Transform/Scale tool causing extreme lag

I'm having a problem that seems to be mostly triggered by the free transform tool.
when i use it causes photoshop to freeze up for up to a minute. Once it frees up it then clicks or performs everything I have tried to do while it was frozen.
this can even happen with tiny files under 1Mb in size and even if photoshop is the only application running. Quitting photoshop and relaunching the document usually helps for a few minutes. A full restart often helps for longer.
I have CS3 and a shiny fresh install of Leopard (brand new macbook with 4GB RAM) and have triple checked for upgrades for my system all applications and photoshop also.
I only have system fonts installed,
I'm running no 3rd party background apps.
This is driving me crazy please help if you have any ideas!

Do not overlook your PS Preferences > Scratch Disk setup. Look at your available Hard Disk(s) for free space. It could be your HD is in need of some house cleaning. At a minimum, use Apple's Disk Utility to repair Permissions. Also, take a look at a 3rd party utility like Disk Warrior or similar, and run their defragment utility.
It sounds like PS is looking for scratch to perform the activity. If your disk is fragmented, it may not have a big enough chunk of space to use for scratch. Another possibility is your RAM module(s) may need to be reseated ( although this would be a long-shot ) and/or cleaned. I would use an HD utility first, do the Disk Permissions, and run a cleanup utility like Mac Janitor or similar. And, absolutely check your scratch disk setup in PS's Preferences.

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    sheetsofsound wrote:
    When I'm using the mixer brush and with the brush set to sample all layers, depending on brush size, I experience a large lag in rendering. When doing this, my CPU usage is around 10% and disk usage is also low so I'm assuming the graphics card is the bottleneck here.
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    I think is has more to do with the process then compute power.  Its not something that lens itself to parallel processing that can use multiple processors and GPUs.  Brush size does increase the amount of data the need to be sampled and mixed in a repetitive sequential process. You will find the same thing happens with other tools that don't use your Video GPU like the smudge tool.  Its lag may even be greater then large mixer brush tool. Each recursion take some time. You make quick strokes with large tips brushes with these types of tools your going to have lag.   It not a simple process of laying down a single color over a path. In the real world its a physical process that happens in real time.  It take time to simulate that physical process digitally. Burn, Dodge, Blur and Sharpen brush tools I would think will also lag.

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    Shift Command B - Show Bounding Box
    if that does not works then reset your prefs
    Hold down shift option command immediately after booting illustrator
    If on PC substitute equivalent keys

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    The following article doesn't address the Scale/Transform behavior at issue here, but it offers some good information on scaling objects in Fireworks:
    I particularly liked its description of scaling using Pointer tool:
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    Where did my  Disk Space  go?
    Slimming your hard drive
    OmniDiskSweeper is a free utility that checks HD space.
    FreeSpacecost $1 or is a free utility that checks HD space.
    SpaceControlis a free utility that checks HD space.
    FreeSpacecost $.99 - FreeSpace shows you how much space is available on all local, connected, and network drives with a single click.

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    If the Windows installer did not see any devices as your screen indicates, Windows will use generic software-based drivers which will be very slow and painful.
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    This may be related to session restore.
    *[ bug 774943] - Session restore puts "+" button in the wrong spot and hides first tab
    *[ bug 714382] - Leftmost tab is hidden when reopening browser window
    <i>([ please do not comment in bug reports])</i>

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    If tools are missing, the most probable reason is a preference corruption.
    When opening Illy, she may press Ctrl+Alt+Shift down to delete and get a fresh start.
    If that does not help, or if she wants a reversible resetting of preferences, she may follow the instructions in the hint Move the folder here:
    The folder name would be Adobe Illustrator CS3 Settings.

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    .iframeStyle {
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    To apply this update rollup, you must have Exchange Server 2010 SP2 installed. And remove all interim updates for Exchange Server 2010 SP2 before you apply this update rollup. Please check your installation deployment by the following article:
    Install the Latest Update Rollup for Exchange 2010
    Description of Update Rollup 8 for Exchange Server 2010 Service Pack 2
    If all requirements and preparations are configured properly, please collect your error logs to check your installation. It would be helpful to post some event logs here for further analysis.
    Winnie Liang
    TechNet Community Support

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    Adobe Photoshop CC 2014
    Stopped working
    06/04/2015 09:45
    Report sent
    Faulting Application Path: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CC 2014\Photoshop.exe
    Problem signature
    Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
    Application Name: Photoshop.exe
    Application Version:
    Application Timestamp: 5480338c
    Fault Module Name: FaceDetection.dll
    Fault Module Version:
    Fault Module Timestamp: 52e12400
    Exception Code: c0000005
    Exception Offset: 000000000001704d
    OS Version: 6.3.9600.
    Locale ID: 2057
    Additional Information 1: e87c
    Additional Information 2: e87c816cbb2acbf5e54624fc2b1f98cc
    Additional Information 3: 1879
    Additional Information 4: 1879b998534215d47b0a850e45784427
    Extra information about the problem
    Bucket ID: 2dac81db98a57fddf5997edfd40ba6eb (85993531415)

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    Hope this helps!

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    Troubleshoot plug-ins (Photoshop CS5 and CS4):
    Sluggish, poor performance | Photoshop CS5 | Mac OS:

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    ''bobcowdery [[#question-1042217|said]]''
    I'm having awful trouble with scaling. When I get the screen resolution of my tablet is says 1280x800. However if I scale my page to fit using -moz-transform:scale it overflows the page and I need to scale it down by 0.76 to make it fit. Strangely if I use portrait which reports as 800x1024 the page is then too small and I need to scale it up by 1.23 (note its -0.23 and +0.23 for landscape and portrait respectively).
    If I avoid scaling by making the page the right size (adjusted by 0.76) then in landscape touch registration is correct with relation to the page. In portrait if I do the same then I can't press the buttons unless I double tap to zoom in.
    I can't change the way this app works as it works perfectly well across all Windows and Linux platforms but I have these bizarre things happening on Android.
    The main issue is touch not registering correctly. However, when its not working if I hold a button down I get a javascript message pop up offering 'Copy link' and 'Bookmark link' with the correct javascript reference but the function is not called.
    Any hints on how to work this out very welcome.
    Slightly closer. I've added <META name="viewport" content="width=device-width, height=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0"> to my top level container. This seems to stop firefox from doing an auto-zoom so my page is now properly displayed in both orientations. In landscape all works fine. In portrait however my navigation buttons at the bottom have no touch response unless I double tap to zoom in and then they work. Strangely, the buttons in the content area that are generated on the fly work correctly even after I zoom out again.
    Any ideas anyone?

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    Are Photoshop and OS fully updated and have you performed the usual trouble-shooting routines (trashing prefs by keeping command-alt-shift/ctrl-alt-shift pressed while starting Photoshop after making sure all customized presets like Actions, Patterns, Brushes etc. have been saved and making a note of the Preferences you’ve changed, 3rd party plug-ins deactivation, system maintenance, cleaning caches, font validation, etc.)?

Maybe you are looking for

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