TV show mess

My tv shows appear very haphazardly on the iPad when using Home Sharing. I have multiple seasons of some shows. On some of the shows I will get multiple instances of the same season while other seasons will not appear at all. Also some shows appear and others dont. My movies appear perfectly. All of my tv shows have the necessary metadata. I don't understand why my tv shows list perfectly on my Apple TV yet show up all messed up on my iPad?

I have all of my movies & tv shows on my imac and share them to the iPad & Apple TV. The really weird part is that I get music and movies showing up inthe TV shows section on my iPad. I tried your suggestion and it solved the issue of there being music & movies appearing in the TV Shows section. It seems that I am getting all of my TV Shows now, but I'm still getting the multple instances of the same season. Thanks for the tip! I can watch TV shows again on my iPad!

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    Restore the iPod and reload the songs from iTunes.
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    Your alt (aka opt or ⌥) key is stuck down. This seems to be quite common these days.
    Try teasing it up with the corners of two credit cards or similar flexible, non-conducting tools.
    If that doesn't work, the wafer switch underneath may be damaged, in which case it'll need to go in for service.

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    >Transfer (IDocs and TRFC): Missing messages or warnings
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  • LR 1.3.1 Slideshow Playback problem - real world example of how software bugs affect your business

    MacBook Pro 17" latest brand new laptop
    Apple 10.4.11
    LR latest 1.3.1
    This post is about a playback bug in the slideshow module introduced in LR 1.3.1 and how it publicly affected my business reputation last night.
    I shoot high end weddings here in Los Angeles. I charge my clients a lot of money and deliver a fabulous bespoke photography service with custom designed albums that come in at several grand each as well as the cost of the shoot itself.
    Nearly all my work comes from referrals and part of my selling point is my personal style, which is all about a super professional approach, no excuses, get the job done, done right, and exceed all expectations for my clients. So no technical problems are allowed ever. I carry triplicate cameras, drives, laptops, lights etc. Everything is checked and double checked.
    Lightroom has changed the way we do things in my business and has shaved many hours per week off our editor's work load. It has been awesome for us.
    I am a big fan and think that LR will be seen in history as a critical moment when digital photography came of age. Just wanted to say this before I get into this next bit.
    But Adobe - listen up...really listen up...we just updated LR to 1.3.1 from 1.3
    Last night your application embarrassed and humiliated me in front of many hundreds of people.
    I usually do a projected slide show during the wedding reception using camera jpgs from the earlier part of the day. These very popular with the guests and are good for our business. Last night my partner pulled a fabulous show together and with much fanfare we projected as usual onto a huge white wall with hundreds of people watching.
    Just like we have been doing since LR 1.0 - we select 50 or so images, make a collection, tailor the settings so the images look fabulous when projected, go to the slide show module and hit play. It has always worked incredibly well, very clean, easy and painless. Wonderful.
    But last night the show played only the first few slides before it went back to the beginning. We quickly rebooted, first turning off the projector, and redid the same step. This time it played a little further and randomly started playing back. So we took it all off line again and rebooted it all.
    SAME SH*T again.
    The bride's parents (my clients in this case) came over and were very condescending to me about our "broken and unreliable equipment". We had a huge hall of guests watching this. I could have crawled under a table.
    We now exported the images as JPGS (off line with no projector of course) and then ran the slide show from these using the Apple Preview application. But this took us another 20 mins.
    But by now we had lost the moment, the wedding planner had moved on to other things. We lost the opportunity to be slick, professional and impress the venue, the other vendors, the 3 other bridesmaids who are looking for wedding photographers etc etc. And I had publicly messed up for my client on the most important day of his daughter's life.
    This slidehow problem is a stupid and repeatable bug and Adobe you have no excuse for releasing substandard product like this to professional users like me.
    You should be ashamed of yourselves.
    Will Henshall

    Many thanks to those above who spent the time to reply to my post/rant...
    Ironically, these particular clients are actually typical model customers for us, and we have a fabulous relationship with them. They were understanding about the software problem and they then loved our work when they saw it. So all good there in the end. The comments made were somewhat jokey and not intended as malicious. But many a true word is spoken in jest...
    However, my point is that the quality, level of service my company provides in this competitive market is at a level where there can be no room for amateur like error. Especially with something as simple as getting a slide show to work. Like a swan serenely gliding down a river, covering a big budget event has to look effortless from above even though underneath that swan is paddling like hell!!!!
    Lightroom is all about workflow, that's what it is amazing at and the simplicity of pulling the camera jpgs out from the Canon 1dn bodies 2nd card and importing them into this single application, running our custom presets on them and then simply hitting the slideshow button has been a joy to behold. No need to export, no need for another application, just really simple and quick. Adobe really got the principle of this right.
    As a photographer, I truly don't want me or my partners to be hunched over a laptop fiddling with imperfect software at a job when what will further my career and feed my family is me going back out to the event, shooting more killer images and networking networking networking for future gigs. Client relations, thats the name of the game here.
    So here's the rest of my rant/point:
    If you think about professional software like any other kind of professional product made by the leading public company in its market - compare it to say my Ford truck. I bought my truck new, it is reliable and every time I start it to go to work, it gets me there. It has never broken down in 100,000 miles. Even when I take it in for a service, the parking brake still works in exactly the same way that it did before I took it in - ie as advertised. I do not need to test whether my truck works ok when it comes back from a service, and this is a reasonable assumption I think. I can park it on a hill with no worries.
    So what is different with software? Why are we, the end users expected to put up with below standard shoddy tools, especially when provided by huge multi-million dollar companies like Adobe?
    When the software is "serviced" ie updated, my expectation is that it will be made BETTER, or at least the key user features should still work as advertised. The first thing I *don't* think is, uh-huh, this a new release, hope the parking brake still works. I am making a living as a photographer, not a software tester.
    There is a culture of software users expecting that there will be bugs. And this is not acceptable to me. Not at all. Software is just a product that does specific things just like any other my truck, my cameras, my lights etc.
    I am sick sick sick of using professional grade software that some production manager has signed off on, knowing or not caring that there are significant bugs that will hit a key number of users.
    And yes perhaps I should mention I also have a previous career in software development and yes I truly understand what is involved in releasing innovative products like this.
    Don said above It is an iron law of software development--especially with innovative new applications in their early development. Lightroom fits that pattern to a tee. Buyer beware!
    This absolutely is not an iron law. If you have ever used most Avid or Digidesign products you will know that as long as the machine specific conditions have been adhered to, then the product will indeed work as advertised. Its about quality control and someone in the developing company driving the development production with integrity and care.
    Rock solid software development is generally about cost to trim the budget you can either cut time to market or trim the feature set or allow a higher acceptable failure rate (ie how many bugs are in the code) and Lightroom is one of the most important apps to appear since Photoshop itself.
    Someone somewhere at Adobe needs a kick in the pants to get the quality of this up to where it needs to be. Get more testers on it, fire the qa manger, do whatever you have to do, but remember your radical and awesome application is now right on the bottom line mission critical workflow for many of us. And that is how you are positioning it when you sold it to us in the first place.
    As I hope you can tell when reading this, I am indeed a fan of LR. A big one. I have converted dozens of my colleagues to use LR. It rocks for most things, even with its weird flawed odd orange color cast for some skin tones under some lighting conditions. It does stuff that no other app does.
    I was just very very disappointed with this slide show bug.
    Please Adobe LR folk, focus on this and get it fixed asap, and then keep an eye on the quality of your future releases. The use case for the slide show messing up on my particular machine running a super low number of images from small size jpgs on a recent Mac OS must have been very much on the left of your Gant chart...
    Will Henshall

  • Snippets: CS3 vs CS2

    We're just moving up to CS3 from CS2.
    In CS2, when I placed a snippet it was automatically placed in the position where it was when created. In CS3, I get a loaded cursor that wants me to click. In looking at InDesign help, I found there is a new preference under "file handling" that I THOUGHT would help, but it does not. I changed the preference setting to "position at original location", but I still have to click for the snippet to place.
    I know it seems like it's not a big deal, but we have a script that places a snippet (among doing other things) and I really don't want it to stop for the user to click. They're used to things just showing up where they're supposed to be.
    Is there another preference setting I'm missing?

    > Has anyone noticed a difference in Dreamweaver CS2 vs
    CS3 regarding
    > stylesheets
    > and publication?
    Only that DWCS3 renders CSS-based pages better than DW8 did
    (I assume that's
    what you mean by CS2).
    > Could it be something else?
    Definitely. Can you post a link to a page?
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    "catsr#1" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:flbkod$f2p$[email protected]..
    > Has anyone noticed a difference in Dreamweaver CS2 vs
    CS3 regarding
    > stylesheets
    > and publication? What I mean is, DW-CS2 shows my page in
    layout form with
    > the
    > attached stylesheet and the pages look fine and publish
    fine. When I close
    > DW-CS2 and open DW-CS3 and open up the same files they
    look as though the
    > stylesheet is not attached to the file and when you
    publish the file it is
    > showing messed up without noticing the stylesheet is
    attached. (<link
    > rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all"
    href="includes/xxx.css" />).
    > I've
    > tried various ways of attaching the stylesheets but they
    continue to not
    > work
    > or publish correctly in DW-CS3 and I have to close down
    and open up CS2 to
    > view
    > the files correctly and republish them to make them look
    the way they did.
    > Basically, currenlty I can not use DW-CS3 for stylesheet
    related designs.
    > Does
    > anyone know of this being a bug? Is there a fix? Could
    it be something
    > else?
    > Have you had this problem? Thanks!

  • Export Problem with Color Image Washing Out

    I did an export of an image from DNG to JPG in LR4. Funny thing is, the JPG suddenly appears with a washed out look. It looks the same in Develop and Print modules also.
    It gets even funnier, because when I use Finder to check the photo, the preview of the image is fine. I also opened the image from Finder in Photoshop CS5 and it is fine there. I also opened the image in PSCS5 from LR4 with "Edit In" and again the image in Photoshop is fine. So this appears to be a view issue in LR4. I did not print out the washed out photo but I suspect it would print out as it appears in LR4.
    I've done some other image exports from DNG to JPG with other images and they do not have this problem but those were black&white converted images. However, I did check doing an export of another color image with the same result as the problem image. Here are screen captures of the DNG and the exported JPG (I was going to upload the exported JPG, but like I said it appears fine in Finder):

    My monitor calibration is just fine. I was saying that because similar
    problems are almost always due to bad monitor profiles. If you calibrate
    regularly using hardware calibration then you're probably fine. Many people
    use canned profiles from monitor manufacturers however and lightroom is
    highly sensitive to those and shows messed up color depending on the
    source. In this case however, since the restart fixed it it was likely a
    bad preview image. I have seen before that LR sometimes is lazy in
    refreshing those and can show you strange results that only get cleared up
    by forcing a preview refresh.
    Last your top screenshot DOES show that you are pushing the red in that
    dress out of the monitor gamut. You can check this in the soft proof in LR
    4 by turning on the monitor gamut warning. If you blow the color out of the
    monitor gamut the preview is no going to be accurate no matter how good
    your calibration. Just a cautionary warning.
    Sent from my iPhone

  • Color - sRGB washing out in Windows apps

    I'm having a color management issue. I use CS3 and the Spyder2Express color calibration system. I presently have my system (Windows) set to the Spyder2Express profile found under the display properties. I have Photoshop set to sRGB under edit-color settings. I am for some reason suddenly (in the past few days) having big issues with editing the photo in Photoshop to look as I want, then it experiencing a large color shift when viewed in any Windows application or uploaded to the web (IE7). Colors look very dull and washed out compared to Photoshop.
    From my experience, the opposite has been true if working in Adobe RGB and failing to save to sRGB before uploading the image to the web - the images wash out. So, why are my images washing out if working in sRGB as my Photoshop color space to begin with? Any Photoshop + windows experts combined that can help? I am pulling my hair out. I need to upload photos to my blog (I am a photographer) and they look super dull compared to how they view in Photoshop! Thanks in advance for your help.

    My monitor calibration is just fine. I was saying that because similar
    problems are almost always due to bad monitor profiles. If you calibrate
    regularly using hardware calibration then you're probably fine. Many people
    use canned profiles from monitor manufacturers however and lightroom is
    highly sensitive to those and shows messed up color depending on the
    source. In this case however, since the restart fixed it it was likely a
    bad preview image. I have seen before that LR sometimes is lazy in
    refreshing those and can show you strange results that only get cleared up
    by forcing a preview refresh.
    Last your top screenshot DOES show that you are pushing the red in that
    dress out of the monitor gamut. You can check this in the soft proof in LR
    4 by turning on the monitor gamut warning. If you blow the color out of the
    monitor gamut the preview is no going to be accurate no matter how good
    your calibration. Just a cautionary warning.
    Sent from my iPhone

  • Compiled executable language problem(s)

    I have a really annoying problem with unexpected Chinese language instead of the English!
    First the Distributed System manager showed up in Chinese. A search within hit a document instructing to 1st try and rename the following folder (being originally "ChineseS"):
    ..\Program Files\National Instruments\Shared\System Manager\11.0\Chinese
    I did that and the Distributed System Manager showed up correctly in English! Then I had to check its help and again it showed up in Chinese so I 1st renamed the corresponding subfolder in the:
    ..\Program Files\National Instruments\Shared\System Manager\11.0\help
    However since that had not helped I did the 2nd option - copying the english help file over the chiense... - and that solved the problem.
    Now I am trying to build a HostVI EXE to read a TargetVI EXE from a cRIO and allthough the VI shows correct English, its compiled version shows messed characters like in the "Host VI App.png". "Run-Time Languages.png" shows a working language selection combination. The compiled HostVI EXE simply won't run if the Chinese language is not included. And regardless to the default selection being English - the EXE shows garbage...
    Does anyone know how to solve this ridiculus issue?
    Thanks in advance,
    Run-Time Languages.png ‏21 KB
    Host VI App.png ‏17 KB

    Hi golubovski,
    I'm sorry to hear that you're having this issue with LabVIEW. In the interest of reproducing your issue, can you confirm that you're using version 2011 of our software and which OS are you using on the two PCs that you mention. Also, to clarify, when you say that this happens on 2/3 of your PCs, do you mean that you have tried compiling the executive on multiple PCs with the development environment, or just that you have tested the compiled executive on multiple PCs? Thank you for your cooperation as we look into the issue!

  • Dreamweaver CS3 vs CS2 regarding css style sheets

    Has anyone noticed a difference in Dreamweaver CS2 vs CS3
    regarding stylesheets and publication? What I mean is, DW-CS2 shows
    my page in layout form with the attached stylesheet and the pages
    look fine and publish fine. When I close DW-CS2 and open DW-CS3 and
    open up the same files they look as though the stylesheet is not
    attached to the file and when you publish the file it is showing
    messed up without noticing the stylesheet is attached. (<link
    rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all"
    href="includes/xxx.css" />). I've tried various ways of
    attaching the stylesheets and even let DW create the link, but they
    continue to not work or publish correctly in DW-CS3 and I have to
    close down and open up CS2 to view the files correctly and
    republish them to make them look the way they did. Basically,
    currenlty I can not use DW-CS3 for stylesheet related designs. Does
    anyone know of this being a bug? Is there a fix? Could it be
    something else? Have you had this problem? Thanks!

    > Has anyone noticed a difference in Dreamweaver CS2 vs
    CS3 regarding
    > stylesheets
    > and publication?
    Only that DWCS3 renders CSS-based pages better than DW8 did
    (I assume that's
    what you mean by CS2).
    > Could it be something else?
    Definitely. Can you post a link to a page?
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    "catsr#1" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:flbkod$f2p$[email protected]..
    > Has anyone noticed a difference in Dreamweaver CS2 vs
    CS3 regarding
    > stylesheets
    > and publication? What I mean is, DW-CS2 shows my page in
    layout form with
    > the
    > attached stylesheet and the pages look fine and publish
    fine. When I close
    > DW-CS2 and open DW-CS3 and open up the same files they
    look as though the
    > stylesheet is not attached to the file and when you
    publish the file it is
    > showing messed up without noticing the stylesheet is
    attached. (<link
    > rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all"
    href="includes/xxx.css" />).
    > I've
    > tried various ways of attaching the stylesheets but they
    continue to not
    > work
    > or publish correctly in DW-CS3 and I have to close down
    and open up CS2 to
    > view
    > the files correctly and republish them to make them look
    the way they did.
    > Basically, currenlty I can not use DW-CS3 for stylesheet
    related designs.
    > Does
    > anyone know of this being a bug? Is there a fix? Could
    it be something
    > else?
    > Have you had this problem? Thanks!

  • I only show one iCloud on my IPhone that can do a restore. I synced it with my MacBook Pro and I think that may have messed things up. Prior to that I have several backups. Will a "genius" be able to access the info I need?

    I only show one iCloud on my IPhone that can do a restore. I synced it with my MacBook Pro and I think that may have messed things up. Prior to that I have several backups. Will a "genius" be able to access the info I need?

    If things seem to be going haywire with your phone, it seems that it MAY be a software issue.
    Now, that being said, that does not necessarily mean that it is a virus. Software issues do happen sometimes. It is probably just coincidence.
    What you need to do is restore the device using iTunes. This will fix any software issues. After you have done this, you can restore from an iCloud backup.
    iCloud does not back up the actual software, so no, the "virus" would not have gotten into the backups.
    The link below provides steps on restoring your device using iTunes as well as how to restore from an iCloud backup.
    Don't worry! Everything should be back to normal if you follow these steps.

  • I have an iPhone 4 on IOS5. I signed up for itunes match. After everything uploaded to the cloud, my songs are messed up. I'll select a song and the title will show with the right art work but a different song will start playing.  Anyone have a solution?

    I have an iPhone 4 on IOS5. I signed up for itunes match. After everything uploaded to the cloud, my songs are messed up. I'll select a song and the title will show with the right art work but a different song will start playing.  Some songs won't play at all even though they do appear in the itunes store. The artwork almost always shows u blank until you turn it to landscape then it will appear. Anyone know what's going on?

    I have found that scrolling through the album list (past albums without art) triggers the progress wheel next to the wifi symbol. You can scroll quickly through the whole collection and then wait! Artwork will appear gradually...
    However, repeat visits to the Music App might initially show no artwork again, but it might spontaneously appear more quickly this time. The bad news is that the whole Music App is now sluggish as ****...

Maybe you are looking for