Tryed all 5 Rs-nano still frozen-now what-need help

I have a 4gb nano that is frozen. have tried resetting (hold-menu-select)numerous times. have reinstalled software and rebooted. have completely restored ipod...but screen is still frozen. before restore screen was frozen on main menu--after restore screen is still frozen but on the language screen. I've checked all the support pages and looked through many posts on the discussion site but can't find an answer. Can anyone help or do I need to return this one. This is the second one I've purchased in two weeks--the first froze on the "OK to disconnect" screen. I'm about ready to give up and go back to life with out an ipod! Any ideas?????

mabey call an apple support tech?> Apple Numbers
Nano 4GB black,Moto RAZR V3 black, PSP, all kinds of cases for nano,radio/remote   Windows XP   <img src=""align="right"</span>

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    rishiv93 wrote:
    i tried all the options...
    Did you follow this article about Apple Mobile Device Service?

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    Message was edited by: kevin.august

    I've finally got it to SYNC with my iTune! YAY!!
    I've done so many of the things you listed I'm sure what really fixed it.
    I reset the ipod nano itself by pressing and holding down the pause and play button.
    I also moved the USB connection to a different USB connection on the back of my computer.
    I opened the "My Computer" window and right-clicked on my ipod, and then selected "Format". I select "Yes" to format since I don't have anything on the nano to delete anymore.
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    Did you try blowing away ~/Library/Caches/Adobe InDesign?
    Which preference-clearing procedure did you use?
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    Hi Bsut,
    Welcome to the Support Communities!
    The article below may be able to help you with this.
    iOS: Not responding or does not turn on
    Your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch may occasionally stop responding to buttons, switches, or touchscreen input and may exhibit one or more of these symptoms:
    Does not return to the Home screen after you press the Home button
    Does not wake from sleep after you press the Sleep/Wake button
    Does not turn on (or power on) when you press any button
    Does not start up past Apple logo
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    Is unable to "Slide to Unlock" or "Slide to Power Off"
    I hope this information helps ....
    - Judy

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    Of course it would help to know what you have tried but without that information here goes:
    Install or Reinstall Lion from Scratch
    If possible backup your files to an external drive or second internal drive.
    Boot to the Recovery HD:
    Restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the COMMAND and R keys until the menu screen appears. Alternatively, restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the OPTION key until the boot manager screen appears. Select the Recovery HD and click on the downward pointing arrow button.
    Erase the hard drive:
    Select Disk Utility from the main menu and click on the Continue button.
    After DU loads select your hard drive (this is the entry with the mfgr.'s ID and size) from the left side list. Note the SMART status of the drive in DU's status area.  If it does not say "Verified" then the drive is failing or has failed and will need replacing.  SMART info will not be reported  on external drives. Otherwise, click on the Erase tab in the DU main window.
    Set the format type to Mac OS Extended (Journaled.) Click on the Erase button and wait until the process has completed.
    Quit DU and return to the main menu.
    Reinstall Lion: Select Reinstall Lion and click on the Install button.
    Note: You can also re-download the Lion installer by opening the App Store application. Hold down the OPTION key and click on the Purchases icon in the toolbar. You should now see an active Install button to the right of your Lion purchase entry. There are situations in which this will not work. For example, if you are already booted into the Lion you originally purchased with your Apple ID or if an instance of the Lion installer is located anywhere on your computer.

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    Go to My Apple ID and click Manage your account
    If necessary...
    Contact iTunes Customer Service and request assistance
    Use this Link  >  Apple  Support  iTunes Store  Contact

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    to reset the smc:
    1) turn off your mac
    2) plug it to the power
    3) press: left shift + control + option and then at the same time the power button
    4) you will see the light on your mac power to change from orange to green
    5) dont release any of the 4 keys (left shift + control + option + power)
    6)  Then after 10 secs release them all at the same time
    7) Turn on your mac

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    Hi omerkawan,
    It sounds like you may be experiencing issues with your iMessage activation. Here is an article that will provide you with some troubleshooting steps related to this issue:
    iOS: Troubleshooting FaceTime and iMessage activation
    Thanks for being a part of the Apple Support Communities!

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    The following gives instructions for that error message, including to contact Apple support if you've tried all of the steps shown and waited 24 hours:

Maybe you are looking for

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