Transferring Movie that I voiced over into iMovie 09 from garageband?

Hey I am making a machinama. I have everything voiced over and everything, I just want to open it back in iMovie and add a few title screens, Is there anyway i can do this?

anyone that can help me will be my best friend this gay no one will respond!!

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    The MTS files will always be grayed out. Do not drill down into the folder structure. Select the top level of the AVCHD folder structure. If this is a hard drive it may take a very long time to load. People have reported 20 minutes to half an hour.
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    I thank you for the response.  Apple does some assinine things sometimes and this is one of them.  Ask the planet the difference between a movie and a home video and with the exception of Apple, you'd get 100% consenus on the what difference is.  A home video is something that I shoot, like my kids birthday party.  A movie is something I urchased either via download or a DVD that I ripped.  Unbelievable!   The fact that Apple has chosen not to distinguish based upon which folder I tell it is Movies and which folder is Home Videos is really hard to fathom - sounds like something Windows would do. I find it funny that in my iTunes movies sub-section of the movies section, the movie icons have a cloud icon in upper right corner to distinguish it as bought from Apple iTunes versus no cloud icon for movies that I have ripped - so the distintion was already made and clearly visible.  Now - everything just defaults to "home videos" if I try to import a new ripped DVD - why even bother to have this distinction on the iTunes bar?  WOW!
    As for your direction, I do not understand what you are telling me - what Media Kind and what Options tab are you referring to?  I see no Options tab in iTunes.  Right licking on the movie icon does not yield media kind or options as well.  Gping to the source file does not yield these options either.
    Thanks again for your help.

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    Welcome to the Apple Community.
    iMovie is an editing application, you import raw footage, edit it, export it and if you don't have a lot of room trash the original files. It is not intended to be used for finished movies.
    Video footage for editing needs to be in a different format than it does for delivery, delivery formats (m4v etc) are highly compressed and take up considerabally less room than footage in an editing format.

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    You need to select the Blue Yeti as your input device.
    First go to System Preferences/Sound and click on Input Device. Make sure your Blue Yeti is in the list and selected. Make sure the red light is on on your Blue Yeti. After a period of unuse, it may turn itself off.
    Then, in iMovie, start your Voiceover session by pressing the Microphone on the middle toolbar. You will get a screen like this where you can choose the Blue Yeti.
    Then follow the instructions here.
    After you have recorded your voiceover, you can select the Voiceover Track and make additional adjustments in the Audio Inspector. For example you can use the Graphic Equalizer.
    Having said all that, Garageband is a great tool if you need even more adjustments. You can export your movie to the Media Browser and do this in GarageBand, or, you can record a voice track in Garageband, render it as AIFF, and use it in IMovie.

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    Best regards,

    After some heavy Googling and fiddling, I've solved my problem:
    - Downloaded and ran DVdate ( on my Windows PC to rename files based on the timecode in the DV .avi files. (I used filename template "clip-yyyy-mm-dd+hh;mm;ss.avi" where yyyy-mm-dd is the year/month/date and hh:mm:ss is the time retreived from the actual DV timestamp).
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    - Used Automator to rename the files on the iMac (DVdate does not support a space character in filenames) to the format "clip-yyyy-mm-dd<space>hh;mm;ss.avi".
    - Now iMovie uses the real date and time of the recording of the movies, instead of the date/time from the files themselves.
    It took some time, but now I'm a happy camper
    Best regards,

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    Will I be happy with the result? Is there a better (and cheap!) way? Thanks for your help.
    Imac 2 Ghz Intel Core Duo   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

    .. just to add my 5 cents...
    a) usb crackle:
    I once read here the advice, to avoid "open" usb cables.. reminds me of the old SCSII-days, when such a cable needed a "terminator"... so, unplug all usb cables/hubs you don't need while audio recording
    (technical impossible, but if it works.. who cares?)
    b) I'm using a Grffin's iMic and a cheap headset... works fine; and I've read "enthusiatic" reports of this device:
    which connect diretcly into usb...
    c) imovie project does require exact voice over placement, down to the exact frame. So, I believe I really do need to record directly into imovie...
    in my understanding of editing, I would avoid exactly this workflow..
    I would record the VO first, and use each audio-clip seperately to place it with frame-precision in iM...
    all that is accomplished easily in Garageband...
    d) last word about "audio quality":
    any mic (aside the mentioned samson..) needs a pre-amp to work on a line-in - that pre-amp has much influence on quality...; best voice-recording is accomplished with a mic as close as possible to speaker (but avoid "plopping") - see Karl's advice about head-mics; the recording situation causes quality: unwanted "room"/shatter/reverb... I've seen homerecorders done their recordings sitting with the mic under a huge blanket....
    if quality is all, efforts don't care:
    I would built me a "recoding box" (any closet in your home? add lots of cloths, blankets etc to avoid any reverb); I would use GB3 and that Samson + spider mount + plopp protector; I would place clips in editing, not by my hasty, stuttering speaking..

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    Here is a good Video Tutorial from Apple.

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    Go to ~/movies/imovie/imovie events, then copy the files to a DVD or an external hard drive. 

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    Any suggestions? Is this fixable or does it have something to do with my camera, not my software?

    iMovie 1 to 6 is for miniDV Cameras and connects only via FireWire.
    All other material has to be concerted.
    .mov - is no specific file type - just a container.
    Has to be converted to streamingDV to be imported into iMovie 1 - 6.
    If You try iMovie'08 it might be able to import.
    Or use MPEG Streamclip. Why this doesn't work I can't figure.
    May be You need to buy and install: Apple mpeg2 component - BUT NOT SURE at all.
    Yours Bengt W

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    Since projects are separate from events in iMovie 9 but contained within events in iMovie 10, when they are updated iMovie 10 does not know in which events to put projects so they tend to be grouped together in a special event called "Updated Projects" (as far as i remember).   This is normal.  They can however be moved into appropriate events afterwards.
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    "The trouble with working in iMovie 10 is that my work would not be available in iMove 9 if I decide to switch back!"   This is true but you won't know unless you try it out.  It is also an opportunity to compare doing the same editing in both versions.
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