Transparent Help!!!

Hey if anyone could help me out with this that would be
Im trying to design a website in flash but was just wondering
if it is possible to make the movie area transparent so that when
imported into html document, all that shows is the art and not the
white background. Im trying to set a pattern background in
dreamweaver throughout the whole html document but the content will
be moving and have animation thats why I want a transparent
background in flash.
Any help or direction would be great thanks!!

In the HTML page's code for the Flash element specify the
WMODE parameter to be "transparent" (it is likely set to "opaque"
at the moment).

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  • PyGtk/Python 2.0 png transparency help

    I've googled and tried to solve this myself for the past few hours to no avail, so i'm hoping someone will be able to help. I installed gmail-notify and decided i wanted to make the popup transparent, so i started looking into the .py file. Even though i'm learning C, and some Assembly, i just can't fully understand python and the gtk library and the frustration is starting to get me. So basically what i'm trying to achieve is to make the image that pops up (background.png) transparent. I'm running stand-alone Openbox, with Cairo. And iv'e made the alpha layers and all that too in the png image. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    #!/usr/bin/env python2
    # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    # Uploaded by juan_grande 2005/02/24 18:38 UTC
    import pygtk
    import gtk
    import time
    import os
    import pytrayicon
    import sys
    import warnings
    import ConfigParser
    import xmllangs
    import GmailConfig
    import GmailPopupMenu
    import gmailatom
    sys.path[0] = "/usr/share/gmail-notify"
    def removetags(text):
    return final
    def shortenstring(text,characters):
    if text == None: text = ""
    splitstr=text.split(" ")
    for word in splitstr:
    if len(word)>characters:
    if mainstr=="":
    else: break
    mainstr=mainstr+word+" "
    if length>characters: break
    return mainstr.strip()
    class GmailNotify:
    configWindow = None
    options = None
    def __init__(self):
    print "Gmail Notifier v1.6.1b ("+time.strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime())+")"
    print "----------"
    # Configuration window
    self.configWindow = GmailConfig.GmailConfigWindow( )
    # Reference to global options
    self.options = self.configWindow.options
    # Check if there is a user and password, if not, load config window
    while ( self.options["gmailusername"] == None or self.options["gmailpassword"] == None ):
    # Load selected language
    self.lang = self.configWindow.get_lang()
    print "selected language: "+self.lang.get_name()
    # Creates the main window
    self.window = gtk.Window(gtk.WINDOW_POPUP)
    # Define some flags
    # Define the timers
    # Create the tray icon object
    self.tray = pytrayicon.TrayIcon(self.lang.get_string(21));
    self.eventbox = gtk.EventBox()
    self.eventbox.connect("button_press_event", self.tray_icon_clicked)
    # Tray icon drag&drop options
    [('_NETSCAPE_URL', 0, 0),('text/uri-list ', 0, 1),('x-url/http', 0, 2)],
    gtk.gdk.ACTION_COPY | gtk.gdk.ACTION_MOVE)
    # Create the tooltip for the tray icon
    self._tooltip = gtk.Tooltips()
    # Set the image for the tray icon
    self.imageicon = gtk.Image()
    pixbuf = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file( ICON_PATH )
    scaled_buf = pixbuf.scale_simple(24,24,gtk.gdk.INTERP_BILINEAR)
    # Show the tray icon
    # Create the popup menu
    self.popup_menu = GmailPopupMenu.GmailPopupMenu( self)
    # Create the popup
    # Set popup's background image
    self.image.set_from_file( BKG_PATH )
    # Set popup's label
    self.default_label = "<span size='large' ><i><u>"+self.lang.get_string(21)+"</u></i></span>\n\n\n"+self.lang.get_string(20)
    self.label.set_markup( self.default_label)
    # Show popup
    # Create popup's event box
    self.event_box = gtk.EventBox()
    self.event_box.connect("button_press_event", self.event_box_clicked)
    # Setup popup's event box
    # Resize and move popup's event box
    self.width, self.height = self.window.get_size()
    self.window.move(gtk.gdk.screen_width() - self.width, gtk.gdk.screen_height() - self.height)
    while gtk.events_pending():
    # Attemp connection for first time
    if self.connect()==1:
    # Check mail for first time
    def connect(self):
    # If connecting, cancel connection
    if self.dont_connect==1:
    print "connection attemp suspended"
    return 0
    print "connecting..."
    while gtk.events_pending():
    gtk.main_iteration( gtk.TRUE)
    # Attemp connection
    print "connection successful... continuing"
    return 1
    print "login failed, will retry"
    self.default_label = "<span size='large' ><u><i>"+self.lang.get_string(15)+"</i></u></span>\n\n"+self.lang.get_string(16)
    return 0
    def mail_check(self, event=None):
    # If checking, cancel mail check
    if self.mailcheck==1:
    print "self.mailcheck=1"
    return gtk.TRUE
    # If popup is up, destroy it
    if self.popup==1:
    print "----------"
    print "checking for new mail ("+time.strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime())+")"
    while gtk.events_pending():
    gtk.main_iteration( gtk.TRUE)
    # Get new messages count
    attrs = self.has_new_messages()
    # If mail check was unsuccessful
    if attrs[0]==-1:
    return gtk.TRUE
    # Update tray icon
    self.imageicon = gtk.Image()
    if attrs[1]>0:
    print str(attrs[1])+" new messages"
    sender = attrs[2]
    subject= attrs[3]
    snippet= attrs[4]
    if len(snippet)>0:
    self.default_label="<span size='large' ><u><i>"+self.lang.get_string(17)+sender[0:24]+"</i></u></span>\n"+shortenstring(subject,20)+"\n\n"+snippet+"..."
    self.default_label="<span size='large' ><u><i>"+self.lang.get_string(17)+sender[0:24]+"</i></u></span>\n"+shortenstring(subject,20)+"\n\n"+snippet+"..."
    if attrs[0]>0:
    print str(attrs[0])+" unread messages"
    s = ' '
    if attrs[0]>1: s=self.lang.get_string(35)+" "
    pixbuf = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file( ICON2_PATH )
    print "no new messages"
    self.default_label="<span size='large' ><i><u>"+self.lang.get_string(21)+"</u></i></span>\n\n\n"+self.lang.get_string(18)
    pixbuf = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file( ICON_PATH )
    scaled_buf = pixbuf.scale_simple(24,24,gtk.gdk.INTERP_BILINEAR)
    return gtk.TRUE
    def has_new_messages( self):
    # Get total messages in inbox
    # If an error ocurred, cancel mail check
    print "getUnreadMsgCount() failed, will try again soon"
    return (-1,)
    if unreadmsgcount>0:
    # Get latest message data
    sender = self.connection.getMsgAuthorName(0)
    subject = self.connection.getMsgTitle(0)
    snippet = self.connection.getMsgSummary(0)
    if len(sender)>12:
    # Really new messages? Or just repeating...
    if unreadmsgcount>0:
    return (unreadmsgcount, newmsgcount, sender, subject, finalsnippet)
    return (unreadmsgcount,0, sender, subject, finalsnippet)
    def show_popup(self):
    # If popup is up, destroy it
    if self.popup==1:
    # Generate popup
    print "generating popup"
    self.popuptimer = gtk.timeout_add(self.options['animationdelay'],self.popup_proc)
    def destroy_popup(self):
    print "destroying popup"
    if self.popuptimer>0:gtk.timeout_remove(self.popuptimer)
    if self.waittimer>0: gtk.timeout_remove(self.waittimer)
    self.window.move(gtk.gdk.screen_width() - self.width, gtk.gdk.screen_height() - self.height)
    def popup_proc(self):
    # Set popup status flag
    if self.popup==0:
    if self.senddown==1:
    if sizey<2:
    # If popup is down
    self.window.move(gtk.gdk.screen_width() - self.width, gtk.gdk.screen_height() - self.height)
    return gtk.FALSE
    # Move it down
    self.window.move(gtk.gdk.screen_width() - self.width,positiony+2)
    if sizey<140:
    # Move it up
    self.window.move(gtk.gdk.screen_width() - self.width,positiony-2)
    # If popup is up, run wait timer
    if self.hassettimer==0:
    self.waittimer = gtk.timeout_add(self.options['popuptimespan'],self.wait)
    return gtk.TRUE
    def wait(self):
    return gtk.FALSE
    def tray_icon_clicked(self,signal,event):
    if event.button==3:
    def event_box_clicked(self,signal,event):
    if event.button==1:
    def exit(self, event):
    dialog = gtk.MessageDialog( None, gtk.DIALOG_MODAL, gtk.MESSAGE_QUESTION, gtk.BUTTONS_YES_NO, self.lang.get_string(5))
    dialog.width, dialog.height = dialog.get_size()
    dialog.move( gtk.gdk.screen_width()/2-dialog.width/2, gtk.gdk.screen_height()/2-dialog.height/2)
    ret =
    if( ret==gtk.RESPONSE_YES):
    def gotourl( self, wg=None):
    print "----------"
    print "launching browser "+self.options['browserpath']+" [url][/url]"
    os.system(self.options['browserpath']+" [url][/url] &")
    def show_quota_info( self, event):
    print "Not available"
    #if self.popup==1:self.destroy_popup()
    #print "----------"
    #print "retrieving quota info"
    #while gtk.events_pending()!=0:
    # gtk.main_iteration(gtk.TRUE)
    # usage=self.connection.getQuotaInfo()
    # if self.connect()==0:
    # return
    # else:
    # usage=self.connection.getQuotaInfo()
    #self.label.set_markup("<span size='large' ><u><i>"+self.lang.get_string(6)+"</i></u></span>\n\n"+self.lang.get_string(24)%{'u':usage[0],'t':usage[1],'p':usage[2]})
    def update_config(self, event=None):
    # Kill all timers
    if self.popup==1:self.destroy_popup()
    if self.init==1:gtk.timeout_remove(self.maintimer)
    # Run the configuration dialog
    # Update timeout
    self.maintimer = gtk.timeout_add(self.options["checkinterval"], self.mail_check )
    # Update user/pass
    # Update popup location
    self.width, self.height = self.window.get_size()
    self.height +=self.options["voffset"]
    self.width +=self.options["hoffset"]
    self.window.move(gtk.gdk.screen_width() - self.width, gtk.gdk.screen_height() - self.height)
    # Update language
    # Update popup menu
    self.popup_menu = GmailPopupMenu.GmailPopupMenu(self)
    def main(self):
    if __name__ == "__main__":
    warnings.filterwarnings( action="ignore", category=DeprecationWarning)
    gmailnotifier = GmailNotify()


  • Combobox background displaying transparent - help

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    to AS at all. In addition, their backgrounds are transparent so the
    list is stepping on other information underneath it - making it
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    setting the style properties, but nothing seems to work. I'm in
    Flash 8.
    any help will be greatly appreciated.

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    setStyle. I deleted them and dragged in new components to the stage
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  • Backlight Display Icon Not Transparent, Help.

    Recently I noticed that my backlight icon has a black background color, instead of being transparent. Really weird right? Please help, I can't stand looking at it. Any ideas people?

    What if you set the display icon layer lower than the flash
    layer. That way when the flash loads you will not see the display
    icon contents and when you erase the flash the display icon is
    still there.

  • Background is transparent - HELP!!!!!

    my itunes background is transparent, when it comes up I can see whats behind, like the desktop or a website. I can barely read the songs/artists names, but the white background is gone!!! please help!!!
    I posted before and got some answers, but tried everything and didnt work.
    If it helps, I notice that something is dif when I check websites or write emails, like they are a bit shaky when I move the cursor over it, or write an email. Maybe that has something to do? some graphic issue?

    jaykay, the first thing i try with the "transparent" itunes is updating the DirectX on the PC. if no joy with that, try making sure that the video drivers on the PC are up to date.
    the following document is on sound issues, but down the bottom it has good links on updating both DirectX and video drivers:
    iTunes and QuickTime for Windows: Songs and other audio don't play correctly

  • Spry Menubar Transparency - Help Needed!

    I've successfully inserted and customised a horizontal
    menubar into my webpage.
    What i'd like to do, and i can't figure out how, is to set
    the transparency of the submenu's to semi-transparent.
    I know how to make the submenu's either solid or fully
    I can manage to get them to be semi-transparent but the text
    within them is also semi-transparent (and makes it hard to read).
    I've fiddled and played around in the CSS and i just can't
    get it to work.
    If anyone has managed to do this can you please enlighten me.

    Hi eschillay,
    Assuming you had a data set with column names that matched the headers in your table, it would look something like this:
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var ds1 = new Spry.Data.XMLDataSet("states.xml", "/states/state");
    <div spry:detailregion="ds1">
          <select spry:repeatchildren="ds1" spry:choose="choose" onchange="ds1.setCurrentRowNumber(this.selectedIndex)">
            <option spry:when="{ds_RowNumber} == {ds_CurrentRowNumber}" selected="selected" value="{State}">{State}</option>
            <option spry:default="default" value="{State}">{State}</option>
    --== Kin ==--

  • Ai cs3 overriding transparency  help!

    I built an illustration and assigned transparency to various elements of it.
    I copied and pasted the illustration into a new ai doc and no longer have the original file. The transparency settings have become permanent, eg. I used 50% transparency for an element in the original document and in the new document that I pasted the element into the transparency setting reads 100%, but its really still 50%, i.e. I can see the elements behind it! Anyone know whats happened and how to fix it? Do I have to start all, I hope not.

    Scott the items were ungrouped and I was having the same problem...
    Mordy I selected one of the elements that I was having the issue with and the appearance panel read default transparency so I went to the submenu and assigned add new fill, which took care of the problem thank you!
    is there a better/faster way to do it without having to select each element and reassigning the colour?
    thanks again to both of you :)

  • Transparency help

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    an object stay transparent when i export it to dreamweaver? Thanks

    Export it as a transparent gif. Look in the optimize panel
    for the
    Transparency options.
    airbob wrote:
    > Hey,
    > I was wondering if there's anyway to make the background
    of an object stay transparent when i export it to dreamweaver?
    > -Aaron

  • CS5 export to transparent png - not working

    I have tried every think I know to get a png optimized transparently though fireworks cs5. I have read prior forum post, and watched several tutorials indicating ways to do this and when i try they do not work.
    I created the image in photoshop and exported it to a png file. Then i opened it in fireworks in an attempt to make the png much smaller. The image will be overlaying a patterned background on the web so needs to be totallly transparent. I've tried every combination of export option and still, when I put the image in my site there is a white background.
    Ive tried png-8  with alpha transparency and changed the matte to nothing. The main window in fireworks never gets rid of the white background and when i export it's still white on my site.
    I've tried png-32 with both alpha and index.
    When i use the png exported from photoshop on my site it looks exactly how I want it, but the file size it too large so that's why Im putting it in fireworks  but when i export it from there it's not transparent.
    help!!  - Kim

    Sorry, i was not certain about your level...
    You may be interested in knowing that another tool optimizes png files beyond what Fireworks can do - and I would avoid Photoshop's abysmal png export for production. As you are probably aware of, Photoshop's web export does not allow us to save an indexed png file with full transparency - something FW was always good at.
    Try Color Quantizer:
    It allows for png files with full transparency to be saved with limited colour palettes exceeding 256 colours!  With CQ you can optimize png files to the fullest, while still retaining an excellent visual quality, since you can optimize easily to a limited palette of, for example, 512 or 1024 (or a custom number of colours). Extremely useful.
    It also optimizes the transparent areas, and will automatically remove any bitmap data from those areas (which are not visible).
    And, even better, a simple quality mask brush tool assures you have maximum control over the inclusion of even tiny splotches of colour you wish to retain.
    I have long left FW behind for my png optimization, because of CQ. It's brilliant, and still somewhat of a hidden gem. Try it out, you might be pleasantly surprised. And it's a free download.

  • Creating a transparent background with a SWF file for Export to Air

    I have been trying to place a SWF with a transparent background into an image component and use as a background for a widget. When I place the swf (just a simple single frame swf file) and output with any other method the background works perfectly. If I output to air then the background is a white rectangle with only a progress bar the stays at 0%. I have tried to not embed it but I get a broken link icon in the same rectangle.
    What am I missing? Should the swf file have some special setting that I am missing?
    I am using Xcelsisus 2008 with SP1 and FP1.
    Thank you for any assistance.

    While there is no means to be sure about the method in which SAP/BO creates their components. My assumption is that the component uses the WindowedApplication or an HTMLLoader object(more likely) to display each SWF file.
    If this is the case then it is a known limitation in Adobe Air that we may be able to overcome by trying out the methods described in the following link:   [Air Transparency Help|]
    Or try this link for more detail on [HTMLLoader display options within Air|]
    Let me know if this works! Now I'm curious...

  • Criticism of new data "optimization" techniques

    On February 3, Verizon announced two new network practices in an attempt to reduce bandwidth usage:
    Throttling data speeds for the top 5% of new users, and
    Employing "optimization" techniques on certain file types for all users, in certain parts of the 3G network.
    These were two separate changes, and this post only talks about (2), the "optimization" techniques.
    I would like to criticize the optimization techniques as being harmful to Internet users and contrary to long-standing principles of how the Internet operates. This optimization can lead to web sites appearing to contain incorrect data, web sites appearing to be out-of-date, and depending on how optimization is implemented, privacy and security issues. I'll explain below.
    I hope Verizon will consider reversing this decision, or if not, making some changes to reduce the scope and breadth of the optimization.
    First, I'd like to thank Verizon for posting an in-depth technical description of how optimization works, available here:
    This transparency helps increase confidence that Verizon is trying to make the best decisions for their users. However, I believe they have erred in those decisions.
    Optimization Contrary to Internet Operating Principles
    The Internet has long been built around the idea that two distant servers exchange data with each other by transmitting "packets" using the IP protocol. The headers of these packets contain the information required such that all the Internet routers located between these servers can deliver the packets. One of the Internet's operating principles is that when two servers set up an IP connection, the routers connecting them do not modify the data. They may route the data differently, modify the headers in some cases (like network address translation), or possibly, in some cases, even block the data--but not modify it.
    What these new optimization techniques do is intercept a device's connection to a distant server, inspect the data, determine that the device is downloading a file, and in some cases, to attempt to reduce bandwidth used, modify the packets so that when the file is received by the device, it is a file containing different (smaller) contents than what the web server sent.
    I believe that modifying the contents of the file in this matter should be off-limits to any Internet service provider, regardless of whether they are trying to save bandwidth or achieve other goals. An Internet service provider should be a common carrier, billing for service and bandwidth used but not interfering in any way with the content served by a web server, the size or content of the files transferred, or the choices of how much data their customers are willing to use and pay for by way of the sites they choose to visit.
    Old or Incorrect Data
    Verizon's description of the optimization techniques explains that many common file types, including web pages, text files, images, and video files will be cached. This means that when a device visits a web page, it may be loading the cached copy from Verizon. This means that the user may be viewing a copy of the web site that is older than what the web site is currently serving. Additionally, if some files in the cache for a single web site were added at different times, such as CSS files or images relative to some of the web pages containing them, this may even cause web pages to render incorrectly.
    It is true that many users already experience caching because many devices and nearly all computer browsers have a personal cache. However, the user is in control of the browser cache. The user can click "reload" in the browser to bypass it, clear the cache at any time, or change the caching options. There is no indication with Verizon's optimization that the user will have any control over caching, or even knowledge as to whether a particular web page is cached.
    Potential Security and Privacy Violations
    The nature of the security or privacy violations that might occur depends on how carefully Verizon has implemented optimization. But as an example of the risk, look at what happened with Google Web Accelerator. Google Web Accelerator was a now-discontinued product that users installed as add-ons to their browsers which used centralized caches stored on Google's servers to speed up web requests. However, some users found that on web sites where they logged on, they were served personalized pages that actually belonged to different users, containing their private data. This is because Google's caching technology was initially unable to distinguish between public and private pages, and different people received pages that were cached by other users. This can be fixed or prevented with very careful engineering, but caching adds a big level of risk that these type of privacy problems will occur.
    However, Verizon's explanation of how video caching works suggests that these problems with mixed-up files will indeed occur. Verizon says that their caching technology works by examining "the first few frames (8 KB) of the video". This means that if multiple videos are identical at the start, that the cache will treat them the same, even if they differ later on in the file.
    Although it may not happen very frequently, this could mean that if two videos are encoded in the same manner except for the fact that they have edits later in the file, that some users may be viewing a completely different version of the video than what the web server transmitted. This could be true even if the differing videos are stored at completely separate servers, as Verizon's explanation states that the cataloguing process caches videos the same based on the 8KB analysis even if they are from different URLs.
    Questions about Tethering and Different Devices
    Verizon's explanation says near the beginning that "The form and extent of optimization [...] does not depend on [...] the user's device". However, elsewhere in the document, the explanation states that transcoding may be done differently depending on the capabilities of the user's device. Perhaps a clarification in this document is needed.
    The reason this is an important issue is that many people may wish to know if optimization happens when tethering on a laptop. I think some people would view optimization very differently depending on whether it is done on a phone, or on a laptop. For example, many people, for, say, business reasons, may have a strong requirement that a file they downloaded from a server is really the exact file they think they downloaded, and not one that has been optimized by Verizon.
    What I would Like Verizon To Do
    With respect to Verizon's need to limit bandwidth usage or provide incentives for users to limit their bandwidth usage, I hope Verizon reverses the decision to deploy optimization and chooses alternate, less intrusive means to achieve their bandwidth goals.
    However, if Verizon still decides to proceed with optimization, I hope they will consider:
    Allowing individual customers to disable optimization completely. (Some users may choose to keep it enabled, for faster Internet browsing on their devices, so this is a compromise that will achieve some bandwidth savings.)
    Only optimizing or caching video files, instead of more frequent file types such as web pages, text files, and image files.
    Disabling optimization when tethering or using a Wi-Fi personal hotspot.
    Finally, I hope Verizon publishes more information about any changes they may make to optimization to address these and other concerns, and commits to customers and potential customers about their future plans, because many customers are in 1- or 2-year contracts, or considering entering such contracts, and do not wish to be impacted by sudden changes that negatively impact them.
    Verizon, if you are reading, thank you for considering these concerns.

    A very well written and thought out article. And, you're absolutely right - this "optimization" is exactly the reason Verizon is fighting the new net neutrality rules. Of course, Verizon itself (and it's most ardent supporters on the forums) will fail to see the irony of requiring users to obtain an "unlimited" data plan, then complaining about data usage and trying to limit it artificially. It's like a hotel renting you a room for a week, then complaining you stayed 7 days.
    Of course, it was all part of the plan to begin with - people weren't buying the data plans (because they were such a poor value), so the decision was made to start requiring them. To make it more palatable, they called the plans "unlimited" (even though at one point unlimited meant limited to 5GB, but this was later dropped). Then, once the idea of mandatory data settles in, implement data caps with overages, which is what they were shooting for all along. ATT has already leapt, Verizon has said they will, too.

  • Highligting  the current Row

    Hi All,
    I have made a search form by name like we get in google .
    now when i select particular name from the drop down then corresponding to name the record should be highlighted with different colors in the form.
    so how can i solve this problem can anyone help me out.
    Thanx in advance.

    Ok, maintain a transient attribute (like a Y or N flag) in the row. On change of the name attribute, set that attribute to Y.
    Now, based on the attribute value, you can set up the inline style of the row to whatever color you want it to be highlighted.
    for example:
    inlineStyle='#{row.highlight eq 'Y' ? "background-color:#63a500" : "background-color:transparent"}'

  • Bad Desktop Performance with Dell P2715Q

    Hi everybody,
    I'm using a 15" Mid 2010 Macbook Pro with the following specs:
    - 2.4GHz i5
    - 8GB 1067 MHz DDR3
    - Samsung Evo 850 (250GB) as Startup Disk
    - GeForce GT330M 256 MB
    - External Dell P2715Q with MiniDP to DP cable at 2560x1440
    - Yosemite 10.10.2
    - External Keyboard and Mouse, both wired
    Unfortunately (apart from my Graphics Card being unable to output 4K but I accept that, this machine is almost 5 years old) the performance when using normal desktop operations is really bad on the Dell monitor. Some things like scrolling in Finder and Safari work fluently, but most not. Here's a list:
    - Minimizing and maximizing, moving and opening windows is lagging
    - Horrible video performance when watching Youtube HD videos, especially in fullscreen. Sometimes nothing happens for more than 5 seconds, screen simply freezes
    - Lags when using some third-party apps even when only scrolling through text (for example Matlab)
    When the issues above appear, the process WindowServer has a very high CPU usage, my computer starts to heat up and burn enormous amounts of energy, gets unusable. I googled the issue with the WindowServer and followed the advice, reducing the transparency helped a little but especially the issue with Youtube videos is unchanged. Even when doing nothing, the CPU usage of the WindowServer never drops below 0.5%. In general, the experience when working on the external monitor is kind of slow and really unsatisfying, different then what I'm used to from the Macbook. From the 8 GB of RAM I have, 5.7GB are used when simply typing this text in Safari apart from having Outlook and a terminal open (plus some background apps like Dropbox).
    Things are a little better when working in closed-clamshell mode (mostly the issues with handling windows, HD video in fullscreen still *****).
    The only things I haven't tried is resetting the SMC & PRAM since users reported that doing so doesn't help at all.
    Any help would be highly appreciated.
    Edit: My Yosemite Installation is a fresh and clean installation, nothing was transferred/proted from an older Mac OS installation, apart from some documents of course

    Well it obviously supports the resolution (also according to the datasheet) and playing HD video at lower resolutions works fine.. I just saw this:
    2014 Macbook Pro 15" doesn't work well with 4k @ 60hz, obvious lag due to high WindowServer CPU utilization            
    which makes me think that it's not really a performance thing but more a bug in Yosemite.

  • Capture Animation not working

    I'm a bit frustrated at the moment. Captivate doesn't
    seem to like the program that I'm trying to create demonstrations
    for. When I do a drag and drop, it automatically does a captured
    animation (full motion capture). But when I watch it back, the
    entire rest of the screen disappears except for the mouse and the
    menu items it appears over. I have tried adding the program as a
    background, but it doesn't show up behind the animation. Basically,
    the whole screen goes white and then you see the mouse move and a
    few menu items appear. Then, when that's done, the rest of the
    program comes back. I'm finding this very frustrating, because I
    think Captivate is a really good product.

    Originally posted by:
    I figured it out. If you've ever had this happen, what you
    need to do is downsize your recording area. Captivate simply
    couldn't handle the complicated drag and drop motion capture while
    trying to capture the whole screen. This then involves "grafting"
    the animation back onto the slide you wanted it on originally. But
    at least it works. Fiddling with the transparency helps, too.
    I also have a very high resolution screen, and I wonder if
    that contributed.
    It does yes. A good rule of thumb is to do your work at
    1024x768 max resolution, and use the snap to fit in custom
    recording size to accomplish it. Trial and error have shown me that
    anything over this is difficult to distribute due to size and, in
    the case of full motion video, it clips badly on complicated screen
    One thing you can do to improve performance, however, if you
    have a 3rd part video card (NVIDIA or ATI perferably), you can load
    either their forceware or catalyst (or just standard drivers in the
    case of matrox, quantum, or 3dlabs), and the card has presets for
    things like single and dual monitor performance, and other
    application overrides that can relieve some serious strain on your
    Note: this is only likely to help windows users, as OS X
    still doesn't allow for third party driver integration : \

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