Two Content Instance checked in when i check-in a file, programatically

I have written the custom service for cheeck-in XML(XML is dynamically creating from the custom content input form). Then I am using the following code for calling the check-in service.
               m_binder.putLocal("AutoNumberPrefix", location + "_" + connection_type + "_");
               m_binder.putLocal("IdcService", "CHECKIN_NEW_SUB");
               m_binder.putLocal("dDocTitle", plan_name);
               m_binder.putLocal("dDocAuthor", "sysadmin");
               m_binder.putLocal("dDocType", "Plans");
               m_binder.putLocal("dSecurityGroup", "Public");
               m_binder.putLocal("primaryFile", file);
               m_binder.putLocal("primaryFile:path", dirPath + file);
It is check-in the file. but it is creating 2 CI in the content server. PLease let me know is it because of above code. I am completely new to this UCM.
How to check API?
Regards & thanks,
Nirmala Vijaya Sekhar Varre

Thanks for the patience. Here is my code.
package Plans;
import intradoc.common.ServiceException;
import intradoc.server.ServiceHandler;
import java.util.Iterator;
* @Author: Nirmala Vijaya Sekhar
public class PlansHandler extends ServiceHandler{
     * create XML file from the input file
     public void createPlan() throws DataException, ServiceException, IOException, FileNotFoundException{
          System.out.println("************ CREATE PLAN - BEGIN ************");
               String location = m_binder.getLocal("location");
               String connection_type = m_binder.getLocal("connection_type");
               String plan_name = m_binder.getLocal("plan_name");
               String crm_id = m_binder.getLocal("crm_id");
               String pack_charges = m_binder.getLocal("pack_charges");
               String validity = m_binder.getLocal("validity");
               String free_talktime = m_binder.getLocal("free_talktime");
               String incoming_calls = m_binder.getLocal("incoming_calls");
               String short_desc = m_binder.getLocal("short_desc");
               String long_desc = m_binder.getLocal("long_desc");
               String image_path = m_binder.getLocal("image_path");
               String alt_text = m_binder.getLocal("alt_text");
               String local_rates_eti = m_binder.getLocal("local_rates_eti");
               String local_rates_others = m_binder.getLocal("local_rates_others");
               String local_startup_fee = m_binder.getLocal("local_startup_fee");
               String local_incoming_calls = m_binder.getLocal("local_incoming_calls");
               String local_lcc_mobile = m_binder.getLocal("local_lcc_mobile");
               String local_lcc_landline = m_binder.getLocal("local_lcc_landline");
               String local_lsc_mobile = m_binder.getLocal("local_lsc_mobile");
               String local_lsc_landline = m_binder.getLocal("local_lsc_landline");
               String std_rates_eti = m_binder.getLocal("std_rates_eti");
               String std_rates_others = m_binder.getLocal("std_rates_others");
               String std_startup_fee = m_binder.getLocal("std_startup_fee");
               String std_incoming_calls = m_binder.getLocal("std_incoming_calls");
               String std_lcc_mobile = m_binder.getLocal("std_lcc_mobile");
               String std_lcc_landline = m_binder.getLocal("std_lcc_landline");
               String std_lsc_mobile = m_binder.getLocal("std_lsc_mobile");
               String std_lsc_landline = m_binder.getLocal("std_lsc_landline");
               String isd_startup_fee = m_binder.getLocal("isd_startup_fee");
               String isd_incoming_calls = m_binder.getLocal("isd_incoming_calls");
               String isd_lcc_mobile = m_binder.getLocal("isd_lcc_mobile");
               String isd_lcc_landline = m_binder.getLocal("isd_lcc_landline");
               String isd_lsc_mobile = m_binder.getLocal("isd_lsc_mobile");
               String isd_lsc_landline = m_binder.getLocal("isd_lsc_landline");
               String roaming_rates_eti = m_binder.getLocal("roaming_rates_eti");
               String roaming_rates_others = m_binder.getLocal("roaming_rates_others");
               String addonFlag = m_binder.getLocal("addonFlag");
               String addonList = m_binder.getLocal("addonList");
               String status = m_binder.getLocal("status");
               String xmlFileContent = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>";
               xmlFileContent += "<plan>";
               xmlFileContent +="<location>" location "</location>";
               xmlFileContent +="<connection_type>" connection_type "</connection_type>";
               xmlFileContent +="<plan_name>" plan_name "</plan_name>";
               xmlFileContent +="<crm_id>" crm_id "</crm_id>";
               xmlFileContent +="<pack_charges>" pack_charges "</pack_charges>";
               xmlFileContent +="<validity>" validity"</validity>";
               xmlFileContent +="<free_talktime>" free_talktime "</free_talktime>";
               xmlFileContent +="<incoming_calls>" incoming_calls "</incoming_calls>";
               xmlFileContent +="<short_desc>" short_desc "</short_desc>";
               xmlFileContent +="<long_desc>" long_desc "</long_desc>";
               xmlFileContent +="<image_path>" image_path "</image_path>";
               xmlFileContent +="<alt_text>" alt_text "</alt_text>";
               xmlFileContent +="<local_rates_eti>" local_rates_eti "</local_rates_eti>";
               xmlFileContent +="<local_rates_others>" local_rates_others "</local_rates_others>";
               xmlFileContent +="<local_startup_fee>" local_startup_fee "</local_startup_fee>";
               xmlFileContent +="<local_incoming_calls>" local_incoming_calls "</local_incoming_calls>";
               xmlFileContent +="<local_lcc_mobile>" local_lcc_mobile "</local_lcc_mobile>";
               xmlFileContent +="<local_lcc_landline>" local_lcc_landline "</local_lcc_landline>";
               xmlFileContent +="<local_lsc_mobile>" local_lsc_mobile "</local_lsc_mobile>";
               xmlFileContent +="<local_lsc_landline>" local_lsc_landline "</local_lsc_landline>";
               xmlFileContent +="<std_rates_eti>" std_rates_eti "</std_rates_eti>";
               xmlFileContent +="<std_rates_others>" std_rates_others "</std_rates_others>";
               xmlFileContent +="<std_startup_fee>" std_startup_fee "</std_startup_fee>";
               xmlFileContent +="<std_incoming_calls>" std_incoming_calls "</std_incoming_calls>";
               xmlFileContent +="<std_lcc_mobile>" std_lcc_mobile "</std_lcc_mobile>";
               xmlFileContent +="<std_lcc_landline>" std_lcc_landline "</std_lcc_landline>";
               xmlFileContent +="<std_lsc_mobile>" std_lsc_mobile "</std_lsc_mobile>";
               xmlFileContent +="<std_lsc_landline>" std_lsc_landline "</std_lsc_landline>";
               xmlFileContent +="<isd_startup_fee>" isd_startup_fee "</isd_startup_fee>";
               xmlFileContent +="<isd_incoming_calls>" isd_incoming_calls "</isd_incoming_calls>";
               xmlFileContent +="<isd_lcc_mobile>" isd_lcc_mobile "</isd_lcc_mobile>";
               xmlFileContent +="<isd_lcc_landline>" isd_lcc_landline "</isd_lcc_landline>";
               xmlFileContent +="<isd_lsc_mobile>" isd_lsc_mobile "</isd_lsc_mobile>";
               xmlFileContent +="<isd_lsc_landline>" isd_lsc_landline "</isd_lsc_landline>";
               xmlFileContent +="<roaming_rates_eti>" roaming_rates_eti "</roaming_rates_eti>";
               xmlFileContent +="<roaming_rates_others>" roaming_rates_others "</roaming_rates_others>";
               xmlFileContent +="<addonFlag>" addonFlag "</addonFlag>";
               xmlFileContent +="<addonList>" addonList "</addonList>";
               xmlFileContent +="<status>" status "</status>";
               xmlFileContent += "</plan>";
               * Store the XML file in a System Location
               //String dirPath = "/tmp/";
               String dirPath = "C:\\tmp\\";
               String file = "plans.xml";
               String filePath = dirPath + file;
               createFile(filePath, xmlFileContent);
               //m_binder.putLocal("IsAutoNumber", "true");
               System.out.println("#################### STATUS #############"+status);
               m_binder.putLocal("AutoNumberPrefix", location + "_" + connection_type + "_");
               System.out.println("---------- 1 Autonumberprefix -------------");
               m_binder.putLocal("IdcService", "CHECKIN_NEW_SUB");
               //m_binder.putLocal("IdcService", "CHECKIN_UNIVERSAL");
               System.out.println("------- 2 IdcService----------");
               m_binder.putLocal("dDocTitle", plan_name);
               System.out.println("------------- 3 docType------------");
               m_binder.putLocal("dDocAuthor", "sysadmin");
               System.out.println("------- 4 dDocAuthor ---------");
               m_binder.putLocal("dDocType", "Plans");
               System.out.println("--------- 5 dDocType ----------");
               m_binder.putLocal("dSecurityGroup", "Public");
               System.out.println("-------- 6 dSecurityGroup ---------");
               m_binder.putLocal("primaryFile", file);
               System.out.println("------------ 7 Primary File--------");
               m_binder.putLocal("primaryFile:path", dirPath + file);
               System.out.println("-------- 8 primary file Path ----------");
               System.out.println("------- 9 add temp file Completed--------");
               System.out.println("------------ 10 CHECKIN_UNIVERSAL--------");
          catch(Exception e){
               System.out.println("---------Exception Start --------"+e.getLocalizedMessage());
          System.out.println("************ CREATE PLAN - END ************");
     * editPlan is for editing the Plan
     public void editPlans()throws DataException, ServiceException, IOException, FileNotFoundException
          System.out.println("@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ EDIT PLAN - BEGIN @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@");
               String contentID = m_binder.getLocal("contentid");
               //String baseDirPath = "/portal_ucm/ContentServer/weblayout/";
               String baseDirPath = "/webcenterapp/ContentServer/weblayout/";
               //String baseDirPath = "C:/ContentServer/weblayout/";
               String[] temp;
               temp = contentID.split("#");
               String filePath = baseDirPath + "groups/public/documents/" + temp[2].toLowerCase() + "/" + temp[0].toLowerCase() + ".xml";
     try {
     //create the parser
          String binderValue="";
     XMLStreamReader parser = XMLInputFactory.newInstance().createXMLStreamReader(new FileInputStream(filePath));
     StAXOMBuilder builder = new StAXOMBuilder(parser);
     //get the root element (in this case the envelope)
     OMElement documentElement = builder.getDocumentElement();
     //dump the out put to console with caching
     Iterator iterator = documentElement.getChildElements();
          OMElement ele = (OMElement);
          binderValue += ele.getText() + ",";
     m_binder.putLocal("binderValue", binderValue);
     m_binder.putLocal("contentId", temp[0]);
     m_binder.putLocal("dId", temp[1]);
     m_binder.putLocal("revLabel", temp[3]);
     } catch (XMLStreamException e) {
     } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
          catch(Exception e){
          System.out.println("@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ EDIT PLAN - BEGIN @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@");
     * EditPlanValue() method for editing teh Plan Values
     public void editPlanValue()throws DataException, ServiceException, IOException, FileNotFoundException
          System.out.println("#################### EDIT PLAN PVALUE - BEGIN ####################");
               String location = m_binder.getLocal("location");
               String connection_type = m_binder.getLocal("connection_type");
               String plan_name = m_binder.getLocal("plan_name");
               String crm_id = m_binder.getLocal("crm_id");
               String pack_charges = m_binder.getLocal("pack_charges");
               String validity = m_binder.getLocal("validity");
               String free_talktime = m_binder.getLocal("free_talktime");
               String incoming_calls = m_binder.getLocal("incoming_calls");
               String short_desc = m_binder.getLocal("short_desc");
               String long_desc = m_binder.getLocal("long_desc");
               String image_path = m_binder.getLocal("image_path");
               String alt_text = m_binder.getLocal("alt_text");
               String local_rates_eti = m_binder.getLocal("local_rates_eti");
               String local_rates_others = m_binder.getLocal("local_rates_others");
               String local_startup_fee = m_binder.getLocal("local_startup_fee");
               String local_incoming_calls = m_binder.getLocal("local_incoming_calls");
               String local_lcc_mobile = m_binder.getLocal("local_lcc_mobile");
               String local_lcc_landline = m_binder.getLocal("local_lcc_landline");
               String local_lsc_mobile = m_binder.getLocal("local_lsc_mobile");
               String local_lsc_landline = m_binder.getLocal("local_lsc_landline");
               String std_rates_eti = m_binder.getLocal("std_rates_eti");
               String std_rates_others = m_binder.getLocal("std_rates_others");
               String std_startup_fee = m_binder.getLocal("std_startup_fee");
               String std_incoming_calls = m_binder.getLocal("std_incoming_calls");
               String std_lcc_mobile = m_binder.getLocal("std_lcc_mobile");
               String std_lcc_landline = m_binder.getLocal("std_lcc_landline");
               String std_lsc_mobile = m_binder.getLocal("std_lsc_mobile");
               String std_lsc_landline = m_binder.getLocal("std_lsc_landline");
               String isd_startup_fee = m_binder.getLocal("isd_startup_fee");
               String isd_incoming_calls = m_binder.getLocal("isd_incoming_calls");
               String isd_lcc_mobile = m_binder.getLocal("isd_lcc_mobile");
               String isd_lcc_landline = m_binder.getLocal("isd_lcc_landline");
               String isd_lsc_mobile = m_binder.getLocal("isd_lsc_mobile");
               String isd_lsc_landline = m_binder.getLocal("isd_lsc_landline");
               String roaming_rates_eti = m_binder.getLocal("roaming_rates_eti");
               String roaming_rates_others = m_binder.getLocal("roaming_rates_others");
               String addonFlag = m_binder.getLocal("addonFlag");
               String addonList = m_binder.getLocal("addonList");
               String status = m_binder.getLocal("status");
               String contentId = m_binder.getLocal("contentId");
               String dId = m_binder.getLocal("dId");
               String revLabel = m_binder.getLocal("revLabel");
               int temp = Integer.parseInt(revLabel);
               revLabel = temp + "";
               m_binder.putLocal("IdcService", "INTERNAL_CHECKOUT_SUB");
               m_binder.putLocal("dDocName", contentId);
               m_binder.putLocal("dDocAuthor", "sysadmin");
               String xmlFileContent = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>";
               xmlFileContent += "<plan>";
               xmlFileContent +="<location>" location "</location>";
               xmlFileContent +="<connection_type>" connection_type "</connection_type>";
               xmlFileContent +="<plan_name>" plan_name "</plan_name>";
               xmlFileContent +="<crm_id>" crm_id "</crm_id>";
               xmlFileContent +="<pack_charges>" pack_charges "</pack_charges>";
               xmlFileContent +="<validity>" validity"</validity>";
               xmlFileContent +="<free_talktime>" free_talktime "</free_talktime>";
               xmlFileContent +="<incoming_calls>" incoming_calls "</incoming_calls>";
               xmlFileContent +="<short_desc>" short_desc "</short_desc>";
               xmlFileContent +="<long_desc>" long_desc "</long_desc>";
               xmlFileContent +="<image_path>" image_path "</image_path>";
               xmlFileContent +="<alt_text>" alt_text "</alt_text>";
               xmlFileContent +="<local_rates_eti>" local_rates_eti "</local_rates_eti>";
               xmlFileContent +="<local_rates_others>" local_rates_others "</local_rates_others>";
               xmlFileContent +="<local_startup_fee>" local_startup_fee "</local_startup_fee>";
               xmlFileContent +="<local_incoming_calls>" local_incoming_calls "</local_incoming_calls>";
               xmlFileContent +="<local_lcc_mobile>" local_lcc_mobile "</local_lcc_mobile>";
               xmlFileContent +="<local_lcc_landline>" local_lcc_landline "</local_lcc_landline>";
               xmlFileContent +="<local_lsc_mobile>" local_lsc_mobile "</local_lsc_mobile>";
               xmlFileContent +="<local_lsc_landline>" local_lsc_landline "</local_lsc_landline>";
               xmlFileContent +="<std_rates_eti>" std_rates_eti "</std_rates_eti>";
               xmlFileContent +="<std_rates_others>" std_rates_others "</std_rates_others>";
               xmlFileContent +="<std_startup_fee>" std_startup_fee "</std_startup_fee>";
               xmlFileContent +="<std_incoming_calls>" std_incoming_calls "</std_incoming_calls>";
               xmlFileContent +="<std_lcc_mobile>" std_lcc_mobile "</std_lcc_mobile>";
               xmlFileContent +="<std_lcc_landline>" std_lcc_landline "</std_lcc_landline>";
               xmlFileContent +="<std_lsc_mobile>" std_lsc_mobile "</std_lsc_mobile>";
               xmlFileContent +="<std_lsc_landline>" std_lsc_landline "</std_lsc_landline>";
               xmlFileContent +="<isd_startup_fee>" isd_startup_fee "</isd_startup_fee>";
               xmlFileContent +="<isd_incoming_calls>" isd_incoming_calls "</isd_incoming_calls>";
               xmlFileContent +="<isd_lcc_mobile>" isd_lcc_mobile "</isd_lcc_mobile>";
               xmlFileContent +="<isd_lcc_landline>" isd_lcc_landline "</isd_lcc_landline>";
               xmlFileContent +="<isd_lsc_mobile>" isd_lsc_mobile "</isd_lsc_mobile>";
               xmlFileContent +="<isd_lsc_landline>" isd_lsc_landline "</isd_lsc_landline>";
               xmlFileContent +="<roaming_rates_eti>" roaming_rates_eti "</roaming_rates_eti>";
               xmlFileContent +="<roaming_rates_others>" roaming_rates_others "</roaming_rates_others>";
               //xmlFileContent +="<roaming_rates_others>" roaming_rates_others "</roaming_rates_others>";
               xmlFileContent +="<addonFlag>" addonFlag "</addonFlag>";
               xmlFileContent +="<addonList>" addonList "</addonList>";
               xmlFileContent +="<status>" status "</status>";
               xmlFileContent += "</plan>";
               String dirPath = "/tmp/";
               String file = "plans.xml";
               String filePath = dirPath + file;
               //createFile(filePath, xmlFileContent);
               createFile(file, xmlFileContent);
               m_binder.putLocal("IdcService", "CHECKIN_SEL_SUB");
               m_binder.putLocal("dID", dId);
               m_binder.putLocal("dDocName", contentId);
               m_binder.putLocal("dRevLabel", revLabel);
               m_binder.putLocal("primaryFile", file);
               m_binder.putLocal("primaryFile:path", dirPath + file);
          catch(Exception e){
          System.out.println("#################### EDIT PLAN VALUE - END ####################");
     * createFile() method is util method for creating the XML file
     private void createFile(String fileName , String xmlString) throws DataException,
     ServiceException, IOException, FileNotFoundException{
          //System.out.println("*********** CREATE FILE ************");
          File fileMain = new File(fileName);
          FileOutputStream rdFileW = new FileOutputStream(fileMain);
          //System.out.println("********** File Close --- CREATE FILE ********** ");
I have sent the server output in my previos mail. We have just created custome component in the custom folder in the content server using component wiz and we are trying to customize it.
Where I need to check for the error logs in the content server.
Regards & thanks,
Nirmala Vijaya Sekhar Varre

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    Juke Chou
    TechNet Community Support

  • I just updated my iphone to ios5 now when i go to music it says 'no content' when i checked my capacity it shows 7.9gb in 'other' . i can also see all my music is on the 'device' only when i go on the computer

    i just updated my iphone to ios5 now when i go to music it says 'no content' when i checked my capacity it shows 7.9gb in 'other' . i can also see all my music and apps on the device menue in itunes.

    I went to the Summary page of iTunes and checked "Sync only checked songs and videos".  Synced again, and no songs were playable.  Unchecked my only playlist and synced again.  All the songs were gone as expected.  Checked my playlist again, and all the songs were there.  Looked at them under the music tab, but they were all grayed out.  Tried to play any of them, but could not.  Tried to sync again and received the message, "The iPhone could not be synced because the sync session failed to start."
    Every time I connect my iPhone 4 to iTunes, it says "iTunes was interrupted while restoring the contents of the iPhone ____.  Would you like to restore this iPhone again now?"  I click "Continue Restore" (I'm tempted to click "delete backup.)  It then says, "An error occurred while restoring this iPhone (-54).  I click OK.  I'm redirected to the "Set up your iPhone screen".  It's already selected to "Restore from backup of ___'s iPhone".  Click continue.  It restores for about 2 minutes.  iTunes says my settings have been restored and wait for it to restart.  And again the message that "iTunes was interrupted..." (see above).  Crap.
    How do i get this back to where it belongs?

  • HT204370 My movies' audio isnt 5.1 as the description says. when I check out their info it says they are 2 channel. I have tried with two movies already and the audio description said Dolby 5.1

    My movies' audio isnt 5.1 as the description says. when I check out their info it says they are 2 channel. I have tried with two movies already and the audio description said Dolby 5.1

    Actually, try this instead. On the apple tv, under settings > Audio > Dolby digital
    Change it From AUTO (default) to ON
    That worked for me. All my eyetv encodes have stereo and 5.1 tracks. For some reason the auto option forces stereo. Setting it to ON forces the 5.1.
    Everything sounds nice again! It's just stupid that apple puts AUTO for the default and that setting results in stereo not 5.1.

  • HT5035 How come when I purchase two albums at 9.99 ea, I check my balance on my 25.00 gift card and I only have 3.68 left?  Shouldn't I have 5.02 left?

    How come when I purchase two albums at 9.99 ea, I check my balance on my 25.00 gift card and I only have 3.68 left?  Shouldn't I have 5.02 left?

    Oh, I didn't realize they charged tax.  Thanks!

  • Error when running check writer

    Hi ,
    i am running check writer process in test instance and i am getting this error. Can anybody help me with this.
    PL/SQL Output
    APP-PAY-06990: Report Writer report failed with an error

    I am also getting the same error when running Check Writer or Deposit Advice. I tried to see above two notes but did not help me much.
    Here is the log file...
    APP-PAY-06990: Report Writer report failed with an error
    Cause: The report failed to complete and returned an error condition.
    Action: Check the report logfile in PAY_TOP/APPLOUT/xx.lg for reason for the failure.
    We are using custom rdf file for both of the processes and are doing upgrade to R12 from 11.5.10.
    Does anyone has encountered this situation.

  • MDX Query not retuern any data on my production server when i check service it is running

    Hi All,
    MDX Query not return any data  on my production server when i check service it is running. when i restart my service  i can able to run MDX Query and get data in my production server.

    Hi Mnishcal,
    According to your description, there is no data returned before restart Analysis Services, right?
    We haven't experiencing such issue before. And we cannot reproduce this issue. In your scenario, can you reproduce this issue? Here is a post which explains why you might not see the data you expect when browsing a SQL Server Analysis Services cube that
    processed successfully. Please refer to the link below.
    Besides, are there any error on the log file? The msmdsrv.log file for the SSAS instance that can be found in \log folder of the instance. (C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSAS10.MSSQLSERVER\OLAP\Log)
    Charlie Liao
    TechNet Community Support

  • I have downloaded a movie from ITunes.  It shows up in my video app.  When I go to play it I get an error message: "The requested URL was not found on this server". When I checked back on iTunes, where you click to rent or buy a movie it says "Downloaded"

    I have downloaded a movie from ITunes.  It shows up in my video app.  When I go to play it I get an error message: "The requested URL was not found on this server". When I checked back on iTunes, where you click to rent or buy a movie it says "Downloaded".  Any advice on what I can do in order to watch this movie that I rented a couple of weeks ago?

    Select the content which is causing a problem and use the 'Report a problem' button in Your Purchase History on your computer.

  • My form has a list of yes or no questions.  I want to use either cheboxes or radio buttons.  I can't make it work.  When I check yes for one question, it marks all yes answers for all other questions.  If I mark some radio buttons to answer, it unmarks la

    My form has a list of yes or no questions.  I want to use either cheboxes or radio buttons.  Unfortunatly I can't make it work.  When I check yes for one question, it marks all yes answers for all other questions.  If I mark some radio buttons to answer, it unmarks later.  Need immediate help!!!

    Is it that you are using a PDF-based form? Did you copy and paste the Yes/No fields all the way down your form? If so, then all of the yes/no boxes are copies of each other and have the same name and properties in the PDF.
    For example, if you had:
         Question 1 and Question 1 Yes/No checkboxes
         Question 2 and Question 1 Yes/No checkboxes
         Question 3 and Question 1 Yes/No checkboxes
         Question 4 and Question 1 Yes/No checkboxes
    Then whatever answer you selected in Question 1 would populate down through the rest of the form.
    Changing the Yes/No field properties in questions two through four would eliminate the problem.
    I hope that helps,

  • When i check yahoo mail on iPad i have numerous empty messages with a 12/31/69 sent date that contain nothing.  they do not show on my mac though...what is going on?  i cannot delete them either....

    When i check yahoo email on my ipad2  there are numerous messages dated incoming on 12/31/69 that are empty.  They do not show up on my mac.  Also, if i try to edit emails on my ipad2  it will not allow me to delete them.  what is going on?

    Try turning the account off and on : Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars , then tap the account on the right, slide Mail to 'off', exit settings and go back into the Mail app, and then go back to Settings and slide Mail back to 'on'
    If that doesn't work then try closing the Mail app completely : from the home screen (i.e.not with the Mail app 'open' on-screen) double-click the home button to bring up the taskbar, then press and hold any of the apps on the taskbar for a couple of seconds or so until they start shaking, then press the '-' in the top left of the Mail app to close it, and touch any part of the screen above the taskbar so as to stop the shaking and close the taskbar.
    Also do a reset : press and hold both the sleep and home buttons for about 10 to 15 seconds (ignore the red slider), after which the Apple logo should appear - you won't lose any content, it's the iPad equivalent of a reboot.

  • What indexes are created when we check dimension as line item.

    What indexes are created when we check dimension as line item.
    and also What indexes are created when we check dimension as high cardinality.
    Where can i see that information in the system.
    Answers are highly appreciated.

    Line item means it does not have any dimension table.
    High Cardinality means that the dimension is to have a large number of instances (that is, a high cardinality). Also, it is very important to indentify the line item dimension properly. E.g. Sales Order number, this will have the exact number of entries as the fact table entries. Hence, this can be created as a line item dimension. If you are not sure of high cardinality never select that. Activate this function when the dimension has is at least 10%- 20% the size of the fact table (in terms of the number of records). <b>In this case, B tree indices are created instead of bitmap indices.</b>. By default it is BITMAP but with high cardinality it is B-Tree indexing.
    Hope this helps.

  • IPhoto won't open due to the not being updated but when I check to upgrade to iPhoto 11 it tells me it is installed. The photos in the library were modified using 9.1.5 and the iPhoto is said to be 7.1.5 (iPhoto 8). Any ideas?

    iPhoto won't open due to the not being updated but when I check to upgrade to iPhoto 11 it tells me it is installed. The photos in the library were modified using 9.1.5 and the iPhoto is said to be 7.1.5 (iPhoto 8). Any ideas?

    How do you know the library was modified with iPhoto 9 (11)?  If you've never had iPhoto 9 on your Mac it could'nt have.  It sounds like a damaged library. Make a temporary, backup copy (if you don't already have a backup copy) of the library and apply the two fixes below in order as needed:
    Fix #1
    Launch iPhoto with the Command+Option keys held down and rebuild the library.
    Select the options identified in the screenshot. 
    Fix #2
    Using iPhoto Library Manager  to Rebuild Your iPhoto Library
    Download iPhoto Library Manager and launch.
    Click on the Add Library button, navigate to your Home/Pictures folder and select your iPhoto Library folder.
    Now that the library is listed in the left hand pane of iPLM, click on your library and go to the File ➙ Rebuild Library menu option
    In the next  window name the new library and select the location you want it to be placed.
    Click on the Create button.
    Note: This creates a new library based on the LIbraryData.xml file in the library and will recover Events, Albums, keywords, titles and comments but not books, calendars or slideshows. The original library will be left untouched for further attempts at fixing the problem or in case the rebuilt library is not satisfactory.

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