TS4363 Incomplete information?

I can't believe after all the chatter and complaints on the apple forum, this is what apple comes up with. Is this the best support they can provide???
I have already checked with our IT consultant that they claim the problem is mail program in Mountain Lion.
Exchange email worked fine under LION osx. It still works fine on iphone and ipad with the same exchange details. Further more the exchange server details work fine with mac version of Outlook. So what is the purpose of this brilliant Auto discovery feature which instead of enhancing performance, has broken exchange server accounts on "Mail"???

I can confirm the problem is in Mountain Lion's Mail. I have problems with my Exchange account on my MacBook Air which is running on Mountain Lion (10.8), but Mail on my MacBook Pro that's still running on Lion (10.7) works perfectly as expected! Just like it did on Snow Leopard (10.6).
It's not incomplete information: it's just pointing the finger in the other direction for no good reason. Or is it: the others have inventend such a lame product which we now finally implemented according to their specifications and therefore it is now their responsibility to fix our just released product?

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    Good Day,
    Reason is,
    VBUV has all Incomplete information example which table and field has the issue
    But V.02 will show the header information. when you click the order and see the incomplete log then it will match with VBUV tables data.
    For example,
    VBUV Table Will be contain below details
    000100003510  VBAP     BRGEW
    0001000035     10  VBAP     KWMENG
    0001000035     10   VBAP     NETWR
    0001000035     10   VBAP     NTGEW
    V.02 will shows
    Order 1000035   XXXXX  01.01.2008     X     X     X          004
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    Best Regards,
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    Hi JohnXu,
    --Go to T.Code VUA2 & select your sales document type  & check mark on IC-Dialog & save it.
    --Raise sales order VA01 with incomplete information & try to save the order the system throws error message.If you still want to save the order the system will not allow you to save the document.
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    Oops - missed that you're syncing with an Exchange server.
    Try turning off syncing of contacts (Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars > work account, toggle Contacts OFF, wait a bit, then toggle it back ON. Alternatively, delete the Exchange account and then re-add it. You will get a prompt about what to do with the data currently on the phone (delete, keep, and perhaps merge - I don't recall). If there was a merge option, is that what you chose?
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  • Adobe Functional Content and the Creative Cloud

    Hello All
    To any Adobe Employee who may read this, can you please get someone at Adobe to take control of this issue and see that the library, templates and all other functional content gets packaged correctly and enabled as a download and "sub-install" for the parent product inside the Adobe Application Manager.
    I think as subscribing users we should get better service and direction from Adobe in regards to this functional content. As I type this I have more than 10 tabs open, each one leading to a thread that has something to do with how to install and fix a problem with the Functional Content for After Effects, Premiere Pro and Encore.
    See if you can in less than 30 minutes figure out exactly what to do to activate this content by reading these threads:
    I have been very reluctant to do anything because I am reading a lot of conflicting and incomplete information. This link in particular, http://helpx.adobe.com/x-productkb/multi/library-functional-content-missing.html, is really unhelpful because there are 3 methods to do something but reading it I am not sure if each method does the same thing or if each does one part of the 3 sets of missing Functional Content. Additionally "solution" 3 presents a place to put the content but then leaves out the path we are to do it to.
    Most disappointing is the fact that the first "solution" did not get me the menu buttons I am looking for in Encore and I don't know if I screwed up or if the install was incomplete for some reason.
    Do I now need to install one of the other "solutions"? Those of you in the community that are about to hit reply, please don't. Do not answer that question.
    Here is why...
    Adobe is responsible for delivering us customers a product. It is Adobe's responsibility to fix the mess that a number of paying customers are having regarding this Functional Content.
    Here is what I and I think a lot of other subscribers want you to do:
    You already have a Solution in place. One that doesn't require a lot of user intervention and doesn't require anyone to pick a "solution" and screw it up, search for more help and spend hours of their time fixing a mess.
    Adobe Application Manager. Create the proper installation packages. Put them on the servers, tell the AAM how to clean up the mess any users who have tried these "solutions" have made. Then have it install the proper packages as a "Sub-Installation" for each of the parent software that it is for.
    This solution will not only make things better for us end users, but you will also make the manageability of the Functional Content easier for your teams as well. And if your teams wanted to add additional Functional Content to any program that is part of the creative cloud or that the Adobe Application Manager manages, then it would be a simple matter of creating an installation package and adding it to the AAM's list of installable programs.
    You just did this exact thing with Lightroom 4.1! Why can you not do this for the Functional Content?!?
    Back to the Community Members that want to answer my post. Don't. Instead if you agree with me or even if you don't, sign off on this thread or indicate your virtual thumbs down. Either way I don't want an answer, I want an action from Adobe, the only ones who can fix the mess.
    I really believe that the Application Manager is the most elegant solution. If any of you have ever used Steam, you know what a great feeling it is when you can download a game demo, try it, buy it and just have everything take care of itself. I don't even have to worry about updates; Steam takes care of my games. And the thing that makes it really valuable? I DON'T PAY $50 A MONTH TO USE STEAM AND HAVE IT JUST WORK, IT IS FREE!
    All I want at this point is Functional Content that I don't have to read a 50+ page manual to install. I know that is an exaggeration, but honestly if it is 1 badly written set of instructions or 50 what does it matter? I don't pay Adobe so I can read up on how to install their software; I just want to use it.
    I guess I should also point out that this is now the second large hold up to my project that I started subscribing for. The first was a problem that I again had to figure out the solution to by working around it, when again Adobe seems to be unable to correct the problem, here, here, here and here.
    And now here I am again at a slight stand still because I can't use my DVD authoring software to create a button on a Wedding DVD menu.
    Okay, you can go ahead and reply... but I would still prefer no answers, just /agree or /disagree.

    Did you even read the post?
    Jeff A Wright wrote:
    For now though please reference Library, title templates, template projects missing: Premiere Pro, After Effects, Encore CS5 - CS6 - http://helpx.adobe.com/x-productkb/multi/library-functional-content-mi ssing.html for information on how to obtain the additional content.
    Have you read the page in your link?
    Can you correctly install from the instructions on that page?
    And I quote:
    Additional Solution: Install the Resource Central library content   
    Download the extra library content
    Choose your language to begin the download:
    English French German Japanese Italian Spanish Korean
    Extract the Library content to the Library folder
    Extract the zip file that you just downloaded. This will create a .7z file, eg. en-US.7z.
    Extract the .7z file to any convenient location, eg. Desktop. This will create a folder based on the language you selected.
    Copy the contents of the language folder (eg. en-US) to the following location:
    Keywords: cpsid_85388
    Where? Copy the contents to where? I don't see a path written there... is it a secret? Do I have to highlight the hidden text? Nooo... that didn't work...
    Honestly I must appologize for my brashness and sarcastic attitude. I find it questionable to expect the paid subscribing creative but not technically inclined customers to do the work of fixing this problem when Adobe has the means and the tools to fix it for us.
    Jeff Bellune wrote:
    Not an employee, but I am a forum moderator.  Please stop spamming the forum with links to this topic.  They have all been deleted.
    Ok. Fair enough, I will admit that last night in my anger and frustration I was being a little childish.
    But as a Community Professional don't you believe that you would be better served by Adobe if they were to make one easy simple Adobe Application Manager download for the content that should have been published right at the launch of the new version? Wouldn't your time be better spent actually working on your projects rather than fixing Adobe's mess and responding to people in 10 different forums trying to help them?
    All of this also makes me wonder how Adobe prioitizes the "bugs" that people are dealing with. Wouldn't it be quick to put a someone or a couple of people on the problem of gathering the functional content and getting them to package it and ready it for publishing through the AAM? The process of adding it to the list of installs might be more complicated but a package that knows where to put the content? I would think that something like this could be give a get it done now priority as it would aleviate a lot of the forum posts and something like the missing export choices in Media Encoder or Premiere Multicamera Issues would take more time due to investigation and so you put them on a priority based on the number of users affected.
    It just seems to me that a month after launching a new version is an awfull long time for the publishing of an update to add functional content that was in all the previous versions.
    I guess I will stop "ranting" now. Thanks for responding Jeff AW, at least I have official word that there will be some sort of update on this issue.

  • MSI USA Casemod contest!

                WHO'S NEXT?
              Every few years or so, the computing
                world takes a drastic change - from breaking the GigaHertz barrier
                in 1999 to the introduction of Hyper-Threading technology or 64-bit
                computing into the consumer desktop space. This time around, the
                radical change will take place in your garage, backyard or even in
                your secret tree house. Yes! And this is the time and place where
                you can start to put your creativity and thoughts to work and
                contribute your ideas to shape the future of PCs.
    The MSI
                Case-Mod Competition is our first ever contest that seeks talented
                computer users to showcase their own custom designed PCs.
                Contestants will get the chance to show off their “home-made” PC, be
                eligible to walk away with some very cool prizes. It doesn't matter
                if you're a newbie or expert, the contest is opened to individuals
                with a creative mind and those that dare to be different.
                Let the Modding Begin!
              MSI Computer Corp. (“MSI” or
                “Sponsor”) is calling for all PC modders to enter the first ever MSI
                Case Mod Competition. The contest aims to find the most creative and
                professional custom-made PC in the U.S. and Canada . Entrants will
                have the opportunity to win the best and the latest MSI
    Entries for the MSI Case Mod Competition are now
                open and the top twenty finalists will be showcased online between
                May 28- June 4, 2004 for online voting of the most popular. To be
                eligible for the MSI Case Mod Competition, the PCs entered must be a
                fully functional modified design and be able to boot up. Judges from
                MSI will judge entries on their creativity/originality
                (40%), technical difficulty (30%), workmanship (20%), and
                completeness (10%) .
    To participate, entrant must
                submit two pictures of his/her modding system to             href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]
                and registration closes 4:00pm
                ( Eastern Standard Time ) on
                May 21, 2004 . The only entries that will
                be considered eligible entries are entries received within the time
                frames described above that contain the required information. We
                suggest all contestants to consider adding a description of the two
                pictures you are entering in the email, including:
    (1) Name
                of contestant?
    (2) Name of the modded box?
    (3) Estimated cost
                to build?
    (4) Estimated time to mod?
    (5) Components
         -- Video
         -- Hard Drive
    (6) Is
                this the first contest the machine has been entered in?
    (7) Other
                interesting notes about this mod (200 words Max):
    First prize-
                      one winner ( 1 st Place ) will be awarded $2,000 shopping
                      credits for any MSI products, whichever you prefer.
    Second prize-
                      one winner ( 2 nd Place ) will be awarded
                      $1,000 shopping credits for any MSI products, whichever you
    Third prize-
                      one winner ( 3 rd Place ) will be awarded one
                      MSI NVIDIA GeForce 6800 Ultra chipset video card.
    Forth prize-
                      one winner ( 4 th Place ) will be awarded one
                      MSI ATI Radeon X800XT chipset video card.
    Fifth prize-
                      one winner ( 5 th Place ) will be awarded one
                      MSI Mega 180 or Mega 865 HTPC Barebone System at the winner's
    Upon accepting the awards, you
                agree to supply a detailed description of the case mod, how you did
                it, and other mod-related experience. We'll publish the winners on
                our website. For the first prize and second prize winners, product
                purchases have to be made through MSI only before 12/31/2004
                . Product value will be based on the market price (MSRP) of
                each product.
    Viewers' Choice
    Pictures of the top twenty finalist
                mods will be loaded on MSI website (             href="http://www.msicomputer.com/casemod">http://www.msicomputer.com/casemod
                ) so visitors can vote for their favorite. Check back on this
                website between May 28- June 4, 2004
                to see the finished mods and to cast your vote!
                Each visitor is eligible for one vote ONLY
    Ten winners will be selected from
                those entrants, who made the selection. Each winner will be awarded
                with one MSI Mega Stick 128 MP3 Player.
              Official rules for MSI Case-Mod
                      Eligibility : The contest is open to legal
                      residents of the 50 United States and the District of Columbia
                      and Canada, who are thirteen (13) years or older at the time
                      of entry. Entrant who is not affiliated with MSI and has a
                      valid email address is eligible. You can submit as many
                      entries as you want, but only one is going to be eligible for
                      winning, prizes from the same person each time.
    Topic : All entries must be somewhat
                      linked to case modding. It can be the modification of shape,
                      painting, add-ons, cutting and numerous other ways.
    Format of entry :                   color=#cc0000>Two images files of your modding system are
                      required to be eligible for the contest. Each image
                      file width must be smaller than 400K. All entries
                      shall have a front view and one supporting view from a
                      different angle.
    Copyright : You promise that you are the
                      copyright owner of the image and you own the system in the
                      image. Should there be any copyright infringement claims
                      arising from your post or winning the contest, you're
                      responsible for it! MSI reserves the rights to reject any
                      entry if the participant will not cooperate to provide proof
                      when an entry is being questioned.
    Usage of submitted images : Once
                      submitted, each image file becomes a record on our web site.
                      Although you still own the original copy right to the image,
                      you agree to allow MSI to use the image without any conditions
    Safety : MSI is not responsible or liable
                      in any ways for any injuries that occur in the process of the
                      case modding. Case modding involves sophisticated machinery
                      and heavy equipments are discouraged and we strongly advise
                      that precautions be taken during the process.
                    Entries must be received between April 23, 2004
                      and 11:59 pm
                      (Eastern Standard Time) on
                      May 21, 2004 . MSI will select the
                      prize winners on or about June 10, 2004 from
                      among all eligible entries received. Prize winners will be
                      notified by e-mail ONLY.
                    MSI assumes no responsibility for lost, misdirected or
                      late entries or entries containing incorrect or incomplete
                      information. Winners notified by e-mail must respond within
                      seven (7) calendar days and no alternate winner will be
                      chosen. Prizes will be shipped to the winners within 2-3
                    Prizes are not transferable. No substitution of prizes for
                      cash or other goods or services is permitted, except Sponsor
                      reserves the right to provide substitute prizes of
                      approximately equal value. Prize winners are responsible for
                      all taxes related to any prize received.
                    BY ENTERING, YOU

    Originally posted by Kingfisher
    but it is for American only?
    1. Eligibility : The contest is open to legal residents of the 50 United States and the District of Columbia and Canada, who are thirteen (13) years or older at the time of entry. Entrant who is not affiliated with MSI and has a valid email address is eligible. You can submit as many entries as you want, but only one is going to be eligible for winning, prizes from the same person each time.
    Umm.... Yep
    Sorry if you feel left out there  

  • Issue related to receipt of OSP purchase order

    Hi all,
    My query is related to the receipt of Job Order PO (OSP PO).
    In some OSP receipt transaction, the JOB order is coming at RECEIVE transaction
    but in some cases, it is not coming .
    I am checking this job order number using form named : "Receiving Transaction Summary ".
    what's a reason behind it ? at what specific case it is happening ?
    Due to this problem, we are getting incomplete information in report.
    please help me if you have any idea .

    Like Sandeep said check the job number using the following navigation
    PO Summary>>Distributions>>Show Field>>Job Number
    In the PO summary form put the required PO/ Item Number. It is good to put part number as there can be multiple PO's associated/ none associated with it due to mistakes during PO creation.

  • Traveling soon, Can I use a Note 3 on a different carrier?

    I'm trying to decide if I should get the Note 3 now or wait until January.
    I have to travel to Armenia in December and I am wondering if I can swap out the SIM card in the Galaxy Not 3 for a local one WITHOUT having to root the phone or otherwise screw up the warranty/insurance coverage.
    Does anyone know if this is possible and if so how to do it?
    I have heard that the Note 3 is SIM unlocked and even region unlocked if you start it up for the first time with a SIM from where it was purchases buut I'm still not sure. I'll only be over there for a couplr of weeks but it would be nice to be able to use my phone without paying through the nose for the service. Anyone have any ideas?

    I do not feel like wasting my time with people like you that not only write incomplete information but also shows lack of respect and contaminate the forums with messages last your previous one.
    Anyway, for people who really want to use this valuable forum to gather PRECISE information:
    a) I only paste the same message where it applies, my only goal is trying to help people.
    b) After calling and chating with both Apple and T-Mobile I can say 100% sure that contract-free and unlocked ARE NOT the same.
    c) Other users have said that their iPhone seems to be unlocked but be aware that you are on your own if you pay nearly $700 for an iPhone that MAY only work for T-Mobile.
    d) You can clearly see the difference on Apple´s website where iPhone 5c gives you the option to select UNLOCKED while iPhone5s does NOT. Again, you are at your own risk.
    e) On another forum a user kindly pasted a conversation with Apple´s customer support that says that the iPhone 5s contract-free will work internationally if the carrier supports the frequencies.
    f) I will paste this text on whichever other forum that talks about this issue because I want to help people to make INFORMED decision with their purchasing options.
    h)And finally, I apologize for not noticing that by mistake I put a reference to this FelipeV on some of my posts, it was an honest mistake.

  • July Release

    July release
    [random display web app items from category, forgot password for online payments and bug corrections]
    We are announcing a new Business Catalyst release, scheduled to go live next week.
    This release includes several fixes that were impacting partners and customers using our eCommerce module, a new module setting allowing partners to display individual random items from a category, some improvements to the new File Manager, Forgot password support for offline payments and a few other bug fixes.
    Known issues can be found posted here: http://forums.adobe.com/docs/DOC-2372
    Features and enhancements
    Random display items per category
    One frequent request we had from partners, was the ability to display random web app items from a specific category. With the next release we're going to include this setting not only for web apps, but for all items that supported random display: web app items, news, blogs, events, FAQs, Forums, Media Downloads. To display a random item from a category, a user should use the cr attribute in the module. See below some samples for each of the updates modules:
    webapps - { module_webapps,5579,cr,41117 }
    webappscustomer - { module_webappscustomer,5579,cr,41117 }
    news - { module_announcement,cr,41117 } or { module_announcement,cr,41117,true,ajax,_top }
    blog - { module_blog,cr,41117 }
    events - { module_booking,cr,41117 }
    faq - { module_faq,cr,41117 } or { module_faq,cr,41117,true,ajax,_top }
    forum - { module_forum,cr,41117 }
    media downloads - { module_literature,cr,41117 }
    The new setting is also available through the module manager or our Dreamweaver integration
    For more information on this new module parameter, read the Module Quick Reference guide.
    Send web form to additional email addresses
    With this release, we are enabling webBasics site owners to send the web form notification to multiple email addresses. To enable  that, we've added a new web form setting, named "Notification E-mail", that allows users to enter the email addresses where the web form notification should be sent:
    Note: This functionality is available for all plans. When a workflow is applied on the form, this setting will list the email addresses included in the first step of the attached workflow.
    "Forgot password workflow" for offline payments
    Due to PCI-DSS security requirements, we have implemented a compliant workflow for the Offline Payment (OP) password.
    Every user who has access to orders made through the offline payment gateway, will be required to set-up a security question and answer that the user will later use for the "Forgot Password" workflow.
    In addition to this, we have published a compliant procedure to reset the Offline Payment password, in case a user forgets the security question and answer. It will be publicly available in our Knowledge Base.
    Other changes
    New File Manager: we've added keyboard shortcuts for some of the most common actions (see tooltips)
    New File Manager: added support for multiple file upload;  (not supported on Internet Explorer 8/9 and tablets)
    Report on opt-in status: we've updated  custom reports to allow customers also export the customer opt-n status
    Updated events subscribers list to also display the subscriber email address
    Deprecated functionality
    With this release we are going to remove the reset password functionality from Partner Portal because it raises security implications as it allowed partners to view a user password; to reset an admin user password, partners can login into the site admin console and use the send password recovery email link from the Admin Users interface.
    With August release, the Module Manager interface will remove the option to "Use Image for Button [x]" available for some modules (web form submit button, product search form button and more). The current browser support is good enough for enabling more effective ways to style buttons with CSS instead. This also helps with preparing to replace the current Module Manager with the better version available in File Manager.
    Issues fixed by July release
    Issue 2892059 - Fixed an issue preventing the Facebook like and comments module to render after choosing a different product from a product group; to enable Facebook comments, partners also need to update the way this plugin is included in the site; for more details on what needs to be updated, read the "Facebook comments plugin does not work properly when used with Product Grouping" technote
    Issue 3219275 -     Fixed an issue causing recurrent orders to be created without a shipping option
    Issue 2668311 -     Fixed an issue causing recurrent orders to include an incorrect shipping description
    Issue 2900590 -     Fixed an issue causing an incorrect address to be displayed for web app items
    Issue 3096566 -     Improved performance on loyalty email campaigns
    Issue 3213170 -     Fixed an issue generating multiple email notifications for the  same transaction when a purchase is made through Payment Express payment gateway
    Issue 2839472 -     Fixed an issue preventing users from saving the web form Auto Responder when the interface language was set to French
    Issue 3219621 -     Fixed an issue generating random errors when updating customer details
    Issue 3220784 -     Updated forum notifications to include the site URL even when a default domain is not set
    Issue 3221426 -     Fixed an issue causing weekly emails to show "0 visitors" in right sidebar for webBasics websites even when the site had visits
    Issue 3221199 -     Updated File Manager to prevent scrolling to the top of the page after saving a file
    Issue 3221464 -     Fixed an issue in the blog user interface preventing users from deleting tags
    Issue 3228822 -     Updated Payment Gateway user interface to have Save button enabled at all times to allow users save PayPal settings
    Issue 3228829 -     Fixed an bug making Import Data page not accessible from the old user interface
    Issue 3228812 -     Fixed an issue causing the Manage New Comments Rules to be displayed empty
    Issue 3228560 -     Fixed an issue causing the link to support to load the business owner support page even if the logged in user was a partner
    Issue 3230060 -     Fixed an issue preventing streaming literature items from being displayed correctly if extension was in uppercase
    Issue 3230807 -     Fixed an issue causing module_ratingrank to not display custom images
    Issue 3230062 -     Fixed an issue causing the Dashboard Reports to show the end date one day in the future.
    Issue 2832342 - Fixed a bug causing Opt-In status to be exported blank when exporting a Customer Report to CSV
    Issue 3208395 - Users can now change their recovery email from My Details page
    Issue 3214348 - Updated visitors report Geographic location graph so that it also display  entries with missing or incomplete information
    Issue 2751493 - Made "Limit Delivery to Following Countries" list selection reflect the select shipping option
    Issue 3286799 - Fixed an issue in Custom Reports causing the report builder to crash when trying to filter by case status
    Issue 3284135 - Fixed an issue preventing the image for removing products in the edit order screen from being rendered
    Business Catalyst new admin interface updates
    Updated several controls display rule to depend on user permission instead of user type (partner or business owner); this issue prevented Partners from accessing the new File Manager when logged in on sites that did not belong to their partner portal.
    Fixed an issue causing link manager to not load if started from Rad editor link manager opened in pop-up windows
    Fixed a problem causing the code editor to crash when pasting more than 140 characters
    What's next
    Import customers/web apps performance: following the release, we're going to release a update that aims to improve performance of our import engine; this aims to reduce import time and avoid timeouts during import;
    Page metadata changes: we plan to update the way page metadata is handled  (for more details, see planned changes page)
    New admin interface: updated the save and related action buttons behavior to be consistent throughout the entire admin (mockups)
    Product Inventory Control per Attributes: we are planning to update the current e-commerce module to enable store owners to manage inventory based on product attributes; this feature is expected to be included in the September release.
    New analytics infrastructure - beta: we will release a beta version of a new analytics infrastructure. This aims to solve performance issues when viewing analytics data, and some minor tweaks in visit calculations. A separate post on the paid partner forum with more information on how to access this beta version will be published next week.
    Thank you,
    Cristinel Anastasoaie
    Adobe Business Catalyst Product Manager

    hey, just wondering if the Product Inventory Control per Attributes is going to schedule? I have a new client about to launch their website, with e-commerce section to come in August, but might hold off if this feature will be ready in September? Do you have a more definite ETA?

  • Syncing with Outlook, faulty and unsuccessful

    I have read through some of the posts, and apologize if I missed one with the same problem I am having.  I was disappointed getting my Z10 initially when I wasn't able to sync with my outlook Calendar and Contacts.  However, that was quickly changed and is available on Link now.  However, I have a number of issues with it.  At the risk of putting too much detail, I have tried different settings for the sync, using the device as the main or the computer as the main source.  I have the latest version of Link, and have removed and reinstalled that software.  I also bought a new laptop a couple weeks ago, and attempted on this machine, only to have the same problems.  so here is a list of the issues I continue to have.
    The most recent attempt, some of the data off my outlook calendar made it to my z10 but none of the information on my z10 went to the outlook calendar.
    Creates duplicates of some contacts on both z10 and computer
    removed email addresses..  to do this, it created a duplicate address in my z10 than kept only that duplicate with incomplete information in the outlook contact file
    Crossed information between two contacts with similar names.
    In some of the contacts again on both z10 and computer, created a duplicate of information inside the contact itself, without creating a duplicate contact.  (  ie, if contact had two phone numbers and 2 email addresses, it now has duplicates showing 4 phone numbers and 4 emails,... other information also duplicated inside the contact)
    Before I got the z10 I was able to flawlessly sync between my phone my playbook and my outlook file on my laptop.  My current issues don't even address the lack of sync between the playbook and outlook now. 
    are these issues others have seen or experienced.  Is it operator error or is there a bug somewhere.
    Thanks in advance for any and all help

    I have the same problem with Q10 I just purchased this last week. Blackberry Link is the worst application I have used. Is Blackberry going to do anything about it? They should if they want to increase their sales, if the product is not working it puts a bad light on Blackberry. Please Blackberry do something, I want to see your success!!! THe current Blackberry LINK still has alot of bugs that MUST be fixed.....
    1. Performance very very slow hours to process
    2. incorrect or duplicated entries 3. unable to update both device and outlook, no choices
    4. unable to sync task and memos.

  • UWL Creation of new View

    Hi Everybody,
    How to Create the new UWL list view which can be attached to new role...?
    the actual requirement is to fetch the Process and task from the workflow and display them in new view with there many attributs...
    I am using NWDS7.2 CE and request to u pleas give me proper solution...I search n downloaded more PDF but not of use...incomplete information is provided...
    I will reward points to proper solution..
    Thanks to all...
    Edited by: swapnilshelke on Nov 23, 2011 2:30 PM

    Hi Deven,
        I think you have to create a new controller class for the new view, even if you don't want to change anything. Because in the attributes(attribute name - VIEW) of controller class you have to maintain view name.
    Hope this will help you.

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