Transforming Rectangular Photo Shape to Circle Photo Shape

Does any know how to take a rectangular photo shape and transform it to a circle photo shape? Basically do a circle crop of a photo....
Any help would be much appreciated and is needed ASAP.
Thank you in advance!

1- Make a circle and put it on top of the photo.
2- Select both.
3- Object> Clipping mask> make.

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    You can read up on how to generate a layout pass.
    Most of the time, you don't need to generate a layout pass. 
    You could probably modify your logic so that an explicit layout pass request is not needed.

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    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class TransformTest extends JPanel
        Shape shape;
        protected void paintComponent(Graphics g)
            Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)g;
            if(shape == null)
            double theta = -Math.PI/4.0;
            Rectangle r = shape.getBounds();
            AffineTransform at =
                AffineTransform.getRotateInstance(theta, r.getCenterX(), r.getCenterY());
            Shape diamond = at.createTransformedShape(shape);
            double xScale = 1.5;
            double yScale = 1.0;
            r = diamond.getBounds();
            double x = (1.0 - xScale) * r.getCenterX();
            double y = (1.0 - yScale) * r.getCenterY();
            at.setToTranslation(x, y);
            at.scale(xScale, yScale);
            diamond = at.createTransformedShape(diamond);
        private void initShape()
            int w = getWidth();
            int h = getHeight();
            int s = Math.min(w,h)/3;
            int x = (w - s)/2;
            int y = (h - s)/2;
            shape = new Rectangle(x, y, s, s);
        public static void main(String[] args)
            JFrame f = new JFrame();
            f.setContentPane(new TransformTest());

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    Pages are that shape there's nothing you can do about it.
    The best you could do is perhaps take a sample of the background colour of Acrobat and then use that as a background for the page.
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    Here's another way:
    Make a circle and a square that covers one quadrant of the circle. Select the square with the Path Selection Tool. Edit > Free Transform, using the reference point that corresponds to the center of the circle, and 90 minus the angle of the slice into the Horizontal Skew field. Hint: you can copy the results from the Windows Calculator and paste them directly into Photoshop for this. This will give you greater precision that you might care to enter by hand.
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    Hi Celta2000,
    I'm not sure exactly what about the photo you are trying to recreate, or what 'look' you are going for. It looks like the photo has a soft painted feel and isn't trying to be photo-realistic. If that is what you are trying to achieve here is a tutorial that demonstrates how to do exactly that: Photoshop New Oil-Paint Filter and Skin Tone Selection Tool.
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    You do the transform on an image, then clip that according to the shape, then use that clip for the fill, or make a mask of the shape and have a transparency for the shape--over lay that onto your image that has been transformed. In any case you have to have discrete objects--an image and a shape, not an image with a shape in it already.

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    Best, T

    There are a number of distort effects that, when tweaked with, could provide a wobbly-looking deformation. I'm not quite sure what you're asking for though.
    Now, if it's their position you want to wobble, the wiggle expression is your friend.

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    Just about the only thing iPhoto for Mac and iPhoto for iOS share is a name.
    So, no, it's not user error, the templates are different
    No, there's no way to transfer any book project.

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    eg. i can simply copy an array and an image from one variable to an other variable, like
    ' arr1 copied to arr2
    arr1 = "1=1;2=2;3=4;4=8;5=16;6=32;"
    arr2 = arr1
    ' img1 copied to img2 (ImageList1)
    img1 = ImageList.LoadImage("picPath")
    img2 = img1
    but following does'nt work
    ' Ellipse1/Text1/Image1/Button1/...  is just an object with two names: shp1 and shp2
    shp1 = Shapes.AddEllipse(10,10)        'or Shapes.AddText("ABC") or Shapes.AddImage("picPath") or Controls.AddButton("Demo",0,0)
    Shapes.Move(shp1, 100,100)
    shp2 = shp1
    Shapes.Move(shp2, 50,50)
    Shapes.Move(shp1, 200,200)
    Not so important (only for interest), but maybe anyone has a trick for this, to copy such objects instead of creating them new.

    Yep, that made the rest of my whole day!! Works excelllent in the demo, and i'm just replacing all the  Image<->Triangle commands. Wonderfulll & thanks a lot, LitDev. (enjoint the sb sample in your Test-DL :-))
    Controls.SetTextBoxText(Controls.AddTextBox(10,10), "Enter your name here...")
    Controls.AddButton(".. then press the Button", 180,10)
    GraphicsWindow.DrawImage("ImageList1", 0,0)

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    Hello again
    Thanks for the links. I think I sorted it.
    Click the slide in question and look at the properties. You have the option "Master Slide Objects on Top" enabled. Something about that is preventing the shape from sensing the rollover.
    Click to clear that option and the mouseover should then work.
    Cheers... Rick

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