Transfert adobe licence

hi , i bought Adobe Illustrator last year on my pc via internet and i just got a new pc, i would like to know how to transfert the license to my new computer

If you wish to use it on both computers, just install on the new one as you did on the old one.
If you wish to only use it on the new one, deactivate and uninstall on the old one, then install on the new one.
You are allowed to use it on two computers at a time.

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    Deactivate the license from the old computer by going to the 'Help' menu and select deactivate.
    On the new computer you can install the software and use the same serial number to activate it.

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    Check OSS Notes with "Adobe Credentials".
    Best you can do is talk to you SAP Account representative to find out more.

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    je ne possède la clé que d'un seul de ces trois logiciels (aucune trace print ou mail des 2 autres).
    C'est de l'inconscience et de l'imprévoyance.
    En tant que pro c'est aussi et surtout de l'irresponsabilité.
    Il te faut contacter le SAV d'Adobe, le service de Chat est très réactif :

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    I think this should answer your question:

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    Hi Brissie,
    Please try the download link below and check.
    Download Acrobat products | 9, 8

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    Thank you for your post. These forums are specific to the website and its set of hosted services, and do not
    cover the Acrobat family of desktop products. Please visit the
    following forums for any questions related to the Acrobat family of
    desktop products:
    Note: Please see the Adobe Reader Distribution information at

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    Hi, do you mean like this sort of thing? e13.w.html
    If you wish, it's possible to electronically sign the documents as well using Adobe eSignatures.

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    I had the same issue & contacted Tech Support several times before finally they found that it must be my "corporate network" setup.
    This is in part becuase Adobe is now requiring that you use your Adobe ID to register CS6.  See the link below:
    Adobe ID Required for Photoshop CS6 Beta and Upcoming CS 6 Products cs-6-products.html
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    To work around the CS6 registration error on a "corporate network" you must do one of the following: disable the proxy server, disconnect from the internet completely to use the Offline Activation option, or use an alternate outside internet source to complete the CS6 registration.
    Adobe Tech Support directed me to a forum on how to disable the proxy server, but really all you need to do is unplug your internet source, and then you can generate the codes that are needed to complete the registration with the Offline Activation option. This worked for me, I'm all set now.
    See the links below:
    Forum link from Adobe Tech Support
    Offline Activation

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