Troubleshoot Error - Unable to perform table-based value assignment config

After to creating class, characteristics, and value assignment type, the system is unable to perform table-based value assignment configuration. The following error is displayed:

Hi Mr. SAP,
Based on the diagnosis, you can figure out that most likely someone is already editing the customizing table or might you are not authorized..
In case if you have the access to SM12 Transaction code, kindly check if an entry present there. If yes it means the table is locked and you can't proceed on that. you have to reach out to the specific resource to unlock the table who did a lock, else you need to reach out to BASIS to make that entry delete.
Regarding authrization for locking of table, please check SU53 after the execution of the T-code, if you are missing any role. If you find anything there, then reach out to your Security team to get and assigned roles to your profile.

Similar Messages

  • EHS: Set up Table-based Value assignment Error.

    Hi all,
    We are customizin Basic Data & Tools and when trying to set table based assignments (table TCG11_VAI; program RC1TCG11_02) we are getting no entries in the table. The message shown is always <i>"0 unchanged entries, 0 new entries, 0 entries deleted"</i> independant on the entry criteria
    The problem is that we can create those entries manually but it will be endless
    Has this happened to anyone before? Any idea?
    Many thanks and regards,

    Hi all,
    We have just find the solution.
    Just for your information the problem was that the IMG activity "Adopt
    Standard Specification Database" was executed but not working properly
    because no data can be copied from client 000. Then when executing "Set
    Up table Based Value Assignment" no entries were made in the table. We
    have just change the client, execute "Adopt Standard Specification
    Database" and then "Set Up table Based Value Assignment" and now is
    working properly

  • Getting error Unable to perform transaction on the record.

    My requirement is to implement the custom attachment, and to store the data into custom lob table.
    my custom table structure is similer to that of standard fnd_lobs table and have inserted the data through EO based VO.
    Structure of custom table
    LANGUAGE VARCHAR2(4 BYTE) DEFAULT ( userenv ( 'LANG') ),
    ORACLE_CHARSET VARCHAR2(30 BYTE) DEFAULT ( substr ( userenv ( 'LANGUAGE') , instr ( userenv ( 'LANGUAGE') , '.') +1 ) ),
    i have created a simple messegefileupload and submit button on my custom page and written below code on CO:
    Process Request Code:
    TransactionUnitHelper.startTransactionUnit(pageContext, "AttachmentCreateTxn");
    System.out.println("In ProcessRequest of AplAttachmentCO");
    if(!TransactionUnitHelper.isTransactionUnitInProgress(pageContext, "AttachmentCreateTxn", true))
    OADialogPage dialogPage = new OADialogPage(NAVIGATION_ERROR);
    ProcessFormRequest Code:
    if (pageContext.getParameter("Upload") != null)
    DataObject fileUploadData = (DataObject)pageContext.getNamedDataObject("FileItem");
    String strFileName = null;
    strFileName = pageContext.getParameter("FileItem");
    if(strFileName == null || "".equals(strFileName))
    throw new OAException("Please select a File for upload");
    fileName = strFileName;
    contentType = (String)fileUploadData.selectValue(null, "UPLOAD_FILE_MIME_TYPE");
    BlobDomain uploadedByteStream = (BlobDomain)fileUploadData.selectValue(null, fileName);
    String strItemDescr = pageContext.getParameter("ItemDesc");
    OAFormValueBean bean = (OAFormValueBean)webBean.findIndexedChildRecursive("AttachmentId");
    String strAttachId = (String)bean.getValue(pageContext);
    System.out.println("Attachment Id:" +strAttachId);
    int aInt = Integer.parseInt(strAttachId);
    Number numAttachId = new Number(aInt);
    Serializable[] methodParams = {fileName, contentType , uploadedByteStream , strItemDescr , numAttachId};
    Class[] methodParamTypes = {fileName.getClass(), contentType.getClass() , uploadedByteStream.getClass() , strItemDescr.getClass() , numAttachId.getClass()};
    am.invokeMethod("setUploadFileRowData", methodParams, methodParamTypes);
    System.out.println("Records committed in lobs table");
    if (pageContext.getParameter("AddAnother") != null)
    true, // retain AM
    if (pageContext.getParameter("cancel") != null)
    TransactionUnitHelper.endTransactionUnit(pageContext, "AttachmentCreateTxn");
    Code in AM:
    public void apply(){
    public void initAplAttachment() {
    OAViewObject lobsvo = (OAViewObject)getAplLobsAttachVO1();
    if (!lobsvo.isPreparedForExecution())
    Row row = lobsvo.createRow();
    public void setUploadFileRowData(String fName, String fContentType, BlobDomain fileData , String fItemDescr , Number fAttachId)
    AplLobsAttachVOImpl VOImpl = (AplLobsAttachVOImpl)getAplLobsAttachVO1();
    System.out.println("In setUploadFileRowData method");
    System.out.println("In setUploadFileRowData method fAttachId: "+fAttachId);
    System.out.println("In setUploadFileRowData method fName: "+fName);
    System.out.println("In setUploadFileRowData method fContentType: "+fContentType);
    RowSetIterator rowIter = VOImpl.createRowSetIterator("rowIter");
    while (rowIter.hasNext())
    AplLobsAttachVORowImpl viewRow = (AplLobsAttachVORowImpl);
    System.out.println("setting on fndlobs done");
    The attchemnt id is the sequence generated number, and its defaulting logic is written in EO
    public void create(AttributeList attributeList) {
    OADBTransaction transaction = getOADBTransaction();
    Number attachmentId = transaction.getSequenceValue("xxapl_po_ship_attch_s");
    public void setAttachmentId(Number value) {
    System.out.println("In ShipmentsEOImpl value::"+value);
    if (getAttachmentId() != null)
    System.out.println("In AplLobsAttachEOImpl AttachmentId::"+(Number)getAttachmentId());
    throw new OAAttrValException(OAException.TYP_ENTITY_OBJECT,
    getEntityDef().getFullName(), // EO name
    getPrimaryKey(), // EO PK
    "AttachmentId", // Attribute Name
    value, // Attribute value
    "AK", // Message product short name
    "FWK_TBX_T_EMP_ID_NO_UPDATE"); // Message name
    if (value != null)
    // Attachment ID must be unique. To verify this, you must check both the
    // entity cache and the database. In this case, it's appropriate
    // to use findByPrimaryKey() because you're unlikely to get a match, and
    // and are therefore unlikely to pull a bunch of large objects into memory.
    // Note that findByPrimaryKey() is guaranteed to check all AplLobsAttachment.
    // First it checks the entity cache, then it checks the database.
    OADBTransaction transaction = getOADBTransaction();
    Object[] attachmentKey = {value};
    EntityDefImpl attachDefinition = AplLobsAttachEOImpl.getDefinitionObject();
    AplLobsAttachEOImpl attachment =
    (AplLobsAttachEOImpl)attachDefinition.findByPrimaryKey(transaction, new Key(attachmentKey));
    if (attachment != null)
    throw new OAAttrValException(OAException.TYP_ENTITY_OBJECT,
    getEntityDef().getFullName(), // EO name
    getPrimaryKey(), // EO PK
    "AttachmentId", // Attribute Name
    value, // Attribute value
    "AK", // Message product short name
    "FWK_TBX_T_EMP_ID_UNIQUE"); // Message name
    setAttributeInternal(ATTACHMENTID, value);
    Issue faced:
    When i run the page for the first time data gets inserted into custom table perfectly on clicking upload button,
    but when clicked on add another button on the same page (which basically redirects to the same upload page and increments the attachment id by 1)
    i am getting the below error:
    Unable to perform transaction on the record.
    Cause: The record contains stale data. The record has been modified by another user.
    Action: Cancel the transaction and re-query the record to get the new data.
    Have spent entire day to resolve this issue but no luck.
    Any help on this will be appreciated, let me know if i am going wrong anywhere.
    Thanks nd Regards

    After, inserting the values please re-execute the VO query.
    Also, try to redirect the page with no AM retension

  • FRM-40505  Oracle Error: Unable to perform query(URGENT)

    Hi I developed a form with a control_block and table_block(based on table)
    in same Canvas.
    Based on values on control_block and pressing Find button detail block will be queried.
    Control_block ->
    textitem name "payment_type" char type
    text item name "class_code " char type
    push button "find"
    base table: --> payment_terms(termid,payment_type,class_code,other colums)
    table_block is based on above table
    Now I have written when-button-pressed trigger on find button..
    l_search varchar2(100);     
    l_search := 'payment_type='|| :control_block .payment_type||' AND class_code='||:control_block .class_code ;
         when others then
    I am getting
    FRM-40505 Oracle Error: Unable to perform query
    please help..

    You don't need to build the default_where at run time. Just hard-code the WHERE Clause property as:
        column_x = :PARAMETER.X
    But, if for some compelling reason, you MUST do it at run time this should work:
    Note that there are NO quotes except for first and last. If you get some sort of error when you query, you should actually see :Parameter.X replaced with :1 when you do Help, Display Error.

  • Error:Unable to interpret "TABLE".

    When I use BTE, There is an error in FM Z_WRITE_TO_QUEUE in R/3.
    ""Local interface:
    *"  TABLES
    *"      I_T_DATA OPTIONAL
        l_exstruct TYPE roosource-exstruct,
        l_initflag TYPE roosprmsc-initstate,
        l_subrc    TYPE sy-subrc,
        lr_is_data TYPE REF TO data,
        lr_es_data TYPE REF TO data,
        lr_et_data TYPE REF TO data,
        l_t_fields TYPE sbiwa_t_fields,
        l_t_select TYPE sbiwa_t_select.
        <i_s_data> TYPE ANY,
        <e_s_data> TYPE ANY,
        <e_t_data> TYPE STANDARD TABLE.
    Check to see if Delta initialization has been performed.
      SELECT SINGLE initstate FROM roosprmsc INTO l_initflag
             WHERE  oltpsource  = i_datasource
             AND    rlogsys     NE space
             AND    slogsys     NE space
             AND    initrnr     NE space.
    If initialization has taken place continue
      IF sy-subrc EQ 0 AND l_initflag EQ 'X'.
      grab the extraction structure from roosource based on the
      datasource parameter input.
        SELECT SINGLE exstruct FROM roosource INTO l_exstruct
               WHERE  oltpsource  = i_datasource
               AND    objvers     = 'A'.
        CHECK sy-subrc = 0.
        CREATE DATA lr_is_data LIKE LINE OF i_t_data.
        ASSIGN lr_is_data->* TO <i_s_data>.
        CREATE DATA lr_es_data TYPE (l_exstruct).
        ASSIGN lr_es_data->* TO <e_s_data>.
        CREATE DATA lret_data TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF (l_exstruct)._
          ASSIGN lr_et_data->* TO <e_t_data>.
        LOOP AT i_t_data ASSIGNING <i_s_data>.
          CLEAR <e_s_data>.
          MOVE <i_s_data> TO <e_s_data>.
         MOVE-CORRESPONDING <i_s_data> TO <e_s_data>.
          INSERT <e_s_data> INTO TABLE <e_t_data>.
            i_datasource             = i_datasource
            i_isource                = ''
            i_updmode                = ''
            i_t_select               = l_t_select
            i_t_fields               = l_t_fields
            c_t_data                 = <e_t_data>
            rsap_customer_exit_error = 1
            OTHERS                   = 2.
        IF sy-subrc <> 0.
          MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
                  WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
            i_isource     = i_datasource
            i_no_flush    = 'X'
            e_subrc       = l_subrc
            i_t_data      = <e_t_data>
            name_too_long = 1
            OTHERS        = 2.
        IF sy-subrc <> 0.
          MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
                  WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
          FORM abs_type_to_rel_type                                     *
          The purpose of this subroutine is to convert an absolute type *
          name into a relative type name.                               *
    -->  TYPE_NAME                                                     *
    form abs_type_to_rel_type changing type_name.
      data junk(100) type c.
      split type_name at '\TYPE=' into junk type_name.
    "CREATE DATA lr_et_data TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF (l_exstruct)" makes an Error "Unable to interpret "TABLE"."
    I don't why!
    So anbody can help me?
    Thank you!

    Use this statement.
    data:begin of lr_et_data occurs 0,
    include l_exstruct.
    end of lr_et_data.

  • Frm-40502: oracle error: unable to read list of values

    Hi All,
    I am personalizing the assignment form, where we need to restrict the JOB LOV based on Organization value.
    In Forms Personalization we are creating the record group from query and attaching to Job field.
    The query is,
    SELECT DISTINCT j.NAME, DECODE (1, 2, 1, NULL) c_valid_job_flag,
    j.job_id job_id
    FROM per_jobs_v j
    WHERE j.business_group_id + 0 = :CTL_GLOBALS.BUSINESS_GROUP_ID
    AND j.date_from <= :CTL_GLOBALS.SESSION_DATE
    AND ( (j.date_to IS NULL)
    OR (j.date_to >= :CTL_GLOBALS.SESSION_DATE)
    When we use this query, we are getting the error "frm-40502: oracle error: unable to read list of values"
    If i replace the bind variable with values we are not getting the error and its working fine.
    Replace query:
    SELECT DISTINCT j.NAME, DECODE (1, 2, 1, NULL) c_valid_job_flag,
    j.job_id job_id
    FROM per_jobs_v j
    WHERE j.business_group_id + 0 = 202
    AND j.date_from <= TRUNC(SYSDATE)
    AND ( (j.date_to IS NULL)
    OR (j.date_to >= TRUNC(SYSDATE))
    how to use bind variables (Block.field) here? We are getting this error only when using the bind variable in the query.
    Please share your ideas.

    What is your EBS version? There are 96 docs avaliable about similar error message. I suggest use metalink for your issue
    You can also check:
    FRM-40502: Oracle Error: Unable To Read List Of Values [ID 1161404.1]
    Frm-40502: Oracle Error: Unable To Read List Of Values. [ID 351931.1]
    FRM 40502: Oracle Error:Unable to Read List of Values [ID 179162.1]

  • Frm-40505:ORACLE error: unable to perform query in oracle forms 10g

    I get error frm-40505:ORACLE error: unable to perform query on oracle form in 10g environment, but the same form works properly in 6i.
    Please let me know what do i need to do to correct this problem.

    Hi everyone,
    I have block created on view V_LE_USID_1L (which gives the error frm-40505) . We don't need any updation on this block, so the property 'updateallowed' is set to 'NO'.
    To fix this error I modified 'Keymode' property, set it to 'updatable' from 'automatic'. This change solved the problem with frm-40505 but it leads one more problem.
    The datablock v_le_usid_1l allows user to enter the text (i.e. updated the field), when the data is saved, no message is shown. When the data is refreshed on the screen, the change done previously on the block will not be seen (this is because the block updateallowed is set to NO), how do we stop the fields of the block being editable?
    We don't want to go ahead with this solution as, we might find several similar screens nad its diff to modify each one of them individually. When they work properly in 6i, what it doesn't in 10g? does it require any registry setting?

  • System error: Unable to lock table/view V_T077K_M

    Not able to work on field selection (OMSG) i am getting an error "System error: Unable to lock table/view V_T077K_M" checked in SM 12 also, but dint get there anything.
    please cud you help me in this regard,

    contact your basis team,  there might be an overflow of the lock table because of mass changes from other users (even for other tables)

  • ORA-20079:  WM internal error [unable to rename table]

    I am getting following error when i try to enable versioning on a table. Any idea how to resolve it ?
    BEGIN DBMS_WM.EnableVersioning('TestTable'); END;
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-20079: WM internal error [unable to rename table]
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.LTDDL", line 1615
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.LTDDL", line 1193
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.LT", line 647
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.LT", line 8024
    ORA-06512: at line 1

    You need to determine the original error that is being generated by oracle. This can be done by attempting to rename the table yourself. For example:
    SQL> alter table TestTable rename to RenamedTable ;
    That will give you a better understanding as to why Workspace Manager is unable to rename the table. Also, what version of the database and workspace manager are you using ?
    If the direct rename succeeds while enableversioning continues to fail, then you would need to file a TAR on this.

  • Connect by cause performance issue in Table Based Value Set.

    In PO Requisition Distribution DFF we have added some segments.
    I have a value set for party details in first segment (Attribute1) and returns the party site id (due to some dependency i cant make it return party_id).
    Using the party_site_id i have to get all contact persons ( Need to Scan entire organization hierarchy to find contacts ) using organization relationship.
    My Table Type Value set is written like below.
    Table Name : HZ_PARTIES
    Value : party_name
    Id : party_id
    Select party_name, party_id from hz_parties
    party_id IN
    FROM hz_relationships hr
    WHERE 1                =1
    AND relationship_code  = 'CONTACT'
    AND subject_type       = 'ORGANIZATION'
    AND subject_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
    AND object_type        = 'PERSON'
    AND object_table_name  = 'HZ_PARTIES'
    AND status             = 'A'
      START WITH object_id =
      (SELECT party_id
      FROM hz_party_sites
      WHERE party_site_id = :$FLEX$.XX_PROJ_COUNTERPART_INST
      CONNECT BY NOCYCLE PRIOR object_id = subject_id
    This is working as expected but has poor performance.  It's taking around 20 sec to 1 Min based data volume. Can this be tuned?
    Any help will be appreciated.
    Best Regards,

    Hi Syed,
    BP is right.
    Just note: The phrase "i have passed most of the primary keys in the query..." does not mean the key is used for database access: Only key field in sequence starting with the first one will result in the use of an index, I.e. if the tables index fields are A B C D E F G, use of A, AB, ABC, ... will get the index used, CDE, BCD or EFG will not use the index at all.

  • Error:: Unable to alter table '!csDbTableMissing'

    Has anyone come across the above error before?
    Info     28/05/2008 16:25     'Lists' component, version '2008_04_11', extends Lists feature(s)
    Fatal     28/05/2008 16:25     Failed to initialize the server. Unable to alter table '!csDbTableMissing'. [ Details ]
    A fatal error has occurred. The stack trace below shows more information.
    intradoc.common.ServiceException: !csDbUnableToPerformAction_alter,\!csDbTableMissing
         at intradoc.server.IdcServerManager.init(Unknown Source)
         at IdcServerNT.init(Unknown Source)
         at IdcServerNT.main(Unknown Source)
    Message was edited by:

    Solved.. :)
    Needed to add table owner name to <ucm>/config/config.cfg
    where dbo is the owner.

  • Error at sales order: Inconsistent characteristic value assignment

    Hi SAPians
    There is a problem in variant configuration. I have configurable materials at sales order level with BOMs and super BOMs. When I am executing the scenario, not able to process further after selecting characteristic values for a configurable material. The error saying " Inconsistent  characteristic value assignment". I checked all the relevant master data, every thing is okay. But I am not able to proceed further. Can any one provide some valuable inputs for this.

    Did u create variant table (CU61) if not plz and try to make it by tick mark of Decision table..
    u can check assignmebt consitance thru CU60 ..if there again blank plz maintain it manually..
    basically wt happened during creation of Characteristics and assignment of value in value tab .. there is indicator ..which influence assignment consistance..
    hope u may get clue.
    correct me if i went wrong..

  • Command line: Error: unable to open '/Applications/flex_sdk_4\frameworks\flex-config.xml'

    I am new to flex. I am trying to use the xmp sdk to create custom file info panels in photoshop.
    I am going through the example show in the adobe documentation 'Building a panel with Flex SDK'
    I got any running and I got all the files setup in the proper folders but I cannot for the life of me figure out why I keep getting this error.
    Buildfile: /Volumes/three/2011/XMP/test project/build.xml
         [echo] --> Panel 'Test2'
        [compc] Adobe Compc (Flex Component Compiler)
        [compc] Version 4.5.1 build 21328
        [compc] Copyright (c) 2004-2011 Adobe Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
        [compc] command line: Error: unable to open '/Applications/flex_sdk_4.5\frameworks\flex-config.xml'
        [compc] Use 'compc -help' for information about using the command line.
    /Volumes/three/2011/XMP/test project/build.xml:20: compc task failed
    Total time: 616 milliseconds

    can you tell us where your services-config.xml file is
    located. can you make sure it is right under the "src" folder of
    the Flex Builder project.
    Hope this helps.

  • Error in Release strategy : Inconsistent Characteristic Value assignment

    Hello Gurus ,
    Good Day ...
    Need your help in release strategy in purchase order .
    Thanks in advance .......
    Characteristics characteristics value
    R2R_PURCH_GRP1 001
    R2R_PURCH_ORD_VALUE 0,00 - 1000,00 USD
    1001,00 - 2000,00 USD
    2001,00 - 10000,00 USD
    Class assigned char
    Rel grp assigned class
    rel grp rel codes
    PH 1 -director/VP
    PH 2 - manager
    PH 3 - buyer
    rel grp rel strategy
    PH A1
    PH A2
    PH A3
    Now in SPRO -
    > define Release Procedures for Purchase ORder -
    > Release Strategies
    PH A1 Release Strategy 1 (rel. prereq , rel statuses, classification , rel simulation ) working fine
    PH A2 Release Strategy 2 (rel. prereq , rel statuses, classification , rel simulation )
    You want to change the value assigned to a characteristic. However, the change causes inconsistency, so the new value is not allowed.
    The inconsistency may be for the following reasons:
    A precondition or selection condition is violated.
    The characteristic is a single-value characteristic, and different values have been set by constraints, actions, or procedures.
    In classification, inconsistencies occur when you change the value set of a characteristic if objects or classes have already been classified with values from the previous value set.
    Choose Inconsistencies to see what triggered the inconsistency. You can also use the explanation facility for more information.
    Delete the values that triggered the inconsistency.
    You can only change or delete a value or value set that has already been used to classify objects if you delete the existing allocations.
    PH A3 Release Strategy 3 -

    Inconsistency  due to different "VALUE" in the Release Strategy & "VALUE" present in the Release Characteristics . Check details with value assignment with designed  Strategies.
    Also keep following VALUE Release Characteristics for  value
    <=1000,00.00 USD
    1000,00.01 USD- 2000,00 .00USD
    2000,00 .01- 10000,00.00 USD
    instead of (0,00 - 1000,00 USD,1001,00 - 2000,00 USD,2001,00 - 10000,00 USD )
    Biju K

  • FRM-40505 ORACLE error: unable to perform query

    I have a block based on a table but when I issue an execute_query in "WHEN_NEW_BLOCK_INSTANCE" I get the above error.
    I know can access this table because immediately after this I select some fields from the table into variables and display them. However when I try and assign them to the fields in the block I get "FRM:41051 You cannot create records here."
    Can you please help.

    If I set "Insert Allowed" and Update Allowed" to yes I can assign values I've selected form the table to the fields but the execute_query still fails.
    By the way, I have a where clause in the property block to limit the number of rows brought back to 1

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