TS3899 Large number of emails shown as unread in ios 7

When I upgraded my iPad to ios 7, it showed nearly 11,000 emails as being unread despite all dowloaded ones being read.  Has anyone else had this porblem and found a solution?

delete from a pc.
Peace, Clyde

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    Hello, if you have the font that Photoshop is supposed to use to write the barcode, and each image is also listed in the spreadsheet, you can use the little known feature called variables: http://help.adobe.com/en_US/photoshop/cs/using/WSfd1234e1c4b69f30ea53e41001031ab64-7417a.h tml
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    create a powershell script to send these mails.
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    Romeo Donca, Orange Romania (MCSE, MCITP, CCNA) Please Mark As Answer if my post solves your problem or Vote As Helpful if the post has been helpful for you.

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    Lulu6094 wrote:
    Even old school phones have a delete all button!
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    This is no longer an option.
    Feel free to let Apple know about it by sending them feedback:  www.apple.com/feedback

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    Spoke to a senoir advisor at Apple. Seems to be a glitch or just how it is set up for now.
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    It's not a good idea to post your email address on public forums, I've asked the hosts to remove them.
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    Since you do not want to crop your images to a square 1:1 aspect ratio changing the canvas to be square will not make your images square they will retain their Aspect Ratio and  image size will be changer to fit within your 1020 px square. There will be a border or borders on a side or two borders on opposite sides.   You do not need a script because Photoshop ships with a Plug-in script to be used in Actions.   What is good about Plugins is the support Actions.  When you record the action the plug-in during action recording records the setting you use in its dialog into  the actions step.  When the Action is played the Plug-in use the recorded setting an bypasses displaying its dialog. So the Action can be Batch.  The Action you would record would have two  Steps.   Step 1  menu File>Automate>Fit Image... in the Fit Image dialog enter 1020 in the width and height  fields.  Step 2 Canvas size enter 1020 pixels in width and height  not relative leave the anchor point centered it you want even borders on two sides set color to white in the canvas size dialog. You can batch the action.
    The above script will also work. Its squares the document then re-sizes to 1020x1020  the action re-sizes the image to fit with in an area 1020 x 1020 then add any missing canvas. The script like the action only process one image so it would also need to be batched. Record the script into and action and batch the action. As the author wrote. The script re size canvas did not specify an anchor point so the default center anchor point is uses  like the action canvas will be added to two sides.

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