Trouble finding "top camera" training.  is there a good link or utube

trouble finding "top camera" training.  is there a good link or utube

Well, there are settings you can change in QuickTime Player to improve it's playback. Look in the Window menu to see the properties and inspect the QT movie.. there is a button to turn on in the Inspector so it plays at "high quality".. it's not the default setting, and will show you all the quality you have. Plus viewing interlaced material on a computer display will never look all that great, because the computer display is progressive, not interlaced... need to always judge things externally on a video monitor because of this, or add a Matrox MXO to your system to change the nature of the computer display so it becomes a video monitor in essence.
BUT any time you put a clip in a sequence in FCP, it changes it's format to match the format that the sequence itself is set to be. So if you put a 10 bit clip in a sequence set to render in 8, it becomes an 8 bit movie.

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    As for the scanner - so is this new one wireless? When I hooked up my Epson All-in-One, I had to install it via USB first before I could install the wireless (per their instructions).  With Snow Leopard, I simply installed the driver and it covered and recognized both the print and scan function - not so in Lion; I had to go through hoops with the scanner part and it finally showed up as a separate unit. I thought that is silly, but - as long as it works.....  I'm trying to think of possibilities since I'm about out of ideas, so you might want to consider that (if it applies). The other troubleshooting suggestions usually include redoing the "add" function after a reboot.
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    Thanks for reading

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    Queue error:
    (26000) - PreparePSProjectPermissionSynchronization.PreparePSProjectPermissionSynchronizationMessage.
    сведения: id='26000' name='GeneralQueueJobFailed'
    uid='231b2c2c-fc8b-e411-942d-0050569d3fac' JobUID='79031b2c-fc8b-e411-942d-0050569d3fac' ComputerName='7d8a1473-f6a8-4a8e-b7fb-1bdd868c7e20' GroupType='PreparePSProjectPermissionSynchronization' MessageType='PreparePSProjectPermissionSynchronizationMessage'
    MessageId='1' Stage='' CorrelationUID='a923d99c-8e88-c0e8-c7e2-08a980da8c96'.
    Для получения дополнительных сведений проверьте журналы ULS на компьютере
    7d8a1473-f6a8-4a8e-b7fb-1bdd868c7e20 для записей с JobUID
    In logs:
    12/25/2014 12:42:45.85        Microsoft.Office.Project.Server (0x07E4)        0x5E10           
    Project Server                            Sharepoint Integration           
    amed3 Exception        Unable to find top level site associated with project site Site1 System.IO.FileNotFoundException: <nativehr>0x80070002</nativehr><nativestack></nativestack>Нет
    именем "/Site1".     at Microsoft.SharePoint.Library.SPRequestInternalClass.OpenWebInternal(String
    bstrUrl, Guid& pguidID, DateTime& pdtTimeCreated, String& pbstrRequestAccessEmail, UInt32& pwebVersion, String& pbstrServerRelativeUrl, UInt32& pnLanguage, UInt32& pnLocale, String& pbstrDefaultTheme, String& pbstrDefaultThemeCSSUrl,
    String& pbstrThemedCssFolderUrl, String& pbstrAlternateCSSUrl, String& pbstrCustomizedCssFileList, String& pbstrCustomJSUrl, String& pbstrAlternateHeaderUrl, String& pbstrMasterUrl, String& pbstrCustomMasterUrl, String& pbstrSiteLogoUrl,
    String& pbstrSi...   2a29d99c-9ecc-c0e8-c7e2-037970debfdf

    Hi Kate_S,
    since you are already aware that its a known issue caused Sep 2014 CU i believe, and an official fix has yet to release.
    but i would like to clarify here that this issue doesn't have anything to do with project site creation, because sync queue job while creating project site fails but does not block other queues activities. so your project site should be created in a normal
    and until official fix will arrive, 1 of the option is to change your project sites to provision under root site collection instead of PWA site collection. But be aware that this will fix sync issue only for new project sites.
    Go to Central Administratio -> PWA settings -> open site provision settings menu and made changes.
    2nd option is, since Project Owner always get access to Project site, to teach your project owners to include project team members manually to project site permission group to allow them to have access. this option can help you with both new and existing
    project sites, and i personally prefer this and did the same for my affected customers.
    Hope these 2 options will help you. 
    Khurram Jamshed - MBA, PMP, MCTS, MCITP (
    Blog, Twitter, Linkedin )
    If you found this post helpful, please “Vote as Helpful”. If it answered your question, please “Mark as Answer”.

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    Hello fane,
    Re: duplicate images in finder.
    Nearly all images are JPG with a few GIF and PNG sprinkled in.
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    I am unable to add the file size on the view menu as it is grayed out. Don’t know why it’s gray, but having that info on the screen would save a lot of time and fiddling with each image.
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    Thanks for your help,

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    SkyDaughter29 wrote:
    My current situation: I have soooo many texts on my iphone and I haven't deleted many because I need the information contained in them for future reference and for legal purposes.  I would really like to find a means and way to save them other than on the phone itself. I've done searches for various apps yet I'm not finding what I think I would need.  It appears Apple does not sync the texts between the iphone and my MacBook Pro.
    Try the computer apps PhoneView (Mac) or TouchCopy (Mac & PC):
    Best of luck.

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    Is there any command or script to monitor the top 10 sql statments which are consuming more cpu time.
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    A quick and dirty Google search could have get you started with the following:
    Thread: how to get top CPU consuming sql oracle 10g
    Re: how to get top CPU consuming sql oracle 10g
    Oracle SQL top sessions
    "How to Find top 10 expensive sql's", version 9.2.0

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    It isn’t on the list but it produces DNGs with an embedded camera profile so it wouldn’t need any specific support from Adobe, I don’t think, so maybe they didn’t feel the need. 
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    I'm having troubles finding activities that were created by others.
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    To remind you, I had no problems finding any activity with any user
    and NOT depending who is the creator of that specific activity.
    Why is this happening?
    What can I do to fix this?
    Thank you very much,

    Thanks for the suggestions, Erland.  Unfortunately, I checked and there weren't always schemas added for these users as some were sysadmins or db_owners which is the exception to this feature in security.  Also, their SIDs don't match up with any
    existing SID values  in sys.database_principals or sys.server_principals.  The groups to which they belong are there, but these SIDs that aren't able to be resolved are different, and created for the individual user.
    The only way I've found to identify who owns an object is when it's a job and I use the system function SQLAgent_SUSER_SNAME() which will return the actual domain\account name of the person who owns the job.  This object only exists in msdb and SUSER_SNAME
    doesn't work in user databases.  There might be some other system function out there I haven't stumbled on yet but the two system tables you mentioned unfortunately rarely help.  Let me know if you have any other ideas?  And thanks for the response!

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    I would like to print a four sided programme, but am having trouble finding out how to organise the sections onto a 17  by 11 paper with the sections in the right order. Any help?

    If all you are going to do is print double sided and them make
    a single fold reducing the page to 8 1/2 x 11, one side of the
    original 17 x 11 page will be page 4 on the left as you hold
    the page facing you and page 1 on the right, reverse side
    should be printed so top is same as top on the the first side
    and will be page 2 to the left and page 3 to the right. Pick
    up the double sided document with pages 2 and 3 facing you, fold
    left edge to meet right edge; you should now have fold on the left
    with page 1 facing up toward you, turn the page as you normally
    would and pages 2 & 3 should be in order, and one more turn brings
    you to page 4 and the fold should know be on the right. I hope this
    explains clearly enough - if not, post back and some one should
    join in with a better explanation.

  • Hello, actully i didant find any camera in my ipad 4, so how to download and install it?

    Hello, actully i didant find any camera in my ipad 4, so how to download and install it?

    I am guessing you mean the Camera software icon.  There are front and rear hardware cameras on your iPad if indeed is an iPad 4.
    See this figure.  The camera icon looks like the one in the upper right.  If you don't see it, try Settings > General > Reset > Rest Home Screen Layout

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    Can you please tell me how to find top 10 wait events and what actions need to be taken when there is a wait?

    suggest you to use statspack !!!!!!! for the all tuning..else use the views
    * v$session_event
    * v$session_wait
    * v$system_event
    go through this for tuning tips

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    An update for same is coming.
    Theres a patch for same, see here:

Maybe you are looking for

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