Tracking the active time on the document

Hi All,
I am trying to calculate the total active time spent on a document and for the same i tired using IIdleTaskMgr::kMouseTracking and IIdleTaskMgr::kUserActive flags in the runTask,but it is not working.Can somebody tell me if it is the right approach or not????

IdleTask won't be of much help. In fact it's probably going to give you the opposite result.
IdleTasks are only given time when things are quiet for InDesign - as a rough rule of thumb.
That is an IdleTask only really gets some time to work if nothing else is going on.
That's why it's named as it is: IdleTask is a way of taking moments when InDesign is idle to do other tasks.
You probably need to think what you mean by being actively worked on.
This will be a hard thing to measure meaningfully.
One approach would be to create an ActiveSelectionObserver.
This would track people clicking about on items that are on a page.
I'd then observe both SelectionChanged and AttributeChanged.
Then I'd bracket those events - would 5 seconds be a long time between actions?
What I'd do is every time something changed I'd reset my timer to 5 seconds.
While events happened within that time then work is being done.
Anything longer and the person is no longer working on it.
This method will probably underestimate the time.
A another measure would be to get the time when a document is opened
and substract that from the time the document is closed.
Pausing while the document is inactive might be also an idea.
This method will probably overestimate the time worked on a document.
There's probably a tonne of other ways of measuring time.
But as you can see, how you do it depends on what you are trying to measure.

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    It is very challenging, please reply!
    Please help.
    Thanks in adv.

    Hi Kundan,
    Thanks for the response!
    Actually, I have two identical DSO, having all the char & KF same and feeding the data from same DS at the same time but the issue is...
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    01.07.2010 02:02:41 Step 001 started (program RSPROCESS, variant &0000000006946, user ID BWREMOTE)
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    01.07.2010 02:19:30 Parallel processes (for Attivazione); 000003
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    01.07.2010 02:01:54 Program RSBATCH_EXECUTE_PROZESS successfully scheduled as job BIBCTL_4ICCAR91ALHE1VHSB6GV9PAPV with ID 02015400
    01.07.2010 02:01:56 Program RSBATCH_EXECUTE_PROZESS successfully scheduled as job BIBCTL_4ICCAR91ALHE1VHSB6GV9PAPV with ID 02015600
    Now my client is asking to lower the activation time for 1st one as it is taking for 2nd one.
    I'm toatally blank now that what & how to do it!
    The volume of data ...
    Active table - Number of entries: 13.960.508
    Change Log Table - Number of entries: 13.976.530
    Active Table - Number of entries: 21.923.947
    Change Log table - Number of entries: 21.938.657
    Edited by: sap.ajaykumar on Jul 6, 2010 1:47 PM

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    Hope this helps.
    **Click the KUDOS thumb up on the left to say 'Thanks'**
    Make it easier for other people to find solutions by marking a Reply 'Accept as Solution' if it solves your problem.

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