Trouble getting flash player on opera

downloaded flash player because "missing plug-in" says it was successful but not working

To help troubleshoot we'll need the following system information:
Operating   system  
Flash   Player version
Assuming you are on Windows with Internet Explorer, please try the steps in these two faqs:
Enabling Flash Player in Internet Explorer
ActiveX Filtering in Internet Explorer

Similar Messages

  • How can I get Flash Player and install it?

    I29/Aug/2010 17:37
    TO: Adobe Forum
    I am running Windows XP Home, and using Mozilla Firefox 3.6.8 as my browser.
    When I go to download and install the latest version of Flash Player, the ONLY option I get is to quit. In other words, I cannot download and install Flash Player. This even occurs at Adobe's own website.
    How can I get Flash Player and install it?
    Thank you in advance.
    Barry Karas

    First, you can manually download the installer here:
    Second. On both my Mac (OS 10.6.4) and My PC (Vista Home Premium) I have had nothing but trouble with Firefox 3.6.8 and Flash player, Flash apps and Flash sites that require access to web cam or microphone or both.
    The last time Flash Player worked well with Firefox was 3.6.4, but I uninstalled 3.6.8 and went all the way back to 3.0 on both systems.
    Just a heads up. If you download the manual installer, and it still doesn't work, it ISN'T the Flash Player. It's Firefox. IE, Opera and Safari all work with it.
    Go to and get an older build of Firefox, uninstall 3.6.8, install the older one, go to Tools, and Options and turn off automatic checking for updates, so it doesn't try to take you back the the 3.6.8 "busted @$$ joint" that doesn't work worth poo.
    Maybe when they release 3.7, Firefox will have their act together with Adobe and Flash Player.

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    What OS?
    What browser?

  • Having trouble with Flash Player in regards to youtube

    Recently I started having trouble with Flash Player in regards to using it with youtube. Sometimes all I see is a blank white screen and sometimes I do see the video with no surrounding youtube webpage or suggested videos etc. Nothing has changed on my computer as far as I know except the usual updates etc. I have tried uninstalling Flash Player and reinstalling with no luck. I even tried an older version. I am running windows XP and IE and have McAfee for my anti-virus. I am not the most computer savy person in the world and could sure use some help.

    Thanks for the links. I am pretty sure it is not a problem with Flash Player itself but something else that is causing this. I don't know how to do a "screen shot", but even if I did I don't know that it would do anygood to show that because the youtube video screen and surrounding webpage only show for a second and then it goes totally white.
    Here is what I found:
    Intel(R) 82915G/GV/910GL Express Chipset Family
    Driver Provider          Intel corporation
    Driver Date               6/8/2005
    Driver Version
    Digital Signer               Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatability Publis
    This morning after doing some further reading and research on the Internet I tried running youtube in the  "InPrivate Browsing" window and youtube worked fine. So thinking I should delete my Internet Browing History, Cache, and Cookies, based on what I read I went ahead and did that but it still doesn't want to work. I think I did the deletions correctly? As I mentioned above I am not very computer savvy but can get by on the basics. Where should I go from here based on this info?

  • Getting Flash Player 11 to work.

    I am trying to use Flash Player 11.  When I download the program I get Installation sucessful.  However, when trying watch a video I get only a white screem where the video should be.  I am running  Win7 both 32/64 version. 
    Using the Adobe suppot site and trying the link to determine if Adobe is installed, I get message Adobe not installed.  I have tried to download and install without my firewall and virus protection disabled. 
    Most of the recommed trouble shooting ideas are beyond my computer capabilites.  I have using ver 10 and it worked fine, it was uninstalled before installling ver 11.
    Thanks for any help

    Carl, thanks for a response.  I am running Win7 home premium running 64bit edition.  Using Firefox 8.0.1 64bit ver. (have also tried on IE9 same results)
    Trying to get Flash Player to work.  Download-get message on Adobe site Installation was successful.  Try to open video from a site (in past has always work with previous ver of Flash Player 10) where the video usually runs only a white screen appears.  When I go back to the Adobe site and follow one of the suggestions for checking problem, is to determine version running, the site tells me Flash Player is not installed.  In Control Panel Flash Player Icon is shown as 32 bit, opening the program provides a popup screen with tabs of
    Storage,Camera and Mic,Playback and Advanced, the Advanced Screen shows ActiveX Version and Plug-in Version  I have tried to download and install with my security programs turned off. 
    I hope this helps

  • I am having trouble installing Flash Player 13/register error.

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    Use the MSI installer: 13_active_x.msi

  • Trouble installing Flash Player 11.8.800.94 on Macintosh

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    Any suggestions? -mountain.html
    If you're not comfortable with terminal commands:
    Download the offline installer here (right click and "Save as")
    Quit all browsers
    Go to: MacHD/Library/Internet Plugins... and if the Flash Player.plugin is still there "trash it".
    Then go to: Mac HD/Library/Application Support/Adobe and "trash" the Flash Player folder if it's still there.
    Empty the trash.
    Mount the DMG and run the installer
    Relaunch Firefox and it should work

  • Is anyone else having trouble with Flash Player in Mac OS X Yosemite using Safari.

    I can't install, it gets to 30% downloading and stops.  I deleted it completely from my computer to no avail, same problem happened when I tried a clean install

    madgaxed *Is anyone else having trouble with Flash Player in Mac OS X
    Yosemite using Safari.*
    created by sofd5928497 <>
    in *Installing
    Flash Player* - View the full discussion
    I have the same problem!!!
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    22 марта 2015 04:07 пользователь "sofd5928497" <[email protected]>
        Is anyone else having trouble with Flash Player in Mac OS X Yosemite
    using Safari.  created by sofd5928497
    <> in Installing Flash Player
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  • Trouble installing flash player on IE

    I am haveing trouble installing flash player I have IE and it
    keeps poping up download cancelled or stopped and asked retry or
    quit. I cant get any further I also tried installing on that didnt work either. Do I need the newest version
    of IE.

    Originally posted by:
    I am haveing trouble installing flash player I have IE and it
    keeps poping up download cancelled or stopped and asked retry or
    quit. I cant get any further I also tried installing on that didnt work either. Do I need the newest version
    of IE.
    Try uninstalling flash player using these directions. They
    were posted by BWolfe from Adobe in another msg..
    ONE: Identify possibly leftover Flash player bits
    a. Open C:\WINDOWS\system32\Macromed\Flash folder.
    b. Download the latest FP uninstaller from
    c. Run the uninstaller. If you get a notice saying you need
    to reboot, then reboot.
    d. Look at C:\WINDOWS\system32\Macromed\Flash folder.
    e. Does any file ending in .ocx remain? (flash.ocx,
    flasha.ocs, flash9d.ocx etc...)
    e1. If no, then you don't usually have any leftover locked
    You're done with this part of the problem, go to the Adobe
    home page and see if you can install the latest version of the
    Flash Player.
    e2. If yes, then that remaining .ocx file may be locked.
    Right click it
    and select properties and look at the version tab.
    What is the version number?
    f. Is the version number Flash Player or earlier?
    f1. Use the uninstaller instructions from this technote:
    -- section "Flash Player and earlier"
    -- DO NOT re-register the uninstaller. ONLY do this
    UninstFl.exe part.
    Yes, you'll need to know how to use the command line to do
    this. If you're not
    comfortable with that then take your machine to someone who
    g. Is the version number Flash Player or higher?
    g1. Use the uninstaller instructions from this technote:
    -- section "Flash Player 9 ( and later"
    -- DO NOT re-register the uninstaller. ONLY do this
    UninstFl.exe part.
    In both the D and E sections above you'll need to use the
    specific name of the control that remains
    in the C:\WINDOWS\system32\Macromed\Flash. So if you had a
    stuck flash9b.ocx[DJM1] in the folder
    and version was, your uninstall command would look
    like this:
    UninstFl.exe -u
    That said, if you have trouble running these commands it
    really is necessary to find someone who knows how
    to use the command line, either a friend or a local
    professional. Or spend some time learning about the
    command line yourself.
    h. RERUN the uninstaller you downloaded earlier. This should
    get rid of the remaining (now unlocked) .ocx file and fix any
    registry keys associated with it.
    ALL of section "ONE: Identify possibly leftover Flash player
    bits" is important. BUT this locked bit problem only happens on
    maybe one out of 50 machines. So most people with installation
    problems such as this are not going to have locked bits.

  • I am having trouble getting Flash media to play on my Hubpages

    I am having trouble getting Flash media to play on my Hubpages website - - and am wondering if it can be used on this particular web service or if it is blocked by some of their script. Any help would be appreciated.

    Thanks for your reply. This forum is for issues with the Edge Code getting started tutorial. For issues with Flash Player, you may want to try the Flash Player forum at
    - Brian

  • Can I get Flash Player on my mobile?

    Can I get Flash Player on my mobile? I use Nokia N81 8G. I want to watch video on my phone with Opera Mini 4.0.

    ferb82 wrote:
    Well, I have no answer that I need. Can anyone  help me? Can you share your exp about fixing it?
    [spam link removed]
    We don't reply to posts with spam links; end of topic.

  • Trouble getting flash to install

    I am having trouble getting flash to install on my system.  I have vista, and am using IE8.  Every time that I run the Adobe DLM I get this message "Operating system error! (16291.103.506 - 73172312.80004005.FFFFFFFF.00000000)"  Now I have no idea what that means, but I am pretty sure that isn't good.  If there is anyone who could help me sort this out I would appreciate it a lot.

    Use the installer without DLM:

  • I play many games on facebook, which now want me to upgrade to adobe flash player 14, but I can't because I have Mac OSX 10.5.8  Do I   need to  purchase snow leopard and then get mavericks in order to get flash player 14 to play my games?

      I play l many games on facebook, which I can't now because they want me to upgrade to adobe flash player 14, my version will not allow me to, Do I need to purchase snow leopard, then upgrade to maverick in order to get flash player 14 to work?

    You need to upgrade to Snow Leopard, but don't need to go past 10.6.8 to run the current version of Flash.

  • I have Mac OS X 10.4.11 with 600 mhz PowerPC G3 how do i get Flash Player (65.7 MB) power pc processor

        i have Mac OS X 10.4.11 with 600 mhz PowerPC G3 how do i get Flash Player (65.7 MB) power pc processor?

    Flash Player version is the last version available to PPC Mac users. However, this Flash version won't work for many videos on Facebook, YouTube and other sites. Adobe's latest version, 10.2.x or later, is only for Intel Macs. Adobe will not provide a newer Flash version for PPC Macs.
    The message requesting that you download Adobe Flash Player takes you to Flash Player requiring an Intel processor. Doesn't work on a PowerPC processor. I found a hack, installed it & it works with Firefox, TenFourFox & Safari.
    Download this to your desktop, unzip it, and replace the current Flash Player plug-in which is in your main/Library/Internet Plug-Ins folder, (not the user Library). Save the old one just in case this one doesn't work.
    Hack Allows PowerPC Macs to Access Flash 11 Content
     Cheers, Tom

  • How can I get flash player to work on my iPad?

    How can I get flash player to work on my iPad?

    Adobe has not made a version of Flash for the iPad.
    Kappy explains why.
    5 Flash Player Alternatives
    Top 4 browsers supports flash player on iPad and iPhone
     Cheers, Tom

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