

    Using Creative Cloud for sharing files; can I track who and how often someone accesses my uploaded files?
    If not, is there a feedback forum for ideas?

    Currently there are not notifications for this event. You can post an Idea from the New menu drop-down:

  • How to track changes between documents

    We are trying to find ways to track/compare changes between two or more versions of an InDesign document. We need to be able to store these version changes in a master version tracking document. We know InDesign can track text changes in a story but we need to know more than that, like graphic or style changes. Is there a plugin out there that can compare two versions of an InDesign document and list/print out the differences?  Acrobat has this feature but we haven't found this for InDesign. Any suggestions?

    I hesitated to post the plugins because my company is the publisher of one of them.
    You will find them all at:
    Search for BlackLining from EMS, CtrlChanges from Ctrl Publishing and EditMarks BlackLining from Kerntiff Publishing Systems.
    We are responsible for EditMarks.
    As I said we do not track changes to objects.
    All the best.
    ( I am not connect to pluginsworld in any way )

  • How to track multiple documents across different sites

    What I am trying to do seems relatively simple yet I can't seem to find a way to do it.
    I have found methods to track documents relative to me and recently modified documents within a specific site.
    Basically I want to take document A from the Developer site, document B from the HR site and Document C from the Architecture site and display them in a webpart on a different site that will let me see when they have been modified and by who. It seems that
    you can display whole libraries in a webpart from another sites but not select documents from multiple libraries.
    I have tried making copies to display in a webpart but it doesn't show you when the original has been modified. I need the originals to remain yet display there status in a webpart on a different site.
    Any advise or direction would be greatly appreciated.

    According to your post, my understanding is that you wanted to display libraries in different sites.
    You can save the library web part to file, then upload the file to a different site.
    When you modify the library files, in the different site the web part would also update.
    More references:
    Thanks & Regards,
    Jason Guo
    TechNet Community Support

  • Logging open and close of documents?

    I'd like to have a record of when I open and close documents, so that I can support my diary notes of jobs I've been working on. So I need to have the filename recorded. I can find an app' to log application usage; is there one for file usage ?
    regards, alan

    Hi, alan.
    This search of VersionTracker reveals two apps that track document time. Of the two, T3, looks exactly like what you want, but it is expensive. Check out the developer's site
    Active Timer may be more to your liking: it can track time at the application window level and is free.
    You can investigate other solutions by searching MacUpdate or Version Tracker. The user-submitted reviews accompanying the listings can be helpful in sorting the wheat from the chaff. Try searches for time track and look at the various options each provides.
    Good luck!
    Dr. Smoke
    Author: Troubleshooting Mac® OS X

  • Documents Reimagined: Meet Adobe Document Cloud

    Adobe Document Cloud consists of a set of integrated services that use a consistent online profile and personal document hub, so you can organize your paper documents efficiently and easily.  You will be able to create, review, approve, sign and track documents whether on a desktop or mobile device. More info here.

    I referenced the ETk to get everything turned off except does anyone have any idea how to disable the "store and share files in the document cloud" piece in the tools pane?

  • Can I create a list which counts the number of documents of a specific metadata type by the folder they are stored within?

    Running SP2013 Foundation. My users interact by uploading documents to personal folders within a document library, selecting the type of document they have uploaded via a lookup column and SP list. I have two levels of view in my library, a top level view
    and an in-folder view which contains the metadata and standard document information like version and modified date etc.
    Currently I am able to count the total number of documents that have been uploaded of a particular document type against my document type list, but I would also like to include folder along with document type to thoroughly track document returns by folder
    name. The desired output being a list with a count of document type uploaded by folder name.
    I have tried creating an associated user column at the top level view and also uploading an associated user and folder name list.
    Is this possible and how would I go about this?
    Many thanks for any assistance

    Hello MJH9J,
    Thank you for your question.
    We are currently looking into this issue and will give you an update as soon as possible.
    Thank you for your understanding and support.
    Best Regards,
    Zhengyu Guo
    Zhengyu Guo
    TechNet Community Support

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