Turned-off external drives remain active and spin ...any risk?

I have several USB-hard-disks connected via USB-hub to my MacBook. The power for each drive can be turned on individually. I noticed that drives are still spinning though power has been turned off (but they don't mount on the desktop). So I guess that the drives draw current via the USB-contacts. Set aside the point of wasting electric energy is there a true risk for the USB-hub or even worse - what happens if I connect a turned off drive directly to the MacBook ... is it "just" sucking some energy or is this stressing the units involved?

Hi Michael,
Thanks for your input on this. I went through several steps, including most of the ones you recommended, and came upon what seems to be the problem (knock on wood).
My editing setup is one MacPro, 4 G-Raid drives, and one Sony DSR-11 digital video deck. After clearing up more space the G-Raid drives to bring them to about 10% free space, things seemed to be running smoother - there were less crashes within FCP. However, I was still getting crashes on opening FCP, at the same "splash screen" point (after all the AE Effects and Video Effects had loaded).
Running Disk Utility on all drives showed no problems, and unfortunately I don't have DiskWarrior (though that may be an upcoming purchase).
It wasn't until I went through your suggestion of starting FCP with the individual drives connected that I got somewhere. FCP would start up fine with one or even two drives connected, but not with three or four. Doing a little research on that brought me to two threads on Creative Cow about G-Raid drives and daisy-chaining:
Once I put two of the drives onto the rear FireWire800 port, and two of the drives into the front FireWire800 port, with the DSR-11 still in the back FireWire 400 port, my problems disappeared. Huzzah! The G-Raid folks recommend no more than three FireWire devices connected at a time, and lightening the load on the FireWire port by uncoupling the four-drive long daisy-chain has immediately helped. Now, I'll keep an eye on it, and may potentially buy a PCI card if something goes wonky again, but I am very happy to have gotten things up and running again. Cheers!

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    Hello, those processes are part of running NI services that start when Windows boots.  These processes serve varied purposes and stopping them can have undefined and unknown consiquences for your NI products.  These products run at "normal" priority meaning that they should be preempted by any process running at a higher priority which I would expect your other application to be doing given their time sensitivity.  That being said, in Windows XP (I can't speak for other OSes), you can lower their priorities even greater through task manager (right click the process»set priority) to further remove them from contention for resources.  If you want to prevent them from running you can set the service startup type to "manual" in Control Panel»Administrative Tools»Services.  Right click the process go to Properties and Under the General tab choose Startup Type»Manual.  This will start up the processes only when something directly starts it up.  LabVIEW will start these processes up as it attempts to use them.  When you shut down LabVIEW you will need to manually shut down these processes through task manager.  Again, doing this can cause problems with your NI products on your system and it is not advised.
    Travis M
    LabVIEW R&D
    National Instruments

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    Hi P S 13,
    If your MacBook Pro will not power on as you describe, I would suggest you troubleshoot using the steps in this article -
    Troubleshooting: My computer won't turn on
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    Brett L

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    Back to Apple again?

    Just like cars, you lucked on a lemon.

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    Bill, you ignorant moron.  Turn off the ultra secret hidden shuffle diabolically placed behind the album cover.  Just tap the album cover to expose the sinister little shuffle icon on the right.  Is it blue?  Well, tap it until it is no longer blue! Also, make sure you are in your playlist and not the genius playlist. 
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    Hey tulgan,
    This link will provide information on what to do after you change your Apple ID:
    Apple ID: What to do after you change your Apple ID
    Welcome to Apple Support Communities!
    Take care,

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    easy question I'm sure. imac hard full (500gb) mostly from iphoto. no capacity left. what are my options? I've thought of an external drive of 1tb and then a 2nd external drive of 3tb to back up both???? please help.

    Those are the options - more space is more space.
    Moving the iPhoto Library is simple:
    Make sure the drive is formatted Mac OS Extended (Journaled)
    1. Quit iPhoto
    2. Copy the iPhoto Library from your Pictures Folder to the External Disk.
    3. Hold down the option (or alt) key while launching iPhoto. From the resulting menu select 'Choose Library' and navigate to the new location. From that point on this will be the default location of your library.
    4. Test the library and when you're sure all is well, trash the one on your internal HD to free up space.

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    IDVD - in preview all is good...burning dvd the music cuts out 2 times in 4 songs...i have turned off all other programs, sleep and energy mode for battery...multiple tries... same result ...help

    No audio on DVD disc.
    Most common origin.
    1. Imported audio from iTunes.
    • In iTunes copy out as an audio-CD .aiff
    • Use this in Your movie project
    2. Low - Free Space on Start-up/Boot/Internal/Mac OS Hard disk makes it hard for iMovie to work as intended.
    Down to 1.3 GB and it doesn’t work - especially audio don’t migrate over to Media Browser
    (iM’08 & 09)
    3. Material in iMovie’08 & 09 - Shared to Media Browser and here selected as Large
    large.m4v. It silenced out this project in iDVD. By making a slight alteration - provocing it to ask for a new Share/Publish to Media Browser and here selecting 640x480 - and audio was back when a new iDVD project was created including this movie.
    720x540    960x540
    4. Strange audio formats like .mp3, .avi etc.
    • Change them to .aiff. Use an audio editor like Audacity (free)
    5. Main audio is set to off in System Preferences - Does this by it self - Don’t know why
    Cheque Audio-Out resp. Audio-In
    6. Ed Hanna
    Had the same problem; some Googling around gave me a kludgy, but effective fix
    Downgrade Perian from recent versions back to version 1.0.
    That worked for me, and so far I haven't encountered any deficiencies—except it takes more advanced versions of Perian to enable QuickTime to handle subtitles in .srt format—that I have noticed.
    7. GarageBand fix.
    In this set audio to 44.1 kHz (Klaus1 suggestion)
    (if this don’t work try 48 kHz - me guessing)
    Before burning the DVD.
    • Do a DiskImage (File menu and down)
    • Double click on the .img file
    • Test it with Apple DVD-player
    If it’s OK then make Your DVD.
    Burn at x1 speed.... (or x4)
    • In iDVD 08 - or - 09
    • Burn from DiskImage with Apple’s Disk Utilities application
    • OR burn with Roxio Toast™ if You got it
    Yours Bengt W

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