Treo 650 & MBP - won't pair

I've tried it both ways - telling the MBP to pair...and telling the Treo 650 to pair.
It fails both ways.
Sprint (CDMA) phone, MBP 2.33.
It pairs and works fine on my 17" pb. Bluetooth sync, DUN everything.
But it won't even pair on my MBP. Ideas?

Still valid.
Mac HD>Library>Preferences...drag these two files to your desktop: and
Delete them from preferences, turn Bluetooth off, reboot your computer. Turn Bluetooth back on, try again. If everything works, delete the two files from your desktop.

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    I just got a new treo 650 (Telus) and I have been able to sync it to my Powerbook G4. but only by cable. I want to do it with the bluetooth.
    1) when pairing with the BT Setup Wizard I get: "There were no supported services found on your device"
    - I think this is a problem.
    2) When I click on the "bluetooth-pda-syn" in the Hotsync manager, (conection settings) I have to set some modem script settings.
    Please if anyone has any clue about this... let me know...
    Thanks a lot!

    Typically, the required Bluetooth profiles—including SYNC—are present and enabled on a Treo 650. This document, a User Guide for Telus-provided Treo 650 smartphones, explains Bluetooth pairing beginning on page 61:
    The only synchronization information, however, refers to USB synchronization, and—by implication—seems to indicate that Telus does not allow Bluetooth synchronization to any platform, either Windows or Mac OS X.

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    I can only do one sync with Windows XP before the comm ports fail and I have to reboot the computer to be able to do a sync with my Treo 650 via bluetooth. It works well but only once then the ports all shut down of something. Any suggestions would be apprectiated.

    Your signature says you have 10.3.x but presumably this can't be correct - could you please make sure it's correct to prevent confusion. 10.7.2 is required for iCloud - your Mac won't be able to sync with pre-Lion systems.
    The fact that you have iCloud accounts showing does suggest you have Lion: are they showing in System Preferences>iCloud, or where? You can only enter one there.
    Are the two different or the same? You could try deleting both and then starting the setup again from scratch.

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    Treo 650
    Syncing with Outlook
    Media and VersaMail sync without errors.  PIM syncs just don't.  All syncing works with Palm Desktop.
    My suspicion is that the installed conduits, e.g. Calendar & Contacts, don't correspond to the handheld databases, DatebookDB & AddressbookDB.
    If I am right, how do I get those conduits back?  If not, what else could solve the problem?
    Post relates to: Centro (Sprint)

    There are no errors.  It just doesn't attempt to sync the PIMs. 
    I had a similar problem with a Centro.  The solution there was two-fold: EAS disabled cradle syncing of the PIMs by design, and DatebookDB had syncing enabled, while Calendar did not.  After disabling EAS and enabling the correct conduits, the sync completed successfully.
    Post relates to: Centro (Sprint)
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  • Treo 650 won't connect to isync

    I've read literally every thread on every site on the internet, and cannot figure out what the problem is. My Treo 650 will hotsync just fine to palm desktop, but when I Enable Palm OS Syncing in isync, and go into Hotsync Manager's conduit settings to enable isync, I get nothing. I try to hotsync and it just it can't connect to the computer at all. I've got isync 2.3 and the newest Palm software (rev D) installed on my ibook g4 running 10.4.8. The craziest part is, I NEVER had a problem with my treo/ibook syncing until I had to send the ibook in to Apple to repair the hard drive. I got my computer back wiped (expected and backed up), and reinstalled user folder. I also have the same exact results (sync to palm desktop fine, but not with isync) on my mom's imac g5. any help would be greatly appreciated.

    sorry. What I mean is...I enable palm syncing in isync, disable the proper conduits, go into Hotsync, and "enable isync for this palm device" and after all of that, my treo will not make a connection with the computer. But, it syncs fine to the palm desktop software if isync isn't enabled, making me think I have an isync problem. The log on the treo says everything was fine, because its referring to the time i backed everything up to the palm desktop software. The error message i get when i try to sync the phone says
    "the connection between your handheld computer and the desktop could not be established. please check your setup and try again."
    and the log on the computer says nothing, because as far as it knows, I've never had a hotsync operation completed, since the phone doesn't ever connect. (the successful hotsync to palm desktop software was on my mom's computer...I was just troubleshooting seeing if it was my computers problem).

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    Are there really drivers missing??
    Post relates to: Treo 650 (Unlocked GSM)

    There are no errors.  It just doesn't attempt to sync the PIMs. 
    I had a similar problem with a Centro.  The solution there was two-fold: EAS disabled cradle syncing of the PIMs by design, and DatebookDB had syncing enabled, while Calendar did not.  After disabling EAS and enabling the correct conduits, the sync completed successfully.
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    Any thoughts on how to get Vista32 to recognize that the device is connected?  Thanks in advance to anyone that takes the time to response.
    - Johnny
    Post relates to: Treo 650 (Sprint)

    You may need to "clean" uninstall Palm desktop and start again. It sounds like the drivers are not loading.
    You should first make a copy of your data to have just in case something
    happens. You can find your data files by going to C:\Program Files\Palm or
    Palm One. Highlight your Palm Desktop username and right click and copy.
    Then go to your PC desktop, right click on a blank spot and select paste.
    Skip the first step above because you have no data in Palm desktop.
    Now you want to uninstall Palm Desktop and remove everything that has to do
    with Palm Desktop from your computer. Like the above folder, delete the Palm folder. Once this is done, you will need to delete some registry keys
    from your PC Operating System registry.
    Word of warning, going here and deleting the wrong thing can cause your PC
    to not start up, crashing and deletion of programs and data. If you feel
    you are unsure of yourself, see if you have a friend that can help you or a
    PC technician that you can pay to help you. This will show them everything
    they need to delete. To retain your current Registry settings, we need to do a backup of the Registry.
    On the PC, go to start and run type "regedit" without quotes
    Highlight MY COMPUTER, go to File --> export. Should pop up with a Save As
    box. Current location is fine should be in My Documents or you can change to a location you will remember. In the file name box, type "Regbackup[todaysdate]" i.e. Regbackup07072008. Next, the hard part.
    The easiest way to make sure your working with the correct key, highlight the key i.e. palm quick install, and press delete on your keyboard. It will ask you, are
    you sure. Say yes. Do the same thing for all keys below.
    If you make a mistake, stop what you are doing. And call a PC technician.
    BUT do not turn off your computer.
    The reg keys are as follows (Note: some of theses reg keys will not be here
    but if they are delete them)
    * HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\U.S. Robotics\Palm Quick Install
    * HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\U.S. Robotics\PalmOne File Transfer
    * HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\U.S. Robotics\Pilot Desktop
    * HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Palm
    * HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Palm, Inc.
    * HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\PalmDesktopAutorun
    * HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\palmOne
    * HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\PalmSource
    * HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\PalmSource or anything else that says palm
    Next reboot your computer
    Then reinstall your Palm desktop from the CD and do a hotsync. If it asks
    you for a username and you synced your device before, put in 'test" if you
    did not sync before you create a hotsync name.
    Post relates to: Palm i705

  • Sprint Treo 650 connection with Apple Powerbook G4 867 MHz runing 10.4.6 ??

    I am trying to use my Sprint Treo 650 as a modem with the Apple Powerbook laptop running the latest version of Tiger.
    The old Treo 600 worked just fine using the laptop with 10.3.7.
    But the old 600 died and I was forced to purchase a 650.
    The Treo 650 manual says its possible to use the Treo 650 as a modem. The Apple manual says its possible to use a mobile phone as a modem.
    I have actually gotten to the point where, after inserting "passords" like 654379 on my Treo after they were issued by the Apple. I've been told:
    "Congratulations, you are connected"
    They lie to me.
    I've read about "hacks" for the TREO and the need to install special scripts. The instructions go for 26 written pages.
    Is there not an easier way? These are the kind of things that make me not even want to visit the Apple Store ever again.
    And I love my Apples!
    Thanks for letting me vent.
    Power Mac G4   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

    Don't know if it makes a difference (I don't think it does), but I have no problem connecting Treo 650 (Sprint Vision service) to my MBP 10.4.6 as a wireless modem. Make sure that you have the latest firmware on Treo 650 that enables DUN (Dial Up Network) on BT pref.
    I just simply used the OSX BT setup, making sure that my 650 is discoverable and with a code (paired) for security. It is also using 650 serial port as RS232 port.
    Connecting to 650 is done through Network connection on system Pref or via Airport menu. Under BT, configure as Other, the number to dail is #777 with account name and password to your Sprint Vision account (not your Sprint main account login or pw). It should be something like [email protected] for account name and corresponding password for that.
    I think this is all you need to do. Did not use any hacks (in fact I completely stay away from Hacks - I have simple needs and want to keep things simple).
    You'll have to probably try few times to get it all right and connect but it should not be too bad.
    Hope this helps
    Good luck....

  • Treo 650, Bluetooth, Internet access, and 10.4.6

    I have a Treo 650 on Cingular's network and would like to use it to connect to the internet using the Treo as a modem via bluetooth. I called Cingular and obtained the following information:
    User name: [email protected],
    password: CINGULAR1,
    connection string:7**#.
    (BTW this information is public.)
    I haven't spent a whole lot of time attempting to connect to the internet however I was able to pair the device with my computer and enter in the information that Cingular supplied. Of course they don't support this so I was unable to get a modem script which a few other providers seem to supply via their websites.
    I was curious if anyone else has a similar set up and has been able to connect successfully with reasonable speeds and up time. If so can you please provide the information that was used for the set up?
    Thanks a bunch!
    Oh also I am aware of the latest update version 10.4.6 of Mac OS and was wondering if this update adds better support for the Treo 650?
    G3, G4, G5, iMac G5, Xserve G5, XRaid, PowerBook, iBook, MacBook Pro, Mac Mini   Mac OS X (10.4.6)   Have used every Mac OS since version 8 to date.

    I do this with a Treo 650 and the MBP on T-Mobile and it works fine.
    I don't know about password so I can't comment. On T-Mobile you don't really need it.
    For connection string I'm sure it must be wrong. Every GSM phone in the world uses something like 99*1# (or similar with 1 substitute with something else). That is what I use.
    The other issue is the modem script. I've had mixed success until I used the shareware program called GPRS script generator ( ). It's costs to get it generate a script, but I use the one it made for T-Mobile and it's worked flawlessly with several devices including the Treo 650.

  • Setup problem:  Can't setup Treo 650 (Cingular) with iSync on Macbook

    Trying to use my Treo 650 with iSync on my MacBook. It worked fine with an iMac G5 running OS X 10.4.8.
    I paired my Treo with the MacBook. That seemed to go OK, but the Bluetooth Setup Assistant showed a message saying "There were no supported services found on your device" at the end of the pairing process.
    When I launched iSync, I went to Devices --> Enable Palm OS Syncing and let the conflicting Palm conduits disabled. No problem there.
    But when I then choose Devices --> Add Device, a window appears as the MacBook searches and finds my phone. It then displays the message "1 device found", with the name of my device next to a phone icon. Beneath that, another message says "iSync cannot connect to this device".
    Does anybody know what I'm doing wrong? My Treo is set to discoverable. I can't figure it out.
    Thanks in advance!

    The Add Device… response is normal. You cannot add a Palm device using that menu option - it is added as a consequence of selecting the Enable Palm OS Syncing… option beneath it in the list.
    If you have successfully paired your Treo using Bluetooth and triggered the installation and configuration of it after selecting the Enable Palm OS Syncing… option and it still does not appear as a device in the main window of iSync, you should launch the HotSync Manager to insure that the iSync Palm Conduit appears—it's listed as the iSync Conduit—and that it has been activated: the checkbox in the conduit configuration panel should be checked.
    This may also be a basic Bluetooth issue, as the your Treo contains several supported Bluetooth profiles, and is a supported device. You might want to break the link, and pair it once again, initiating that action from your smartphone and confirming it from your MacBook.

  • Bluetooth Treo 650 Sync now works

    I tried syncing my Palm Treo 650 with MBP 17" via Bluetooth since May with no success until the 10.4.7 update.
    I configured everything last month but connection failed due to " Port is already in use". So, after this update I tried connection vis Bluetooth with all settings the same a it work fine.

    I edited my rush post that had several spelling errors.
    I tried syncing my Palm Treo 650 with MBP 17" via Bluetooth since May with no success until the 10.4.7 update.
    I configured everything last month but connection failed due to " Port is already in use". So, after this update I tried connection via Bluetooth with all settings the same and it worked fine.
    Also my Palm TX can sync via Bluetooth now. All is good now.

  • Treo 650 Software, version 4.2

    Moved to the Synchronization > Windows HotSync forum

    Hello hoosierraven and welcome to the Palm forums.
    If you no longer have the Treo 650, but do have access to the Windows XP PC that has your old data on it, then you are correct, exporting the data from the old PC to the new Windows 7 PC is your best bet.
    I would export the data for each of the personal information mananger tools in Palm Desktop 4.2 on the Windows XP PC (contacts, tasks, memos, and calendar) each to their own separate files.  Copy the exported files to a USB flash drive.  Then on the Windows 7 PC, install Palm Desktop 4.2 and then import the data.
    Palm Desktop 4.2 is, relatively speaking, really old software in computer terms.  The Windows Vista/Windows 7 compatible version of Palm Desktop is version 6.2.2.  Since you no longer have a working Palm phone, I won't bother with Palm Desktop 6.2.2 unless you are unable to install the older version of Palm Desktop on Windows 7.
    Once you have Palm Desktop installed on your Windows 7 PC, launch Palm desktop and create a new HotSync ID.  Lastly, go a head and import the data from the Window XP PC that you saved on your USB flash drive.
    Hope that helps,
    Alan G

  • Treo 800w (Sprint) Won't Get Past Windows Mobile Screen

    I've tried everything I can think of, soft reset just gets me to the Windows Mobile screen, won't get past that.  Battery has a full charge, at least according to the status light.  Kind of dead in the water.  Any ideas?  Appreciate any help that's offered, thanks.
    Post relates to: Treo 800w (Sprint)

    Hmmmm stuck on the load screen eh, stuck on the green screen?  If the soft reset, taking the battery out for a few sec and back in, does not work then the hard reset is the next option.  Unfortunately Windows Mobile does not have a safe mode like the ones found on PalmOS devices.  Unfortunately the hard reset will erase all data but that would not be an issue if you have been syncing the phone or using Sprite Backup provided on the ROM. 
    Post relates to: Treo 650 (Unlocked GSM)

  • Treo 650- Can't get service after trip to Thailand & use of different SIM card - AT&T says it is a hardware problem

    I have used my Treo 650 for years in the US. I've also taken it to other countries (Africa, Europe) and used SIMS purchased there for service while in those locations. Upon returning to the US after each trip, I've always been able to use my US SIM to get my US service back. 
    However, I went to Thailand in November and used a SMILE SIM and another Thailand SIM, both of which worked in Thailand.  Unfortunately, upon returning to the US, my US SIM won't work for getting service any more.  (I am using my US SIM in a Nokia phone in the meantime, and it is working. When I put the SIM into my Treo, it will transfer the text messges, but will not connect to my service provider, AT&T.) 
    I called AT&T and they said it was a hardware problem.  I suspect it might be a "lock" problem with one of the Thailand companies.  Is it possible that the Thai company locked my cell phone? 
    So my question is, how can I fix this?  Whatever the problem is, I'd sure like my service back!  Please help!!
    Post relates to: Treo 650 (Unlocked GSM)

    I don't think a SIM card can lock your phone. Did you let them do anything with the keyboard?
    Can you try with a friend's AT&T or T-Mobile SIM card and see whether either will work?
    Edit: You can ask about Thai mobile phone company issues on this board: Internet & Technology @ Paknam Web Thailand Forums
    Message Edited by Jeffro on 02-26-2009 12:07 AM

  • Verizon Treo 650 - can't sync

    I saw lots of postings about difficulty getting all data synced using iSync and Treo 650, but couldn't find my problem. iMac and the Treo 650 won't connect.
    I've loaded Palm Desktop, I was able to register the Treo with the iMac (they see each other now), I've ensured my phone's wireless connections on the phone allow other devices, and I've enabled iSync connection from the Hot Sync manager.
    However, after all that, when I try to sync from the Treo, iMac sees the phone, but I get the error that it can't connect. The Treo eventually times out and says the port on the computer is already in use.
    I've also tried removing the device and reconnecting...but now I don't see the iSync option in HotSync anymore.
    Looking for help.

    Have you recently used Wireless Sync, or have you not configured Wireless Sync to allow the use of other synchronization software? Verizon ships it's Palm and Windows Mobile smartphones with a Wireless Sync application, set by default not to allow synchronization by any other means. To 'correct' this configuration issue, do this:
    Launch the Wireless Sync application on your Treo. Navigate to…
    Settings:Connection Settings:Advanced
    Check the option to Enable other sync apps, and quit Wireless Sync. You will now be able to synchronize with the Mac OS X synchronization application of your choice.

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