Transitions Troubles

I'm putting three pictures on a timeline each for 30 frames,
so they appear one after the other. I test it and it work just
fine. Then I'm going back and trying to apply a fade in transition
to get each picture to fade in over the 30 frames that it appears.
The first one works perfectly but when I try to do the same for the
second or third it doesn't fade in, it just pops in on the last
frame. What am I doing wrong?

Item 2 of your response. I'm just putting my cursor at the
first frame of each picture and on the menu saying insert timeline
transition. It pops up and shows the transition for the first one
fine. Then I put my cursor on the key frame that starts the second
picture and do the same thing. This time instead of fading in it
pops in on the last frame. When I go back and view the timeline for
the first picture you can see it appearing frame by frame as the
transition opens. However nothing appears on the second or third
until the last frame. The whole thing worked fine before the
transitions and it works fine on the first transition, just not the
second or third.

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    Welcome to discussions, Dori!
    Read what Beverly says here:

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    you probably don't want the evt.currentTarget to advance to frame 2.  that would be the 2nd frame on stationary1's timeline.
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    Welcome to discussions, Cheryl;
    Updating Ken Burns stills works only until you empty the trash in iMovie HD 6.0.2:

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    Hi T. Diamond
    welcome to this forum,
    you can achieve that by either using a dissolve transition (if you are not familiar to how handles work or what that means check out [this simple tutorial|] ) or by putting your text clip on V2 (leaving the other clip in V1) and place/overlap the portion of clip you want to Xdissolve over the clip parked in V1 and ramp the opacity of the text clip (in V2) from 100 gradually down to 0 in the *motion tab* (Viewer).
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    There is also a setting in restrictions - Settings>General>Restrictions>Privacy>Photos and one for Facebook, did you restrict anything in there?

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    mpeg 4 is not an editing format, but a heavily compressed delivery format
    You need to receive the footage in an editing format such as those used in the easy set ups.

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    Good afternoon
    Are you getting any error messages? This might be helpful reading.

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    #1 Transitions "Insufficient Content"
    Shane's Stock Answer #1:
    You need to make sure that your clips have enough media (called 'handles') at the beginning of the incoming clip and at the end of the outgoing clip for the transition. For example, if you have a 1 second (30 frame) dissolve, your in and out point need to be at least 15 frames from the edge of the clip.
    What you are running into is that you are marking an out point at the end of a clip then adding a cross dissolve, say 20 frames in duration. Since the dissolve is centered on the cut, it will start 10 frames before the cut, and try to go 10 frames AFTER the cut...which it can't do.
    What you need to do is plan how long your dissolve will be and back-time your cut so that it works.
    For this, and other exciting stock answers, click on this link:
    Shane Ross, "Stock Answers", 03:58pm Jan 13, 2005 CDT
    a full 1 second crossfade reaches 15 frames into each clip. So, if you want to change a cut to a crossfade, there has to be at least 15 additional frames of each clip.
    Say you're trying to crossfade from one clip into the very first frame of a second clip. FCP cannot 'create' 15 more frames of the second clip to do a crossfade. If they're not there, you're out of luck.
    FCP has to extend the end of your first clip by 1/2 of your transition length, and the beginning of your second clip by 1/2 of your transition length, so those frames need to be in your system. The nature of a crossfade is mixing two clips together.

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    If the OUT and IN marks are just at the end of the first clip and at the beginning of the second clip, respectively, there is not enough media for the transition to work. Each of the 2 clips must have a "handle", that is additional media both on the right of the OUT point of the first clip and before the IN point of the second clip.
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    If you don't have a mouse with a right click, just use the drop down menu. File/Project Properties.
    If you have a laptop, I am sure there is a key sequence that simulates a right click. I don't have a laptop, so I don't know what it is. If you have an apple mighty mouse, you can set up right-clicking in the system preferences / keyboard and mouse menu.
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    Hi Scottis!
    In the timeline, click on the audio clip and use the usual volume adjustment, i.e. pull down the end of the 'volume line' until it slopes downwards.

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