Trying to retrieve old photos

I have an old 3G (??) phone that i no longer use. the sim card is removed and it has a 1000 pictures that i would like to import into itunes. I have just bought my first mac computer. the problem is that the computer does not recongnize my old phone. it does recongnize my new phone and i have downloaded photos from it. Can anyone help me with this. these pictures mean a great deal to me. thanks

Check this support document

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    In the Finder, right-click or control-click the folder icon and select
    Show View Options
    from the contextual menu. In the dialog that opens, select None from the Arrange by menu. Close the dialog, enter Time Machine, and try again.
    Another reason why items in a snapshot might not be selectable is that the time-travel view is open on a secondary display. Move it to the primary display, or if necessary, exit and disconnect the external display.

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    I had an old backup
    What kind of backup? Do you have a Time Machine Backup of your complete system from the time before the laptop was stolen?
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    iPhoto can only open one library at a time.
    Here's one way to do what you want:
    1. Quit iPhoto.
    2. Copy the iPhoto Library from your Pictures Folder to the external drive.
    Now you have two full copies of the Library. To choose between them:  Hold down the option (or alt) key and launch iPhoto. From the resulting menu select 'Choose Library'
    3. On the Internal Library, remove the pics you don't want with you all the time.
    Now you have one full library on the external and another smaller sub-set on the Internal.
    A couple of comments:
    a. The external disk needs to be formatted Mac OS Extended (Journaled)
    b: When you're removing the unwanted pics from the Internal Library you need to delete them in batches of about 100 or so. Trashing more at one time can cause problems with the database.
    c: Managing Multiple Libraries - including moving pics/albums/rolls and metadata between them - is greatly facilitated by using iPhoto Library Manager

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    This is the iPhoto for Mac forum.
    The iPad forum is here:

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    Hi Alice, see if these help...

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    I have a Imac 24" from 2008 with 3.06 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo processor, 4GB memory.
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    Thank you.

    Iphoto runs if we remove the iphoto library and restart the application. At that point we can create a new library but we can't see our old photos or import them
    It is a very good sign, that iPhoto can run with a new library.
    That iPhoto is still crashing on your main library can mean two things - either the library has a corruption, or it contains image files, that cannot be processed.
    Try, if you can rebuild your iPhoto library with iPhoto Library Manager. You can download it here:   (the free trial version will suffice for this).  It  will create a copy of your library and relink the original files.  Your original library will remain untouched. But rebuilding with iPhoto Library manager will not be able to save projects, like books, calendars, slideshows.
    Read the help pages on the iPhoto Library Manager site:
    Rebuilding a corrupted iPhoto library
    And the full Help:
    Make sure that in the rebuild window the checkbox  "Scavange orphaned photos" is checked.
    If there are corrupted image files, this will not work. Then you will have to retrieve the original image files from your iPhoto library.

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    You found the right way to do it.  Never import an iPhoto Library into iPhoto. Just open the iPhoto Library by double-clicking it. You are lucky, that iPhoto prevented you from importing the iPhoto Library. It would have created a terrible mess of duplicate photos in all sizes.


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    How/where can I retrieve my old photos?

    The backup includes your camera roll photos.  Restoring it to another iPhone should recover them if the backup still exists.  If the backup is an iCloud backup, Apple would have deleted it after 180 days of inactivity.

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    Not sure how much difference this makes, but my iPad is an older one (first iPad) as is my MacBook, although my MacBook has all of the updates available for it.

    How to Transfer Photos from an iPad to a Computer
    Importing Personal Photos and videos from your iOS device to your computer.
    Also check out the Photo Manager Pro app.
     Cheers, Tom

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    "Since it was on their mail server, they had a copy. But again, there is no guarantee of how long they keep the copy"
    SMTP servers only transfer mail and the "copy" remains in queue only as long as needed to pass it on to its destination. When served with court orders, ISPs can intercept and forward copies of messages to the appropriate law enforcement agency. (We use the same process to capture outgoing mail from our company for compliance reasons). But based on discussions with some email admins that work for ISPs, I "know" from support forums, it isn't standard practice in the industry to do this for all mail.
    Earlier in the year I read that most ISPs were refusing the governments requests that they voluntarily keep copies of everything moving across their servers due to the massive storage requirements that would be needed. But that may have changed.
    I agree that it's worth asking the ISP if they have a copies of the needed messages. But if the ISP in question only offers POP accounts, I'd bet good money they never had one.
    PowerMac G5   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

  • HT204022 Trying to delete old photos. How to do this?

    Our old computer died, the one our ipad was setup with. We got a new one, now I cannot delete the older photos. Photos taken after that can be deleted. Help please.

    The links below have instructions for deleting photos.
    iOS and iPod: Syncing photos using iTunes
    iPad Tip: How to Delete Photos from Your iPad in the Photos App he-photos-app he-photos-app
    Another Way to Quickly Delete Photos from Your iPad (Mac Only) ad-mac-only ad-mac-only
    How to Delete Photos from iPad
    iPhoto for iOS (iPad): Delete photos from iPhoto
    How to: Batch Delete Photos on the iPad
    How to Delete Photos from iCloud’s Photo Stream
    Delete Pictures from Your iPad
     Cheers, Tom

  • Trying to retrieve old project with no luck

    I made a short movie (2 minutes) in iMovie last month, shared it to the Media Browser and then did the final production in iDVD. I burned a few discs and all was well. In order to free up space, I moved the project from iMovie to an external disc. (I did, however, leave all the unedited clips in the Event Library.)
    So now I want to make a small change--I wanted to change the music that plays as soon as the disc starts, and I wanted to change the picture theme there. Since I had already published the project to iDVD, I figured it would still be there--in iDVD--even though I had taken it out of iMovie and put in on the external disc.
    No such luck. It no longer exists in iDVD (though the events are there). I retrieved the project from the external drive, but am not sure what to do with it now. When I click on the "iDVD project" file that supposedly contain my movie, I get an error message saying "The following files could not be found:" and then it gives a very long code ending in Video, and another ending in Audio.
    I'm hoping that somehow I can re-import the Project back to iMovie, or somehow share it with browser again. Anything but do the movie all over again. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

    Hello, James,
    An iDVD project should be thought of as a container of 'aliases' or pointers to the media files used in the project. The project does not actually contain those files. Simply, when you open an iDVD project, use it or burn it, iDVD goes to the actual media locations and lets you edit for the project, or it encodes the media data for burning.
    If you move, rename, change or delete ANY of the files used in the project, iDVD cannot locate them. Even if you put everything back where it was, iDVD sometimes still cannot locate the files. You can locate them manually if iDVD asks for them. When you get that 'long code ending in Video' and you know which video file that is, presumably the iMovie that is now on your external drive, you can direct iDVD to it. Same for that audio file.
    If you cannot do that, or if you try and it does not work for this project, you will need to recreate the project by making a new iDVD project.
    Also, although you can edit an iDVD project if you have not changed any of the media files, if you make any changes in a movie used in the file....even just correcting a typo in a title, iDVD will not burn the movie properly, even though you may receive the message that iDVD detected that 'assets' have been changed and asks if you want to update. There is a bug in iDVD8/9 that causes the burn to be incorrect, especially if you have chapter markers. The only time I was able to make a correction in my movie and have it play properly was a change I made in the last frame of the movie.
    If you would like to save your iDVD projects for re-editing, you need to save them as Archive projects so that all the media is saved as well.
    If you just want to keep the iDVD project intact for future burning without doing more editing, it is recommended that you do a 'save as disk image' from within the iDVD project. This results in a disk image file that has all the media encoded within it, so that now if you rename, move, change or delete any media from the project, you will still have the ability to burn more DVD disks from the disk image file using Disk Utility.

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