Trying to convert codec to match in multiclip sequence

I did a 4 camera shoot which I want to edit in Multiclip.  EXCEPT the 4th camera was different that the other 3 Sony XDCAM EX 3, and recorded in 1440x1080 instead of 1920x1080.  It was in PAL.  So I used Streamclip-Movie Converter after the files had been converted to MOV, chose Frame Size 1920x1080 (HDTV 1080i) in Apple XD CAM HD 1080i50 (35Mb/sVBR) in a Batch List.  And I saw the list in 1920x1080 in my external drive BUT when I imported them in my project 2 weird things happened : 
1)  3 clips were the right frame Size (1920x1080) BUT the wrong Pixel Aspect HD (1440x1080) instead of Square.  I checked Streamclip for a Pixel Aspect option, but there were none.
2)  a new batch of clips labeled 1920x1080 in my destination folder in the external drive, when imported in the project, appeared as 1440x1080 in the Browser!
Does anybody have an inkling of what the problem could be?  I thank you very much in advance. 

> But when I do it the converted files (1920x1080) in my Destination folder on my drive, revert back to format 1440x1080 when I import them into my Project!  Do you understand why?<
That's probably just a pixel aspect ratio setting. The files are probably sourcing the same original media. One has the square pixel flag on, one has it off.
The main thing with multiclip in Ye Olde Finale Cut Pro was that they all had to be exactly the same format. Exactly. FCPX changed that a bit but it's still much easier to do multiclip with congruent media. And not long GOP codecs or highly compressed codecs like H.264. Use real codecs like ProRes.
Whoa. I just realized where I was! 
How did I get here?
Am I dreaming? It's a nightmare.
I gotta wake up!

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            internal bool CommitValue(GridEntry ipeCur, object value) {   
                Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DebugGridView.TraceVerbose,  "PropertyGridView:CommitValue(" + (value==null ? "null" :value.ToString()) + ")");   
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                object originalValue = null;   
                try {   
                    originalValue = ipeCur.PropertyValue;   
                catch {   
                    // if the getter is failing, we still want to let  
                    // the set happen.  
                try {  
                    try {   
                        SetFlag(FlagInPropertySet, true);   
                        //if this propentry is enumerable, then once a value is selected from the editor,   
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                            ipeCur.Enumerable) {  
                        try {   
                            Edit.DisableMouseHook = true;  
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                            ipeCur.PropertyValue = value;   
                        finally {   
                            Edit.DisableMouseHook = false;  
                            Edit.HookMouseDown = capture;   
                    catch (Exception ex) {   
                        ShowInvalidMessage(ipeCur.PropertyLabel, value, ex);  
                        return false;  
    I'm stuck.
    I was wondering is there a way to work around this? Maybe extend the string converter class to accept this?
    Thanks in advance,

    Thank you for your post!  I would suggest posting your question in one of the MS Forums,
     MSDN Forums » Windows Forms » Windows Forms General
     located here:
    Have a great day!

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    Hey Leslie,
    If you don't have Acrobat installed on your computer than you can install 30 days free Trail version of Adobe Acrobat DC Pro using this link Download Adobe Acrobat free trial | Acrobat Pro DC.
    However if you want to contact Adobe Tech. Support please refer to this link Contact Customer Care, once the page gets loaded click on 'Still Need Help? Contact Us' button & initiate a Chat or Call.

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    If you have the original movie files, you'd be much better converting those, otherwise try MPEGstreamclip.

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    Reader cannot convert files to PDF (this is the Reader forum).
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    Hi Sara
    I followed your link and uploaded a file. Trying to convert this file and says the following as if it does not realize I have already paid for this conversion process:
    Adobe ExportPDF
    Easily convert PDF files to Word or Excel.
    Subscribe Now
    Subscribe and add the ability to export an unlimited number of PDF files via your browser or mobile device.
    Convert PDF to Word
    Export your PDF files to editable DOC, DOCX, or RTF files.
    Convert PDF to Excel
    Turn PDF files into editable XLSX files with table formatting preserved.
    Edit scanned text
    With optical character recognition (OCR), even scanned text becomes editable.
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    Or contact Adobe Customer Service via

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    I m trying to convert the standard script into pdf using convert_otf fm and trying to send it as an attachment using 'SO_NEW_DOCUMENT_ATT_SEND_API1'.
    I m using fm 'SSF_FUNCTION_MODULE_NAME' to get the function module name.
    But i m getting a runtime error while executing the program..
    Can anyone help me in this issue please.
    Thanks in advance,

    Hi Ramesh,
    I m getting an runtime error function module not found. I ll paste the code here.
          formname           = lf_formname
          fm_name            = lf_fm_name
          no_form            = 1
          no_function_module = 2
          OTHERS             = 3.
      IF sy-subrc = 0.
    error handling ent_retco = sy-subrc.
    perform protocol_update_i.
      ls_control_param-getotf = 'X'.
      DATA: l_document_output_info TYPE ssfcrespd,
            l_job_output_info TYPE ssfcrescl,
            l_job_output_options TYPE ssfcresop.
    check ent_retco eq 0.
      CALL FUNCTION 'lf_fm_name'
        archive_index = toa_dara
        archive_parameters = arc_params
        control_parameters = ls_control_param
        mail_recipient = ls_recipient
        mail_sender = ls_sender
        output_options = ls_composer_param
        user_settings = ' '
        zxekko = l_doc-xekko
        zxpekko = l_doc-xpekko
    zxaend = l_doc-xaend
          document_output_info = l_document_output_info
          job_output_info = l_job_output_info
          job_output_options = l_job_output_options
            l_xekpo = l_doc-xekpo[]
            l_xekpa = l_doc-xekpa[]
            l_xpekpo = l_doc-xpekpo[]
            l_xeket = l_doc-xeket[]
            l_xtkomv = l_doc-xtkomv[]
            l_xekkn = l_doc-xekkn[]
            l_xekek = l_doc-xekek[]
            l_xaend = l_doc-xaend[]
            l_xkomk = l_xkomk
              formatting_error = 1
              internal_error = 2
              send_error = 3
              user_canceled = 4
              OTHERS = 5.
          format                = 'PDF'
          max_linewidth         = 132
          bin_filesize          = v_len_in
          otf                   = l_job_output_info-otfdata
          lines                 = tb_pdf
          err_max_linewidth     = 0
          err_format            = 1
          err_conv_not_possible = 2
          OTHERS                = 3.

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