TREX usage in cFolders

In our scenario we have installed TREX 6.1 (revision 25)in cProject scenario, while installing we have selected HTTP server, and RFC server, In TREX administration window HTTPserver service showing red symbol. My dought is for cProject scenario we need RFC server or HTTPserver?.
If we need RFC server only, Then if HTTP server showing red symbol also, we shoild be able to do perform search with trex,..right..?
How to prove to client that TREX is working fine in cFolder scenario.
Thanks and regards

We have set up HTTP server, it is showing green light on TREX admin window..
We have indexed documnets by using transaction skpr07.
Please let me know how to search documnets in cFolder scenario by using TREX and how can we show the TREX functionalities to clent.
What is the difference between normal search and TREX search in cFolders..
Please clarify me.
Thanks and regards

Similar Messages

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    Can some one throw some light on usage of TREX in the CRM space.  The specific questions i have are :
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    Rakesh Neni.

    Hi Rakesh,
    Please check below wiki link.
    Enable full text search using TREX (Embedded Search - Enterprise Search) - CRM - SCN Wiki
    and below thread for configuration.
    CRM - Trex configuration
    Best Regards,

  • TREX in cFolders

    TREX is already installed and working fine in EP. But in cFolders, we are not sure how to search by content using the TREX.
    What exact configuration need to be done in between SAP R/3 TREX to cFolders, so that we can search using TREX.

    Hi Ani,
    once you have installed TREX and set up the RFC destination you need to go to transaction skpr06 and maintain the readiness for indexing for the cFolders document area CFF. It is not necessary to also classify the CFF area (it is sufficient to select the first checkbox).                                                                               
    Next, call transaction skpr07 to specify the Document Class which is CFF_VERS for cFolders, specify the language and the DocArea, which is CFF. You also need to index your documents so that they are found in the full text search (might be time-consuming) and afterwards, schedule a periodic job to index new or changed files again.
    Please make also sure that TREX is generally activated within cFolders, for this please proceed as follows:
    1. Use a WebDAV client (such as Portal Drive or Microsoft Web Folders) and log on to the WebDAV Settings folder of the cFolders system. The user should have administrative authorization.         
    2. Open the XML document called NETWORK.XML in the folder 'System Settings' for editing.
    3. Search for XML tag 'TREX_Metadatensuche'. Modify its value to "true".
    4. Save and exit.           
    5. Re-login to cFolders.  
    In case all configurations are correct, the message "The file contents are also also searched" is displayed in cFolders when you create a search request.
    Best regards,

  • Can we use TREX server to search cFolders documents?

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    Yes, this is possible with cFolders 4.5 release.

  • Connect more than one R/3 4.6c System with SAP TREX 6.1

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    Does somebody know what I have to enter in the ini files -->TREXRfcServer.ini and in the TREXDaemon.ini? Perhaps there are some other important things that have to be considered at the usage of TREX 6.1 with 2 or more connected SAP R/3 Systems?!
    I would be happy about every helpful answer!

    Hi Edmond Wong,
    Follow the steps below and you should be able to connect via SAP Logon Ticket.
    1. Set your system definition in portal to read SAPLOGONTICKETS.
    2. Go to your R3 server and execute transaction SM30, maintain table view TWPSSO2ACL
    3. Create a new entry with your portal ID and client info. Subject name and Issuer name is extracted from your portal Key Administration under DN of Owner and DN or Issuer. Remember to enter your serial number (normally oo if you only have one portal instance on your server)save this entry.
    4. Next download your portal certificate in der format from your Key Administration page. Unzip the file and you should have a verify.der certificate.
    5. Execute STRUSTSSO2 in R3, import your verify.der certificate into R3, then click on add to certificate list, also click on add to ACL list. Save entry.
    6 As for ITS, all you need is to add the parameter ~myssocookies2 = 1, restart your ITS.
    7. remember to remove your user mapping befor testing the connectivity.
    Drop me an email should you have problems. [email protected]

  • How is it possible to connect more than one SAP R/3 4.6c System to TREX 6.1

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    Does somebody know what I have to enter in the ini files -->TREXRfcServer.ini and in the TREXDaemon.ini? Perhaps there are some other important things that have to be considered at the usage of TREX 6.1 with 2 or more connected SAP R/3 Systems?!
    I would be happy about every helpful answer!
    Message was edited by:
            Christian Blatt

    Hi Edmond Wong,
    Follow the steps below and you should be able to connect via SAP Logon Ticket.
    1. Set your system definition in portal to read SAPLOGONTICKETS.
    2. Go to your R3 server and execute transaction SM30, maintain table view TWPSSO2ACL
    3. Create a new entry with your portal ID and client info. Subject name and Issuer name is extracted from your portal Key Administration under DN of Owner and DN or Issuer. Remember to enter your serial number (normally oo if you only have one portal instance on your server)save this entry.
    4. Next download your portal certificate in der format from your Key Administration page. Unzip the file and you should have a verify.der certificate.
    5. Execute STRUSTSSO2 in R3, import your verify.der certificate into R3, then click on add to certificate list, also click on add to ACL list. Save entry.
    6 As for ITS, all you need is to add the parameter ~myssocookies2 = 1, restart your ITS.
    7. remember to remove your user mapping befor testing the connectivity.
    Drop me an email should you have problems. [email protected]

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    Any hints are welcome.
    Thanks a lot.
    Best regards,

    We have installed the latest patches for the ECL Viewer and are still experiencing issues with resolution.
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    Density: 300
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    Thank You!
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    (2) Is there any front end (like SAP GUI) required to be installed for DMS ?
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    Hi Anupam,
    1) Your first requirement is something for which SAP DMS and cFolders are made for. There are transactions in R/3 through which import and export of document can be achieved within cFolders and SAP DMS.
    You can have different servers for SAP DMS and cFolders.
    2) The Content server is something where you will be storing your documents. It depends on you business requirement. Basically its nothign but a storage location for your documents.
    TREX is a search tool, which can be used both in DMS and cFolders.
    3) ABout hardware the sizing guides are available on, you can get an estimate over them easily with that information.
    Hope the answers will solve your query.
    Nishit Jani
    Award Points on solution.

  • Trex 7.0: free disk requirements

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    Best Regards,
    Edited by: Frank Wagner on Apr 4, 2011 8:45 PM

    Hi Frank,
    cannot read the error message in the screenshot.
    Disk usage may be due to large Queues during indexing.
    Could this be the case?
    Best, Karsten

  • TREX memory consumption

    TREX 7.0.41
    We have an issue where TREXNameServer.x is consuming a huge percentage of the available memory. 
    It seems that the allocated memory is not being freed up after usage.  There appears to be no correlation between current workload and amount of memory in use.  The amount of memory used by TREXNameServer.x grows continously.
    A stop and restart of the TREX instance obviously frees up the memory.
    I have not been able to find any notes relating to this particular issue.
    Any advice would be appreciated.

    Hi Scott
    Please see the below notes
    Note 522821 - TREX installation together with additional programs
    Note 500408 - TREX 6.1/7.00: Performance tuning Windows 2000/2003
    Note 752950 - TREX 6.1/7.0:Windows Server 2003 with non administrator user
    Also, if you're using antivirus programs, Trex is giving  these kind of performance problems.  Maybe you can keep an exception in the antivirus to allow all trex related ddl's and .exe.
    But Trex uses mainly http based communication with the an SAP system, you can also check the netwirk if there is any firewall or any special filter that is causing this.

  • TREX server

    Hi Exports
    I am working on Solution Manager 7.0 EHP. we want to install trex server, my question is do we require any additional software licensing for this installation from SAP. consider it as high priorty

    When you mention 'other activities'... what exactly? If I remember correctly, the Solution Manager license agreement includes clauses about using the Solution Manager technology components only in the Solution Manager, not externally. As an example, the CRM functionality included with Solution Manager should not be used outside ChaRM, Service Desk and Maintenance Optimizer, I would assume that the same applies to TREX within Solution Manager.
    In any case, the Service Desk usage of TREX is included in the Solution Manager license, for the 'solution database' functionality.
    Best regards,
    Miguel Ariñ

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    Hi Gurus,
    What's the usage for the following options in cFolders?
    - Experienced user
    - Plug in
    - Acessibility  
    Please advise.
    Thanks and best regards

    I know only about plugin: The cFolders plug-in is an Applet that provides additional options for file handling. It supports the following activities:
    1. Download several files from a folder in cFolders to a folder on your local directory
    2. Upload several files from a folder on your local directory to a folder in cFolders

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    I have read dozens of threads providing "helpful" suggestions, and tried any that seem reasonable. But like most others who experience Firebug's memory problems, none address the issue.
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    55%, it's still 1.6Gb....there shouldn't be a problem scanning something that it says will take up 300Mb, then actually only takes up 70Mb.
    And not wrong, it obviously isn't releasing the memory when other applications need it because it doesn't, I have to close PS before it will release it. Yes, it probably is supposed to release it, but it isn't.
    Thank you for your answer (even if it did appear to me to be a bit rude/shouty, perhaps something more polite than "Wrong!" next time) but I'm sitting at my computer, and I can see what is using how much memory and when, you can't.

  • Problem with scanning and memory usage

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    While running PS, and only PS, with no files open, I have 2GB of RAM, why will PS not let me scan a file that it says will take up 300Mb?
    200Mb is about the limit that it will let me scan, but even then, the actual end product ends up being less than 100Mb. (around 70mb in most cases)I'm using a Dell AIO A920, latest drivers etc, and PS is set to use all avaliable RAM.
    Not only will it not let me scan, once a file I've opened has used up "x" amount of RAM, even if I then close that file, "x" amount of RAM will STILL be unavaliable. This means if I scan something, I have to save it, close PS, then open it again before I can scan anything else.
    Surely this isn't normal. Or am I being stupid and missing something obvious?
    I've also monitored the memory usage during scanning using task manager and various other things, it hardly goes up at all, then shoots up to 70-80% once the 70ishMb file is loaded. Something is up because if that were true, I'd actually only have 1Gb of RAM, and running Vista would be nearly impossible.
    It's not a Vista thing either as I had this problem when I had XP. In fact it was worse then, I could hardly scan anything, had to be very low resolution.
    Thanks in advance for any help

    55%, it's still 1.6Gb....there shouldn't be a problem scanning something that it says will take up 300Mb, then actually only takes up 70Mb.
    And not wrong, it obviously isn't releasing the memory when other applications need it because it doesn't, I have to close PS before it will release it. Yes, it probably is supposed to release it, but it isn't.
    Thank you for your answer (even if it did appear to me to be a bit rude/shouty, perhaps something more polite than "Wrong!" next time) but I'm sitting at my computer, and I can see what is using how much memory and when, you can't.

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    I hope somebody has an idea about this problem.

    55%, it's still 1.6Gb....there shouldn't be a problem scanning something that it says will take up 300Mb, then actually only takes up 70Mb.
    And not wrong, it obviously isn't releasing the memory when other applications need it because it doesn't, I have to close PS before it will release it. Yes, it probably is supposed to release it, but it isn't.
    Thank you for your answer (even if it did appear to me to be a bit rude/shouty, perhaps something more polite than "Wrong!" next time) but I'm sitting at my computer, and I can see what is using how much memory and when, you can't.

Maybe you are looking for

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