Trouble posting

I am having trouble posting my problem as I keep getting my post rejected with warning that I have included content in my post that is not permitted.
This is so frustrating. I cannot see what I have done wrong. No bad words, no profanity, just a simpe question

Am puzzled to see where. Its about video streaming problems. It was accepted after numerous permutations.
The stream in question was not given as a link. It concerned a sporting event. It is perfectly legal. It also rejected the post when a reference was made to the global sports event in the UK capital city this summer

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    Would you please press F7 or follow the path Menu --> Goto --> Error log. This will provide you the details of the error messages.

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    Hi anitajean!
    You are probably looking on a Category page, and not a Forum page.
    If you have a question, or suggestion, about using Discussions, from this page Feedback about Discussions, click on Post New Topic.
    This is the Forum where you just posted your issue.
    If you have a Technical question about Apple Hardware, Programs, Services, Technology, Software, Applications, Products, etc, from this page Discussions - Forum Home, select an appropriate Category from one of the sixteen divisions.
    For example, under Mac OS X Related Software, choose the Category Mac OS X v10.5 Leopard.
    On the page that opens, select a Forum, such as Installation & Setup, orUsing Mac OS X Leopard.
    Most Category pages, have numerous Forums within them.
    But some may have only one, two, or three.
    For example the Safari Category page has four choices listed under Forum / Category, but only two of them, are Forums:
    Safari For Windows
    Safari for Mac Support forum.
    And the Apple Remote Desktop Category, has only one Apple Remote Desktop Forum.
    On Forum pages, there is an option to Post New Topic.
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    More info here How Is Discussions Content Organized.
    It can be confusing, but explore the different areas, and you will acquire a better understanding of the hierarchy.
    ali b


    To start with my spec's
    AMD 3500 S939 'Venice' Stock Cooler
    BIOS V 3
    PSU ANTEC Truepower 2.0 550W (has 2 X 18amp 12V rails)
    1gb (2x512mb) OCZ PC 4000 VX GOLD
    Leadtek 6800GT PCI Express
    WIN XP Pro SP2 (OEM)
    Pioneer DVD Writer
    Audigy 2 ZX
    All brand new and no overclocking undertaken.
    My problem is that my system is a nightmare to get to boot/post. After I first built it last week it booted up fine the first time. Seemed stable as I ran through the Doom 3 demo and Thief 3 to give the system a bit of stress. It worked fine for hours CPU was fine, temp about 33-36 degrees at the time. Shutdown and went to bed.
    The next day went out to boot up and this is where the problems started to occur.
    I hit the power button the case fans spin, cpu coooler fan starts spinning, blue LED on motherboard comes on, the DLED's hang at chipset initiallization. Eventually after hitting the power up button on the case and resetting about ten times the system finally boots up, runs for hours like a dream, will reboot with no problems.
    Next day cold boot same problem.
    I pulled everything apart, pulled out the cmos Batt etc... Left over night.
    I put it together outside the case on insulated material with 1 DIMM of RAM, HDD, Graphics Card. Same problem it eventually booted. Then it reboots fine first go while adding more and more hardware. 
    This is the problem once it does boot up I can reboot non stop as often as I like with no problems. If I switch off over night, when I go to cold boot in the morning it is a nightmare to get going. Is this something endemic to this board or is it a problem my particular motherboard. To me this inidcates that all the components work and that it is a motherboard problem.
    I just want to know as it is only a week old and I can RMA for a new board if I do it in the next few days.

    i'm starting to  think that the problem could be related to the Graphics Card or PCI express slot. I did a second strip down of the system and noticed that when I removed the graphics card it hung on the DLED 'initalize floppy controller" and did not hang on the  'early chipset initialzation' . From BIOS changed the system setup to not to seek for A:floppy, then when I reboot (cold left overnight) without the graphics card it goes through to fully boot, can hear the HD booting up and get 4 green DLED's.(no output without a screen connected of course)  The only trouble is that it virtually won't boot with my Leadtek 6800gt Graphics card at all now, it is taking 20 to 30 goes on a cold boot. However when it does it has been running for hours ok. I notice also that when I updated to the latest Nvidia Drivers, Thief 3 would start crashing in certain sections and rebooting the machine.   Could this be the problem isolated stuffed Card or PCI express slot.

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    RSS File:
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    I tried playing your .mov file, but it stalls in the browser window.
    Recompile your podcast episode as an MP3, update your XML file to reflect the new file name, and repost to your server.
    Mitchell A.
    Producer and host
    BuzzBender More Buzz. No Filler.
    G4   Mac OS X (10.3.9)  

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    Try #C9 in Pondini's Time Machine Troublshooting

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    <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0">
    <!-- ImageReady Slices (401banner1.gif) -->
    <!-- End ImageReady Slices -->
    and I'm trying to put it into the widgets - add html box.
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    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
    <body background-color="#FFFFFF" margin-left="0" margin-top="0" margin-width="0" margin-height="0">
    +<!-- ImageReady Slices (401banner1.gif) -->+ These are annotations you need to add the actually 401banner1.gif or a link to it.e.g
    +<!-- End ImageReady Slices --> Annotation+

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    1 - in the iPhoto preferences ==> web is check for newly published photos set to automatically or manually - usually manual is best for responsiveness
    2 - if it is manual click on the broadcast icon to the right of the Facebook album in the source pane on the left and wait until it finishes and goes back to the completed symbol and then go to Facebook and check
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    IV) I try to post again -- w/o cut & paste, as it doesn't work for me on this forum either
    V) Repeat:  Go to I)
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    WebRequest request = WebRequest.Create("");
    request.Method = "POST";
    string postData = "payload=user%3Dtestusername%2Cpassword%3Dtestpassword";
    byte[] byteArray = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(postData);
    request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
    request.ContentLength = byteArray.Length;
    System.IO.Stream dataStream = request.GetRequestStream();
    dataStream.Write(byteArray, 0, byteArray.Length);
    // Get the response.
    WebResponse response = request.GetResponse();
    Please refer to the documentation on the link above for more information.
    Please also remember to mark helpful posts as answer to close your threads and then start a new thread if you have a new question.
    Hmm just a question with this way, my project has an option to load in a word-list thats split with a : which is all coded already and the split name is ac.username and ac.password how would you implement that option in the method you posted? 
    So for instance instead of using testusername it would be ac.username and instead of testpassword it would be the function ac.password.
    Hope you understand.

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    Hi, since installing the latest Yosemite my email accounts on my mac mobcap pro have stopped working, I've reinstalled etc, but outgoing mail just sits in out box, any ideas or is there a setting that needs to be readjusted since installation.
    Incomming email arrives, outgoing just sitsThanks

    I am totally in agreement with you. I upgraded from Snow Leopard to Yosemite on the recommendation of a "genius" at the genius bar and have had nothing but trouble ever since. I do not have a business but just want to be able to normally send email. The SMTP outgoing mail is the culprit. It works part of the time and then all of a sudden it won't work. I have spent endless hours with my service provider, I have combed the internet  "helpers" out there who say to do this and that and for the most part, the mail just hangs in the outbox. My latest combination was to click using the TLS Certificate "Apple" option as well as not checking the "allow insecure authentication" along with the 465 port using SSL. Problem is I don't know how long the mail will be able to go through with these preferences checked.  All of this frustration should not have to be. What was wrong with the old email? It worked fine. Seems like Yosemite email should be functional before touting this new system. I am a believer in Apple, thinking that they are the best of the best, but I'm losing my faith. When folks pay more for an great computer they should expect it to work. I am so disappointed.

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    Craigs List error.
    For some reason I can't post ads on Craigslist with my Safari browser The brower will let me prepare the ad, attach photographs, but when I go to post them (I click "Continue") I always get error below and Safari will not load the page and my ad is lost.
    Safari can’t open the page “”. The error was: “Operation could not be completed. (kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork error 302.)” (kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork:302) Please choose Report Bugs to Apple from the Safari menu, note the error number, and describe what you did before you saw this message.
    It is a pain in the but having to send all my pictures to work to a PC to complete my ads. LAME.
    Please help - THANKS in advace
    Michael M.

    Hi and Welcome to Apple Discussions ...
    Run Disk Utility and Repair Disk Permissions. Disk Utility is in your Applications/Utilities folder. Launch DU, select MacintoshHD 10.x.x. then select the First Aid tab, then click Repair Disk Permissions. Should only take a few minutes depending on the size of the drive. When it's finished, Quit DU and reboot your Mac. Then try Craigslist.

  • Trouble posting an app update

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    I was able to get my app out of the Waiting for Upload. It was one of two things or both combined.
    1. I followed the directions for multiple applications and uploaded again.
    2. I tried to update the update notes to say the update was to fix Apple's Distribution Certification issue and ran into an issue that the update text field could only be 64 characters long so I trimmed down my old update description to 63 characters.
    Then magically it appeared.
    I'm onto updating my second app. We'll see if that makes it beyond waiting for upload.

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    I was able to get my app out of the Waiting for Upload. It was one of two things or both combined.
    1. I followed the directions for multiple applications and uploaded again.
    2. I tried to update the update notes to say the update was to fix Apple's Distribution Certification issue and ran into an issue that the update text field could only be 64 characters long so I trimmed down my old update description to 63 characters.
    Then magically it appeared.
    I'm onto updating my second app. We'll see if that makes it beyond waiting for upload.

  • Trouble posting to site

    I use Iweb but don't post to mobile me (or whatever they call that thing), I use a different service. Is it true that every time I transfer info to the web, I have to transfer my entire collection of files (even the ones I've already transferred), or can I just transfer the ones that have been added and/or altered? If I CAN just transfer a few at a time, are there certain "technical" files that also have to be transferred along with them? For example, there's one called "script" that looks like it might contain necessary technical stuff. I'm a computer idiot and any advice would be appreciated. (I've been using Fetch to transfer, by the way.)

    Welcome to the Apple Discussions. You don't have to upload all of the files but you will have to know which were changed and upload only those. Roddy uses an application, I believe it's WebSite Maestro, that can compare the published files to the ones in the folder that you published to and only upload those that have been changed. Search this forum for Roddy's posts and "upload" or "Website Maestro" to find the topics where he discusses it. There are some FTP clients that may be able to do the job also. Not sure if CyberDuck is one of them. Transmit can sync between two folders but not sure if it only works with file creation date and not content changes.

Maybe you are looking for