Transaction in Backend

I have logged in an EP and I access data from the backend. Is there any way I can find after logging into the backend, which transaction is being used corresponding to the query executed in the portal. I have tried AL08, STAD and all, but they give only the user name and the transaction area, it gives "RFC" connection.

I guess AL08 is the only way

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    Hi Guru's,
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    I have the problem that some Queries have been published twice or more in different folders, so I want to clean it. But I don't know how to delete the Queries via BEx Analyzer as they are there again as soon as I log in again.
    Isn't there any transaction in Backend that I can use to structure my Queries in roles?
    Thanks in advance!

    One way to delete unneeded duplicates....
    Go to Query designer, in development
    Instead of loading the query you want to delete, find it in the folder/role
    Click on the "Trash Can" icon
    Then we have 2 more options to consider....
    - Delete object ...will TOTALLY delete it in the development system.... caution with this one, unless you really do want it to permanently go-away.
    - Delete only the object reference from the Role/Favorites... will delete the one instance in the folder, but leaves it everywhere else, useful when deleting a duplicate report in the folder
    After choosing one of the 2 options above, then click on the 'continue' button.
    "Refresh" to check what was done in development = Menu / Refresh
    When done... transport the role to Q and Production.
    Similar process if the query is located inside of web template and there are multiple instances of the same web template in the roles/folders that need to be cleaned up in the web application designer.

  • Transaction iView always calls SESSION_MANAGER

    Hi all,
    we are working with Transaction iViews in our portal to call transactions in backend system via ITS.
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    Has anyone faced similar issues?
    Best regards

    Hi Davor,
    You need to check DSM and deactivate in portal.
    Please go through thread [Disable DSM Terminator   |Re: Disable DSM Terminator;

  • Sending multiple transaction to Supplier

    Hi B2B gurus,
    We send only 10 transactions from backend applications to supplier via B2B, I mean
    From backend application to B2B and From B2B to supplier, but these 10 transaction sending multiple times by supplier.
    Our Supplier complianing that they are receiving multiple transactions and it screwing their system.
    Could anyone help me how to resolve this.

    Hi CNU,
    Please check your report console, to make sure that how many times B2B has sent the transactions (OR how many transactions your B2B sent).
    It may be perhaps because your B2B is expecting a FA back and if it is not getting one in an estimated time, then it is retrying the same message again. What are the retry count settings at your side?

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    Any help to resolve this is highly appreciated.
    Best Regards,

    The project requirement is avoid the user can log in with SAPGUI and run the standard transaction.
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  • An RFC exception has occured: in ESS Enterprise portal

    Hi guys,
    Whenever I logon to Enterprise portal > Employee Services > My Details > Personal Details tab on Employee self services, I get following error message: An RFC exception has occured:
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    Could you tell me how to look upon/trace RFC exception error message? Is there any transaction in backend SAP system which raises RFC exception flag?
    Edited by: mehta1p on Jan 19, 2010 8:38 PM

    can you post the full error message, you can get in the portal screen or from http://<hostname>:<port>/nwa
    and Monitoring-logs and traces and look for default trace
    In the column customization you have the user, which will help in searching the error log. post the error from default trace....

  • RFC and Logical System names it necessary to have RFC and Logical system name for the connected system to be identical?Is there any explanation behind this if thats true....

    Hi Gaurav,
    It is recommended, but not mandatory, right, Muthuraman?
    The system uses some transactions to determine which RFC will be used for the communication between one system and another, for example, in transaction 'Define backend systems' in SPRO, you can define that the current SRM client has an ECC backend system named X and the RFC destination for this X system is Y (not necessarily the same name).

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    You will have to change the Infoset /SAPQUERY/HR_ADM. The Telephone Number field is p0006-TELNR. As this is a std field, you may not be able to change the length. you should probably put in an additional field with  the reqd legth, in the Infoset & add code for that field to display the Tel No. Remove the P0006-TELNR form the Infoset Selections.
    >>>How would i know if one iView is a transaction on backend( and what is the transaction?
    You can see it in the iView Properties (Type/transaction etc) under Content Admin in the Portal.
    Suresh Datti

  • WCEM30 Basket checkout error

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    I'm working on a new WCEM 3.0 implementation and get a strange error.  The installation is using SAP ECC as a backend, and we are using SAP ECC 5.0 SP9. WCEM is installed on a NW 7.3 SP8.
    Products can be added to the shopping basket, but if we have more than one itemline, the application fails with the below exception. If we only have one itemline, it works fine.
    We get the error on a clean installation, so no extra development has been done.
    Have any of you seen the below error?
    500 Internal Server Error is returned for HTTP request [https://XXXXXXXXX:51XXX/main/salestransactions/basket.jsf]:
      component [Faces Servlet],
      web module [main],
      application [],
      DC name [],
      CSN component[WEC-APP-BF],
      problem categorization [],
      internal categorization [-1816753268].
    [EXCEPTION] RollbackException occured while transaction handling
    Caused by: Exception in beforeCompletion of ( JTA Transaction : 20302 ).
    ... 83 more
    Caused by: javax.persistence.OptimisticLockException: Some entity of class >><< has been changed by a concurrent transaction
    Best Regards

    looks for me like a bug in the application and potentially in relationship with development in the ERP backend. I would like to help you, but I guess that's only possible if we do debug the application. Probably better to open a OSS message!

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    Hi Experts,
    I am working on a project wherein testing of BW system is required after migration from OS Unix to Windows.
    If any one has done same set of activities in past or has any idea of this, please share all major test steps required after migration.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Neeraj,
    I will paste the list we used for our upgrade from 3.1 to 7.0. I removed some company specific details. Sorry for the "lay-out", it is copied from excel, this messes up the whole message.
    best regards, André.
    Preparation     PHASE 1
    Review New Functionality     Review BW section on SAPNet for latest information on new release
    Confirm Upgrade Timing (First Sat)    
    GUI Upgrade     Install GUI's for Upgrade Test persons
    "Check Prerequisites     -Operating System
    -SAP Kernel
    -Disk space
    -R/3 plugin
    -BW software version and SP
    "Check Compatibility Reqs with other systems     APO
    Check Compatibility Reqs with 3rd party software     ?
    "Test Team 2004s Delta Training     To
    have idea on new functionality
    not have confusion if looks different.."
    "End User Communication: upgraded system and changes     e.g. right vs left click
    - send out communication twice"
    End User Communication: several "look and feel" sessions  NOTE: incorporate WISBECH !!!    
    Setup Portal connected to BW QA for testing once upgraded     Setup Portal connected to BW DEV for testing once upgraded
    Check best go live date - based on assuption 2 days needed    
    Determine test set  - based on input BS / KU    
    Estimate resources Business for testing    
    BluePrint     PHASE 2
    Check/CleanUp Development Objects     Check all open and not-released developments for release prior to upgrade
    Prepare System Setup     Prepare (if needed) flat-files for test loads
    Check OSS for release notes on objects     Each functional area should check out OSS for release notes on objects (for changes etcu2026, new functionality)
    "Prepare (detail) list of objects to be tested     Complete list of objects to be tested, special attention to custom/non-standard programs, enhancements. List of:
    - extractors
    - process chains
    - reports"
    "Setup delta mechanisms (create transaction data)     BackEnd Test: Financial Extraction and load, process chains
    u2022 "
    Verification / creation of process chains     Check existence of to-be-tested process chains; if none, create 'sample' process chains
    Realization     PHASE 3
    Prior to Upgrade: Install any necessary frontend software    
    Prior to Upgrade: Install any necessary frontend software (end-users)    
    Prior to Upgrade: Complete any extraction - suspend V3 and scheduled BW jobs    
    Create Sandbox    
    Connect Sandbox to external systems (connections/BDLS)    
    Pre-upgrade steps    
    Perform Upgrade of BW     
    Check connection with R/3/APO    
    Perform system backup    
    "BackEnd Test: Logistics extraction and load, process chains
    u2022 Z_example_CHAIN
    u2022 2lis_03_BF and 2lis_03_BX     Test:
    - Extractor within process chain preferably otherwise mimic behavior (drop index, load, rebuild, aggragate etc)
    - Delta extraction"
    "BackEnd Test: Sales Extraction and load, process chains
    u2022 Z_SALES_1
    u2022 all lis extractors:
    u2022 12_vcitm
    u2022 13_vditm
    u2022 11_vaitm
    u2022 11_vahdr
    u2022 11_v_ssl
    u2022 11_vasti
    u2022 12_vcscl
    u2022 selection of z-extractors
    - Extractor within process chain preferably otherwise mimic behavior (drop index, load, rebuild, aggragate etc)
    - Delta extraction"
    "BackEnd Test: Financial Extraction and load, process chains
    u2022 0FI_GL_4
    u2022 NOTE: no further extractors are chosen for testing
    u2022 tbd     Test:
    - Extractor within process chain preferably otherwise mimic behavior (drop index, load, rebuild, aggragate etc)
    - Delta extraction"
    "BackEnd Test: Master Data... Extraction and load, process chains     Test:
    - Extractor within process chain preferably otherwise mimic behavior (drop index, load, rebuild, aggragate etc)
    - Delta extraction"
    "BackEnd Test: Zxxx Extraction and load, process chains
    u2022 Zxxx
    u2022 Zyyy     Test:
    - Extractor within process chain preferably otherwise mimic behavior (drop index, load, rebuild, aggragate etc)
    - Delta extraction"
    "BackEnd Test: Plant Maintenance Extraction and load, process chains     Test:
    - Extractor within process chain preferably otherwise mimic behavior (drop index, load, rebuild, aggragate etc)
    - Delta extraction"
    BackEnd Test: PP Extraction and load, process chains     Test: load from Zxxx
    "BackEnd Test: Purchasing Extraction and load, process chains     Test:
    - Extractor within process chain preferably otherwise mimic behavior (drop index, load, rebuild, aggragate etc)
    - Delta extraction"
    "BackEnd Test: APO Extraction and load, process chains
    u2022 ZAPOxxx
    u2022 ZAPOyyy
    u2022 others can be tested, but were not included in de testset     Test:
    - Extractor within process chain preferably otherwise mimic behavior (drop index, load, rebuild, aggragate etc)
    - Delta extraction"
    BackEnd Test: Regular Schedule - Production    
    BackEnd Test: Flat file upload     Test: 2 types from server and PC
    BackEnd Test: Test Admin Workbench: creation of objects, change existing     Test the Admin Workbench: creation of infoobjects, change infoobject, create/change hierarchy, create cube,u2026
    BackEnd Test: Test Bex: creation of queries (kf etc...); change existing     Creation of new query/ change query, create condition, calculated/restricted kf, variables,..
    BackEnd Test: Issue handling    
    Development box issue fixing - on forehand     apply fixes based on issues BWQ
    FrontEnd Test: Run Logistics Reports (log results in Reports tab)     Run reports, execute various navigation steps, make sure to execute each item of menu paths,validate no loss of functionality, report new functionality. Run few managed bookmarks
    FrontEnd Test: Run Sales Reports (log results in Reports tab)     Run reports, execute various navigation steps, make sure to execute each item of menu paths,validate no loss of functionality, report new functionality. Run few managed bookmarks
    FrontEnd Test: Run Supply Chain Reports (log results in Reports tab)     Run reports, execute various navigation steps, make sure to execute each item of menu paths,validate no loss of functionality, report new functionality. Run few managed bookmarks
    FrontEnd Test: Run Financial Reports (log results in Reports tab)     Run reports, execute various navigation steps, make sure to execute each item of menu paths,validate no loss of functionality, report new functionality. Run few managed bookmarks
    FrontEnd Test: Run Controling Reports     Run reports, execute various navigation steps, make sure to execute each item of menu paths,validate no loss of functionality, report new functionality. Run few managed bookmarks
    FrontEnd Test: Run Master Data and Special Reports (log results in Reports tab)     Run reports, execute various navigation steps, make sure to execute each item of menu paths,validate no loss of functionality, report new functionality. Run few managed bookmarks
    FrontEnd Test: Run PM Reports (log results in Reports tab)     Run reports, execute various navigation steps, make sure to execute each item of menu paths,validate no loss of functionality, report new functionality. Run few managed bookmarks
    FrontEnd Test: Run Purchasing Reports (log results in Reports tab)     Run reports, execute various navigation steps, make sure to execute each item of menu paths,validate no loss of functionality, report new functionality. Run few managed bookmarks
    FrontEnd Test: Run APO Reports (log results in Reports tab)     Run reports, execute various navigation steps, make sure to execute each item of menu paths,validate no loss of functionality, report new functionality. Run few managed bookmarks
    FrontEnd Test: Issue handling    
    FrontEnd Test: Make before image of reports - Production     Run reports; save of before image to compare once upgraded
    FrontEnd Test: Run All Reports - Production     Run reports, execute various navigation steps, compare with 'before image' taken in prevous step
    Test Security     Test security with various end-user roles/IDS other than BW developer (usually has * ALL)
    Test Portal integration     Test portal with various end-user roles/IDS other than BW developer (usually has * ALL)
    Edited by: A. Nagelhout on Feb 12, 2010 10:50 AM
    Edited by: A. Nagelhout on Feb 12, 2010 10:50 AM
    Edited by: A. Nagelhout on Feb 12, 2010 10:52 AM
    Edited by: A. Nagelhout on Feb 12, 2010 10:52 AM

  • Problem capturing Data from TAG.

    We have dashboard which displays Throughput, Downtime for the particular Machine. The data for the Downtime is extracted from the TAG system. We have created Downtime BLS which is scheduled for every 1 Hour and it displays Downtime Start and Downtime End on the Dashboard after every 1 hour if it finds any Downtime.
    The requirement is whenever the machine goes down at that particular instant we need to capture the Downtime Start.
    We plan to build the 24/ 7 monitoring system to capture the Downtime Start. This has a huge Performance Issue.
    Please suggest me if there is any feasible and effecient way of capturing Downtime Start from the Tag instantly when the machine goes down.

    If you build the 24/ 7 monitoring system to capture the Downtime Start, it will create the huge perfomance issue.
    There is no any feasible and effecient way of capturing Downtime Start from the Tag instantly when the machine goes down.
    So you follow the following steps to avoid the performance issue.
    You build a transaction to do the 24/ 7 monitoring system to capture the Downtime Start.You schedule this transaction in backend and this transaction will store the values in a SQL table.In front end you can get the values from the SQL table.
    It wont create any performance issue.
    Hope this will help you.

  • UWL approval creates additional task compared to SBWP

    We have workflow to approve travel expenses in ESS/MSS. If the task is approved via SBWP, then one item (TSxxxxx) appears in the folder "Work items executed by me" and the same in the "Completed Tasks" dropdown in the Universal Worklist.
    However if it is approved via the UWL, two items are created - one TSxxxxx and one WSxxxxx - both these items appear in the "Completed Tasks", and also the "Work items executed by me" folder of SBWP.
    Can someone explain what is happening please?
    Many thanks

    I have no idea and that makes no sense.
    But it seems that this could be solved probably by some debugging. Just do an RFC trace to find out that which function is used to get the completed tasks (I cannot remember the function), and then do some debugging and check where the function gets the data and what's the difference between these two cases.
    PS. What do you use for approval? Do you use same application both in portal and in backend? Or if you use different application (maybe web dynpro in portal and transaction in backend?) that could explain your problem. Maybe they are causing the workflow to react differently for approval.

  • AS 8.1 Question

    Dear All,
    Would anyone, please let me know if i have an application targetted on more than one virtual server, would it be initialized to the number of VS it is targetted on... by means if this application is hosted on 2 virtual servers, should it be initialized twice?
    Moreover, same question, but if it was deployed on 2 instances, would it be initialized twice?

    Moreover, does anyone know by chance what type is the hadb database?
    Is it a db2?
    Is the created HADB database a physical database? By means does it have tables?
    From docs i read that the tuple log may fill up because:
    Execution slows due to CPU or disk I/O contention
    Is it Application server or Backend DB I/O, CPU?
    Moreover i read that the log records are kept until the outcome (commit or abort) of the transaction is certain.
    Then what If an application failed to commit a transaction to Backend DB, will it fill up the Log Buffer?
    For monitoring Log buffer: How can I get the percentage of available resources (using: hadbm resourceinfo --logbuf command)?

  • AS 8.1 HADB Question

    Hi all,
    I have 2 questions:
    1. Can we configure HADB database on External Database? If so, can you please point me out to it?
    2. Is there a way to monitor the log buffer?

    Moreover, does anyone know by chance what type is the hadb database?
    Is it a db2?
    Is the created HADB database a physical database? By means does it have tables?
    From docs i read that the tuple log may fill up because:
    Execution slows due to CPU or disk I/O contention
    Is it Application server or Backend DB I/O, CPU?
    Moreover i read that the log records are kept until the outcome (commit or abort) of the transaction is certain.
    Then what If an application failed to commit a transaction to Backend DB, will it fill up the Log Buffer?
    For monitoring Log buffer: How can I get the percentage of available resources (using: hadbm resourceinfo --logbuf command)?

  • Does each query template call within a repeater re-create the connection?

    Version:  11.5.1.b57
    How exactly does query template calls from a BLS work?  Does each call re-create the connection to the database, or does the connection stay open for awhile?
    Specifically, in my situation we are making query template calls to a database within a repeater loop to insert rows and I'm curious whether it is recreating the connection each time.  We can't insert all the rows at once because of JDBC limitations, so have to insert row by row.  We are reading the data from an xml file and then inserting the data into the database and the performance seems slower than I would have expected (even inserting row by row).  Currently it is taking around ~4m to insert ~2600 records into the database.
    I thought one of two things would be causing the slow speed.
    1.  XMII is recreating the DataBase connection for each query template call
    2.  The repeat reading from the XML document is time-consuming as 11.5 BLS XML manipulation is slow.
    Thanks for the help.

    Hi Kerby,
    It will  recreate connection eachtime.
    You need to use the repeater action block to insert all the rows.If you wont use repeater,it will insert only one row.
    2600 records inserting into database means you will get performance issue because eachtime it will recreate the connection.
    To avoid the performance issue you need to do the following things:
    1) you schedule the transaction in backend.It will insert the records in the database table.
    2) If you want to populate the data in front end , write a query using that table and make a grid.
    It wont create any performance issue.Always big transactions we need to schedule in backend to avoid the performance issue.
    Hope this will help you.

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