TV Show: Damages and FX Channel don't appear

I see that the show "Damages" (and the FX Channel) are available in iTunes, but they are not available on AppleTV Menu?
What gives?  Shouldn't the same content be available on ATV that is available on iTunes?
ATV is on latest iOS.

Thank you, but that is not the problem.  Damages is available in both SD and HD.
However, I think I found my own solution.  Purchasing via iTunes on my does show up via AirPlay.  What I found interesting is that the entire show must be downloaded before it is "available" under TV Shows.
I found somewhere on the forums that a lot of TV Shows require a device that can download - as "streaming" is unavailable.  Since ATV2 cannot "download" and can only stream - some shows are not available via the ATV menu but are available via iTunes.
Problem solved - download via iTunes and Airshare to ATV.
Thanks for all who have looked.

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