제품 : SQL*NET
작성날짜 : 2002-11-24
이 글은 고객들이 Oracle Server의 Oracle Networking 제품들을 사용하다가
Networking과 관련된 문제를 만났으나 스스로 해결할 수 없는 경우, 예를
들어 에서 같은 case를 발견할 수 없는 경우,
원인을 찾기 위하여 Networking 제품의 trace를 떠 보는 방법을 설명합니다.
Oracle Networking 제품을 사용 중에 어떠한 문제를 겪는 경우 무엇보다도
OS의 Networking Protocol Stack 쪽을 살펴보는 것이 선행되어야 합니다.
일부 고객분들은 Oracle Networking 제품들이 OS의 Protocol Stack이 동작
하는데 어떤 중대한 영향을 주는 것이 아닌가 하고 문의를 합니다만
그러한 의문은 Oracle Networking 제품도 OS의 Protocol Stack을 사용하는
하나의 network client라는 것을 이해함으로써 해소가 됩니다.
Oracle Networking 제품도 OS의 Protocol Stack을 이용하는 하나의 network
client이기 때문에 Oracle Networking 제품이 OS Protocol Stack의 동작에
어떠한 식으로든 영향을 준다던가 하는 것은 있을 수 없기 때문입니다.
고객의 관점에서 OS의 Protocol Stack은 정상적으로 설정이 되었다고 믿고
있으며 기타 networking 환경을 정확히 판단할 수 없는, 예를 들어
host설정은 잘 되어 있다고 믿고 있으나 firewall을 통해야만 하는 등의
다소 접근하기 어려운 networking 환경에서 networking이 잘 되지 않는,
예를 들어, Oracle Server에 연결이 잘 안되거나 연결 중 networking
error가 발생하는 경우에는에서 같은 case를
찾는 것이 가장 빠른 해결 방법입니다.
그러나 드물게에서 같은 case가 나오지 않는
경우 Oracle Networking 제품의 trace file을 떠서 원인을 찾게 됩니다.
Oracle Networking 제품은 Oracle 7.x에서 SQL*Net, Oracle 8.x에서 Net 8.x,
Oracle 9.x에서 Oracle Net Services라는 이름이 가지고 있으나 여기에서는
편의상 모두 Oracle Networking 제품으로 부르도록 하겠습니다.
아울러 여기서 언급하는 Trace File은 Oracle Server의 Trace File과
다른 것입니다. Oracle Server의 Trace File은 database instance의 대한
내용만을 기록하며 Oracle Networking 제품의 Trace File은 networking에
대한 내용만을 기록합니다.
Trace File의 작성 방법은 Oracle 7.x부터 9.x까지 같습니다.
Solution Description
1. Client가 되는 host에서 어떠한 문제를 경험한 경우, 간혹 문제의 발생
빈도가 낮거나 network나 server 쪽에 이상을 느끼시면서도 문제를 확인하기
여러운 경우가 있습니다. 이런 경우엔는 문제가 다시 발생될 때 까지
Client에서 Client Trace File를 작성하여 보아야 합니다.
a. prompt$ echo $TNS_ADMIN
b. $TNS_ADMIN이 설정되어 있으면, prompt$ cd $TNS_ADMIN
아니면, prompt$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin
c. vi sqlnet.ora
# 다음 line들을 추가
예를 들어, client가 Windows OS인 경우 다음과 같이 합니다.
prompt> notepad sqlnet.ora
d. SQL*Plus와 같은, 또는 사용하던 Client software를 계속 이용
e. 다시 문제가 발생
f. 작성된 trace file들의 날자를 보아 문제가 발생한 시간과
거의 같은 시간에 작성된 file들이 있는지 확인
prompt> dir D:\temp
client_<PID1>.trc ...
client_<PID2>.trc ...
g. trace를 중단합니다.
prompt$ vi sqlnet.ora
h. Trace Assistant를 이용하여 Oracle Networking 제품의 error code
(이하 TNS error code)를 trace file에서 찾아냅니다.
prompt$ cd <directory of TRACE_DIRECTORY_client>
prompt$ trcasst <filename of TRACE_FILE_client>_<PID>.trc > trcasst.out
prompt$ vi -R trcasst.out
Trace Assistant (trcasst command)는 Oracle 8.x부터 제공되며,
Oracle 9.x의 Trace Assistant를 사용할 것을 권합니다.
i. oerr command로 tns error에 대한 error message를 봅니다.
예를 들어, 흔한 경우 중에 listener가 실행 중이지 않거나 잘못된
tnsnames.ora 설정으로 client가 listener가 service 중이지 않은
network address로 연결을 시도하다가 TNS-12541 TNS-12560 TNS-511
error가 차례대로 나왔다면 다음과 같이 하여 각 TNS error code에
대한 message와 설명 및 해결방법을 볼 수 있습니다.
prompt$ oerr tns 12541
prompt$ oerr tns 12560
prompt$ oerr tns 511
j. Trace Assistant가 알려준 TNS error code를
에서 검색하여 같은 case가 있는지 확인합니다.
Web browser에서:
1) Go to, then login
오른쪽 위 HTML frame에서 :
2) "Advanced" Button을 누릅니다.
오른쪽 아래 HTML frame에서:
3) "Enter Keyword" text box에 tns error code를 모두 입력합니다.
예를 들어, tns-12541 tns-12560 tns-511
4) "Search" button을 누릅니다.
k.에서 검색이 거의 되지 않거나
문제가 매우 이상한 경우 이 글 아래를 보시기 바랍니다.
2. Client에서 SQL*Plus나 Oracle Client를 사용하는 다른 3rd party
appliction은 잘 동작하나 유독 tnsping command에서 error가 나는 경우가
드물게 있습니다. 이 때에는 tnsping command의 trace file을 작성해봅니다.
prompt$ vi sqlnet.ora
prompt$ tnsping <tns alias>
3. Server, 즉 listener에 문제가 있다고 생각되는 경우 우선 listener의
log file을 봅니다. listener의 log에 대해서는 bulletin.18364를
4. listener의 trace file은 다음과 같이 설정합니다.
listener의 trace 설정은 parameter 이름에 trace file을 작성하고자 하는
listener의 이름이 오는 점, 설정 후 listener process를 restart해야 하는
점 두 가지를 제외하면 나머지 절차가 앞서 설명드린 client와 같습니다.
prompt$ vi listener.ora
TRACE_LEVEL_<listener name>=16
TRACE_FILE_<listener name>=<filename>
TRACE_DIRECTORY_<listener name>=<directory>
prompt$ lsnrctl stop <listener name>
prompt$ lsnrctl start <listener name>
5. 만일 위와 같이을 검색하여도
같은 case가 전혀 없거나 찾아낸 error message들이 원인과 관련이 없어
보일정도로 매우 이상한 경우 다음과 같이 해봅니다.
a. Oracle Software의 version과 OS의 version이 certification matrix에
있는 지 확인합니다.
Web browser에서:
1) Go to, then login
왼쪽 menu에서 :
2) "Certify & Availabilty" menu item을 click합니다.
오른쪽 아래 HTML frame에서:
3) 현재 사용중인 Product와 그 version 및 OS와 그 version을 선택하
여 검색합니다.
Certification Matrix는 매우 정확하게 정보를 보여주고 있습니다.
Matrix에 없는 Oracle Product와 OS version은 certify되어 있지 않으며
모든 Oracle 제품을 Certify되지 않은 OS version에서 사용하는 것은
그 어떠한 이유로든 보증과 지원이 되지 않습니다.
만일 사용중인 제품이 certify되지 않은 경우, 무조건 certify된 제품
과 OS의 version으로 install하여 다시 시도를 해야 합니다.
예를 들어, Windows OS의 경우 그 어떠한 Oracle 제품도 Windows Me 및
Windows XP Home Edition에 certify되어 있지 않습니다.
Windows 2000 Professional 이상에 Certify된 제품은 Oracle 8.1.6부터
이며 XP Professional 이상에 Certify된 제품은 Oracle 9.0.1부터
Oracle 제품은 software이기는 하나 매우 완벽한 수준의 제품이라고 할
수 있습니다. 그러나 Oracle 제품은 하나의 OS의 process로써 실행이
되고 시간이 지나며 많은 환경이 major upgrade가 되면서 그러한 환경
에 따라 Oracle software도 새로운 version으로 제작이 되면서 다시
certification이 이루어지게 됩니다.
그렇기 때문에 고객들은 특히 다수의 client나 고가의 server를 계획하
시는 고객들은 저희 certification matrix를 사전에 철저히 확인하셔야
앞서 Certification Matrix이전에 Installation Guide에 명시된
OS version만이 certify되어 있다고 생각하시면 되겠습니다.
b. Unix에서는 Oracle Software를 install한 후 OS의 Networking patch를
씌우고 사용하다보면 문제가 되는 경우가 있습니다.
이런 경우 relink를 해주어 바뀐 OS환경에서 Oracle 실행 file들을 다
시 만들어 주어야 합니다.
자세한 내용은에서
다음 글을 읽어 보시기 바랍니다.
Note:131321.1 How to Relink Oracle Database Software on UNIX
c. Certify된 환경에서도 원인을 찾을 수 없는 경우 trace file을 가지고
Oracle Support Services에 문의를 합니다. (지원 계약 고객에 한함)
Reference Documents
Chapter 17 Trouble shooting Oracle Net Services
Oracle 9i Net Services Administrator's Guide
SQL*Net, Net8.x, Net Services 9.x Network Administration Guide/Reference

제품 : SQL*NET
작성날짜 : 2002-11-24
이 글은 고객들이 Oracle Server의 Oracle Networking 제품들을 사용하다가
Networking과 관련된 문제를 만났으나 스스로 해결할 수 없는 경우, 예를
들어 에서 같은 case를 발견할 수 없는 경우,
원인을 찾기 위하여 Networking 제품의 trace를 떠 보는 방법을 설명합니다.
Oracle Networking 제품을 사용 중에 어떠한 문제를 겪는 경우 무엇보다도
OS의 Networking Protocol Stack 쪽을 살펴보는 것이 선행되어야 합니다.
일부 고객분들은 Oracle Networking 제품들이 OS의 Protocol Stack이 동작
하는데 어떤 중대한 영향을 주는 것이 아닌가 하고 문의를 합니다만
그러한 의문은 Oracle Networking 제품도 OS의 Protocol Stack을 사용하는
하나의 network client라는 것을 이해함으로써 해소가 됩니다.
Oracle Networking 제품도 OS의 Protocol Stack을 이용하는 하나의 network
client이기 때문에 Oracle Networking 제품이 OS Protocol Stack의 동작에
어떠한 식으로든 영향을 준다던가 하는 것은 있을 수 없기 때문입니다.
고객의 관점에서 OS의 Protocol Stack은 정상적으로 설정이 되었다고 믿고
있으며 기타 networking 환경을 정확히 판단할 수 없는, 예를 들어
host설정은 잘 되어 있다고 믿고 있으나 firewall을 통해야만 하는 등의
다소 접근하기 어려운 networking 환경에서 networking이 잘 되지 않는,
예를 들어, Oracle Server에 연결이 잘 안되거나 연결 중 networking
error가 발생하는 경우에는에서 같은 case를
찾는 것이 가장 빠른 해결 방법입니다.
그러나 드물게에서 같은 case가 나오지 않는
경우 Oracle Networking 제품의 trace file을 떠서 원인을 찾게 됩니다.
Oracle Networking 제품은 Oracle 7.x에서 SQL*Net, Oracle 8.x에서 Net 8.x,
Oracle 9.x에서 Oracle Net Services라는 이름이 가지고 있으나 여기에서는
편의상 모두 Oracle Networking 제품으로 부르도록 하겠습니다.
아울러 여기서 언급하는 Trace File은 Oracle Server의 Trace File과
다른 것입니다. Oracle Server의 Trace File은 database instance의 대한
내용만을 기록하며 Oracle Networking 제품의 Trace File은 networking에
대한 내용만을 기록합니다.
Trace File의 작성 방법은 Oracle 7.x부터 9.x까지 같습니다.
Solution Description
1. Client가 되는 host에서 어떠한 문제를 경험한 경우, 간혹 문제의 발생
빈도가 낮거나 network나 server 쪽에 이상을 느끼시면서도 문제를 확인하기
여러운 경우가 있습니다. 이런 경우엔는 문제가 다시 발생될 때 까지
Client에서 Client Trace File를 작성하여 보아야 합니다.
a. prompt$ echo $TNS_ADMIN
b. $TNS_ADMIN이 설정되어 있으면, prompt$ cd $TNS_ADMIN
아니면, prompt$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin
c. vi sqlnet.ora
# 다음 line들을 추가
예를 들어, client가 Windows OS인 경우 다음과 같이 합니다.
prompt> notepad sqlnet.ora
d. SQL*Plus와 같은, 또는 사용하던 Client software를 계속 이용
e. 다시 문제가 발생
f. 작성된 trace file들의 날자를 보아 문제가 발생한 시간과
거의 같은 시간에 작성된 file들이 있는지 확인
prompt> dir D:\temp
client_<PID1>.trc ...
client_<PID2>.trc ...
g. trace를 중단합니다.
prompt$ vi sqlnet.ora
h. Trace Assistant를 이용하여 Oracle Networking 제품의 error code
(이하 TNS error code)를 trace file에서 찾아냅니다.
prompt$ cd <directory of TRACE_DIRECTORY_client>
prompt$ trcasst <filename of TRACE_FILE_client>_<PID>.trc > trcasst.out
prompt$ vi -R trcasst.out
Trace Assistant (trcasst command)는 Oracle 8.x부터 제공되며,
Oracle 9.x의 Trace Assistant를 사용할 것을 권합니다.
i. oerr command로 tns error에 대한 error message를 봅니다.
예를 들어, 흔한 경우 중에 listener가 실행 중이지 않거나 잘못된
tnsnames.ora 설정으로 client가 listener가 service 중이지 않은
network address로 연결을 시도하다가 TNS-12541 TNS-12560 TNS-511
error가 차례대로 나왔다면 다음과 같이 하여 각 TNS error code에
대한 message와 설명 및 해결방법을 볼 수 있습니다.
prompt$ oerr tns 12541
prompt$ oerr tns 12560
prompt$ oerr tns 511
j. Trace Assistant가 알려준 TNS error code를
에서 검색하여 같은 case가 있는지 확인합니다.
Web browser에서:
1) Go to, then login
오른쪽 위 HTML frame에서 :
2) "Advanced" Button을 누릅니다.
오른쪽 아래 HTML frame에서:
3) "Enter Keyword" text box에 tns error code를 모두 입력합니다.
예를 들어, tns-12541 tns-12560 tns-511
4) "Search" button을 누릅니다.
k.에서 검색이 거의 되지 않거나
문제가 매우 이상한 경우 이 글 아래를 보시기 바랍니다.
2. Client에서 SQL*Plus나 Oracle Client를 사용하는 다른 3rd party
appliction은 잘 동작하나 유독 tnsping command에서 error가 나는 경우가
드물게 있습니다. 이 때에는 tnsping command의 trace file을 작성해봅니다.
prompt$ vi sqlnet.ora
prompt$ tnsping <tns alias>
3. Server, 즉 listener에 문제가 있다고 생각되는 경우 우선 listener의
log file을 봅니다. listener의 log에 대해서는 bulletin.18364를
4. listener의 trace file은 다음과 같이 설정합니다.
listener의 trace 설정은 parameter 이름에 trace file을 작성하고자 하는
listener의 이름이 오는 점, 설정 후 listener process를 restart해야 하는
점 두 가지를 제외하면 나머지 절차가 앞서 설명드린 client와 같습니다.
prompt$ vi listener.ora
TRACE_LEVEL_<listener name>=16
TRACE_FILE_<listener name>=<filename>
TRACE_DIRECTORY_<listener name>=<directory>
prompt$ lsnrctl stop <listener name>
prompt$ lsnrctl start <listener name>
5. 만일 위와 같이을 검색하여도
같은 case가 전혀 없거나 찾아낸 error message들이 원인과 관련이 없어
보일정도로 매우 이상한 경우 다음과 같이 해봅니다.
a. Oracle Software의 version과 OS의 version이 certification matrix에
있는 지 확인합니다.
Web browser에서:
1) Go to, then login
왼쪽 menu에서 :
2) "Certify & Availabilty" menu item을 click합니다.
오른쪽 아래 HTML frame에서:
3) 현재 사용중인 Product와 그 version 및 OS와 그 version을 선택하
여 검색합니다.
Certification Matrix는 매우 정확하게 정보를 보여주고 있습니다.
Matrix에 없는 Oracle Product와 OS version은 certify되어 있지 않으며
모든 Oracle 제품을 Certify되지 않은 OS version에서 사용하는 것은
그 어떠한 이유로든 보증과 지원이 되지 않습니다.
만일 사용중인 제품이 certify되지 않은 경우, 무조건 certify된 제품
과 OS의 version으로 install하여 다시 시도를 해야 합니다.
예를 들어, Windows OS의 경우 그 어떠한 Oracle 제품도 Windows Me 및
Windows XP Home Edition에 certify되어 있지 않습니다.
Windows 2000 Professional 이상에 Certify된 제품은 Oracle 8.1.6부터
이며 XP Professional 이상에 Certify된 제품은 Oracle 9.0.1부터
Oracle 제품은 software이기는 하나 매우 완벽한 수준의 제품이라고 할
수 있습니다. 그러나 Oracle 제품은 하나의 OS의 process로써 실행이
되고 시간이 지나며 많은 환경이 major upgrade가 되면서 그러한 환경
에 따라 Oracle software도 새로운 version으로 제작이 되면서 다시
certification이 이루어지게 됩니다.
그렇기 때문에 고객들은 특히 다수의 client나 고가의 server를 계획하
시는 고객들은 저희 certification matrix를 사전에 철저히 확인하셔야
앞서 Certification Matrix이전에 Installation Guide에 명시된
OS version만이 certify되어 있다고 생각하시면 되겠습니다.
b. Unix에서는 Oracle Software를 install한 후 OS의 Networking patch를
씌우고 사용하다보면 문제가 되는 경우가 있습니다.
이런 경우 relink를 해주어 바뀐 OS환경에서 Oracle 실행 file들을 다
시 만들어 주어야 합니다.
자세한 내용은에서
다음 글을 읽어 보시기 바랍니다.
Note:131321.1 How to Relink Oracle Database Software on UNIX
c. Certify된 환경에서도 원인을 찾을 수 없는 경우 trace file을 가지고
Oracle Support Services에 문의를 합니다. (지원 계약 고객에 한함)
Reference Documents
Chapter 17 Trouble shooting Oracle Net Services
Oracle 9i Net Services Administrator's Guide
SQL*Net, Net8.x, Net Services 9.x Network Administration Guide/Reference

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    Work through all the suggestions in this Apple support document first.
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    To help troubleshoot we'll need the following system information:
    Operating   system  
    Flash   Player version
    When reporting issues with video or audio, it's also helpful to get your system hardware and driver details.  Instructions for finding this information can be found here:
    Finally, sometimes video and audio problems are caused at a lower level and not directly related to Flash Player.  I recommend trying both of the links below to see how they perform.  If the problem exists with both, then Flash Player is most likely not the culprit as the HTML5 video link does not use Flash Player when playing.  You can verify the use of HTML5 by right clicking the HTML5 video and looking for the words "About HTML5" at the bottom of the context menu.
    HTML5   video  
    Non-HTML5 video

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    Have him take it to an Apple store or AASP. (Stay away from Macs. You're a PC guy).

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    What can be wrong here? I haven't done anything to the server that could start these problems. This started all of a sudden. 
    Thank you all in advance for any help.
    I rebooted my server in safe mode and I tried to run SFC /Scannow which stops at 84% and gives me following message:
    "Windows Resource Protection could not perform the requested operation."
    I also tried to run "DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth". This did not help either. It completes the operation but nothing changes. The problem is still there.
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    I have also completed the chkdsk C: /r command and now the SFC /Scannow command can be completed, with notification that some files could not be fixed. I have attached the sfcdetail.txt file which points out that
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    2015-01-04 03:12:54, Info                  CSI    00000477 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:24{12}]"tsgclean.exe" of Microsoft-Windows-TSProxy-EdgeAdapter,
    Version = 6.3.9600.16384, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_AMD64 (9), Culture neutral, VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch

    Did you remember any operation which you had done before this issue occurred? For examples, install any update,
    install any third-party application or any other? Just a confirmation, thanks for your understanding.
    For those problematic services, please open services’ Properties and navigate to
    Dependencies tab, then check if all system components which this service depends on run as normal.
    In addition, please open Event Viewer and check if find relevant events. Meanwhile, please follow the path:
    %programdata%\Microsoft\Windows Server\Logs and check Dashboard log file if find more clues.
    By the way, when you run
    sfc /scannow command completely, did you open Server Manager or Dashboard again? Any difference?
    If any update, please feel free to let me know.
    Hope this helps.
    Best regards,
    Justin Gu
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact [email protected].
    Hello Justin,
    Regarding the third-party applications:
    I have not installed any third-party application that could cause this problem. All my third-party applications that are installed on the WS2012 R2 are confirmed working well with the operative system and are installed at the time when I hadn't these problems.
    I cannot say anything about windows update because that is something that I update once in a week after checking that no user is reporting any issues. I have learned my leason with windows update when I had Surface Pro 2, that was a dissaster.
    Regarding the Windows Updates:
    Anyway, I tried to remove all the windows updates before as well (not the security updates) down to 5th December which is the time when I know that my server worked well. Only two updates could not be removed (KB3012199 and KB2989647). I don't
    know if these two updates can cause any problem?
    Regarding the problematic services:
    For example: Checking the properties for "Windows Server Essentials Management Service" -> It is dependable on
    "1. Active Directory Domain Services" and "2. Windows Server Essentials Provider Registry Service".
    No 1 is running but not no 2. If I try to start no 2 service it will give me the same message as before:
    "Windows could not start the Windows Server Essentials Management Services on Local Computer. Error 1068: The dependency service or group failed to start"
    Regarding the Logs:
    I have uploaded Dashboard log files which are created after 5th December to my dropbox account: Link
    Regarding the SFC command:
    Of course, when the SFC command was completed but with error that it could not repair
    tsgclean.exe I tried to start the essentials dashboard and WS2012 server manager with no luck.
    What about the error message? I looked up that file in the explorer and it is located in folder "C:\Windows\WinSxS\amd64_microsoft-windows-tsproxy-edgeadapter_31bf3856ad364e35_6.3.9600.16384_none_2ec8d374a0ac5606"
    Why can't it be repaired and what kind of file is that?
    Best regards

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    <binding.ejb ejb-version="EJB3"
    And as I said I also tried with:
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    In the log the error I have is this one:
    <This error contained the exceptions thrown by the underlying routing system. Root cause : faultName: {{}bindingFault}
    messageType: {{}RuntimeFaultMessage}
    parts: {{
    summary=<summary>Invocation Exeption: :</summary>
    ,detail=<detail>Invocation Exeption: :</detail>
    Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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    IIRC can you set up a cluster with shared SCSI storage.
    Anders Gustafsson (NKP)
    The Aaland Islands (N60 E20)
    Have an idea for a product enhancement? Please visit:

  • Problem running report with BI Publisher and Web Service

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    I use the following documents:
    - "How to integrate Oracle BI Publisher via Web Services in Oracke Forms"
    Everything works fine. But when I try to copy it on local computer the file is 0 length. I use the "getReportBytes" method.
    Here is the code I tried with:
    String userName = “Administrator”;
    String passWord = “Administrator”;
    System.out.println(”calling ” + myPort.getEndpoint());
    ReportRequest repReq = new ReportRequest();
    ReportResponse repRes = new ReportResponse();
    repReq.setAttributeTemplate(”World Sales”);
    repReq.setReportAbsolutePath(”/Sales Manager/World Sales/World Sales.xdo”);
    repRes = myPort.runReport(repReq,userName,passWord);
    byte[] binaryBytes = repRes.getReportBytes();
    OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(”D:
    System.out.println(”Success for Run Report”);
    Thanks in advance.

    I assume that you use If not, my hint is not relevant for you ....
    There's a new parameter in the web service API to set the Chunk-Size. Unfortunaltely is the default value not so, that the behaviour is like in older releases (no chunk-size ... the whole document at once). If you set the chunk size to -1, you should get your document. So try to add

  • Error Message - ... increase net retry count and net retry interval.

    The error message is received when attemping to use Smart View to load data the HFM. Any rule to thumb to determine increases? User are being migrated ti IE7 unsure if this has an impact.

    You might give this a try on the IE7 machines:
    If you have IE7 installed on your pc, changing the registry values of KeepAliveTimeout and ServerInfoTimeout to 180000 (decimal) may help. The full path is HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\InternetSettings, using regedit.

  • Kisight: How do I get my iSight working ?  Trouble Shooting an iSight Camera.  (Version 3)

    Replacement for the second draft of this Thread   (To be removed if Published as Tip)
    kisight: How do I get my iSight working ?
    Trouble Shooting an iSight Camera.  (Version 3)
    Hi,     On many subjects Apple has Articles and Documents that can help.
    In some case they are written by an Engineer or similar and can miss the mark for the average user.
    In other cases they are crafted, detailed responses to an issue that has popped up many times in the Apple Discussions and take the best from many responses in those User-to-User Discussions, creating something that can not be surpassed.
    This is the case of the Apple Article HT2090 on Trouble Shooting an iSight.
    It lists steps and processes to go through for both Internal iSights and External ones.
    However as with most things it does sometime pay to reword things differently so that people grasp the points in language they understand.
    The info here is a reworking itself of two pages at Jim pages namely EZ JIm's page 2 Where can I Find Help With My iSight ? and his page 4, How Can I Test My iSight is Completely Functional ?  which were written several years ago and predate the Apple Article, being aimed at the External iSight.  They have been updated since to address the Internal iSight as well but some of the comments are useful between the two types.
    External First.  For Internal iSights Start at 2b)  (you will need to adjust some options/steps as the Internal is USB)
    1) Pre Purchase
    If buying an External iSight you should if you an get to see it in action.Apple no longer sells the External iSight so you will be buying it second hand.If you cannot get to see the device plugged in and working on  Mac then check the smaller print of the seller and selling site as to nature of Returns and Faulty Goods.
    2) Does it work ?
    a) First of all Plug it in.  It should come with a suitable mount (although there are variants on this) and a 6 pin to 6 pin Firewire cable.
    Ideally it should have it's own Firewire port/socket on your computer. Connecting it "DaisyChained" to other devices can be a problem as they do not all use Firewire at the same Data speed.
    It will then go through some checks as the OS powers it up and checks it's firmware.
    Do not be concerned that the little green indicator light atop your iSight illuminates for a few seconds and then goes dark when you first connect your iSight or power on your Mac. Do not be concerned if you hear a soft whir as iSight attempt to focus either. Both these occurrences are normal. If your iSight passes the following tests, do not worry about this sound or the status of the green light.
    There is no ON switch as such.  It does have an iris mechanism that can be controlled by the User.  The iris should be turned so you can see the Lens for the iSight to send pictures to an application.
    b) Pick an Application to see the picture the iSight produces.iChat is one application you can use. Photobooth is another. iMovie (Version 4 or above for external iSight -- Version 6 or above for in-built iSight) and Comic Book (if bundled on your Mac) are yet more.
    See this Users Tip for more applications Or this page for yet more.
    Photo Booth is probably the simplest as it has no Preferences to choose a camera in the original version and is done from the Menu items in later versions  (nor is there any setting in the OS) and Photo Booth will default to the External Camera if one is plugged in before the application is started.     If you see your self or what the camera is pointing at, It Works !!
    3) If it does Not Work
    a) Check Cables/leads.  Re-seat the cable at both ends. DO this carefully as although Firewire cables are keyed to fit the right way it has been known to force them the wrong way.
    Try another 6 pin to 6 pin firewire cable.
    b) Unplug the cable from any other FireWire device and give the iSight it's Own FireWire port/socket on the Mac (exclude issues with other FireWire devices). It is important that this be a port/socket on your computer and that you know that it works. Do not use a port in a FireWire hub or another FireWire device or a FireWire port in an Apple Display for testing.  (Also see d below if you have an 800 FIreWIre Computer)
    c) Check System Profiler (Apple Icon menu top Left > About this Mac. > More Info Button)Open the Reveal Triangles to see the list and go to Hardware > FireWire.  (Use USB for Internal Cameras)
    If it appears here try booting or Logging in as another user on the Mac (Create a Test account if you don't have one) and try item 2b) above again.
    d) With FireWire 800 computers you may have to change your FireWire 400 to 800 Adaptor or Cable to get full Audio functionality with Lion Apps
    If it is not in the System Profiler you are almost certainly going to need the Trouble Shooting Article from Apple at this point.  This Article may also be of help (number HT1317 What to do if your computer won't recognise a FireWire or USB device).
    If you have not resolved things at this stage it is going to be time for an Engineer with Apple credentials.There are no user serviceable parts inside any iSight.
    Other Items
    The External Camera has two mics inside.The volume it records at or plays through for iChat is controlled in System Preferences > Sound > Input tab (select device) and this should be set to get the blue response bar to at least half way (preferably three quarters) when you talk.The same applies to any other Mic, even the Internal one on laptops and some other Macs.
    The System Profiler as detailed above should tell you the Firmware the iSight has.  The current version is 1.0.3 and was updated in Panther.  (Essentially it is an Audio compatibility update but does seem to help in other situations)
    If your computer is running Panther (10.2.x) then use this Updater
    If running Tiger (10.4.x) or Leopard (10.5.x) then navigate manually to your Hard Drive/System/Library/Core Services/iSight Updater and run the updater found there.
    If an iSight is Plugged in on the Computer when you do an  OS update and the firmware needs updating on the iSight this app is supposed to be triggered but it seem it may need a hand at times.
    Focusing on the External iSight
    Essentially the External iSight is self or Autofocusing.
    If in doubt then try better lighting and strong colours as opposes to light or pastels.
    (All built-in iSights are fixed focus. Therefore, unless a built-in iSight lens cover is dirty or smudged, any built-in iSight whose image is blurry needs service by an Engineer with Apple credentials.)
    EZ Jim has these more specific recommendations for piece of mind.
      Make a cross whose lines are about one-half inch or more wide on a plain background to use as a focus target. (I have even used black electrical tape.)
    Turn on plenty of light and hold the target very still at about two or three feet from the lens. Watch iSight focus. (You may need to use a tripod or brace yourself to hold the target still enough.)
    Then quickly move the target and hold it very still at about one foot away from the lens. Watch iSight focus.
      Finally, move in to about six inches from iSight, and check focus there, too. (Holding the target still is more important as you get closer to iSight.)
    This Users Tip by Ian Bickerstaff  can give you clues for any application really  "Look  and sound good in iChat"
    Other Info and Links
    iSight Support info at Apple Links to Users Guide, Manual and many other topics on the External iSight.
    Apple's iSight Firewire Connectivity FAQs
    Apple's iSight Service FAQs
    If you feel you have not understood or think you have not grasped something here or in the links so far try the iSight Discussion Forum
    1:13 PM      Saturday; October 8, 2011
    Please, if posting Logs, do not post any Log info after the line "Binary Images for iChat"
     G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
     MacBookPro 2Gb( 10.6.8)
     Mac OS X (10.6.8),
    "Limit the Logs to the Bits above Binary Images."  No, Seriously

    Replacement for the second draft of this Thread   (To be removed if Published as Tip)
    kisight: How do I get my iSight working ?
    Trouble Shooting an iSight Camera.  (Version 3)
    Hi,     On many subjects Apple has Articles and Documents that can help.
    In some case they are written by an Engineer or similar and can miss the mark for the average user.
    In other cases they are crafted, detailed responses to an issue that has popped up many times in the Apple Discussions and take the best from many responses in those User-to-User Discussions, creating something that can not be surpassed.
    This is the case of the Apple Article HT2090 on Trouble Shooting an iSight.
    It lists steps and processes to go through for both Internal iSights and External ones.
    However as with most things it does sometime pay to reword things differently so that people grasp the points in language they understand.
    The info here is a reworking itself of two pages at Jim pages namely EZ JIm's page 2 Where can I Find Help With My iSight ? and his page 4, How Can I Test My iSight is Completely Functional ?  which were written several years ago and predate the Apple Article, being aimed at the External iSight.  They have been updated since to address the Internal iSight as well but some of the comments are useful between the two types.
    External First.  For Internal iSights Start at 2b)  (you will need to adjust some options/steps as the Internal is USB)
    1) Pre Purchase
    If buying an External iSight you should if you an get to see it in action.Apple no longer sells the External iSight so you will be buying it second hand.If you cannot get to see the device plugged in and working on  Mac then check the smaller print of the seller and selling site as to nature of Returns and Faulty Goods.
    2) Does it work ?
    a) First of all Plug it in.  It should come with a suitable mount (although there are variants on this) and a 6 pin to 6 pin Firewire cable.
    Ideally it should have it's own Firewire port/socket on your computer. Connecting it "DaisyChained" to other devices can be a problem as they do not all use Firewire at the same Data speed.
    It will then go through some checks as the OS powers it up and checks it's firmware.
    Do not be concerned that the little green indicator light atop your iSight illuminates for a few seconds and then goes dark when you first connect your iSight or power on your Mac. Do not be concerned if you hear a soft whir as iSight attempt to focus either. Both these occurrences are normal. If your iSight passes the following tests, do not worry about this sound or the status of the green light.
    There is no ON switch as such.  It does have an iris mechanism that can be controlled by the User.  The iris should be turned so you can see the Lens for the iSight to send pictures to an application.
    b) Pick an Application to see the picture the iSight produces.iChat is one application you can use. Photobooth is another. iMovie (Version 4 or above for external iSight -- Version 6 or above for in-built iSight) and Comic Book (if bundled on your Mac) are yet more.
    See this Users Tip for more applications Or this page for yet more.
    Photo Booth is probably the simplest as it has no Preferences to choose a camera in the original version and is done from the Menu items in later versions  (nor is there any setting in the OS) and Photo Booth will default to the External Camera if one is plugged in before the application is started.     If you see your self or what the camera is pointing at, It Works !!
    3) If it does Not Work
    a) Check Cables/leads.  Re-seat the cable at both ends. DO this carefully as although Firewire cables are keyed to fit the right way it has been known to force them the wrong way.
    Try another 6 pin to 6 pin firewire cable.
    b) Unplug the cable from any other FireWire device and give the iSight it's Own FireWire port/socket on the Mac (exclude issues with other FireWire devices). It is important that this be a port/socket on your computer and that you know that it works. Do not use a port in a FireWire hub or another FireWire device or a FireWire port in an Apple Display for testing.  (Also see d below if you have an 800 FIreWIre Computer)
    c) Check System Profiler (Apple Icon menu top Left > About this Mac. > More Info Button)Open the Reveal Triangles to see the list and go to Hardware > FireWire.  (Use USB for Internal Cameras)
    If it appears here try booting or Logging in as another user on the Mac (Create a Test account if you don't have one) and try item 2b) above again.
    d) With FireWire 800 computers you may have to change your FireWire 400 to 800 Adaptor or Cable to get full Audio functionality with Lion Apps
    If it is not in the System Profiler you are almost certainly going to need the Trouble Shooting Article from Apple at this point.  This Article may also be of help (number HT1317 What to do if your computer won't recognise a FireWire or USB device).
    If you have not resolved things at this stage it is going to be time for an Engineer with Apple credentials.There are no user serviceable parts inside any iSight.
    Other Items
    The External Camera has two mics inside.The volume it records at or plays through for iChat is controlled in System Preferences > Sound > Input tab (select device) and this should be set to get the blue response bar to at least half way (preferably three quarters) when you talk.The same applies to any other Mic, even the Internal one on laptops and some other Macs.
    The System Profiler as detailed above should tell you the Firmware the iSight has.  The current version is 1.0.3 and was updated in Panther.  (Essentially it is an Audio compatibility update but does seem to help in other situations)
    If your computer is running Panther (10.2.x) then use this Updater
    If running Tiger (10.4.x) or Leopard (10.5.x) then navigate manually to your Hard Drive/System/Library/Core Services/iSight Updater and run the updater found there.
    If an iSight is Plugged in on the Computer when you do an  OS update and the firmware needs updating on the iSight this app is supposed to be triggered but it seem it may need a hand at times.
    Focusing on the External iSight
    Essentially the External iSight is self or Autofocusing.
    If in doubt then try better lighting and strong colours as opposes to light or pastels.
    (All built-in iSights are fixed focus. Therefore, unless a built-in iSight lens cover is dirty or smudged, any built-in iSight whose image is blurry needs service by an Engineer with Apple credentials.)
    EZ Jim has these more specific recommendations for piece of mind.
      Make a cross whose lines are about one-half inch or more wide on a plain background to use as a focus target. (I have even used black electrical tape.)
    Turn on plenty of light and hold the target very still at about two or three feet from the lens. Watch iSight focus. (You may need to use a tripod or brace yourself to hold the target still enough.)
    Then quickly move the target and hold it very still at about one foot away from the lens. Watch iSight focus.
      Finally, move in to about six inches from iSight, and check focus there, too. (Holding the target still is more important as you get closer to iSight.)
    This Users Tip by Ian Bickerstaff  can give you clues for any application really  "Look  and sound good in iChat"
    Other Info and Links
    iSight Support info at Apple Links to Users Guide, Manual and many other topics on the External iSight.
    Apple's iSight Firewire Connectivity FAQs
    Apple's iSight Service FAQs
    If you feel you have not understood or think you have not grasped something here or in the links so far try the iSight Discussion Forum
    1:13 PM      Saturday; October 8, 2011
    Please, if posting Logs, do not post any Log info after the line "Binary Images for iChat"
     G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
     MacBookPro 2Gb( 10.6.8)
     Mac OS X (10.6.8),
    "Limit the Logs to the Bits above Binary Images."  No, Seriously

  • Trouble shoot this BDC Issue

    Hi experts,
    Can anybody trouble shoot this,... program..  and suggest me the remedy ?
    My issue is, After giving the file name in call transaction, I was unable to execute further.
    So please suggest me what to do.....
    Ram Kumar
    << Unformatable code removed >>
    Edited by: Rob Burbank on Jul 8, 2009 9:16 AM

    That sounds like a problem between your hardware and Java3D - have you checked your OpenGL drivers?

  • Hidden network drives "home" and "net" shown in folder view Adobe Bridge CS5 / Lion Problem

    Updated to Mac OS X 10.7.2 Lion and got this "problem":
    The hidden network drives "home" and "net" shown in folder view Adobe Bridge CS5 (unlike in 10.6 Snow Leopard).
    Normally these network drives are hidden (in Finder and other Apps) - but Adobe Bridge CS5 is showing them, despite "show hidden files" is unchecked in Adobe Bridge.
    Not a dramatic "bug", but it also shouldn't be a big problem for Adobe Bridge engineers to solve this. My first question to the Adobe Support was answered like: "we don't know what Apple did change, so we cannot do anything". Hmmm, are you serious?
    I tried to resolve that problem by myself but failed. So, if an Adobe engineer is reading this post: perhaps Adobe Bridge is ignoring the automounter master map (that was my approach to resolve it):
    # Automounter master map
    +auto_master                    # Use directory service
    /net           -hosts                 -nobrowse,hidefromfinder,nosuid
    /home                                        auto_home       -nobrowse,hidefromfinder
    /Network/Servers               -fstab
    /-                              -static
    You cannot do anything to these folders, so it is not a serious issue, but, I mean, did someone at Adobe check compatibiliy with 10.7 and ignored this issue? If so, are there an other issues ignored?
    But I guess, the compatibilty update for Bridge CS5 for Lion is Bridge CS6 - to be fair: I also have to say, that in general Bridge is running okay on Mac OS X 10.7.2 (but could be better, as always;)

    Hi Curt Y,
    thanks for your answer! Yes you' re right, I forgot to mention that ... before I posted here, I sent a bug report via the Apple Bug Report webpage about the issue ... of course, here are 2 parties involved.
    I had a similiar problem once and I got a meesage back from Apple: "that it is a 3rd party problem, sorry" (it was about color management).
    I am just a user and I often feel very strange about Apple's (topsecret) communication behaviour ... Whatever, what do I know about software engineering? - Right.
    Maybe someone on this forum has an idea, because I'm afraid, thus it is not a serious bug, no one would take care about it in the next time (during my research I found an older post here on the forum about the same problem ...).
    thanks for help in advance,

  • I'm getting error messages when I download updates for lightroom and flash for the mac. can't figure out how to trouble shoot.

    I'm getting error messages when I download updates for lightroom and flash for the mac. can't figure out how to trouble shoot.

    It sounds as if your browser and some of your apps are not color-managed.  This is pretty typical.  Even IE9 is only partially color-managed.
    You can expect color-managed and non-color-managed applications to show you different things with the same images.  How different will depend upon how different your monitor color profile is from the image's color profile.
    For web publication and most general use, experts usually advise saving images with the sRGB profile.  If such images, saved through the Save for Web & Devices function, look different to you than you expect, it may be that your input images have previously been saved in another color space.
    You should really try to get your head around color-management by reading more on it.  It can seem baffling and it's difficult to understand without some background.  A quick web search turns up many overviews.  Beware, though, even people writing articles sometimes don't fully understand it.

  • 11.0.5 won't recognize iphone 5, tried all trouble shoots offered.  Anything else?

    I have read alot of the posts about iPhone 5 not being recognized now that people upgraded to 11.0.5 itunes software.
    I went through all the trouble shooting for Mac OS 10.8.4 and itunes 11.0.5 and restarting either device, checking and changing USB 2.0 ports
    and everything else has yeilded no ability for my iMac to recognize my iphone 5 at all.
    Any other ideas?

    As you can see by the lack of response to your question, even though there are lots of willing and competent readers of your question, when you say "I've tried everything ...", then what else could someone possibly suggest?
    Instead, try enumerating either all the steps you have tried, or all the articles you have read (and are certain you tried every single remedy listed) in these articles.
    There is an article out there that will contain a solution to your issue.

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