Transporting InfoSets

Hello all,
How r u ?
I have created many Generic Datasources using InfoSets in R/3 System and now i have to transport the DataSources. In SE09 I could see only DataSources Requests.
Then I tried changing the Package for the InfoSet then it gave me the request number.
Now I would like to know with the InfoSet User Groups should also be transported ?
Could you assist on this ?
Best Regards....
Sankar Kumar
+91 98403 47141

You can create an Infoset transport from the 'Transport Connection'.
1) Go to transaction RSA1 > Transport Connection tab > select 'object type'
2) There is a category within that for Infoset > search for your infoset and transfer it.
3) Click on the Truck icon (Transport Object) and create your transport.

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    Selection of Transport Actions - set to Export
    Selection of Transport Options - Transport InfoSets selected
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    F no object found.
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    one client
    SQ02>Select infoset>click on transport button.
    select export option
    select infoset radio button and enter infoset name
    deselect at the end delete after transport.
    same process for query also.
    This process generates transport request.
    go to another client
    sq02--->select infoset -->click on transport button
    select import option
    select infoset radio button and enter infoset name
    deselect at the end delete after transport.
    enter transport request at the end above delete after transport option
    same process for query also
    iinputs given by Usha (Team Member)   SDN

  • Transporting InfoSet Queries

    Greetings Experts,
    I am seeking some guidance in transporting an InfoSet Query that was created in the DEV system.  Here are the steps I followed to create the query in the Standard Area:
    1.  SQ03 - Create user group.
    2.  SQ02 - Create InfoSet.
    3.  SQ03 - Assign InfoSet and user IDs to user group.
    4.  PAAH - Create an InfoSet query with the specified InfoSet
    Now I have the user group, InfoSet, and query sitting in the DEV system but am unsure how to transport to PREPRD.  I did some research and someone pointed to using SQ02.
    In SQ02, I try transporting the User Group only (Import option = REPLACE) and it provides a transport number.  The issue is that when I check the transport in SE10, I find something like this:
    SIDK904259 Transport for ABAP Query
        Object List of Request
            Table Contents
                    AQSIDK904259 *
    This was not what I had expected and I am unsure what this means (and not very comfortable transporting this across).  If someone can shed some light into the meaning of this and how I can possibly transport my InfoSet query across systems, that would be much appreciated.
    Apologies go out in advance if this is the incorrect section but I chose the one which seemed to fit closest to this issue.

    The following link will help you to solve your problem
    Thanks & Regards,
    Vidyadhar K

  • How to transport infoset query to Production serveR?

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    can any one help me to transport my infoset query from step-to-step.
    Saad Nisar

    Well there is no button as such.
    I hope you must have found the Transport button.
    When you click it, it gives selection screen there you can find the redio buttons.
    Export will create a transport request and Download will download it to local machine.
    Let me know if it doesn't work. But you have to do more analysis as to how to go this way.

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    Please, what should I do?
    Best regards,

    Check wether yr request transported correctly since these type of requests generally locked..
    After removing lock only we can transport these..
    Check in quality..
    Tcode.. STMS
    Check here for yr request wether transported or not..

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    2. Selecting Query area - Standard
    3. Pressing Transports button (with truck icon) - (this will take me to next page of pgm - RSAQR3TR)
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    when you are in transaction SQ02, click on the truck button (Transports)
    you will get to the transport utility. This one allows to export/import infosets, usergroups and queries from a system to another.
    select the type of objects you want to transport (you may need to do it once for usergroups and once for infoset + queries)
    look at the Information button to know how it works

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    when you are in transaction SQ02, click on the truck button (Transports)
    you will get to the transport utility. This one allows to export/import infosets, usergroups and queries from a system to another.
    select the type of objects you want to transport (you may need to do it once for usergroups and once for infoset + queries)
    look at the Information button to know how it works

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    I made a change to the infoSet MMIV03 by Transaction SQ02 and add MKPF-USNAM into the field group INVENTORY MANAGEMENT. Then I clicked Save button, but there is no pop up window to ask me to save into transport. I clicked "Generate" button, and there is no popup window,too. I create a new infoset and the system aslo doesn't ask me to save into transport.
    I need to transport the change to testing system, can any expert tell me how to include the change into transport?
    Thanks in advance,
    Regards, Johnny

    Dear John,
    try this, when you are in SQ02. Go to SAP Menu "Environment" and then "Transports". Choose "Transport InfoSets" and selects which InfoSets you want to transport. Then Execute with F8.

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    Hi Shravan,
    If you wna tto move the changes to QA system in case of Ad-hoc reports/query use the below steps.
    *Goto SE38 and enter the program name as RSAQR3TR (sap query transport tool) and execute.*
    *Where select the export option.*
    2. then select the check boxes just below to test run.
    3. goto select transport infoset option and enter the infoset name.
    4. then execute. where you will be getting the transport number.
    5. then release the transport and move to Qa system.
    *Then if you want to view the changes in QA system.*
    *1. goto the program again and select Import option.*
    *2. repeat the step 2 as mentioned above*
    3. goto infoset option and enter the infoset name.
    *4. GOTO the last option Dataset with imports and enter the transport number which was genetated in development then execute program.*
    And the check the query whether the created infoset is available or not.
    Let me know if you have any issues.

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    Hello experts,
    i'm trying to transport user groups/infosets/queries but it seems it doesn't work.  For example, i select the infoset, then the transport button.
    I choose EXPORT
    then Transport Infosets
    I type the infoset name
    but i cannot understand if i should change the "IMPORT OPTION-REPLACE".
    Can anyone guide me with this procedure?
    Thank you in Advance

    Hi Nantia,
    Step 1. Run RSAQR3TR in 'old' system. Select EXPORT and specify the objects to be transported. 
    (System includes these in an automatically created transport request) 
    Step 2. Release this transport and request it be transported to 'new' system. 
    (This results in the entries being populated in transport table AQTDB in 'new' system). 
    Step 3. Run RSAQR3TR in 'new' system. Select IMPORT and tick the Overwrite checkbox. Specify the transport number in the field labelled 'dataset with imports'. 
    (RSAQR3TR gives the message that stuff has been imported OK). 
    Step 4. In my example I still couldn't find the queries, so ran RSAQR3TR one more time, this time specifying 'Copy Standard Area -> Global Area'.

  • Infosets transport

       can any one help me out in infosets transport....i have problem with the optins while transpoting......
    thanks in advance...

    Hi Madhu,
    Goto Transaction SQ02, Select Menu>Environment and then Transports>
    There you have to select Export radio button.
    If you want to Transport only Infosets, then Select the Second radio button which is Transport Infosets.
    Give the Infoset names in the provided boxes. And finally click on the Execute button.  Then it will ask you the Transport Request no.  Create a new request.
    The REPLACE Option, it will overwrite the existing infoset if any in the Target system.
    Let me know if you need any further information.

  • Error while uploading ABAP Infoset

    Hi friends,
    I try uploading ABAP Infoset from my desktop to the Production system. I am doing this by executing program RSAQR3TR, select upload, check the Transport Infoset radiobutton. After this when I execute the program I get 2 error messages which says
    1.  "The Infoset ZLETR017C contains coding lines (coding for additional fields/structures or free coding)"
    2.  "The Infoset cannot be imported since you do not have authorization for coding maintenance"
    Please help.

    You are getting this error becuase you are not having autorization for maintaining the code in infoset in production system .
    Kindly check out with your authorizations in production system
    Priya Bhat

  • SAP Query transport

    Wish to have step by step procedure of transporting SAP Query ?
    Procedure I followed & got error message
    I have used SQ02 & truck symbol it is creating only one TR without any customising task.
    Using T.code SCC1 in the target system I got error message
    " Program ended with error or warning, return code: 4".
    Can someone help?

    Here I am sending the step by step procedure for the SAP Query. Hope this helps you, if so please issue points.
    1. Go to SQ02 .
    Select Environment -> Query Areas
    Select Standard Area (Client specific) as show below
    2. Select Environment -> Transports
    Select Import radio button
    Check Overwriting allowed (only with import/upload/copy)
    Remove Check for Test Run
    Select Transport InfoSets and queries radio button
    Fill Infoset and Query with corresponding names
    Fill Import option with transport request number.
    3.  Click on Execute button
    With this it will be done.
    Thanks for your patience

  • SAP Query: Transport tool(program: RSAQR3TR)

    Does the SAP Query: Transport tool(program: RSAQR3TR) transport addtional fields and code in Extras of an InfoSet from one system to another?
    TKS in advance.

    Yes the ABAP query transports the whole Infoset.
    Goto Transaction SQ02
    Goto Environment -> Query areas -> Select teh Standard area.
    Select Environment -> Transports -> Import radio Button
    Check the Overwriting allowedand teh remove the check for Test Run
    Select the Transport Infosets and queries radiobutton
    Fill in the Infoset and teh Query with the corresponding names and the Import option with Transport Request Number

  • Saving Infoset to tranport Request

    Hi all,
    I have added a table in the infoset and generated the same but there is no transport request pop up appeared before the generation or on saving it.
    My problem is that i want to save the changes made in the infoset into transport request and i am not able to do the same.
    Gurus guide me to the procedure of saving the infoset to the transport request.
    Thanks in advance.
    Edited by: Anuj Anuj112 on Jun 24, 2009 6:22 PM

    Hi ,
    Please find below the steps for transporting your infoset.
    1) Select the infoset to be transported in SQ02 and click Environment->Transports.
    2) Selct the Export option
    3) Remove the test run check box and select overwriting allowed
    4)Select the transport infoset and queries option .
       Import option would be replace
       Here yuo have to specify your infoset name in both lower and upper limit .
       the same applies for queries .
    Execute it , this would create the transport request .copy this tranport request release it and go to transport management in SQ02 in the client where the changes need to be imported .
    Here select the import option and overwriting allowed and select Transport infoset and queries as mentioned above
    in Dataset with import mention the transport request that was created earlier.

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