Typing IPA Symbols in Mac OS X 10.5

Hello everyone, I am new here, and I've been searching everywhere to find out where to post this question, so I really apologize if this is not exactly the correct place for it!!
I specifically have Microsoft Word for MacBook, but I guess this question could really apply to any word processing application on a MacBook...
I am a Linguistics student and I need to type symbols in the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) format. Would anybody know how to type such symbols?? I've looked through all the fonts in MS Word and none of them have the symbols I am looking for. Does anyone know if these symbols even automatically exist on the MacBook, or if they must be downloaded (and where)?
Thanks so much in advance--and even if no one else has MS Word, even if you might know how to type these symbols in another word processor, I'd still be happy to know how you did this (maybe I might also have this same application as you do and not even know it because I'm so computer-illiterate!!

Hi Rylan,
Welcome to Apple Discussions and the AppleWorks forum.
You're correct in assuming this may not be exactly the right place to post this question, but I sympathise with the difficulty you experienced in finding a 'right place.'
There are some IPA fonts available on the web for download, but many, if not all of the IPA symbols (eg. dʒ and ŋ ) can be found in the Unicode encoded fonts on your Mac.*
Most may not be available directly from the keyboard. To locate those that are, got to Syatem Preferences > International > Input menu and show the Keyboard Viewer. While you're there. check the box beside Character Palette to add it to the selection. And if you do not have US Extended selected as one of your keyboard choices, check the box beside this keyboard layout as well.* The Close the International pane to exit System Preferences.
If it's not already in the menu bar, these actions will add the Input menu toward the right end of your menu bar. It will appear as a small flag corresponding to your currently selected keyboard.
Keyboard viewer will show you the characters available directly from the keyboard, using the letter, symbol and number keys and using these keys and one or more of the modifier keys (shift, option, commant and ctrl).
Character Palette will show all of the characters available in the selected palette. You can drag and drop these characters from the palette into a word processor document.* Ŋ is character #406, ŋ is #407.
*AppleWorks users note: AppleWorks cannot recognize or use characters using Unicode encoding, and characters ooutside the standard Roman set cannot be dragged into an AppleWorks document. Attempting to enter text using a Unicode keyboard layout will cause AppleWorks to immediately crash. You can have a Unicode layout listed in your input menu, and can use it with other applications, but you must use a Roman encoded KB layout with AppleWorks.

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    jaxybek wrote:
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    Where are you located?  The standard MacBook Pro US keyboard has # printed right on the 3 key in the Shift position.  Did you get your machine with some other keyboard printing?

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    Sorry for the delay, I was waiting for a "good arm" day to start typing!
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    hotkeys so you can do it with the keyboard if that
    would be easier - you can use a sequence like
    option-1,option-2, etc., or whatever else you can
    type easily.
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    There's no users group that I know about. I keep
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    to do *wry grin* Maybe one day...
    That's a great idea -- I know there must be something out there, but I've mostly found disease-specific boards (ALS, etc.).
    2006 Powerbook G5   Mac OS X (10.4.3)  

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    Hey skyshade13,
    Thanks for the question. The following article outlines how to restore a previous iTunes library should there be no content after updating. While the article does not speak specifically to your symptoms, attempting the steps by utilizing the "Previous iTunes Libraries" folder may resolve your issue.
    No content shows up in iTunes after updating
    For further information see the following information:
    OS X Lion: iTunes opens to "created by a newer version" alert
    iTunes: How to re-create your iTunes library and playlists
    Matt M.

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    arissa1990 wrote:
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    Is this for every font you try?
    Use the camera icon to post a screenshot of what you are seeing.

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    OK, lets try this:
    Shut down your Mac, then disconnect the power cord for about 30 seconds.
    While you wait, see if the keyboard key for the character that's being typed on screen behaves any differently than other keys (click, spring back, etc). You can also just pull out the key and see if there's anything stuck or annual about that key.

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    Hello there, Chloe626.
    The following Knowledge Base article offers up some great, in-depth steps for troubleshooting issues with keys not working as expected on your keyboard:
    One or more keys on the keyboard do not respond
    Some keys don't work as expected
    From the Apple menu, choose System Preferences.
    From the View menu, choose Speech.
    Click the Text to Speech tab.
    If "Speak selected text when the key is pressed" is enabled, the key or key combination set to speak text cannot be used for other purposes or used to type text--click Set Key and change it to a less-commonly used key combination (try to use modifier keys such as Shift, Command, Option, and Control). Or, disable the "Speak selected text when the key is pressed" option.
    Click the Accessibilty or Universal Access pane in System Preferences, then click the Keyboard tab.
    Make sure that Slow Keys is turned off. With Slow Keys on, you need to press a key for a longer period of time for it to be recognized.
    In the Accessibilty or Universal Access pane, click the Mouse tab, and make sure Mouse Keys is turned off. With Mouse Keys enabled, you cannot use the Numeric Keypad to enter numbers--instead the keypad moves the pointer (cursor). (There is an option to enable Mouse Keys with five presses of the Option key; you may want to turn that option off to avoid accidentally enabling it.) If Mouse Keys is enabled and you are using a keyboard with no numeric keypad or Num Lock function, see Unable to type while Mouse Keys is enabled in Mac OS X.
    If the function keys on the top row of the keyboard are not working as expected, see Mac OS X: How to change the behavior of function keys.
    If the issue persists, use Keyboard Viewer to help isolate the issue:
    Click the Language & Text pane (Mac OS X v10.6) or International pane (Mac OS X v10.5.8 or earlier) in System Preferences.
    Click the Input Sources tab (or Input Menu tab in Mac OS X 10.5.8 or earlier).
    Click the Keyboard & Character Viewer "On" checkbox to select it (click the Keyboard Viewer "On" checkbox in Mac OS X 10.5.8 or earlier).
    From the Input (flag) menu, choose Show Keyboard Viewer.
    If the keyboard is connected and detected by OS X, the keys you type will highlight in the Keyboard Viewer window. Open TextEdit (or any text application), and try to type something using the keys that were previously not responding to see if they highlight in Keyboard Viewer.
    Start from the Mac OS X Install Disc, choose Terminal from the Utilities menu and test the keys which were previously not working.  If the keys work while started from the Install disc, then the keyboard itself is working correctly.  Use How to troubleshoot a software issue to isolate the software issue that may be causing the keys to not respond.
    Thanks for reaching out to Apple Support Communities.

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    for Mac follow the steps here    http://oorodi.com/downloads/%E0%AE%85%E0%AE%AA%E0%AF%8D%E0%AE%AA%E0%AE%BF%E0%AE% B3%E0%AF%8D-%E0%AE%95%E0%AE%A3%E0%AE%BF%E0%AE%A9%E0%AE%BF%E0%AE%95%E0%AF%8D%E0%A E%95%E0%AE%BE%E0%AE%A9-%E0%AE%AA%E0%AE%BE%E0%AE%AE%E0%AE%BF%E0%AE%A9.html

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    Welcome To  Discussions NewZoo!
    A Host, has relocated your Topic, to a more appropriate Forum.
    As it has been transferred, it is not necessary for you to repost elsewhere, at this time.
    But for future reference, please review the first entry How To Post A New Topic, on Feedback About Discussions.
    That is the Forum where you erroneously posted your issue.
    Enjoy Your Stay In  Discussions!
    ali b

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    DecimalFormatSymbols objDecimalFormat;
    objDecimalFormat = new DecimalFormatSymbols();
    String mstrCurrSymbol = objDecimalFormat.getCurrencySymbol();Can anyone please tell me why is it not working on Mac.
    Thanks in advance

    On MAC OS, when the jar file is run, it always detects the Locale as en_US and therefore shows the USD as currency and US English as default language. The code that we are running for testing is:
    Locale lclLanguage;
    lclLanguage = new Locale(Locale.getDefault().getLanguage(),Locale.getDefault().getCountry());
    String strNumberFormat = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(lclLanguage).getCurrency().getSymbol(lclLanguage);
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Number format: " + strNumberFormat);
    ResourceBundle rbLangBundle = null;
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Country: " + lclLanguage.getCountry() + "\r\n" + "Display country: " + lclLanguage.getDisplayCountry() + "\r\n" + "Display Language: " + lclLanguage.getDisplayLanguage() +
            "\r\n" + "Display name: " + lclLanguage.getDisplayName() + "\r\n" + "Display variant: " + lclLanguage.getDisplayVariant() + "\r\n" + "ISO3Country: " + lclLanguage.getISO3Country() + "\r\n" +
            "ISO3language: " + lclLanguage.getISO3Language() + "\r\n" + "Language: " + lclLanguage.getLanguage() + "\r\n" + "Variant: " + lclLanguage.getVariant());
    rbLangBundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle("MessagesBundle", lclLanguage);
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "OS: " + System.getProperty("os.name"));
    DecimalFormatSymbols objDecimalFormat;
    objDecimalFormat = new DecimalFormatSymbols();
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Decimal symbol: " + objDecimalFormat.getCurrencySymbol() + "\r\n" +
            "Decimal separator: " + objDecimalFormat.getDecimalSeparator()  + "\r\n" +
            "Grouping seperator: " + objDecimalFormat.getGroupingSeparator() + "\r\n" +
            "Percentage: " + objDecimalFormat.getPercent());
    The code works fine on different regional settings on Windows machine. However while testing the same on MAC it will always show US English irrespective of what is set in the preferences section. We have about 10 language files which needs to be used based on the Locale that is set on the client’s machine.

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    Does the iPod connect to other networks?
    Does the iPod see the network?
    Any error messages?
    Do other devices now connect?
    Did the iPod connect before?
    Try the following to rule out a software problem:                 
    - Reset the iOS device. Nothing will be lost
    Reset iOS device: Hold down the On/Off button and the Home button at the same time for at
    least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.
    - Power off and then back on the router
    - Reset network settings: Settings>General>Reset>Reset Network Settings
    - iOS: Troubleshooting Wi-Fi networks and connections
    - Wi-Fi: Unable to connect to an 802.11n Wi-Fi network
    - iOS: Recommended settings for Wi-Fi routers and access points
    - Try changing the security on the router. Start with no securty as a test.
    - Restore from backup. See:
    iOS: How to back up
    - Restore to factory settings/new iOS device.
    If still problem make an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store since it appears you have a hardware problem.
    Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar

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    Hello DLeimer,
    Welcome to Apple Support Communities.
    It sounds like you’re running into an issue locating apps that you’ve downloaded from the iTunes Store on your Mac. To see the location of an app that you’ve downloaded, just select the file in iTunes and choose File > Get Info, as shown in this article:
    Locate and organize your iTunes files - Apple Support

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