Trial version notice

I used the Director 11.5 trial version for awhile before purchasing a serial number for the full version. In one of two major projects developed in earlier versions of Director the trial version notice remains in the lower right corner of the stage. Interestingly, the other project is fine; no trial version notice. Any ideas? Thanks,
Working on Mac OS 10.7.4
Have upgraded to latest Director 11.5 version.

I am guessing that you created a projector with the trial version. If you create a projector with the licensed version, the Trial Notice should no longer appear.
Does this match what you are seeing?

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    Some student licenses actually did expire.
    Unfortunately, only Adobe customer service can assist you with your issue. These are user forums; you are not addressing Adobe here.
    Click on the link below, and after that click on "Still need Help? Contact us."
    Then on the next page, click Chat
    There is also a phone option. activation

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    Hi Maarton,
    Please follow the link to resolve the issue: Errors "Exit Code: 6," "Exit Code: 7" | CS5, CS5.5

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    Glad you got it working. But I'm concerned by the 'couldn't get anywhere' statement when you tried to sign in with your Adobe ID. Take a look under your Help menu in the Editor and make sure you have a 'Sign Out' entry followed by your Adobe ID email address. If not then at some point soon you will get a warning that the software needs to be signed in to keep using it. If not a Sign Out, then there should be a Sign In - that you should choose and try again.
    Insanity is hereditary, you get it from your children
    If this post or another user's post resolves the original issue, please mark the posts as correct and/or helpful accordingly. This helps other users with similar trouble get answers to their questions quicker. Thanks.

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    The previous version option is only available to individuals which have a membership.  The availability of previous version titles available is dictated by the computer meeting the minimum system requirements and the entitlement of the membership to access the requested applications.  To future viewers of this discussion if you are unsure what software titles your membership is entitled to please contact our support team directly at Contact Customer Care.
    Wastingyourlifeaway you can download the installers for the CC version of the applications from Download New Adobe CC Trials: Direct Links (no Assistant/Manager) | ProDesignTools.  Please make sure to complete the Very Important Instructions prior to scrolling down the page and clicking on the download link.

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    Hi, Ashish,
    I do not understnd what means “through CC package under exception folder”. I
    think I went to Google and found this page: . After the
    installing, which seemed to be successful, I brought in a Word file and made
    the exchange into pdf. It seemed to be ok, but I could not save it anywhere
    into my own libraries or maps. The system told me that the trial time is
    over (!). Then I went into my Abobe Creative Cloud because I have already
    Premier Pro and Premeir Pro CC. Through the list overt there I tried to do
    the installation again. I do not remember anymore what I got in the first
    place, maybe it was the same “Your trial time has 00 days” or something like
    that. Then I was asked to get the “serial number” I clicked the “button” but
    the reply was the same “Your trial time has 00 days”, or maybe there was
    some other demands before that. Impossible to remember anymore.
    Then I also noticed that I don’t have Adobe Reader anymore; I could not read
    any pdf files I had before. Everytime jumps up the message “Your trial time
    has 00 days”.

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    Hi scarabs55,
    Are you working with Acrobat or Photosohp? (You mention both PDF files and photos, so it's not clear.)
    Let us know what software you're thinking about upgrading and we can point you in the right direction.

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    Thanks for any responses.

    We being a state agency, we  have many security measures in place on our servers. It seems that all IT had to do was make an addition to our proxy. Problem solved. Everything downloaded fine and is working great. Now the fun/work begins.

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    Hi Rick,
    This was just announced and should fix your problem (ping back if it doesn't).
    Today we released Photoshop update version 13.0.4 (for Mac perpetual customers) and version 13.1.2 (for Creative Cloud members, Mac and Windows), resolving this licensing issue:
    Trial screen displays when you open Photoshop CS6 - When you open a copy of Photoshop CS6 that you purchased, a notice displays that you can try this product for 30 days
    How to get the Update
    1. In Photoshop, choose Help > Updates.
    2. The Adobe Application Manager will launch. Select Adobe Photoshop CS6 and choose Update. l

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    Barely. And not for 3D editing. I wouldn't hope to do 3D editing in it.
    More information here:

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    You can not import and edit FLV files in PE7, it will only export to FLV. It can import and edit SWF files. If you want to edit FLV files you will need to convert them to another format, ideally DV-AVI. You could do an internet search for a free converter (there are a few) or purchase one.

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    It continues to crashes...though I don't lose the latest edits...just absolutely it the best this app can do?
    I have a prety big (power) imac
    so it is not really bout minimun requirements
    Let me know

    Thanks I guess I was trying to push more info but didn't come out.
    Here the story
    I am editing a series of GOPRO trailers (30mps) HD
    The app seems to work fine but I notice has some difficulties to keep up with the frames.
    I was just using the razor to trim or do other basic functions and suddenly it crashes.
    It reopens with no loss...great mac.
    my system is 3.4 Ghz Core i7
    CPU : 16 gb 1333 Mhz DDR3
    Graphics :AMD Radeon HD 6970M 2048 MB
    Software : OS X 10.8.2 (12C60)

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    Anybody know? Thanks.

    I doubt it's missing. You probably just aren't looking in the right place. It's not a menu item. But, hey... way to cast an accusatory finger for no reason.
    It's a brush, look in the Brushes panel. Or click the "New Brush" icon at the bottom of the Brushes Panel and select Bristle Brush.

  • Differences in Trial version and full version

    Hello all,
    Have a project that I have attempted to publish from a retail
    client to a trial server unsuccessfully...the sample that came with
    the trial published fine...the project I am publishing is currently
    in use on another fully licensed version of RoboHelp there
    something with the trial version that will not allow me to publish
    a large project? Also, I recieve notice on the server now that
    RoboHelp is unable to create the virtual directory Robohelp and
    also the virtual directory RoboEngine...not sure if this is causing
    my problems or not...when I attempt to publish this
    stuff...everything works like it should....but it never publishes.
    thanks in advance for any help you can provide.

    Hi beldarski and welcome to our community
    If memory serves correctly (and assuming Adobe hasn't changed
    the playing field in this respect) I believe the trial has a limit
    of 25 topics.
    As for the RoboEngine bit, I'm not sure they even offer a
    trial for that part. So my question to you is this. What output did
    you create? If you tried WebHelp Pro or FlashHelp Pro and you tried
    publishing that to a generic Web server (no RoboEngine in place)
    I'm not sure what the behavior would be.
    Cheers... Rick

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    Hello KC,
    try to install it on vista before you revert to XP ( for the java-stack).
    I have installed both on vista business and it's running well ( fullfilled all the requirements, except the OS).
    First I've installed the abap-stack and then the java-stack. Did this for self-training regarding adobe interactive forms.

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